• Title/Summary/Keyword: asset pricing

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Industry Stock Returns Prediction Using Neural Networks (신경망을 이용한 산업주가수익율의 예측)

  • Kwon, Young-Sam;Han, In-Goo
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.93-110
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    • 1999
  • The previous studies regarding the stock returns have advocated that industry effects exist over entire industry. As the industry categories are more rigid, the demand for predicting the industry sectors is rapidly increasing. The advances in Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks suggest the feasibility of a valuable computational model for stock returns prediction. We propose a sector-factor model for predicting the return on industry stock index using neural networks. As a substitute for the traditional models, neural network model may be more accurate and effective alternative when the dynamics between the underlying industry features are not well known or when the industry specific asset pricing equation cannot be solved analytically. To assess the potential value of neural network model, we simulate the resulting network and show that the proposed model can be used successfully for banks and general construction industry. For comparison, we estimate models using traditional statistical method of multiple regression. To illustrate the practical relevance of neural network model, we apply it to the predictions of two industry stock indexes from 1980 to 1995.

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    • Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.123-135
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    • 2016
  • This article deals with the pricing of Asian options under a constant elasticity of variance (CEV) model as well as a stochastic elasticity of variance (SEV) model. The CEV and SEV models are underlying asset price models proposed to overcome shortcomings of the constant volatility model. In particular, the SEV model is attractive because it can characterize the feature of volatility in risky situation such as the global financial crisis both quantitatively and qualitatively. We use an asymptotic expansion method to approximate the no-arbitrage price of an arithmetic average Asian option under both CEV and SEV models. Subsequently, the zero and non-zero constant leverage effects as well as stochastic leverage effects are compared with each other. Lastly, we investigate the SEV correction effects to the CEV model for the price of Asian options.


  • Kim, Hyundong;Kim, Sangkwon;Han, Hyunsoo;Jang, Hanbyeol;Lee, Chaeyoung;Kim, Junseok
    • The Pure and Applied Mathematics
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2020
  • We investigate the domain of influence of the local volatility function on the solutions of the general Black-Scholes model. First, we generate the sample paths of underlying asset using the Monte Carlo simulation. Next, we define the inner and outer domains to find the effective volatility region. To confirm the effect of the inner domain, we use the root mean square error for the European call option prices, and then change the values of volatility in the proposed domain. The computational experiments confirm that there is an effective region which dominates the option pricing.

A Determination Method of the Risk Adjusted Discount Rate for Economically Decision Making on Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Investment (첨단제조기술 투자의 경제적 의사결정을 위한 위험조정할인율의 결정방법)

  • 오병완;최진영
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.22 no.51
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    • pp.151-161
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    • 1999
  • For many decades, Deterministic DCF approach has been widely used to evaluate investment opportunities. Under new manufacturing conditions involving uncertainty and risk, the DCF approach is not appropriate. In DCF, Risk is incorporated in two ways: certainty equivalent method, risk adjusted discount rate. This paper proposes a determination method of the Risk Adjusted Discount Rate for economically decision making advanced manufacturing technologies. Conventional DCF techniques typically use discount rate which do not consider the difference in risk of differential investment options and periods. Due to their relative efficiency, advanced manufacturing technologies have different degree of risk. The risk differential of investments is included using $\beta$ coefficient of capital asset pricing model. The comparison between existing and proposed method investigated. The DCF model using proposed risk adjusted discount rate enable more reasonable evaluation of advanced manufacturing technologies.

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Infra Service Model for Usage-based IT service in Public Sector (공공부문의 사용량기반 IT서비스를 위한 인프라서비스 모델에 관한 연구)

  • Ra, Jong-Hei;Lee, Sang-Hak;Moon, Sung-Jun;Han, In-Jong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.43-56
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    • 2009
  • The concept causing all the fuss is "the utility computing or the usage-based IT service", which now represents the future for IT asset in all aspects of the way they work in business, the commercial and public sector. The core of "utility computing or usage-based IT service" is changing the IT assert from "ownership" to "borrowing", which enables managers to get greater utilization of data-centre resources at lower operating costs. This trend is spreaded in public sector centering the Governmental Internet data Center of Korea(NCIA). So, it has need to make an usage-based IT service model that is suitable for public sector. In this paper, we propose the usage-based IT service model that is composed of IT service framework, service pricing model and IT service architecture.

