• Title/Summary/Keyword: applied geography

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The effects of socioeconomic factors on mortality under high temperature in Seoul, South Korea (서울의 사회·경제적 요인이 고온 현상 발생 시 사망자에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jisu;Kim, Man-Kyu;Park, Jongchul
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.195-210
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to understand characteristics of groups vulnerable to extreme heat and to reduce mortality caused by high temperature. For this purpose, relationship between socioeconomic factors and mortality-threshold temperatures were studied. The study area was limited to Seoul (South Korea) and climate data from 2000 to 2010 was used. Our results indicate that mortality-threshold temperatures for regions with a high proportion of aging population and a low proportion of aging population are $27.6^{\circ}C$ and $27.9^{\circ}C$, respectively. It was also found that a relative size of welfare dependant population did not affect mortality-threshold temperatures. However, regions with a high proportion of aging and welfare dependant population experienced $0.7^{\circ}C$ lower mortality-threshold temperature than other regions. This implies that low income and older people in Seoul are more easily affected by high temperature. Thus, this study suggests that it needs a policy targeted to low income and aging population to decrease mortality rate caused by extreme heat.

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Private Procurement for Constructions and Operation of Buman Road in Daegu (도시 인프라 시설을 위한 민자 유치 -대구시 범안로 민자도로의 운영 실태와 대책-)

  • Choi, Byung-Doo
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.674-694
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    • 2007
  • Recently private procurement projects for urban infrastructure have been emphasized and introduced by government(both central and local) as an important method to supplement public budget shortage and to improve creativity and efficiency in its construction and operation, and hence to promote regional development. But these private procurement projects seem to be implemented under the neoliberal condition of urban policy for private capital to extend its sphere of investment and to ensure its opportunity of profit. Such private procurement projects for urban infrastructure have been legislated and widely applied since 1994 in S. Korea, but in recent years they have triggered out a variety of serious problems. In results of this study on the private procurement for construction and operation of Burnan Road in Daegu, it can be pointed out, it has led serious problems such as overestimation of traffic volume in plan, over-appropriation of construction cost and appurtenant business, irYational operation and account of the operating firm, problem in refinancing and change in contents of practical agreement, and over-compensation of minimum operation revenue. Some measures that can be considered as alternatives to resolve those problems and to operate more rationally the Buman Road include those of increasing traffic revenues, of reducing supports of public financing, and withdrawal of (part or whole of) operational right from the private firm.

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Extraction of Gravity-typed Accessibility Index using Remotely Sensed Imagery and Its Application (위성영상정보의 중력모델기반 접근성지수 추출연계 및 적용)

  • Lee, Kiwon;Oh, Se Gyong;Lee, Bong Gyu
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.61-72
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    • 2003
  • Recently, demands with practical applications using high resolution imagery are increasing, according to addressing new sensor data. Since late 1990s, attempts for application to transportation problems of satellite imagery data have been intensively carried out in US, and these kinds of studies are being categorized into the name of RS-T(remote sensing in transportation). Further, this study is also linked with GIS-T(GIS for transportation), being in the matured stage, and then it contributes to wide uses of remotely sensed imagery. In this study, RS-T is briefly summarized. Later, in order to apply urban transportation analysis with satellite imagery as ancillary data, implementation, as prototyped extension program, for extraction of gravity-typed accessibility indices of transportation geography is performed in the ArcView-GIS environment. It is thought that applied results by two models among implemented models in this study can be utilized to characterize transportation accessibility in a region and to apply as useful statistics related to urban transportation status for regional transportation planning, if time series data are used.

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PRISM-KNU Development and Monthly Precipitation Mapping in South Korea (PRISM-KNU의 개발과 남한 월강수량 분포도 작성)

  • PARK, Jong-Chul;KIM, Man-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.27-46
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    • 2016
  • In this study, the parameter-elevation regressions on independent slopes model-Kongju National University(PRISM-KNU) system was developed to interpolate monthly precipitation data. One of the features of PRISM-KNU is that it can adjust the allowable range of slope according to the elevation range in the equation representing a linear relationship between the precipitation and elevation. The parameter value of the model was determined by using the optimization technique, and the result was applied to produce monthly precipitation data with a spatial resolution of $1{\times}1km$ from 2000 to 2014 in South Korea. In the result, the Kling-Gupta Efficiency for model evaluation was over 0.7 in 86% of the total cases simulated. In addition, a dramatic change in the spatial pattern of precipitation data was observed in the output of the Modified Korean PRISM, but such a phenomenon did not occur in the output of the PRISM-KNU. This study confirmed the appropriateness of the PRISM-KNU, and the result showed that the spatial consistency of the data produced by the model improved compared with that produced by the Modified Korean PRISM. It is expected that the PRISM-KNU and its output will be utilized in various studies in the future.

