• 제목/요약/키워드: anisotropic and isotropic materials

검색결과 106건 처리시간 0.036초

유사등방성과 이방성 이종재료 내의 V-노치 균열에 대한 응력특이성에 관한 연구 (A Study on Stress Singularities for V-notched Cracks in Pseudo-isotropic and Anisotropic Dissimilar Materials)

  • 조상봉;김진광
    • 한국정밀공학회지
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    • 제16권10호
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    • pp.152-163
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    • 1999
  • The problem of eigenvalue and eigenvector for v-notched cracks in pseudo-isotropic and anisotropic dissimilar materials was obtained to discuss stress singularities from traction free boundary and perfect bonded interface conditions assuming like the form of complex stress function for v-notched cracks in an isotropic material. Eigenvalues were solved by a commercial numerical program, MATHEMATICA. The relation between wedged angle and material property for eigenvalue, ${\lambda}$ indicating stress singularities of v-notched cracks in pseudo-isotropic and anisotropic dissimilar materials was examined.

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Analytical methodology for solving anisotropic materials of antiplane problems

  • Ma, Chien-Ching;Cheng, Yih-Hong
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.147-157
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    • 1999
  • An analytical methodology for solving antiplane problem of anisotropic materials is proposed and discussed in detail in this study. The material considered in this study possesses a symmetry plane at z=0. The relationship between the problems of anisotropic materials and the corresponding isotropic problems are established by Ma (1996) on the basis of the general solutions for the shear stresses and displacement in both the polar and Cartesian coordinate systems. This implies that any solution of an anisotropic problem can be obtained by solving a corresponding isotropic problem. In this study some examples and numerical results are presented as an explanation of how the complicated anisotropic problem could be solved by the associated simpler isotropic problem.

유사등방성과 이방성 이종재 V-노치 균열의 고유벡터계수 해석 (An Analysis of Eigenvector Coefficient for V-notched Cracks in Pseudo-isotropic and Anisotropic Dissimilar Materials)

  • 김진광;조상봉
    • 한국정밀공학회지
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    • 제18권12호
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    • pp.88-94
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    • 2001
  • The V-notched crack problem in dissimilar materials can be formulated as an eigenvalue problem. The RWCIM(Reciprocal Work Contour Integral Method) is applied to the determination of the eigenvector coefficients associated with eigenvalues for V-notched cracks in pseudo-isotropic and anisotropic dissimilar materials. The RWCIM algorithm is programed by the commercial numerical program, MATHEMATICA. The numerical results obtained are shown that the RWCIM is a useful method for determining the eigenvector coefficients of V-notched cracks in pseudo-isotropic and anisotropic dissimilar materials.

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경계요소법에 의한 이방성 이종재 접합계면 균열의 응력확대계수 해석 (Analysis of Stress Intensity Factors for an Interface Crack in Anisotropic Dissimilar Materials by Boundary Element Method)

  • 조상봉;권재도;김태규
    • 대한기계학회논문집
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.359-370
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    • 1993
  • Up to now, most studies are on interface crack problems in isotropic-isotropic dissimilar materials, but it seems to be not so much on anisotropic dissimlar materials. In this study, the stress intensity factors for an interface crack in anisotropic dissimilar materials are analysed using author's proposed extrapolation method by BEM and we have done a parametric study about material properties or shapes of crack affecting to the stress intensity factors. However, as there are not other's comparable numerical results on these anisotropic dissimilar materials to the best of author's knowledge, the reliability of the present results was proved by following two methods. The first is considering the asymptotic characteristic about stress intensity factors for an interface crack in anisotropic materials when the ansiotropic material approachs to the isotropic material. The second is considering the discontinuity of stress intensity factors between of a crack in an identical homogeneous anisotropic material and an interface crack in anisotropic dissimilar materials.

A study on Stress Singularities for V-notched Cracks in Anisotropic and/or Pseudo-isotropic Dissimilar Materials

  • Cho, Sang-Bong;Kim, Jin-kwang
    • International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.22-32
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    • 2002
  • V-notched crack problems can be formulated as eigenvalue problems. The problem ova v-notched crack in anisotropic and/or pseudo-isotropic dissimilar materials was formulated as an eigenvalue problem to discuss stress singularities. The eigenvalue problem was served by the commercial numerical program; MATHEMATICA. The specific data of eigenvalues possessing the stress singularity were obtained. Stress singularities fur v-notched cracks in anisotropic and/or pseudo-isotropic dissimilar materials were discussed according to the relation between wedge angle and material property. It was shown that there are three cases of eigenvalues possessing the stress singularity; one real, two real and one complex.

