• Title/Summary/Keyword: boundary characteristics

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Hydrochemistry and Distribution of Uranium and Radon in Groundwater of the Nonsan Area (논산지역 지하수중 우라늄과 라돈의 수리지질학적 특성과 정밀함량분포)

  • Cho, Byeong Wook;Kim, Moon Su;Kim, Tae Seung;Han, Jin Seok;Yun, Uk;Lee, Byeong Dae;Hwang, Jae Hong;Choo, Chang Oh
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.427-437
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    • 2012
  • A total of 100 groundwater samples were collected from the Nonsan area and the behaviors of uranium and radon as natural radionuclides were investigated with respect to other physicochemical components in the groundwater in order to understand their occurrence, properties, and origins. Radionuclide levels were used to construct detailed concentration maps. The concentration of uranium ranges from 0 to 378 ${\mu}g/L$, with an average of 8.57 ${\mu}g/L$, standard deviation of 42.88 ${\mu}g/L$, and median of 0.56 ${\mu}g/L$. The correlation coefficient between uranium and radon is 0.42, whereas these radionuclides show no relation with other physicochemical components in groundwater. It is noteworthy that the uranium level in most samples (97% of the samples) is less than 30 ${\mu}g/L$, where the bedrock of the aquifer is granite or complex rocks located along the boundary between granite and metamorphic rocks. In the Okcheon metamorphic belt, the uranium concentration of most groundwater is less than 1 ${\mu}g/L$. Radon levels varies from 128 to 9,140 pCi/L, with an average of 2,186 pCi/L, standard deviation of 1,725 pCi/L, and median of 1,805 pCi/L. High radon levels (> 4,000 pCi/L) are most common in regions of Jurassic granite, whereas low radon areas are found in regions of sedimentary rock. In conclusion, the distribution and occurrence of radionuclides are intimately related to the basic geological characteristics of the rocks in which the radiogenic minerals are primarily contained.

Hydrogeologic and Hydrogeochemical Assessment of Water Sources in Gwanin Water Intake Plant, Pocheon (포천 관인취수장 수원에 대한 수리지질 및 수리지구화학적 평가)

  • Shin, Bok Su;Koh, Dong-Chan;Chang, Yoon-Young
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.209-221
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    • 2016
  • The section from water source to 2.6km upper stream of Hantan River is protected as the drinking water quality protection area according to guidelines of Ministry of Environment, because water source of the Gwanin water intake plant has been known the river. However, opinions were consistently brought up that the standard of water source protection zone must be changed with using underground water as water source because of contribution possibility of underground water as the water source of Gwanin water intake facility. In this regard, hydrogeologic investigation including resistivity survey and hydrogeochemical investigation were carried out to assess water source and infiltration of contaminant for the plant. Quaternary basaltic rocks (50m thick with four layers) covered most of the study area on the granite basement. As the result of the resistivity survey, it is revealed that permeable aquifer is distributed in the boundary of two layers: the basaltic layer with low resistivity; and the granite with high resistivity. Considering of outflow from Gwanin water intake facility, the area possessing underground water was estimated at least $5.7km^2$. The underground water recharged from Cheorwon plain was presumed to outflow along the surface of unconformity plane of basalt and granite. Based on field parameters and major dissolved constituents, groundwater and river water clearly distinguished and the spring water was similar to groundwater from the basaltic aquifer. Temporal variation of $SiO_2$, Mg, $NO_3$, and $SO_4$ concentrations indicated that spring water and nearby groundwater were originated from the basaltic aquifer and other groundwater from granitic aquifer. In conclusion, the spring of the Gwanin water intake plant was distinguished from river water in terms of hydrogeochemical characteristics and mainly contributed from the basaltic aquifer.

Improvement of Energy Efficiency of Plants Factory by Arranging Air Circulation Fan and Air Flow Control Based on CFD (CFD 기반의 순환 팬 배치 및 유속조절에 의한 식물공장의 에너지 효율 향상)