Development and Application of Green Infrastructure Planning Framework for Improving Urban Water Cycle: Focused on Yeonje-Gu and Nam-Gu in Busan, Korea (도시물순환 개선을 위한 그린인프라 계획 프레임워크 개발 및 시범적용 - 부산시 연제구 및 남구를 대상으로 -)

  • Kang, JungEun;Lee, MoungJin;Koo, YouSeong;Cho, YeonHee
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.43-73
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    • 2014
  • Cities in Korea have rapidly urbanized and they are not well prepared for natural disasters which have been increased by climate change. In particular, they often struggle with urban flooding. Recently, green infrastructure has been emphasized as a critical strategy for flood mitigation in developed countries due to its capability to infiltrate water into the ground, provide the ability to absorb and store rainfall, and contribute to mitigating floods. However, in Korea, green infrastructure planning only focuses on esthetic functions or accessibility, and does not think how other functions such as flood mitigation, can be effectively realized. Based on this, we address this critical gap by suggesting the new green infrastructure planning framework for improving urban water cycle and maximizing flood mitigation capacity. This framework includes flood vulnerability assessment for identifying flood risk area and deciding suitable locations for green infrastructure. We propose the use of the combination of frequency ratio model and GIS for flood vulnerability assessment. The framework also includes the selection process of green infrastructure practices under local conditions such as geography, flood experience and finance. Finally, we applied this planning framework to the case study area, namely YeonJe-gu an Nam-gu in Busan. We expect this framework will be incorporated into green infrastructure spatial planning to provide effective decision making process regarding location and design of green infrastructure.

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Developmental disability Diagnosis Assessment Systems Implementation using Multimedia Authorizing Tool (멀티미디어 저작도구를 이용한 발달장애 진단.평가 시스템 구현연구)

  • Byun, Sang-Hea;Lee, Jae-Hyun
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.57-72
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    • 2008
  • Serve and do so that graft together specialists' view application field of computer and developmental disability diagnosis estimation data to construct developmental disability diagnosis estimation system in this Paper and constructed developmental disability diagnosis estimation system. Developmental disability diagnosis estimation must supply information of specification area that specialists are having continuously. Developmental disability diagnosis estimation specialist system need multimedia data processing that is specialized little more for developmental disability classification diagnosis and decision-making and is atomized for this. Characteristic of developmental disability diagnosis estimation system that study in this paper can supply quick feedback about result, and can reduce mistake on recording and calculation as well as can shorten examination's enforcement time, and background of training is efficient system fairly in terms of nonprofessional who is not many can use easily. But, as well as when multimedia information that is essential data of system construction for developmental disability diagnosis estimation is having various kinds attribute and a person must achieve description about all developmental disability diagnosis estimation informations, great amount of work done is accompanied, technology about equal data can become different according to management. Because of these problems, applied search technology of contents base (Content-based) that search connection information by contents of edit target data for developmental disability diagnosis estimation data processing multimedia data processing technical development. In the meantime, typical access way for conversation style data processing to support fast image search, after draw special quality of data by N-dimension vector, store to database regarding this as value of N dimension and used data structure of Tree techniques to use index structure that search relevant data based on this costs. But, these are not coincided correctly in purpose of developmental disability diagnosis estimation because is developed focusing in application field that use data of low dimension such as original space DataBase or geography information system. Therefore, studied save structure and index mechanism of new way that support fast search to search bulky good physician data.

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The Evaluation on Accuracy of LiDAR DEM by Plotting Map (도화원도를 이용한 LiDAR DEM의 정확도 평가)

  • 최윤수;한상득;위광재
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2002
  • DEM(Digital Elevation Model) is used widely in image processing, water resources, construction, GIS, landscape architecture, telecommunication, military operations and other related areas. And it is used especially in producing ortho-photo based on specific DEM and developing 3D GIS database vividly. As LiDAR(Light and Detection And Ranging) system emerged recently, DEM could be developed in urban area more efficiently and more economically, compared to the conventional DEM Production. Traditional method using check points for elevation has tome limitations in structure's height accuracy by LiDAR, because it uses only terrain height. Accordingly after the downtown of Chungju city was selected as a test field in this paper and DEM and digital ortho images was produced by way of LiDar survey, the accuracy was evaluated through analytical plotting map. The result shows that in case of buildings in LiDAR DEM, the accuracy is 0.30 m in X, 0.62 m in Y and RMS is 1.17 m. The difference distribution between DEM and plotting map in range of $\pm$10 cm was 36.2% and $\pm$10 cm $\pm$20 cm was 43.53%. The accuracy of LiDAR in this study meets 1/5,000 which is the regulation for map of NGI(National Geography Institute) and LiDAR can be possibly used in many other applied area.