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Performances of Simple Option Models When Volatility Changes

  • Jung, Do-Sub
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2009
  • In this study, the pricing performances of alternative simple option models are examined by creating a simulated market environment in which asset prices evolve according to a stochastic volatility process. To do this, option prices fully consistent with Heston[9]'s model are generated. Assuming this prices as market prices, the trading positions utilizing the Black-Scholes[4] model, a semi-parametric Corrado-Su[7] model and an ad-hoc modified Black-Scholes model are evaluated with respect to the true option prices obtained from Heston's stochastic volatility model. The simulation results suggest that both the Corrado-Su model and the modified Black-Scholes model perform well in this simulated world substantially reducing the biases of the Black-Scholes model arising from stochastic volatility. Surprisingly, however, the improvements of the modified Black-Scholes model over the Black-Scholes model are much higher than those of the Corrado-Su model.

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Trading Mechanisms, Liquidity Risk And International Equity Market Integration

  • Kim, Kyung-Won
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Studies
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.179-211
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    • 1996
  • This study examines whether trading mechanisms or market microstructures of markets have an effect on the integration issue of the international equity market. If the international equity market is integrated, identical stocks listed on different international stock exchanges should have the same rates of return, the same characteristics of stock price behavior and similar distributions of return. If different market microstructures, or trading mechanisms cause differences in characteristics of stock price behavior, those can lead to different rates of return because of different liquidity risk for the same stocks between markets. This study proposes international asset pricing with liquidity risk related to trading mechanisms. Systematic risk by itself cannot predict the sign of expected rate of return difference for the same stocks between international markets. Liquidity risk factors related to market microstructure provide explanations for the sign of rate of return differences between markets, However, liquidity risk factors related to market microstructure do not have a significant effect on the rate of return differences and sensitivity of return differences between markets, Trading mechanisms or market microstructures might not have a significant effect on the interpretation of the international equity market integration studies, if trading volume or other factors are controlled.

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부동산시장(不動産市場)의 불완전성(不完全性)과 자본자산가격결정모형(資本資産價格決定模型)

  • Kim, Ji-Su
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Management
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.1-29
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    • 1991
  • 본 논문에서는 우리나라의 부동산시장(不動産市場)의 불완전성(不完全性)이 금융시장보다도 강한 현실을 반영하여 그것이 자본자산가격결정모형(資本資産價格決定模型) (the capital asset pricing model)에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 부동산시장의 불완전성으로서는 특히 부동산의 경우 기본적인 최저거래단위가 일반 금융자산보다도 높아 거래에 제약이 따른다는 점, 또한 최근 정부의 부동산 가격의 안정화 시책에 따라 개인의 부동산 보유한도가 엄격하게 제한되고 있으며 부동산 투자 이득에 대한 과세도 대폭 강화되고 있다는 점 등이 고려되었다. 이와같은 가정하에서 본고에서는 전통적인 자본자산가격모형을 수정 검토한 뒤, 그 모형의 틀속에서 부동산보유제한(不動産保有制限) 및 투자이득(投資利得)의 과세강화(課稅强化)같은 부동산가격 안정화 시책의 효과를 살펴보고, 그 외 자산담보대출의 담보비율 조정이 자산의 가격형성에 미치게되는 효과와 부동산 투자신탁제도의 도입효과, 부동산 기대수익률과 주식의 기대수익률의 관계 등을 검토하였다. 이러한 분석의 결과, 특히 본고에서는 현재 정부가 추진중인 불동산보유제한(不動産保有制限) 및 투자이득(投資利得)의 과세강화(課稅强化)와 같은 정책들이 경우에 따라서 부동산 가격을 안정화시키기 보다는 오히려 부동산 가격의 상승을 유발할 수도 있는 것으로 나타나 정책의 시행시 상당히 신중을 기하지 않으면 안되는 것으로 분석되었다.

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The Book-to-Market Anomaly in the Chinese Stock Markets

  • Ho, Kin-Yip;An, Jiyoun;Zhou, Lanyue
    • East Asian Economic Review
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.223-241
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    • 2015
  • This paper examines the existence of value premium in the Chinese stock markets and empirically provides its explanation. Our results suggest that the value premium does exist in the Chinese markets, and investor sophistication is significant in explaining its existence. In particular, there is supporting evidence that the value premium could be driven by individual investors, whereas stocks that are mostly held by institutional investors are value-premium free. We briefly discuss the implications of our findings.


  • Jeon, Junkee;Yoon, Ji-Hun
    • Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.345-360
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    • 2018
  • In finance, barrier options are options contracts with a payoff that depends on whether the price of the underlying asset hits a predetermined barrier level during the option's lifetime. Based on exotic options and random fluctuations of interest rates in the marketplace, we consider discount barrier options with a stochastic interest rate driven by the Hull-White process. This paper derives the closed-form solutions of the discount barrier option and the discount double barrier option using Mellin transform methods and the PDE (partial differential equation) method of images.