• 제목/요약/키워드: and MATLAB software

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The Development of a MATLAB-based Discrete Event Simulation Framework for the Engagement Simulations of the Weapon Systems (무기체계 교전 시뮬레이션을 위한 매트랩 기반 이산사건시뮬레이션 프레임워크의 개발)

  • Hwang, Kun-Chul;Lee, Min-Gyu;Kim, Jung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.31-39
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    • 2012
  • Simulation Framework is a basic software tool used to develop simulation applications. This paper describes the development of a discrete event simulation framework based on DEVS(Discrete EVent System Specification) formalism, using MATLAB language which is widely used in technical computing and engineering disciplines. The newly developed framework utilizing MATLAB object oriented programming combines the convenience of MATLAB language and the sophisticated architecture of the DEVS formalism. Hence, it supports the productivity, flexibility, extensibility that are required for the simulation application software development of the weapon systems engagement. Moreover, it promises a simulation application the increased the computation speed proportional to the number of CPU of a multi-core processor, providing the batch simulation functionality based on MATLAB parallel computing technology.

Evaluating the settlement of lightweight coarse aggregate in self-compacting lightweight concrete

  • Mazloom, Moosa;Mahboubi, Farzan
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.203-210
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the settlement of lightweight coarse aggregate of self-compacting lightweight concrete (SCLC) after placement of concrete on its final position. To investigate this issue, sixteen samples of concrete mixes were made. The water to cementitious materials ratios of the mixes were 0.35 and 0.4. In addition to the workability tests of self-compacting concrete (SCC) such as slump flow, V-funnel and L-box tests, a laboratory experiment was made to examine the segregation of lightweight coarse aggregate in concrete. Because of the difficulties of this test, the image processing technique of MATLAB software was used to check the segregation above too. Moreover, the fuzzy logic technique of MATLAB software was utilized to improve the clarity of the borders between the coarse aggregate and the paste of the mixtures. At the end, the results of segregation tests and software analyses are given and the accuracy of the software analyses is evaluated. It is worth noting that the minimum and maximum differences between the results of laboratory tests and software analyses were 1.2% and 9.19% respectively. It means, the results of image processing technique looks exact enough for estimating the segregation of lightweight coarse aggregate in SCLC.

Comparative Experiment of FMINS with Nelder-Mead and Dennis-Woods Method (Nelder-Mead, Dennis-Woods Method와 MATLAB의 FMINS의 비교실험)

  • Choe, Yeong-Il;Hyun, Chang-Hun
    • Journal of Industrial Technology
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    • v.19
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    • pp.361-368
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    • 1999
  • The Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm has become on of the most widely used methods for nonlinear unconstrained optimization, since 1965. Recently, this algorithm has been reevaluated and many papers on this algorithm are being published. The MATLAB computer software, highly renown in engineering, also provides the Nelder-Mead algorithm and the Denis-Woods modification with FMINS function. The authors made C++ code of these algorithms and compared with FMINS on the convergence behavior and the exactness of solutions. It shows that MATLAB's FMINS is inferior to author's C++ code. So, FMINS should be corrected for every user.

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A study on Power Quality Recognition System using Wavelet Transformation and Neural Networks (웨이블릿 변환과 신경회로망을 이용한 전력 품질 인식 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Chong, Won-Yong;Gwon, Jin-Soo
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.169-176
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    • 2010
  • Nonstationary power quality(PQ) signals which the Sag, Swell, Impulsive Transients, and Harmonics make sometimes the operations of the industrial power electronics equipment, speed and motion controller, plant process control systems in the undesired environments. So, this PQ problem might be critical issues between power suppliers and consumers. Therefore, We have studied the PQ recognition system in order to acquire, analyze, and recognize the PQ signals using the software, i.e, MATLAB, Simulink, and CCS, and the hardware. i.e., TMS320C6713DSK(TI), The algorithms of the PQ recognition system in the Wavelet transforms and Backpropagation algorithms of the neural networks. Also, in order to verify the real-time performances of the PQ recognition system under the environments of software and hardware systems, SIL(Software In the Loop) and PIL(Processor In the Loop) were carried out, resulting in the excellent recognition performances of average 99%.

