• Title/Summary/Keyword: aspartic acid

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Quality Analysis of the Free Amino Acids during the Early Development Stages of Hynobius leechi (한국산 도롱뇽(Hynobius Leechi BOULENGER 의 초기발생단계에 있어서의 유리 아미노산의 정성분석)

  • 강영선;하두봉;한원택
    • The Korean Journal of Zoology
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.13-19
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    • 1961
  • Free amino acids at five different developemntal stages (Gastrulation-Hatching -out stage) of Hynobius leechi BOULENGER were analyzed qualitatively by the use of paper paitition chromatography. It was found that the number of free amino acids increased as the development proceeded. The free amino acids identified at each stages are as follows : Gastrulation stage : Alaninie, Aspartic acid, Glutamin acid, Histidine, Methionine. Neural plate formation stage : Alanine , Aspartic acid, Glutamic acid, Glycine, Histidine, MEthionine, Phenylalanine, Proline, Serine, Trypotophan. Middle tail-bud stage : Alanine, Arginine, Asparagine,Aspartic acid, Citrulline, Glutamic acid, Glycine, Histidie,Hydroxyproline, Proline, Leucine, Methionine, Ornithine, Phenylalanine, Serine, Threonine, Tryptophan. Late tail-bud stage : Alanine, Arginine, Asparagine, Aspartic acid, Citrulline, Glutamic acid. Glycine, Histidine, Hydroxyproline, Leucine, Methionine, Ornithine, Phenylalanine, Proline, Serine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Valine. Hatching -out stage : the same with the late tail-bud stage. It seems probable that the metabolic systems of amino acids before and after the middle tail-bud stage are quite different from each other. Before the middle tail=-bud stage, the reaction system of amino acids is thought not to be completed while after that stage the system has been completed , because in the former period of the development , the number of freeamino acids increased rapidly with the development , and after that stage, there is practically no change in the number of free amino acids.

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Effects of Amino Acids on Larval Settlement and Metamorphosis in Haliotis discus hannai

  • Kang, Kyoung-Ho;Kim, Byoung-Hak;Kim, Jae-Min;Kim, Young-Hun
    • The Korean Journal of Malacology
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.95-106
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    • 2003
  • The compositions of amino acid in 6 monocultured benthic diatoms used in aquaculture of Haliotis discus hannai were analyzed, and effects of 15 artificial synthetic amino acids on the settlement and metamorphosis of H. discus hannai larvae. Results showed that the content of L-aspartic acid was highest in all diatoms, and that of L-glutamic acid was second high. In experiment using settlement slat without benthic diatom attached, the highest settlement rate (33.3 ${\pm}$ 8.8%) was obtained with L-glutamic acid, and a higher value (16.7 ${\pm}$ 3.3%) was found with L-aspartic acid at 24 h after experimental commencement, compared to that of control (8.6 ${\pm}$ 5.1%). 80 h later the metamorphosis rates of L-glutamic acid (86.7 ${\pm}$ 10.7%) and L-aspartic acid (80.0 ${\pm}$ 3.3%) groups were higher than control group(0) and other amino acids significantly. The response rate of L-glutamic acid was the highest (62.0%), and those of L-aspartic acid (30.0%) and L-threonine (25.3%) groups were also significantly higher than control group. In the experiment using settlement slat with benthic diatom attached, the best effect of various amino acids on induction of larval settlement was obtained with L-glutamic (82.0 ${\pm}$ 6.9%) and L-aspartic acid (78.7 ${\pm}$ 5.1%) at 24 h after experimental commencement. The settlement rates of L-histidine, L-leucine, L-lysine, L-methionine, L-phenylalanine, and L-tyrosine groups were significantly lower than control group. The same differences in the metamorphosis rate at 56 h after experimental commencement and in the response rate were found. It should be noted that after 80 h the metamorphosis rates of L-histidine (74.0 ${\pm}$ 12.0%) and L-lysine (87.0 ${\pm}$ 8.8%) declined rapidly compared to those of 56 h (8.0 ${\pm}$ 12.0%; 7.7 ${\pm}$ 12.0%).

