• Title/Summary/Keyword: automotive control

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Night-time Vehicle Detection Based On Multi-class SVM (다중-클래스 SVM 기반 야간 차량 검출)

  • Lim, Hyojin;Lee, Heeyong;Park, Ju H.;Jung, Ho-Youl
    • IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.325-333
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    • 2015
  • Vision based night-time vehicle detection has been an emerging research field in various advanced driver assistance systems(ADAS) and automotive vehicle as well as automatic head-lamp control. In this paper, we propose night-time vehicle detection method based on multi-class support vector machine(SVM) that consists of thresholding, labeling, feature extraction, and multi-class SVM. Vehicle light candidate blobs are extracted by local mean based thresholding following by labeling process. Seven geometric and stochastic features are extracted from each candidate through the feature extraction step. Each candidate blob is classified into vehicle light or not by multi-class SVM. Four different multi-class SVM including one-against-all(OAA), one-against-one(OAO), top-down tree structured and bottom-up tree structured SVM classifiers are implemented and evaluated in terms of vehicle detection performances. Through the simulations tested on road video sequences, we prove that top-down tree structured and bottom-up tree structured SVM have relatively better performances than the others.

Radar-based Security System: Implementation for Cluttered Environment

  • Lee, Tae-Yun;Skvortsov, Vladimir;Ka, Min-Ho
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.160-167
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    • 2015
  • We present an experimental implementation of the inexpensive microwave security sensor that can detect both static and slowly moving objects in cluttered environment. The prototype consists of a frequency-modulated continuous wave radar sensor, control board or computer and software. The prototype was tested in a cluttered indoor environment. In case of intrusion or change of environment the sensor will give an alarm, determine the location of new object, change in its location and can detect a slowly moving target. To make a low-cost unit we use commercially available automotive radar and own signal processing techniques for object detection and tracking. The intruder detection is based on a comparison between current 'image' in memory and 'no-intrusion' reference image. The main challenge is to develop a reliable technique for detection of a relatively low-magnitude object signals hidden in multipath clutter echo signals. Various experimental measurements and computations have shown the feasibility and performance of the system.

Development of e-Menu embedded System using Bluetooth (블루투스통신을 이용한 e-Menu 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, In-Kyung;Ryu, Jeong-Tak;Moon, Byung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.16-22
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    • 2008
  • In recent years, embedded applications have emerged at a fast rate and used in every field of one can think of ranging from household products such as microwaves, to automotive products such as air bags sensing and control, to industrial robots. In this paper, a wireless ordering system is developed using Bluetooth communications. The features of this system is the order is performed by the customers rather than the waiters. It can save time to wait until the attenders to take order. Also, the unintended ordering mistakes through waiters can be prevented. The developed system is connected to the kitchen and the counter for automatic checkout.

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Proposal Protection Algorithm of Dendritic Lithium for Battery Second Use ESS (재사용 ESS를 위한 리튬 배터리 덴드라이트 보호 알고리즘 제안)

  • Song, Jung-Yong;Huh, Chang-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.422-426
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    • 2018
  • The lithium-ion battery pack of an electric vehicle (EV) deserves to be considered for an alternative use within smart-grid infrastructure. Despite the long automotive service life, EV batteries retain over 70~80% of their initial capacity. These battery packs must be managed for their reliability and safety. Therefore, a battery management system (BMS) should use specific algorithms to measure and estimate the status of the battery. Most importantly, the BMS of a grid-connected energy storage system (ESS) must ensure that the lithium-ion battery does not catch fire or explode due to an internal short from uncontrolled dendrite growth. In other words, the BMS of a lithium-ion battery pack should be capable of detecting the battery's status based on the electrochemical reaction continuously until the end of the battery's lifespan. In this paper, we propose a new protection algorithm for a dendritic lithium battery. The proposed algorithm has applied a parameter from battery pack aging results and has control power managing.

