• 제목/요약/키워드: attendant

검색결과 200건 처리시간 0.027초

Applying Problem-Based Language Learning in an Online Class: Designing a PBLL Unit

  • Abdullah, Mardziah Hayati;Chong, Larry Dwan
    • 영어어문교육
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    • 제9권spc호
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2003
  • This paper aims to propose that Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is a method that can help meet the conditions in language learning and instruction. PBL was first used in medical education, where learners engaged in problem-solving activities that reflect the demands of real-life professional practice, thus promoting critical thinking in the content domain. The paper proposes that by applying PBL in language learning and creating situations in which learners work collaboratively on problems, the learners benefit in two respects: (i) they have the opportunity to practise the kind of thinking skills and problem-solving strategies needed in real life, and (ii) they engage in purposeful language activity with others through discussion and negotiation. The paper first provides a theoretical rationale far the use of PBL in language learning and suggests attendant changes in the role of a language instructor in a PBL context. The paper then presents an outline of the stages and components needed in designing an online PBL Unit far use in an undergraduate language class.

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주기적인 측벽가열에 반응하는 사각공동내의 이중확산 대류 (Double-Diffusive Convection in a Rectangular Cavity Responding to Time-Periodic Sidewall Heating)

  • 곽호상
    • 한국전산유체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국전산유체공학회 2001년도 추계 학술대회논문집
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    • pp.112-117
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    • 2001
  • A numerical investigation is made of unsteady double-diffusive convection of a Boussinesq fluid in a rectangular cavity subject to time-periodic thermal excitations. The fluid is initially stratified between the top endwall of low solute concentration and the bottom endwall of high solute concentration. A time-dependent heat flux varying in a square wave fashion, is applied on one sidewall to induce buoyant convection. The influences of the imposed periodicity on double-diffusive convection are scrutinized. A special concern is on the occurrence of resonance that the fluctuations of flow and attendant heat and mass transfers are mostly amplified at certain eigenmodes of the fluid system. Numerical solutions are analyzed to illustrate the characteristic features of resonant convection.

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항공사 객실 승무원의 정서적 조직몰입, 표면행동, 그리고 성취감의 관계 (Emotional Organizational Commitment, Surface Acting, and Personal Accomplishment among Flight Attendants)

  • 이동희;이동명
    • 한국항공운항학회지
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    • 제15권4호
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2007
  • This study testifies the proposition that in the case of high emotional organizational commitment, through employees perform surface acting, they feel high personal accomplishment. Data was collected from 158 flight attendants of two airlines in Korea. From the hierarchical regression analysis, we could conclude such as follows. First, emotional organizational commitment has a positive effect on surface acting. It means that because employees with high emotional organizational commitment accept organizational goals as theirs, they are willing to perform surface acting. Second, surface acting has a positive effect on personal accomplishment. It means that surface acting has a "positive" side as well as negative one. Third, according to above results, organizations should try to take measures to increase the emotional organizational commitment of flight attendants.

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회전가속에 대한 프로토타입 뇌재료의 반응 (Response of a prototype brain material subjected to rotational acceleration)

  • ;이응선;임세영
    • 오토저널
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    • 제11권5호
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    • pp.76-89
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    • 1989
  • With the objective of studying the response of brain tissue in a transient rotational acceleration of the head, as occurs in car crash, the problem of a cylindrical case containing a prototype brain material of silicone gel and subjected to a rotational acceleration around the axis of the cylinder is analysed. The prototype material is considered to be homogeneous and isotropic, and is modeled alternatively as a linear elastic or a linear viscoelastic solid. The computational model for the present problem consists of a 3-dimensional isoparametric finite element model, wherein large deformations and large strains are treated through the updated Lagrangian approach. A comparison of the results of the present 3-dimensional computations, with the attendant assumptions on material data, is made with the results of independent experimental study. The deformation profiles and the major characteristics of response of the brain material are in good agreement with the test results. Moreover, the study suggests the possibility that the use of more accurate material data may yield very useful results even appropriate for accurate quantification of deformations.

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항공사승무원 상사의 변혁적리더십이 고객지향성에 미치는 영향: 조직몰입의 매개효과 검증을 중심으로 (The Impact of Transformational Leadership of Airline Flight Attendants Manager on Customer Orientation: Testing the Mediating Effects of Organizational Commitment)

  • 박윤미
    • 한국항공운항학회지
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.98-107
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    • 2018
  • Recently, the airline industry has grown tremendously, and competition among airlines has intensified. Therefore, the importance of airline's service quality has been greatly emphasized. The human service provided by the airline is the biggest service the customer feels, so the customer orientation of the flight attendant is very important. The aim of this study was to identify the mediating effects of organizational commitment on the relationship among transformational leadership and customer orientation. As a results of the study, transformational leadership had positive significant effects on organizational commitment and job customer orientation. The results of this study imply that the organizational commitment play significant mediating role between transformational leadership and customer orientation.