  • Moon, Seung-Mi;Kwon, Sook-Youn;Lim, Jae-Hyun
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2015
  • As information technology fusion is accelerated, the researches to improve the quality and productivity of crops inside a plant factory actively progress. Advanced growth environment management technology that can provide thermal environment and air flow suited to the growth of crops and considering the characteristics inside a facility is necessary to maximize productivity inside a plant factory. Currently running plant factories are designed to rely on experience or personal judgment; hence, design and operation technology specific to plant factories are not established, inherently producing problems such as uneven crop production due to the deviation of temperature and air flow and additional increases in energy consumption after prolonged cultivation. The optimization process has to be set up in advance for the arrangement of air flow devices and operation technology using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) during the design stage of a facility for plant factories to resolve the problems. In this study, the optimum arrangement and air flow of air circulation fans were investigated to save energy while minimizing temperature deviation at each point inside a plant factory using CFD. The condition for simulation was categorized into a total of 12 types according to installation location, quantity, and air flow changes in air circulation fans. Also, the variables of boundary conditions for simulation were set in the same level. The analysis results for each case showed that an average temperature of 296.33K matching with a set temperature and average air flow velocity of 0.51m/s suiting plant growth were well-maintained under Case 4 condition wherein two sets of air circulation fans were installed at the upper part of plant cultivation beds. Further, control of air circulation fan set under Case D yielded the most excellent results from Case D-3 conditions wherein air velocity at the outlet was adjusted to 2.9m/s.

Optimization for Underwater Welding of Marine Steel Plates (선박용 강판의 수중 용접 최적화에 관한 연구)

  • 오세규
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.49-59
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    • 1984
  • Optimizing investigation of characteristics of underwater welding by a gravity type arc welding process was experimentally carried out by using six types of domestic coated welding electrodes for welding of domestic marine structural steel plates (KR Grade A-1, SWS41A, SWS41B,) in order to develop the underwater welding techniques in practical use. Main results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. The absorption speed of the coating of domestic coated lime titania type welding-electrode became constant at about 60 minutes in water and it was about 0.18%/min during initial 8 minutes of absorption time. 2. Thus, the immediate welding electrode could be used in underwater welding for such a short time in comparison with the joint strength of in-atmosphere-and on-water-welding by dry-, wet-or immediate-welding-electrode. 3. By bead appearance and X-ray inspection, ilmenite, limetitania and high titanium oxide types of electrodes were found better for underwater-welding of 10 mm KR Grade A-1 steel plates, while proper welding angle, current and electrode diameter were 6$0^{\circ}C$, above 160A and 4mm respectively under 28cm/min of welding speed. 4. The weld metal tensile strength or proof stress of underwater-welded-joints has a quadratic relationship with the heat input, and the optimal heat input zone is about 13 to 15KJ/cm for 10mm SWS41A steel plates, resulting from consideration upon both joint efficiency of above-100% and recovery of impact strength and strain. Meanwhile, the optimal heat input zone resulting from tension-tension fatigue limit above the base metal's of SWS41A plates is 16 to 19KJ/cm. Reliability of all the empirical equations reveals 95% confidence level. 6. The microstructure of the underwater welds of SES41A welded in such a zone has no weld defects such as hydrogen brittleness with supreme high hardness, since the HAZ-bond boundary area adjacent to both surface and base metal has only Hv400 max with the microstructure of fine martensite, bainite, pearlite and small amount of ferrite.

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Detection of IgY Specific to Salmonella enteritidris and S. typhimurium in the Yolk of Commercial Brand Eggs using ELISA (ELISA 방법으로 계란의 난황에 존재하는 Salmonella enteritidis와 S. typhimurium에 대한 IgY 측정)

  • 이승배
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.161-167
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    • 2003
  • Identification of salmonellosis-infected commercial poultry flocks has become a pivotal component of efforts to reduce incidence of egg-associated transmission of S. enteritidis and S. typhimurium to humans. As a basic study for sanitary control of S. enteritidis and S. typhimurium, main food-borne pathogenic bacteria in eggs produced by domestic hens, commercial egg samples were tested for specific antibodies to whole cells of S. enteritidis and S. typhimurium and outer membrane protein(OMP) of S. typhimurium by ELISA to detect infection of S. enteritidis and S. typhimurium in various groups of hens. When the antibody titers of yolks from three commercial brand eggs were tested after diluting in the ratio from 1:100 to 1:1,600 with double dilution method, ELISA values of the specific antibodies could be shown as differences in dilution patterns by comparing with negative control egg. When the antibody titers of the yolks from two commercial brand eggs were tested after diluting in the ratio of 1:200 and 1:1,000, ELISA values of specific antibodies were different among same brand eggs. When the antibody titers of yolks from five eggs sampled randomly from twenty one commercial brand eggs were tested after diluting in the ratio of 1:1,000, ELISA value of the specific antibodies were shown generally high. ELISA values of 28.5, 30, and 28.5% of yolks from 21 brand eggs were shown low and similar to negative control egg in antibody titers to whole cells of S. enteritidis and S. typhimurium and OMP of S. typhimurium, respectively. The results demonstrated that ELISA test of egg yolk antibody could provide a highly sensitive indicator to detect contamination of S. typhimurium and S. enteritidis in poultry, and could be used effectively to reduce incidence of S. typhimurium and S. enteritidis infection in poultry.