Operator Capacity Assessment Method for the Supervisory Control of Unmanned Military Vehicle (군사로봇의 감시제어에서 운용자 역량 평가 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Sang-Yeong;Yang, Ji-Hyeon
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.94-106
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    • 2017
  • Unmanned military vehicles (UMVs) will be increasingly applied to the various military operations. These UMVs are most commonly characterized as dealing with "4D" task - dull, dirty, dangerous and difficult with automations. Although most of the UMVs are designed to a high degree of autonomy, the human operator will still intervene in the robots operation, and tele-operate them to achieve his or her mission. Thus, operator capacity, along with robot autonomy and user interface, is one of the important design factors in the research and development of the UMVs. In this paper, we propose the method to assess the operator capacity of the UMVs. The method is comprised of the 6 steps (problem, assumption, goal function identification, operator task analysis, task modeling & simulation, results and assessment), and herein colored Petri-nets are used for the modeling and simulation. Further, an illustrative example is described at the end of this paper.

Legacy ECU software system analysis method for AUTOSAR migration (AUTOSAR 마이그레이션 (Migration)을 위한 레거시 ECU 소프트웨어 시스템 분석 방법)

  • Jincheng, Li;Ryu, Ki-yeol;Lee, Jungtae
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2014.11a
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    • pp.703-706
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    • 2014
  • AUOTSAR(Automotive Open system Architecture)는 자동차 ECU(Electronic Control Unit) 에 내장되는 소프트웨어에 대한 표준 구조로서, ECU 소프트웨어의 품질 향상은 물론, 개발 및 관리 비용의 절감에 기여하는 등 많은 장점을 갖는다. AUTOSAR 의 이런 장점 때문에 많은 자동차 회사들이 ECU 소프트웨어에 AUTOSAR 적용을 추진하고 있다. 이에 따라 기존 레거시 ECU 소프트웨어 시스템을 AUTOSAR 표준에 맞는 ECU 소프트웨어 시스템으로 변환하는 방법에 대한 관심도 높아지고 있다. 그 이유는 이미 많은 ECU 레거시 소프트웨어 시스템들이 개발되어 사용되고 있으며, 이들에게는 이미 기능 및 안정성 검증을 위하여 많은 시간과 비용이 투자하여 되어 있다. 따라서 ECU 소프트웨어 시스템에 AUTOSAR 를 적용하는 경우 기존의 레거시 소프트웨어 시스템을 재사용할 수 있으면 생산성 및 품질 면에서 많은 장점을 갖는다. 본 연구에서는 C 언어로 작성된 기존의 ECU 소프트웨어 시스템을 AUTOSAR 플랫폼에서 재사용할 수 있도록 하기 위하여, 기존의 레거시 ECU 소프트웨어 시스템을 AUTOSAR 플랫폼으로 마이그레이션하는 방법에 대하여 연구하였다. 마이그레이션 과정은 크게 두 단계로 나누어 지는데, 이는 레거시 소프트웨어 시스템을 분석하여 마이그레이션이 가능하도록 기능별로 분해하는 것과, 분해된 구성 요소들을 AUTOSAR 플랫폼에 맞는 구조로 재구성하는 과정이다. 본 논문에서는 이중 첫 번째 과정인 레거시 소프트웨어 시스템의 분석 및 기능별 분해 방법을 제시하고자 한다.

A Phase Current Reconstruction Technique Using a Single Current Sensor for Interleaved Three-phase Bidirectional Converters

  • Lee, Young-Jin;Cho, Younghoon;Choe, Gyu-Ha
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.905-914
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    • 2016
  • This paper proposes a new phase current reconstruction technique for interleaved three-phase bidirectional dc-dc converters using a single current sensor. In the proposed current reconstruction algorithm, a single current sensor is employed at the dc-link, and the dc-link current information is sampled at either the peak or valley point of the pulse-width modulation (PWM) carriers regularly. From the obtained current information, all phase currents are reconstructed in a single PWM cycle. After that, the digital current controller is applied to achieve current balancing in each phase. Compare to the previous multiple current sensor method, the proposed strategy reduces the number of the current sensors in the interleaved three-phase bidirectional converter as well as reducing potential current sensing error caused by non-ideal characteristics of the multiple current sensors. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified from the experiments based on a 3kW three-phase bidirectional converter prototype for the automotive battery charging application.