The Development of Modularized Post Processing GPS Software Receiving Platform using MATLAB Simulink

  • Kim, Ghang-Ho;So, Hyoung-Min;Jeon, Sang-Hoon;Kee, Chang-Don;Cho, Young-Su;Choi, Wansik
    • International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.121-128
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    • 2008
  • Modularized GPS software defined radio (SDR) has many advantages of applying and modifying algorithm. Hardware based GPS receiver uses many hardware parts (such as RF front, correlators, CPU and other peripherals) that process tracked signal and navigation data to calculate user position, while SDR uses software modules, which run on general purpose CPU platform or embedded DSP. SDR does not have to change hardware part and is not limited by hardware capability when new processing algorithm is applied. The weakness of SDR is that software correlation takes lots of processing time. However, in these days the evolution of processing power of MPU and DSP leads the competitiveness of SDR against the hardware GPS receiver. This paper shows a study of modulization of GPS software platform and it presents development of the GNSS software platform using MATLAB Simulink™. We focus on post processing SDR platform which is usually adapted in research area. The main functions of SDR are GPS signal acquisition, signal tracking, decoding navigation data and calculating stand alone user position from stored data that was down converted and sampled intermediate frequency (IF) data. Each module of SDR platform is categorized by function for applicability for applying for other frequency and GPS signal easily. The developed software platform is tested using stored data which is down-converted and sampled IF data file. The test results present that the software platform calculates user position properly.

A Study on the Development of GUI Software using MATLAB (MATLAB을 이용한 GUI 소프트웨어 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, B.C.;Kim, C.H.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2000.07a
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    • pp.449-451
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    • 2000
  • Arcing fault on overhead lines can be detected by amplitude of the arc voltage using numerical algorithm. In the case of transient fault, the arc voltage has any high value. In the case of permanent fault, the arc voltage is near zero. Thus, fault distance estimation should be performed by digital distance relay algorithm[3]. The purpose of this study is to build a structure for modeling of arcing fault detection and fault distance estimation algorithm using Matlab programming. Additionally, this algorithm has been designed in Graphical User Interface(GHI). So, this method using GUI interface of Matlab can reduce the number of simulation steps in modeling the distance relay.

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Analysis and Simulation of Signal Acquisition of GPS Software Receiver (SGR에서 신호처리과정의 분석과 시뮬레이션)

  • Zhang, Wei;Suh, Hee-Jong
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, for a software-based Global Positioning System receiver (SGR), the principle capturing Global Positioning System (GPS) signal is researched extensively in order to analyze the processing of the GPS raw data signal at the lowest level, and the process of capturing the GPS signal was simulated by Matlab. The simulation results show the accuracy and the feasibility of this method, which is comparable to study under a true environment. We know that the improvement of the receiving facilities is of very vital significance to the performance of this system, and the fine frequency can be found through comparing phases within a few tens of Hertz.

The Development of Automatic Design Software for DC Motor Servo Controller (DC 모터 서보 제어기의 자동 설계 S/W 개발)

  • Huh, Kyung-Moo;Lee, Eun-O;Cho, Young-June
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.6 no.10
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    • pp.888-893
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    • 2000
  • This paper deals with the development of an automatic design software for DC servo motor control, which provides good performance with rapid response and velocity control accuracy. In the proposed method, the design is automatically executed using Matlab, and iterative learning control algorithms are used in the design process. We applied this method to 50W, 100W, 200W, 300W, 500W, 750W, 1.8kW and 4.5kW DC servo motors which are widely used in the industry. We compare the results of the manual tuning design method with that of the automatic design method presented in this paper. From the experimental results, we can find that the performance of the proposed method is better than that of the manual tuning design method.

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Development of Object-Oriented C++ Library of Optimization Algorithms (최적화 알고리듬들의 객체지향 C++ 라이브러리의 개발)

  • Hyun, Chang-Hun;Choe, Yeong-Il
    • Journal of Industrial Technology
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    • v.20 no.B
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    • pp.115-123
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    • 2000
  • There are many optimal design packages, but they are big ones and they have only a few kinds of optimal algorithm coded with Fortran and it is sometimes necessary for user to write down some codes into their packages. So it is hard for user to learn how to use and customize them. More over, there are no commercial home-made software for optimum design. So, in this paper, several famous optimum algorithms are coded and modulized with C++ which is known as a suitable computer language in order to build up more algorithms into one computer software. All algorithms developed with C++ here were tested for comparison with optimization tool box of MATLAB and are superior to MATLAB.

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Structural stability of laminated composite material for the effectiveness of half axial wave mode: Frequency impact

  • Muzamal, Hussain
    • Advances in concrete construction
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.309-315
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    • 2022
  • This paper depicts the diagram of cylindrical shells as an essential idea. It centers around an outline of exploration and use of cylindrical shell in expansive current circumstance. In view of investigation of the current and prospect of model as a piece of present exploration work, a straightforward contextual analysis is examined with Love's shell theory based on Galerkin's method. The cylindrical shells are attached from one end of the cylindrical shells. The frequencies of ring support shells are investigated against the half axial wave mode. The frequencies increase on increasing the half axial wave mode. Also, the frequencies are downsized with ring supports. The software MATLAB is preferred to others because in this software computing coding is very easy to do. Just single command 'eig' furnishes shell frequencies and mode shapes by calculating eigenvalues and eigenvectors respectively. The shell vibration frequencies for cylindrical shells are compared with those results found in the open literature.