An Assessment of Coastal Area Using Geographic Information Systems and Multi-Criteria Analysis (지리정보시스템(GIS)과 다기준 분석법(MCA)을 적용한 연안지역 평가)

  • Choi, Hee-Jung;Park, Jung-Jae;Hwang, Chul-Sue
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.143-155
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    • 2007
  • There are many conflicts or interests among various stakeholders on the development of the coastal area. The integrated methodology, which is reflective of physical conditions, socio-economic circumstances, and people's sense of values, is thus needed to solve the problems. In this study, geographical information systems(GIS) and analytic hierarchy process(AHP) that arc one of multi-criteria analysis methodologies are loosely coupled to develop better analytic procedures for coastal assessment. Socio-economic and environmental parameters of the study area, Hampyung Bay area, are converted to a GIS system-applicable format, while AHP is used to assess the relative importance level of each parameter by calculating weighting factors. After standardizing and rasterizing spatial data from various sources. the weighting factors are applied to produce the layers for each parameter. Map algebra and overlay analyses are used to create the final layer according to the decision making logic or model proposed here. Cell values of that layer could be considered as spatial alternatives. In addition to this finding, the flexibility with the weighing factors enable decision-makers to understand the procedures and alternatives in relevance with selective strategies for coastal management.

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Accuracy and Economic Evaluation for Utilization of National/Public Land Actual Condition Survey Using UAV Images (국공유지 실태조사 활용을 위한 UAV 영상의 정확도 및 경제성 평가)

  • Lee, Sang Chan;Kim, Jun Hyun;Um, Jung Sup
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.175-186
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    • 2017
  • In this study was to survey method of national/public land actual condition survey to utilization of UAV, in order to evaluate the economic and accuracy. we carried out the comparative evaluation of the cadastral status surveying in terms of accuracy of parcel checkpoint, economical costs. The results are summarized as follows. First, average position error of the orthoimage was 0.033m in X error, 0.023m in Y error when the RMSE average calculated 0.046m from the intersection of plane distance connections. Secondly, it was appeared the accuracy of the orthophotograph is 0.076m at the maximum RMSE of the UAV orthoimage check point and 0.042m at the minimum RMSE compared with the VRS-GNSS survey results. Thirdly, when the allowable error specified in the implementing regulation of the current cadastral survey is applied, all of the checkpoint of 0.360m tolerance corresponding to the scale of 1/1,200 is satisfied. Finally, UAV utilization method in national/public land actual condition survey is 26,497,436(KRW) cheaper than cadastral survey method for In the economic evaluation of national/public land actual condition survey. Therefore, as a result of this study shows that the method of utilizing UAV in the national/public land actual condition survey satisfies legal standards in terms of accuracy and economical aspect is a way to further reduce the local government budget.

Geostatistical Integration of Ground Survey Data and Secondary Data for Geological Thematic Mapping (지질 주제도 작성을 위한 지표 조사 자료와 부가 자료의 지구통계학적 통합)

  • Park, No-Wook;Jang, Dong-Ho;Chi, Kwang-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.581-593
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    • 2006
  • Various geological thematic maps have been generated by interpolating sparsely sampled ground survey data and geostatistical kriging that can consider spatial correlation between neighboring data has widely been used. This paper applies multi-variate geostatistical algorithms to integrate secondary information with sparsely sampled ground survey data for geological thematic mapping. Simple kriging with local means and kriging with an external drift are applied among several multi-variate geostatistical algorithms. Two case studies for spatial mapping of groundwater level and grain size have been carried out to illustrate the effectiveness of multi-variate geostatistical algorithms. A digital elevation model and IKONOS remote sensing imagery were used as secondary information in two case studies. Two multi-variate geostatistical algorithms, which can account for both spatial correlation of neighboring data and secondary data, showed smaller prediction errors and more local variations than those of ordinary kriging and linear regression. The benefit of applying the multi-variate geostatistical algorithms, however, depends on sampling density, magnitudes of correlation between primary and secondary data, and spatial correlation of primary data. As a result, the experiment for spatial mapping of grain size in which the effects of those factors were dominant showed that the effect of using the secondary data was relatively small than the experiment for spatial mapping of groundwater level.