Fabry-Perot Filter Constructed with Anisotropic Space Layer and Isotropic Mirrors

  • Qi, Hongji;Hou, Yongqiang;Yi, Kui;Shao, Jianda
    • Journal of the Optical Society of Korea
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.33-37
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    • 2013
  • In this study a new design concept of the Fabry-Perot filter, constructed with an anisotropic space layer and a couple of isotropic mirrors, was proposed based on the Maxwell equations and the characteristic matrix method. The single- and double-cavity Fabry-Perot filters were designed, and their optical properties were investigated with a developed software package. In addition, the dependence of the transmittance and phase shift for two orthogonal polarization states on the column angle of the anisotropic space layer and the incidence angle were discussed. We demonstrated that the polarization state of electromagnetic waves and phase shifts can be modulated by exploiting an anisotropic space layer in a polarization F-P filter. Birefringence of the anisotropic space layer provided a sophisticated phase modulation with varied incidence angles over a broad range, resulting in a wide-angle phase shift. This new concept would be useful for designing optical components with isotropic and anisotropic materials.

Temperature and thermal stress distributions in a hollow circular cylinder composed of anisotropic and isotropic materials

  • Namayandeh, Mohammad Javad;Mohammadimehr, Mehdi;Mehrabi, Mojtaba;Sadeghzadeh-Attar, Abbas
    • Advances in materials Research
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.15-32
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    • 2020
  • In this article, an analytical solution is presented for the steady-state axisymmetric thermal stress distributions in a composite hollow cylinder. The cylinder is composed of two isotropic and anisotropic materials which is subjected to the thermal boundary conditions of convective as well as radiative heating and cooling on the inner and outer surfaces, respectively. The solution of the temperature is obtained by means of Bessel functions and the thermal stresses are developed using Potential functions of displacement. Numerical results are derived for a cylinder which is similar to a gas turbine combustor and showed that the maximum temperature and thermal stresses (radial, hoop, axial) occurred in the middle point of cylinder and the values of thermal stresses in anisotropic cylinder are more than the isotropic cylinder. It is worthy to note that the values of the thermal conditions which estimated in this research, not to be presented in any other papers but these values are very accurate in calculation.

직교이방 섬유강화 복합재료의 비선형 비등방 경화법칙 (Nonlinear Anisotropic Hardening Laws for Orthotropic Fiber-Reinforced Composites)

  • 김대용;이명규;정관수
    • 한국복합재료학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국복합재료학회 2003년도 추계학술발표대회 논문집
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    • pp.75-78
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    • 2003
  • In order to describe the Bauschinger and transient behavior of orthotropic fiber-reinforced composites, a combined isotropic-kinematic hardening law based on the non-linear kinematic hardening rule was considered here, in particular, based on the Chaboche type law. In this modified constitutive law, the anisotropic evolution of the back-stress was properly accounted for. Also, to represent the orthotropy of composite materials, Hill's 1948 quadratic yield function and the orthotropic elasticity constitutive equations were utilized. Furthermore, the numerical formulation to update the stresses was also developed based on the incremental deformation theory for the boundary value problems. Numerical examples confirmed that the new law based on the anisotropic evolution of the back-stress complies well with the constitutive behavior of highly anisotropic materials such as fiber-reinforced composites.

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이방성 재료의 충격거동에 관한 시뮬레이션 (Impact Behavior Simulation of Anisotropic Materials)

  • 안국찬;정대식;김봉환
    • 한국기계가공학회지
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.38-46
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    • 2011
  • A study was performed to investigate the dynamic behaviors of fiber-reinforced composite materials subjected to transversely low-velocity impact. For this purpose, the simulation of modified beam finite element based on higher order beam theory for two(isotropic and anisotropic) materials is carried out according to the changes of material property, stacking sequence, geometric dimension and impact velocity of steel ball, etc. Main composite materials for simulation are composed of $[0^{\circ}/90^{\circ}/0^{\circ}/-90^{\circ}/0^{\circ}]_{2s}$, $[0^{\circ}/90^{\circ}/0^{\circ}/-90^{\circ}/0^{\circ}]_s$ and $[0^{\circ}/45^{\circ}/0^{\circ}/-45^{\circ}/0^{\circ}]_{2s}$, $[0^{\circ}/45^{\circ}/0^{\circ}/-45^{\circ}/0^{\circ}]_s$ stacking sequences. The effectiveness of this simulation for qualitative and quantitative evaluations in composite materials subjected to foreign object impact was established.

Combined Isotropic-Kinematic 경화규칙에 기초한 자동차용 알루미늄합금-및 Dual-Phase 강 판재의 스프링백 예측 (Spring-back Evaluation of Automotive Sheets Based on Combined Isotropic-Kinematic Hardening Rule)

  • 이명규;김대용;정관수
    • 한국소성가공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소성가공학회 2003년도 추계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.144-147
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    • 2003
  • In order to evaluate spring-back behavior in automotive sheet forming processes, a panel shape idealized as a SS-rail has been investigated. After spring-back kas been predicted fer SS-rails using the finite element analysis, results has been compared with experimental measurements for three automotive sheets. To account for hardening behavior such as the Bauschinger and transient effects in addition to anisotropic behavior, the combined isotropic-kinematic hardening law based on the Chaboche type single-surface model and a recently developed non-quadratic anisotropic yield function have been utilized, respectively.

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