Let $d_*(1,w)^2 ={\mathbb{R}}^2$ with the octagonal norm of weight w. It is the two dimensional real predual of Lorentz sequence space. In this paper we classify the smooth points of the unit ball of the space of symmetric bilinear forms on $d_*(1,w)^2$. We also show that the unit sphere of the space of symmetric bilinear forms on $d_*(1,w)^2$ is the disjoint union of the sets of smooth points, extreme points and the set A as follows: $$S_{{\mathcal{L}}_s(^2d_*(1,w)^2)}=smB_{{\mathcal{L}}_s(^2d_*(1,w)^2)}{\bigcup}extB_{{\mathcal{L}}_s(^2d_*(1,w)^2)}{\bigcup}A$$, where the set A consists of $ax_1x_2+by_1y_2+c(x_1y_2+x_2y_1)$ with (a = b = 0, $c={\pm}{\frac{1}{1+w^2}}$), ($a{\neq}b$, $ab{\geq}0$, c = 0), (a = b, 0 < ac, 0 < ${\mid}c{\mid}$ < ${\mid}a{\mid}$), ($a{\neq}{\mid}c{\mid}$, a = -b, 0 < ac, 0 < ${\mid}c{\mid}$), ($a={\frac{1-w}{1+w}}$, b = 0, $c={\frac{1}{1+w}}$), ($a={\frac{1+w+w(w^2-3)c}{1+w^2}}$, $b={\frac{w-1+(1-3w^2)c}{w(1+w^2)}}$, ${\frac{1}{2+2w}}$ < c < ${\frac{1}{(1+w)^2(1-w)}}$, $c{\neq}{\frac{1}{1+2w-w^2}}$), ($a={\frac{1+w(1+w)c}{1+w}}$, $b={\frac{-1+(1+w)c}{w(1+w)}}$, 0 < c < $\frac{1}{2+2w}$) or ($a={\frac{1=w(1+w)c}{1+w}}$, $b={\frac{1-(1+w)c}{1+w}}$, $\frac{1}{1+w}$ < c < $\frac{1}{(1+w)^2(1-w)}$).