A Leg Analysis on the Discharge of Cargo Residue at Sea (화물잔류물의 해양 투입처분(배출) 사안에 대한 법률적 분석)

  • Hong, Gi-Hoon;Park, Chan-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.193-202
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    • 2006
  • The Consultative Meeting of the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and other matter, 1972 (London Convention 1972) has requested to International Maritime Organization (IMO) Marine Environmental Protection Committee to collaborate and help clarify a boundary issue between International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Shops, 1973 as modified by the Protocol of 1978 (MARPOL) and the London Convention concerning 'dumping' versus 'discharges' during normal operations of ships in 2004, and subsequently established a Joint London Convention/MEPC Correspondence Group. The Contracting Parties to London Convention expressed their environmental concerns on the broad interpretation of the "cargo-associated wastes" by the States, which could be discharged by ships under MARPOL. Regulatory regimes for the cargo residues appear to vary among states. Some countries require fur ships to discharge their cargo wastes into the port reception facility and IMO also recommends doing so. This paper examines the related current national and international legal texts for the regulation of disposal of wastes from ships in order to analyze the current global concern on the marine pollution associated with waste discharge during operations of ships. In particular, we attempt to evaluate the likely marine environmental consequences arising from the disposal of cargo residue using an hypothetical case for the coal cargo residue among bulk cargos in this paper, since location, magnitude and frequency of the discharge of coal cargo residues into the sea adjacent to Korean Peninsula are not readily available. The cargo residues may be discharged to the sea according to MARPOL 73/78; however, its marine environmental consequences can be significant depending upon the characteristics and amounts of wastes to be discharged. Also the public tolerance of the environmental consequences would be widely different among nations. Multilateral environmental agreements, in general, more strictly apply their rules if there are other options to disposal at sea, i.e. port reception facility in this case. Therefore, port reception facilities for the wastes generated by ships are recommended to be further constructed in major national ports in order to reduce the risk of environmental damages during the operations of ships.

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The Strategy of Characterizing Space that uses Anti-House as a Metaphor for Character's Self-Defense Mechanism - Focusing on the TV Series and the Theater version of - (캐릭터의 자아방어기제를 은유하는 '안티돔' 공간의 성격화 전략 - <에반게리온>의 TV 시리즈와 극장판 를 중심으로 -)

  • Yang, Se-Hyeok;Ryu, Beom-Yeol
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.41
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    • pp.75-106
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    • 2015
  • Animations characterize space as a strategy to effectively show the inner conflicts of characters and to highlight the theme. During the process of inner conflict, characters unconsciously use defense mechanism to protect their egos from the fear that came from deficiency, and because of the self-deceptive quality of self-defense mechanism, the reality is distorted and conflicts get intensified. This study focuses on the concept of anti-house, the space where conflicts get intensified, analyzes animations to find out the aspect of inner conflict, and interprets the characteristic of space that is used for metaphoric structure frame. Also, it aims to reveal how the defense mechanism, which intensifies the inner conflict of characters, is characterized as anti-house. The analysis in this study was mainly done with the TV series, , and the theater version of . It is because the characters have serious deficiency from broken home and have a psychological quality of closed boundary that is symbolized as 'A.T. field'. Especially, the core character, 'Shinji Ikari', shows how a character uses compulsive self-defense mechanism to deal with inner conflict and as a result, goes through ego-collapse and then introspection. This process of the character's experience is the core of the whole plot. Through analysis, the relationship between the character's self-defense mechanism and the space, anti-house(which expands to Anti-city), was inferred. The space is made up of three axes, x-axis of horizontal space, y-axis of vertical space, and in the sense that all the space has no exit, z-axis of deeper contradictory space. This thesis started with the decision that is the most suitable work in analyzing the metaphorical relationship between self-defense mechanism and anti-house. There was limitation, however, as the typical characteristics of Japanese animations, pedantic composition and the possibility of broad interpretation, hindered clear verification. Hopefully, this limitation will be overcome by following studies and this study is expected to show the importance of space in interpreting the text of animations, and to serve as database for other creative works.