Partial Discharge of Ignition Coil for Automotive (자동차 점화코일의 부분방전특성)

  • Shin, Jong-Yeol;Kim, Tag-Yong;Byun, Du-Gyoon;Kim, Weon-Jong;Lee, Soo-Won;Hong, Jin-Woong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.239-242
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    • 2003
  • 자동차 점화장치는 전원으로부터 공급된 낮은 전압을 점화코일을 통하여 연소실의 혼합기를 연소시키기에 충분한 고전압을 발생시키는 장치이며, 점화장치의 핵심은 점화코일이다. 이 점화코일은 절연성능이 우수한 절연재료가 사용되지만 고전압의 발생으로 점화코일 내부에서 일어나는 전기적 열화로 인해 누설전류가 흐르게 되어 전기적 고장을 초래할 수 있다. 이로 인하여 절연재료의 수명은 단축되며, 또한 점화코일에 전류가 흐름으로써 코일 내부에서 발생하는 온도변화에 따른 절연열화로 점화코일의 성능이 저하될 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 점화코일에 사용되고 있는 절연재료에 전압이 인가될 때 발생할 수 있는 비파괴검사의 일종인 부분방전 측정을 통하여 전압변화에 따른 에폭시 성형 점화코일의 위상각($\Phi$) - 방전전하량(q) - 발생빈도수(n)의 특성 변화를 조사하고 분석함으로써 점화코일의 수명을 예측하여 자동차 점화장치의 성능진단과 정보제공을 자동차 전기장치의 발전에 도움이 될 것을 기대하며, 온도상승에 따른 점화코일의 부분방전 특성을 실험하고 분석하였다.

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Development of Laser Welding Technology for Commercial Vehicle Oil Pressure Sensor (상용차 오일압력 측정용 압력센서 제작을 위한 레이저용접기술)

  • Lee, Young-Min;Kim, Soon-Dong;Cho, Hae-Woon
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.38-43
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    • 2012
  • Using a fiber laser heat source, an oil pressure sensor was fabricated to measure the pressure in commercial vehicles. A stepping motor was used for the rotational and translational motion in the diaphragms and hardware joining. Laser welding process algorism including shielding gas control and vision system was integrated by using LabVIEW software for the high quality welding and in-line monitoring purpose. For the maximum flexibility in pressure transmission to the pressure sensor, thin sheet metal diaphragm, $25{\sim}50{\mu}m$(SUS-316L), was used and the diaphragms were optimally designed with FEM analysis. The welded samples were cross-sectioned the observation showed that the maximum depth ratio was more than seven times of diaphragms. The maximum welding speed was measured to be as high as 50in/mm by the developed automation mechanism. The fabricated prototypes were tested for the proof pressure, spring constant and sealing. The FEM results of spring constant measurement was as accurate as up to 80% of the design value and the sensor was safely operated up to the nominal pressure of 10bars.

Theoretical Analyses of Autothermal Reforming Methanol for Use in Fuel Cell

  • Wang Hak-Min;Choi Kap-Seung;Kang Il-Hwan;Kim Hyung-Man;Erickson Paul A.
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.864-873
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    • 2006
  • As fuel cells approach commercialization, hydrogen production becomes a critical step in the overall energy conversion pathway. Reforming is a process that produces a hydrogen-rich gas from hydrocarbon fuels. Hydrogen production via autothermal reforming (ATR) is particularly attractive for applications that demand a quick start-up and response time in a compact size. However, further research is required to optimize the performance of autothermal reformers and accurate models of reactor performance must be developed and validated. The design includes the requirement of accommodating a wide range of experimental set ups. Factors considered in the design of the reformer are capability to use multiple fuels, ability to vary stoichiometry, precise temperature and pressure control, implementation of enhancement methods, capability to implement variable catalyst positions and catalyst arrangement, ability to monitor and change reactant mixing, and proper implementation of data acquisition. A model of the system was first developed in order to calculate flowrates, heating, space velocity, and other important parameters needed to select the hardware that comprises the reformer. Predicted performance will be compared to actual data once the reformer construction is completed. This comparison will quantify the accuracy of the model and should point to areas where further model development is required. The end result will be a research tool that allows engineers to optimize hydrogen production via autothermal reformation.