• Title/Summary/Keyword: box

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Factors influencing automobile black box purchase decision (차량용 블랙박스 구매결정에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Nam, Soo-tai;Lee, Sang-won;Lee, Hyun-chang;Jin, Chan-yong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2013.05a
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    • pp.112-115
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    • 2013
  • Recently, a great attention has been paid to a car black box device in the automobile markets besides it provides an accident re-construction based on the data which contains audio, video, and some meaningful driving informations. Also, it is expected that the device will get to promote around public transit and the market will greatly grow within a few years. Thus, this research conducted of preference the influencing factors in decisions purchase of auto black box. Factors influencing in decisions purchase of black box was divided safety, functionality, differentiation, economics. Questionnaire survey was conducted to those who worked in black box company. This study suggests practical and theoretical implications of factors influencing in purchase decisions based on the results.

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Shape Design and Performance Evaluation of FRP Box-type Stiffener For the Application of RC Structure (철근콘크리트용 FRP Box 휨 보강재의 형상 설계 및 거동 평가)

  • Kwon, Min-Ho;Jung, Woo-Young;Spacone, Enrico
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Advanced Composite Structures
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.40-46
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    • 2013
  • This paper presents the design, fabrication and performance of a reinforced concrete beam strengthened by GFRP box plate and its possibility for structural rehabilitations. The load capacity, ductility and failure mode of reinforced concrete structures strengthened by FRP box plate were investigated and compared with traditional FRP plate strengthening method. This is intended to assess the feasibility of using FRP box plate for repair and strengthening of damaged RC beams. A series of four-point bending tests were conducted on RC beams with or without strengthening FRP systems the influence of concrete cover thickness on the performance of overall stiffness of the structure. The parameters obtained by the experimental studies were the stiffness, strength, crack width and pattern, failure mode, respectively. The test yielded complete load-deflection curves from which the increase in load capacity and the failure mode was evaluated.

Effect of Relative Humidity and Box Structure on Box Compression Strength (상대습도 및 상자구조에 따른 과실포장용 골판지상자의 압축강도 분석)

  • Jo, Jung-Youn;Shin, Jun-Sub;Kim, Jong-Kyoung;Seo, Young-Bum;Son, Ki-Ju
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.103-108
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    • 2006
  • In order to determine safety factor of corrugated fiberboard boxes for agricultural products, relationship with effect of relative humidity and structure of box types must be defined. The results obtained from the study were summarized as follows; 1. Results show a detrimental effect on bursting strength of corrugated boards with increasing relative humidity of environment. 2. Compression strength of corrugated boards were decreased rapidly after the relative humidity was over 70 percent. 3. Compression strength of corrugated board boxes were greatly depending on the box types. Folder type showed the best performance at higher humidity environment while bliss type was the worst. 4. Further studies are needed in order to expect box compression strength in real distribution environment.

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A Set-top Box with Virtual Platform Support for QoS Management in IMS Based Multiple Provider Networks

  • Siddiqui, Muhammad Shoaib;Hong, Choong-Seon
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.886-905
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    • 2012
  • Set-top Box (STB) has evolved from being a device just sitting on top of a TV shelf to a device providing a gateway to the Internet for a home network, receiving services from multiple content providers, and enabling and ensuring Quality of Service (QoS) for the streaming media. IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS), with its promise to provide a converged access network for multimedia service delivery (such as Triple play & Quadruple play services), has to guarantee QoS support. To enable QoS in IMS-based networks, we have designed a set-top box which provides feedback to the service provider to ensure end-to-end QoS. Our set-top box is designed to provide virtual platforms such that it can support multiple service providers. Each service provider is able to manage its own multimedia streams and ensures the desired network performance for each flow. The set-top box also works as a Home Gateway and provides end-to-end QoS support to the client nodes.

A Study of the Distortional Effect on Curved Box Girder Bridge (곡선박스거더교의 뒤틀림효과에 대한 연구)

  • Nguyen, Van Ban;Han, Taek-Hee;Kim, Sung-Nam;Kang, Young-Jong
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2007.04a
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    • pp.525-530
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    • 2007
  • Although just developed in recent years, curved box girder has widely used in modern highway system due to their load resistance capacity as well as aesthetic considerations. According to recent literature reviews on curved box girder designs, distortional load was not considered as much as it deserves to be. In practice, the effect of distributional force is very small in straight bridge systems but yet unknown how it is in curved bridge systems. For the reason, this paper will show up an extensive parametric study on distortional behavior of curved box girder with trapezoidal section. Based on Dabrowski formulas, using finite element method, various bridges were investigated. In this study, following parameters will be included: span length, curvature radius, section height, section width, and internal section angle (web slope). From the obtained results, some initial geometric parameters are proposed for curved box girder bridges.