The Standard of Judgement on Plagiarism in Research Ethics and the Guideline of Global Journals for KODISA (KODISA 연구윤리의 표절 판단기준과 글로벌 학술지 가이드라인)

  • Hwang, Hee-Joong;Kim, Dong-Ho;Youn, Myoung-Kil;Lee, Jung-Wan;Lee, Jong-Ho
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.15-20
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    • 2014
  • Purpose - In general, researchers try to abide by the code of research ethics, but many of them are not fully aware of plagiarism, unintentionally committing the research misconduct when they write a research paper. This research aims to introduce researchers a clear and easy guideline at a conference, which helps researchers avoid accidental plagiarism by addressing the issue. This research is expected to contribute building a climate and encouraging creative research among scholars. Research design, data, methodology & Results - Plagiarism is considered a sort of research misconduct along with fabrication and falsification. It is defined as an improper usage of another author's ideas, language, process, or results without giving appropriate credit. Plagiarism has nothing to do with examining the truth or accessing value of research data, process, or results. Plagiarism is determined based on whether a research corresponds to widely-used research ethics, containing proper citations. Within academia, plagiarism goes beyond the legal boundary, encompassing any kind of intentional wrongful appropriation of a research, which was created by another researchers. In summary, the definition of plagiarism is to steal other people's creative idea, research model, hypotheses, methods, definition, variables, images, tables and graphs, and use them without reasonable attribution to their true sources. There are various types of plagiarism. Some people assort plagiarism into idea plagiarism, text plagiarism, mosaic plagiarism, and idea distortion. Others view that plagiarism includes uncredited usage of another person's work without appropriate citations, self-plagiarism (using a part of a researcher's own previous research without proper citations), duplicate publication (publishing a researcher's own previous work with a different title), unethical citation (using quoted parts of another person's research without proper citations as if the parts are being cited by the current author). When an author wants to cite a part that was previously drawn from another source the author is supposed to reveal that the part is re-cited. If it is hard to state all the sources the author is allowed to mention the original source only. Today, various disciplines are developing their own measures to address these plagiarism issues, especially duplicate publications, by requiring researchers to clearly reveal true sources when they refer to any other research. Conclusions - Research misconducts including plagiarism have broad and unclear boundaries which allow ambiguous definitions and diverse interpretations. It seems difficult for researchers to have clear understandings of ways to avoid plagiarism and how to cite other's works properly. However, if guidelines are developed to detect and avoid plagiarism considering characteristics of each discipline (For example, social science and natural sciences might be able to have different standards on plagiarism.) and shared among researchers they will likely have a consensus and understanding regarding the issue. Particularly, since duplicate publications has frequently appeared more than plagiarism, academic institutions will need to provide pre-warning and screening in evaluation processes in order to reduce mistakes of researchers and to prevent duplicate publications. What is critical for researchers is to clearly reveal the true sources based on the common citation rules and to only borrow necessary amounts of others' research.

The Characteristics and Landscape Meanings of Letters Carved on the Rocks of Mt. Sangdu (상두선(象頭山) 바위글씨의 특징과 경관의미)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Lee, Jung-Han;Huh, Joon;Kim, Jeong-Moon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2012
  • This study aimed at learning the values and meanings of the letters carved on the rocks all over Mt. Sangdu located at the boundary between Kimje-si and Jeongeup-si of Jeollabuk-do by grasping the current state of them, investigating the patterns and contents of them, and understanding the spatial and landscape properties of the region where the rocks are scattered. The results of this study are as follows; The name of Mt. Sangdu came from the mountain with the same name located in India where Buddha were seeking the truth, and means auspicious. With the recognition of ancient maps and books, various propitious spots also made the landscape symbols of Mt. Sangdu solidify. Whoam, Chaangsuk-Kim, Weolgye Young-Cho Song and the members of Cheonggye Society like Dongcho Seok-Gon Kim led the creation of the rocks, and the 41 letter-carved rocks all over four water systems were found out and all of them were carved with Chinese characters. The letters were usually carved on flat and broad rocks, and they mainly had the shape of a small waterfall and a wide waterfall of under 1 meter height. 25(60.9%) of the carved letters were about moral training, and it seemed that they wanted to protect their pride under the shackle of the Japanese colonization over Korea. The styles of handwriting are Hangseo and Jeonseo except for names, and show various and complex styles. The mix composition of the carved letters of 'Yusubulbu(流水不腐)' of Choseo and the rocks of Takjok(濯足) is extraordinary, and the letters carved as the shape of Nakkwan(落款) have artistic value and degree of finishing. It seemed that intellectuals during the Japanese colonization over Korea in the 1930s considered Mt. Sangduasa highly valuable region because they expressed their hope and wish for the new world on the rocks. The letters on the rocks of Mt. Sangdu are invaluable cultural landscaping elements for the improvement of landscaping symbolism of Mt. Sangdu because of colliding values and spirits of the time of 'the anguish and pain of intellectuals' and 'the status of living joyfully outside of the mundane world.'