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Cobalt(Ⅲ) Complexes of N₄and $N_2O_2$ System Tetradentate Ligands : Amino Acid Cobalt(Ⅲ) Complexes of 1,3-Diaminopropane-N,N'-Di-α-(β-methyl)-Pentanoic Acid

  • 함혜영;이석중;김영상;준무진
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.428-432
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    • 1996
  • Amino acid cobalt(Ⅲ) complexes of 1,3-diminopropane-N,N'-di-α-(β-methyl)-pentanoic acid (H2dpdmp), uns-cis-[Co(dpdmp)(aa)] (aa=glycine, S-alanine, R-aspartic acid, sarcosine) have been prepared from the reaction between the uns-cis-[Co(dpdmp)Cl2]- complex and the corresponding amino acid. In the reaction with the uns-cis-[Co(dpdmp)Cl2]- complex, glycine and S-alanine have yielded both merridional and facial isomers, while R-aspartic acid and sarcosine, only merridional isomers. The stereospecific substitution reaction of R-aspartic acid to racemic uns-cis-[Co(dpdmp)Cl2]- complex has yielded two merridional diastereomers; ΛR-uns-cis- and ΛR-uns-cis-[Co(dpdmp)(R-asp)]. It is of interest to note that this is one of the few CoⅢ(ONNO)(aa) type complex preparations, which gives only one isomer with stereospecificity. On the other hand, two merridional products obtained from the reaction of sarcosine with racemic uns-cis-[Co(dpdmp)Cl2]- are turned out to be mixtures of optical isomers.

Amino Acid Contents in the Hydrolysates of Fulvic Acids Extracted from Decomposing Plant Residues (부숙식물유체(腐熟植物遺體)에서 추출(抽出)한 Fulv 산(酸) 가수분해(加水分解) 용액중(溶液中)의 Amino 산함량(酸含量))

  • Kim, Jeong-Je;Shin, Young-Oh
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.188-192
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    • 1990
  • Sixteen amino acids in the hydrolysates of fulvic acid fraction from 7 plant materials were determined. Analyzed amino acids were aspartic acid, glutamie acid, arginine, histidine, lysine, glycine, alanine, valine, leucine, isoleusine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, serine, threonine, proline, and methionine. Four crop residues, wild grass cuttings and forest tree litters were put under investigation. 1. The content of amino acids in fulvic acid fractions extracted after 90 days of compositing ranged from 0.15% to 0.53% by dry weight. The highest value was found in the fulvic acids of wild grass cuttings and the lowest in those of wheat straw, being equivalent to 1/5-1/31 of those found in humic acids. 2. The group of neutral amino acids shared the largest portion followed by acidic and basic amino acids. 3. Arginine was not detected in fulvic acid fractions from well decomposed residues. 4. Aromatic amino acids, phenylalanine and tyrosine, were virtually absent in fulvic acid fractions. 5. Glycine, glutamic acid and aspartic acid were the 3 major amino acids contained in fulvic acids of well decomposed residues. With glutamic acid and aspartic acid excluded, the decreasing order of concentration of amino acids was roughly in parallel with the increasing order of molecular weight.

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Decomposition of Glycogen and Protein in Pickled Oyster during Fermentation with Salt (굴젓갈 숙성중 글리코겐과 단백질의 분해)

  • KIM Chang-Yang;PYEUN Jae-Hyeung;NAM Taek-Jeung
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.66-71
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    • 1981
  • In order to study the decomposition process of glycogen and protein of oyster during fermentation with salt, and the relationship between their breakdown products, the amounts of free reducing sugars and lactic acid were determined, and amino acid compositions were analysed. In addition, the amount of the available lysine which may help us to estimate the reaction of the free reducing sugars with the free amino acids was also determined. Glycogen and protein were gradually decomposed to free reducing sugars and lactic acid, and free amino acids, respectively, and the available lysine was slightly decreased during the fermentation process. Glutamic acid, aspartic acid, lysine and proline were relatively rich in the amino acid com-position of raw oyster protein while amino acids such as tryptophan, methionine, histidine and tyrosine were poor. It was noted that the decreased amino acids in the protein from the fermented oyster were valine, histine, isoleucine and lysine. As a respect to the free amino acids, proline, taurine, glycine, glutamic acid and alanine were abundant in the raw oyster and reached up to $69\%$ of the total fret amino acids. In the fermented oyster, proline, glutamic acid, glycine, alanine, aspartic acid and lysine were prevalently contained and marke about $65\%$ of the total free amino acids. The contents of free amino acids such as lysine, arginine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, cysteine, isoleucine and tyrosine increased during fermentation while those of taurine, proline and leucine decreased.

