• Title/Summary/Keyword: bond resistance

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Bond Properties of Reinforced Concrete Subjected to Cyclic Loading (반복하중시 철근콘크리트의 부착특성)

  • 이웅세;이재열;김상준;최완철
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 1999.10a
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    • pp.617-620
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to find the influence of interface and confinement on bond between reinforcing steel and concrete subjected to monotonic and cyclic loading. The key variables for the experimental program include rib height, rib spacing for reinforcing bars and confinement. From the results obtained in this study, the following main observations can be made for the bond properties. Bond strength increases when confinement increases under monotonic and cyclic loading. Bond stiffness and strength drop remarkably after the maximum bond strength. Both bond stiffness and strength also drop at a constant slip when the number of cyclic loading increase. The bond resistance subjected to cyclic loading decreases significantly for reinforcing bars with low rib height.

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U-shaped reinforcement for bond splitting prevention in RC beams (고강도 전단 보강근과 비폐쇄형 보강근의 혼용에 의한 RC보의 보강 효과)

  • Kwak, Sung-Guen;Lee, Hyun-A;Yoon, Hye-Sun;Kim, Kil-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.201-204
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    • 2006
  • The shear resistance of RC beams is subject to the amount of shear-reinforcing bars ($p_w$) and yield strength ($f_{wy}$) as well as their interactive influence ($p_wf_{wy}$). Thus, it is reasonably expected that high-strength steel bars can greatly reduce the necessary amount of shear-reinforcing bars. On the other hand, although the bond strength is influenced by the amount of shear reinforcing bars, it is not affected by the yield strength. Thus, there is often an issue that bond failure occurs before shear failure depending on the arrangement of shear reinforcing bars. It is a common practice to set sub-ties for the transverse confinement of the main re-bars as a method to prevent the bond failure. However, it can also become a factor in decreased work efficiency due to the complexity of the construction. This study experimented with simultaneous use of high-strength transverse reinforcing bars ($f_{wy}=800MPa$) and U-shaped transverse reinforcing bars of regular strength ($f_{wy}=300MPa$) in an attempt to decrease the necessary quantity of shear reinforcing bars. The effect of this attempt was investigated through fundamental experimental research in terms of the improvement in shear resistance and bond strength as well as the ease of construction.

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Effect of waste aluminium shavings on the bond characteristics of laterized concrete

  • Ofuyatan, Olatokunbo M.;Ivoke, Anthony A.;Olowofoyeku, Adeoye M.;Adesina, Adeyemi;Oluwafemi, John
    • Advances in materials Research
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 2019
  • The utilization of fibre in concrete production not only solves the problem of disposing this solid waste but helps conserve natural resources. This study investigated the effect of waste aluminum shavings on bond strength of laterized concrete. Laterized concrete spliced beams of $150{\times}250{\times}2150mm$ and $175{\times}275{\times}2300mm$ were prepared. Fifteen specimens with 16 mm and 20 mm were cast with the addition of aluminium shavings at varying percentages of 1vol%, 1.5vol% and 2vol%; another ten specimens with 16 mm and 20 mm diameter bars at 0% of aluminium shavings were cast as control. Concrete cubes of number were prepared, three taken for each set of various percentages of aluminium shavings were used to determine the concrete strength. It was observed from the analysis that the compressive strength decreased as the percentage of aluminium shavings increased, while the aluminium shavings increased the bond between concrete and steel. However, for normal concrete there was an increase in bond resistance with increase in aluminium shavings. The bond resistance of 16 mm was found to be higher than that of 20 mm in all the specimens tested.


  • Kim, Kyoung-Nam
    • The Journal of the Korean dental association
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    • v.22 no.9 s.184
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    • pp.781-792
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    • 1984
  • The purpose of this experiment was to study the effects of laser on a base metal alloy for dental casting. In this study, microhardness, corrosion resistance, wear resistance, interaction behavior of metal-ceramic interface, and bond strength were tested before and after the laser treatment for metal-ceramic alloy. The conclusion arised from this study are as follows: 1. The hardness of lased area was higher than that of unlased area. 2. The corrosion resistance was higher in lased specimen than in unlased specimen. 3. the wear resistance was higher in Iased specimen than in unlased specimen. 4. The EDAX showed that Mo, Si and Al were increased in lased surface but Ni and Cr not increased. 5. The SEM of lased area revealed a typical microstructure. 6. The bond strength of lased specimen was increased in 11.2% than of unlased specimen.

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Bond Capacity of Near-Surface-Mounted CFRP Plate to Concrete Under Various Temperatures (콘크리트에 표면매입 보강된 탄소섬유 판의 온도에 따른 부착성능)

  • Seo, Soo-Yeon;Kim, Jeong-Hun
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2013
  • This paper presents a series of test result in order to study fire resistance capacity of the Near-Surface-Mounted (NSM) Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) plate, which are tensile test of CFRP under various temperature loading, temperature loading test of epoxy and bond test of NSM CFRP to concrete under various temperature loading. From the tests, it was found that NSM retrofit method had high efficiency in strengthening concrete under ordinary temperature. However, the strength of the system was able to be drastically decreased even a little increase of surrounding temperature. Especially, bond capacity begins to disappear when the surrounding temperature approaches the glass transition temperature of epoxy. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the fire resistance capacity of both fiber reinforced polymer reinforcement and epoxy for bonding in order to develop safe fire resistance design of structure.