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Nutritional Survey on the Student Lucheon of Junior Cellege in Gunsan City (군산시내(群山市內) 전문학교(專門學校) 남학생(男學生)의 도시락 영양(營養) 실태조사(實態調査))

  • Choe, Sun-Nam
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.71-74
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    • 1979
  • To evaluate the results of nutritional education in junior college, the content of lunch box of junior college students were surveyed. Among 749 students in Gunsan Fisheries Junior College, 325 men who had carried a lunch box were selected as subject. All the nutrients except vitamin D given in Recommended Daily Dietary Allowances for Korean people, and foods in lunch box were also considered as a food groups. To see how many students had interests about their own nutrition, people who packed lunch box were also checked. The results obtained from this survey were: 1. All the nutrients except calcium and iron of lunch box were low when compared with Recommended Daily Dietary Allowances of Korean people. 2. Vitamin A was approximately similar to the Recommended Daily Dietary Allowances for Korean people. 3. Over 50% of calorie, protein and niacin were provided by main food, although other nutrients were principally from supplemental foods. 4. Supplemental foods were few in kinds and chiefly salty foods such as preserved and processed foods in the lunch box. 5. There may be a fault in nutritional education in junior college because there were few students who had an interest in their own nutrition.

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Analysis of Loot Box System in Overwatch (오버워치 루트 박스 시스템 분석)

  • Han, Sukhee
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.95-104
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    • 2018
  • This study analyzes the system of Loot Box in Overwatch, FPS genre game produced by an American company Blizzard. Currently, one of the most controversial issues in the recent industry is "Probability-Type Item" that game users purchase high-end game items as a form of lottery. As this study examines a foreign case of Loot Box that is similar to Probability-Type Item, it would show how it is constructed and does legal approaches. Throughout this, it not only analyzes pros and cons of the Loot Box system, but also provides thought-provoking messages for the issue of the Probability-Type Item.

Prediction of Oak Mushroom Prices Using Box-Jenkins Methodology (Box-Jenkins 모형을 이용한 표고버섯 가격예측)

  • Min, Kyung-Taek
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.95 no.6
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    • pp.778-783
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    • 2006
  • Price prediction is essential to decisions of investment and shipment in oak mushroom cultivation. But predicting the prices of oak mushroom is very difficult because there are so many uncertain factors affecting the demand and the supply in the market. The Box-Jenkins methodology is one of strong tools in price prediction especially for the short-term using historical observations of time series. In this paper, the Box-Jenkins methodology is applied to find a model to forecast future oak mushroom prices. And out-of-sample test was conducted to check out the prediction accuracy. The result shows the high accuracy except for market disturbance period affected by unexpected weather change and reveals the usefulness of the model.

A study of decomposition of applied eccentric load for multi-cell trapezoidal box girders (편심하중이 작용하는 제형 다실박스거더에서의 거동분리연구)

  • Kim Seung Jun;Han Keum Ho;Park Nam hoi;Kang Young Jong
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.229-234
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    • 2005
  • Thin-walled multicell box girders subjected to an eccentric load can he produced the three global behaviors of flexure, torsion, and distortion. Specially in railway bridges subjected to much eccentric load, it is quite important to evaluate influences of torsion and distortion. But it is very difficult to evaluate each influences of major behaviors numerically. If we can decompose an eccentric load P into flexural, torsional, and distortional forces. we can execute quantitative analysis each influences of major behaviors. Decomposition of Applied Load for Thin-walled Rectangular multi-cell box girders is reserched by Park, Nam- Hoi(Development of a multicell Box Beam Element Including Distortional Degrees of Freedom, 2003). But researches about trapezoidal multi-cell section is insufficient. So, this paper deals with multi-cell trapezoidal box girders. An expanded method, which is based on the force decomposition method for a single cell box girder given by Nakai and Yoo, is developed herein to decompose eccentric load Pinto flexural, torsional, and distortional forces. Derive formulas by decomposition of eccentric load is verified by 3D shell-modelling numerical analysis.

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A Case Study on Earthquake Resistant Reinforcement Method for the Corner of Existing Underground R.C Box Structures using Pre-flexed Member System (프리플렉스 부재를 이용한 기존 철근콘크리트 지중박스구조물 우각부에 대한 내진보강공법 사례연구)

  • Chung, Jee-Seung;Kim, Jin-Gu;Lee, Jin-Hyuk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.68-74
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    • 2016
  • This paper presents a new strengthening method of underground box structures against seismic loads for anti-seismic capacity improvement. A threaded steel member with pressure devices(so called 'Pre-flexed member system') is used to improve seismic capacity of the RC box structure. The pre-flexed member system is fixed the corner of opening after chemical anchor was installed by drilling hole on the box structure. The structural performance was evaluated analytically. Two bracing types of strengthening methods were used; conventional bracing method and I-bracing pressure system. For the performance evaluation, seismic analyses were performed on moment and shear resisting structures with and without strength member system. Numerical results confirmed that the proposed pre-flexed member system can enhance the seismic capacity of the underground RC box structures.