유조선 사고의 원인분석과 유효수준 결정에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Analysis ansd tne Quantification of Effect Level of Causal Factors in Tanker Casualties)

  • 정재용;박진수
    • 한국항해학회지
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.23-30
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    • 1998
  • Traffic density has increased recently in Korean waters due to an expansion of the sea trade and the development of coastal fisheries. The enlargement of the coastal industrial belts and the development of coastal inslands further increases marine traffic. The rapid increase of marine traffic has often resulted in marine casualties with the attendant loss of life, damage to property, and marine pollution. Especially, tanker casualties may destroyed the food web and an untold amount of ocean resources. Un regard to the potential of tanker spills in Korean waters, systematic research in this field is lacking. In this paper, the data relating to a total of 261 tanker casualties in Korean waters has been compiled and statistically anlaysed. The result of this study describes the general trend of marine casualties in Korean waters, and describes the casualtiy database, from which their causes and consequences are derived and this results in the determination of the causal relationships connected to tanker casualties, and quantifies the effective level of causal factorsin Korean waters.

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바이오피이드백 시스템 개발에 관한 연구 (A study on the Developement of Biofeedback System)

  • 성흥모;신재우;윤영로;윤형로;강동주
    • 대한의용생체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한의용생체공학회 1997년도 춘계학술대회
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    • pp.453-456
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    • 1997
  • In this paper, we present the developement of Biofeedback system. Biofeedback is a method for learned control of physiological response of the body. It can be used to control certain biological response that cause health problems. Over the past 2 decades, biofeedback has received much attention from medicine as a cure-all for a variety of disease. It has been heralded as a technique that can provide normalization of disturbed physiology without the need for drugs or surgery and their attendant negative side effects. Biofeedback system has been implemented by using PIC microprocessor. We have displayed 5-channel value on PC and managed patient information by using Delphi.

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동기형 직선유도전동기의 동작특성 (Performance Characteristics of Tubular Linear Iduction Motor)

  • Lee, Eun-Ung
    • 대한전기학회논문지
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    • 제36권3호
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    • pp.153-162
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    • 1987
  • The purpose of this paper is to analysis and develop theoretically the characteristics of tubular linear induction motor, which is a special industrial motor that generates directly thrust force from electrical power. The Poisson equation about vector potential which is created by the application of Maxwell electromagnetic equation with the speed considered, results in modified Bessel equation by the assumption that is applied to each region of the experimental motor. Vector potential, magnetic flux density, secondary current, and thrust force according to its region respectively were found out by substituting boundary condition for this equation and rearranging. Besides, a attendant materials, that is, thermal characteristic, which is one of the characteristics under the operation of experimental motor each part's magnetic flux distribution characteristics within active zone, the required time for reciprocating motion, and variation of power factor vs. a slip were found.

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쇼트피이닝재와 언피닝재의 피로균열진전거동 평가 (Evaluation on Fatigue Crack Propagation Behavior of The Shot-peened and un-peened Spring Steel)

  • 박경동;류찬욱
    • 대한기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한기계학회 2003년도 춘계학술대회
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    • pp.247-254
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    • 2003
  • The lightness of components required in automobile and machinery industry is requiring high strength of components. In particular manufacturing process and new materials development for solving the fatigue fracture problem attendant upon high strength of suspension of automobile are actively advanced. In this paper, the effect of compressive residual stress of spring steel(JISG SUP-9) by shot-peening on fatigue crack growth characteristics in high temperatures($100^{\circ}$, $150^{\circ}$, $180^{\circ}$) was investigated with considering fracture mechanics. So, we can obtain followings. (1)Compressive residual stress decreases in high temperature, that is, with increasing temperature. (2)The effect of compressive residual stress on fatigue crack growth behavior in high temperature increases below ${\Delta}K=17{\sim}19MPa$ (3)It was investigated by SEM that the constraint of compress residual stress for plastic zone of fatigue crack tip was decreased in high temperature as compared with room temperature.

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소형 모형선을 이용한 실선마력추정에 대한 연구 (A Fundamental Study on the Power Prediction Method of Ship by using the Experiment of Small Model)

  • 하윤진;이영길
    • 대한조선학회논문집
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    • 제51권3호
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    • pp.231-238
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    • 2014
  • In this study, the self-propulsion tests are performed in INHA towing tank. And the effective wake characteristics of the KVLCC2 and the KCS models are compared by the experimental results. The form factor is independent of Reynolds number. To estimate the hydrodynamic performance of a full scale ship, the form factor is determined to consider attendant on Reynolds number. In this research, the power predictions are carried out considering the form factor difference of model and full scale ship. The results of this research could be used as one of the fundamental data to the powering performance prediction.