Numerical Analysis of Unstable Combustion Flows in Normal Injection Supersonic Combustor with a Cavity (공동이 있는 수직 분사 초음속 연소기 내의 불안정 연소유동 해석)

  • Jeong-Yeol Choi;Vigor Yang
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.91-93
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    • 2003
  • A comprehensive numerical study is carried out to investigate for the understanding of the flow evolution and flame development in a supersonic combustor with normal injection of ncumally injecting hydrogen in airsupersonic flows. The formulation treats the complete conservation equations of mass, momentum, energy, and species concentration for a multi-component chemically reacting system. For the numerical simulation of supersonic combustion, multi-species Navier-Stokes equations and detailed chemistry of H2-Air is considered. It also accommodates a finite-rate chemical kinetics mechanism of hydrogen-air combustion GRI-Mech. 2.11[1], which consists of nine species and twenty-five reaction steps. Turbulence closure is achieved by means of a k-two-equation model (2). The governing equations are spatially discretized using a finite-volume approach, and temporally integrated by means of a second-order accurate implicit scheme (3-5).The supersonic combustor consists of a flat channel of 10 cm height and a fuel-injection slit of 0.1 cm width located at 10 cm downstream of the inlet. A cavity of 5 cm height and 20 cm width is installed at 15 cm downstream of the injection slit. A total of 936160 grids are used for the main-combustor flow passage, and 159161 grids for the cavity. The grids are clustered in the flow direction near the fuel injector and cavity, as well as in the vertical direction near the bottom wall. The no-slip and adiabatic conditions are assumed throughout the entire wall boundary. As a specific example, the inflow Mach number is assumed to be 3, and the temperature and pressure are 600 K and 0.1 MPa, respectively. Gaseous hydrogen at a temperature of 151.5 K is injected normal to the wall from a choked injector.A series of calculations were carried out by varying the fuel injection pressure from 0.5 to 1.5MPa. This amounts to changing the fuel mass flow rate or the overall equivalence ratio for different operating regimes. Figure 1 shows the instantaneous temperature fields in the supersonic combustor at four different conditions. The dark blue region represents the hot burned gases. At the fuel injection pressure of 0.5 MPa, the flame is stably anchored, but the flow field exhibits a high-amplitude oscillation. At the fuel injection pressure of 1.0 MPa, the Mach reflection occurs ahead of the injector. The interaction between the incoming air and the injection flow becomes much more complex, and the fuel/air mixing is strongly enhanced. The Mach reflection oscillates and results in a strong fluctuation in the combustor wall pressure. At the fuel injection pressure of 1.5MPa, the flow inside the combustor becomes nearly choked and the Mach reflection is displaced forward. The leading shock wave moves slowly toward the inlet, and eventually causes the combustor-upstart due to the thermal choking. The cavity appears to play a secondary role in driving the flow unsteadiness, in spite of its influence on the fuel/air mixing and flame evolution. Further investigation is necessary on this issue. The present study features detailed resolution of the flow and flame dynamics in the combustor, which was not typically available in most of the previous works. In particular, the oscillatory flow characteristics are captured at a scale sufficient to identify the underlying physical mechanisms. Much of the flow unsteadiness is not related to the cavity, but rather to the intrinsic unsteadiness in the flowfield, as also shown experimentally by Ben-Yakar et al. [6], The interactions between the unsteady flow and flame evolution may cause a large excursion of flow oscillation. The work appears to be the first of its kind in the numerical study of combustion oscillations in a supersonic combustor, although a similar phenomenon was previously reported experimentally. A more comprehensive discussion will be given in the final paper presented at the colloquium.

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