Corrosion and Bond Strength Characteristics of Anti-Corrosive Cement Coated Reinforcements (방청시멘트 도막철근의 내부식 성능 및 부착강도 성능연구)

  • Oh, Byung-Hwan;Lee, Jong-Ryul;Cho, Yun-Ku
    • Magazine of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.251-259
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    • 1999
  • Recently, large scale concrete structures exposed to severe environments are increasingly built in various locations, The corrosion may severely affect the durability and service life of such a concrete structure. It is, therefore, necessary to develop a method to enhance the corrosion resistance of a concrete, The purpose of this paper is, therefore, to investigate the corrosion resistance and bond strength characteristics of anti-corrosive cement coated reinforcements. To this end, a comprehensive experimental study has been done to explore the corrosion and bond behavior of those coated reinforcements. The test results indicate that the anti-corrosive cement coated reinforcements do not exhibit any corrosion after corrosion tests and the bond strengths are very good as much as plain bar. It is seen that the anti-corrosive cement coated reinforcements can be efficiently used to enhance the durability of reinforced concrete structures.

Effect of disulphide bond position on salt resistance and LPS-neutralizing activity of α-helical homo-dimeric model antimicrobial peptides

  • Nan, Yong-Hai;Shin, Song-Yub
    • BMB Reports
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    • v.44 no.11
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    • pp.747-752
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    • 2011
  • To investigate the effects of disulphide bond position on the salt resistance and lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-neutralizing activity of ${\alpha}$-helical homo-dimeric antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), we synthesized an ${\alpha}$-helical model peptide ($K_6L_4W_1$) and its homo-dimeric peptides (di-$K_6L_4W_1$-N, di-$K_6L_4W_1$-M, and di-$K_6L_4W_1$-C) with a disulphide bond at the N-terminus, the central position, and the C-terminus of the molecules, respectively. Unlike $K_6L_4W_1$ and di-$K_6L_4W_1$-M, the antimicrobial activity of di-$K_6L_4W_1$-N and di-$K_6L_4W_1$-C was unaffected by 150 mM NaCl. Both di-$K_6L_4W_1$-N and di-$K_6L_4W_1$-C caused much greater inhibitory effects on nitric oxide (NO) release in LPS-induced mouse macrophage RAW 264.7 cells, compared to di-$K_6L_4W_1$-M. Taken together, our results indicate that the presence of a disulphide bond at the N- or C-terminus of the molecule, rather than at the central position, is more effective when designing salt-resistant ${\alpha}$-helical homo-dimeric AMPs with potent antimicrobial and LPS-neutralizing activities.

Bond Behavior of Thin-Walled Rectangular Profiled Steel Sheet Concrete Short Columns (절곡된 단면을 갖는 얇은 판요소 콘크리트 충전 각형강관 기둥의 부착거동)

  • Yun, Hyun-Do;Park, Wan-Shin;Han, Byung-Chan
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.233-241
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    • 2005
  • The paper is presented experimental study results on bond stress between profiled steel and concrete in Profiled SPC(Profiled Steel Plate Concrete) rectangular steel tubes through an experimental program in which 13 pull-out specimens were tested. Advantages and class of composite members and current problems of construction work are noted, past research of PSSC is described. An experimental study is described and evaluated. The bond capacity is interrelated with slip at the steel concrete interface. The factors influencing the mechanism of bond stress transfer were the cross section shape, length/diameter, diameter/thickness and environmental parameters (temperature, moisture). The results of experimental program indicated that the force transfer could be characterized into two regions The first region was governed by bond with no relative slip between the profiled steel and concrete. The second region occurs after the chemical debonding. Bond stress transfer in this region was governed by frictional resistance between profiled steel and concrete and cross section shapes. The important factors influencing the magnitude of frictional resistance are the profiled steel shapes, length/diameter and environmental parameters. (temperature, moisture)

Bond strength of reinforcement in splices in beams

  • Turk, Kazim;Yildirim, M. Sukru
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.469-478
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    • 2003
  • The primary aim of this study was to investigate the bond strength between reinforcement and concrete. Large sized nine beams, which were produced from concrete with approximately ${f_c}^{\prime}=30$ MPa, were tested. Each beam was designed to include two bars in tension, spliced at the center of the span. The splice length was selected so that bars would fail in bond, splitting the concrete cover in the splice region, before reaching the yield point. In all experiments, the variable used was the reinforcing bar diameter. In the experiments, beam specimens were loaded in positive bending with the splice in a constant moment region. In consequence, as the bar diameter increased, bond strength and ductility reduced but, however, the stiffnesses of the beams (resistance to deflection) increased. Morever, a empirical equation was obtained to calculate the bond strength of reinforcement and this equation was compared with Orangun et al. (1977) and Esfahani and Rangan (1998). There was a good agreement between the values computed from the predictive equation and those computed from equations of Orangun et al. (1977) and Esfahani and Rangan (1998).

Shear bond failure in composite slabs - a detailed experimental study

  • Chen, Shiming;Shi, Xiaoyu;Qiu, Zihao
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.233-250
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    • 2011
  • An experimental study has been carried out to reveal the shear-bond failure mechanism of composite deck slabs. Thirteen full scale simply supported composite slabs are studied experimentally, with the influence parameters like span length, slab depth, shear span length and end anchorage provided by steel headed studs. A dozen of strain gauges and LVDTs are monitored to capture the strain distribution and variation of the composite slabs. Before the onset of shear-bond slip, the longitudinal shear forces along the span are deduced and found to be proportional to the vertical shear force in terms of the shear-bond strength in the m-k method. The test results are appraised using the current design procedures. Based on the partial shear-bond connection at the ultimate state, an improved method is proposed by introducing two reduction factors to assess the moment resistance of a composite deck slab. The new method has been validated and the results predicted by the revised method agree well with the test results.