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Comparative studies on free amino acid content between healthy leaves and blasted leaves of rice plants. (도 건전엽과 도열병에 있어서의 Free Amino Acid 함량 비교연구)

  • 백수봉;이배함
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 1968
  • This experiment was undertaken the purpose of investigating the difference of the content of free amino acids in the diseased and healthy leaves of the resistance and susceptible rice varieties, to blast by means of paper chromatography. The results obtained are summarized as follows. (1) In the healthy and diseased leaves, the former was founded nine to tell sorts of free amino acids and later was observed eleven. In the both of leaves, alanine and valine were contained in larger amount, and aspartic acid, glycine and arginine were found relatively less in general. (2) In the diseased leaves, the amino acids were increased in quantity, especially glutamine and aspartic acid were remarkable, and cystine were found only in the diseased ones. (3) It seems to that the health leaves in all varieties were observed the amino acid contents, in notably increase and decrease, but in the diseased ones were not changed in amount. Tatacho, susceptible variety was more contained the amount of glutamine and aspartic acid than Zenith, resistance one.

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Bacillus subtilis 유래 Glycerol-3-phosphate Cytidylyltransferase의 화학적 수식

  • 박영서
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.173-177
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    • 1997
  • Glycerol-3-phosphate cytidylyltransferase from Bacillus subtilis was modified with various chemical modifiers to determine the active sites of the enzyme. Treatment of the enzyme with group-specific reagents diethylpyrocarbonate, N-bromosuccinimide, or carbodiimide resulted in complete loss of enzyme activity, which shows histidine, tryptophan, and glutamic acid or aspartic acid residues are at or near the active site. In each case, inactivation followed pseudo first-order kinetics. Inclusion of glycerol-3-phosphate and/or CTP prevented the inactivation, indicating the presence of tryptophan and glutamic acid or aspartic acid residues at the substrate binding site. Analysis of kinetics of inactivation showed that the loss of enzyme activity was due to modification of a two histidine residues, single tryptophan residue, and two glutamic acid or aspartic acid residues.

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Studies on the Chemical Compoments of Wild Korean Lettuce(Youngia sonchifolia Max.) (야생(野生) 고들빼기의 화학성분(化學成分)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Shin, Soo-Chull
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.261-266
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    • 1988
  • For the effective utilization of Wild Korean lettuce(Youngia sonchifolia Max.), the chemical characteristics, contents of free sugar, amino acid composition, fatty acid composition and minerals were analysed. Free sugars determined from the roots were rhamnose, fructose, glucose, sucrose maltose, melibiose and raffinose, whereas raffinose was not detected from the leaves. Of amino acid composition in the roots glutamic acid content was largest followed by histidine aspartic acid, leucine and proline. As for leaves glutamic acid was highest fellowed by aspartic acid, leucine and histidine. Mtehionine and cystine were found in low content in both roots and leaves. Major fatty acid composition in total lipid(free and bound) were linoleic, linolenic and palmitic acid in both and leaves. P, K and Ca were rich minerals contained in the roots and leaves of Wild Youngia sonchifolia Max.

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Analyses of Free Amino Acids in Different Parts of Bean Sprouts by Different Cooking Methods and from Different Merchants

  • Kim, Ji-Hye;Lee, Kyung-Ae;Kim, Yong-Ho;Kim, Hee-Seon
    • Preventive Nutrition and Food Science
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.316-322
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    • 2009
  • This study was performed to quantitatively analyze free amino acids in the bean sprouts of three different merchants by the parts and the cooking methods in order to evaluate the nutritional and sensory values of bean sprouts. Three merchant bean sprouts were analyzed from total, cotyledon and hypocotyls. Aspartic acid was the most common acid isolated from bean sprouts from all three merchants and was found more in the hypocotyls than the cotyledon. On the other hand, arginine, the second most common amino acid, was found more in the cotyledon than the hypocotyls while valine, the third or fourth most common amino acid in total bean sprout, occurred in a greater amount in hypocotyls than in cotyledons. After cooking, was the most concentrated amino acid in the liquid portion of both boiled bean sprouts and bean sprout soup was glutamic acid. Total bean sprouts from merchant C showed significantly higher contents of the most abundant amino acids, such as aspartic acid, arginine, alanine, serine, glutamic acid, isoleucine, leucine and tyrosine (p<0.05). After cooking, bean sprouts from merchant B showed less of a decrease in amino acid content in the solid parts than the products from merchants A and C. In conclusion, aspartic acid was the major amino acid in bean sprouts, regardless of the source, but after cooking, glutamic acid became the most abundant amino acid in the liquid part. Additionally, the pattern of release of the amino acids from the solid beans to the liquid portion during cooking was different with each merchant.