• 제목/요약/키워드: analytic and numerical analysis

검색결과 293건 처리시간 0.034초

A novel method for solving structural problems: Elastoplastic analysis of a pressurized thick heterogeneous sphere

  • Abbas Heydari
    • Advances in Computational Design
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.39-52
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    • 2024
  • If the governing differential equation arising from engineering problems is treated as an analytic, continuous and derivable function, it can be expanded by one point as a series of finite numbers. For the function to be zero for each value of its domain, the coefficients of each term of the same power must be zero. This results in a recursive relationship which, after applying the natural conditions or the boundary conditions, makes it possible to obtain the values of the derivatives of the function with acceptable accuracy. The elastoplastic analysis of an inhomogeneous thick sphere of metallic materials with linear variation of the modulus of elasticity, yield stress and Poisson's ratio as a function of radius subjected to internal pressure is presented. The Beltrami-Michell equation is established by combining equilibrium, compatibility and constitutive equations. Assuming axisymmetric conditions, the spherical coordinate parameters can be used as principal stress axes. Since there is no analytical solution, the natural boundary conditions are applied and the governing equations are solved using a proposed new method. The maximum effective stress of the von Mises yield criterion occurs at the inner surface; therefore, the negative sign of the linear yield stress gradation parameter should be considered to calculate the optimal yield pressure. The numerical examples are performed and the plots of the numerical results are presented. The validation of the numerical results is observed by modeling the elastoplastic heterogeneous thick sphere as a pressurized multilayer composite reservoir in Abaqus software. The subroutine USDFLD was additionally written to model the continuous gradation of the material.

Two-position alignment of strapdown inertia navigation system

  • Lee, Jang-Gyu;Kim, Jin-Won;Park, Heong-won;Park, Chan-Gook
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 제어로봇시스템학회 1994년도 Proceedings of the Korea Automatic Control Conference, 9th (KACC) ; Taejeon, Korea; 17-20 Oct. 1994
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    • pp.665-671
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    • 1994
  • Some extended results in the study of two-position alignment for strapdown inertial navigation system are presented. In [1], an observability analysis for two-position alignment was done by analytic rank test of the stripped observability matrix and numerical calculation of the error covariance propagation using ten-state error model. In this paper, it is done by an analytic approach which utilizes the nonsingular condition of the determinant of simplified stripped observability matrix and by numerical calculation of the error covariance propagation accomplished in more cases than [1], and the twelve-state error model including vertical channel is used instead of ten-state error model. In addition, it is confirmed that this approach more clearly produces the same result as shown in the original work in terms of complete observability and there exist some better two-position configurations than [1] using the twelve-state error model.

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Simulation of Excitation and Propagation of Pico-Second Ultrasound

  • Yang, Seungyong;Kim, Nohyu
    • 비파괴검사학회지
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    • 제34권6호
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    • pp.457-466
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    • 2014
  • This paper presents an analytic and numerical simulation of the generation and propagation of pico-second ultrasound with nano-scale wavelength, enabling the production of bulk waves in thin films. An analytic model of laser-matter interaction and elasto-dynamic wave propagation is introduced to calculate the elastic strain pulse in microstructures. The model includes the laser-pulse absorption on the material surface, heat transfer from a photon to the elastic energy of a phonon, and acoustic wave propagation to formulate the governing equations of ultra-short ultrasound. The excitation and propagation of acoustic pulses produced by ultra-short laser pulses are numerically simulated for an aluminum substrate using the finite-difference method and compared with the analytical solution. Furthermore, Fourier analysis was performed to investigate the frequency spectrum of the simulated elastic wave pulse. It is concluded that a pico-second bulk wave with a very high frequency of up to hundreds of gigahertz is successfully generated in metals using a 100-fs laser pulse and that it can be propagated in the direction of thickness for thickness less than 100 nm.

Transient analysis of cross-ply laminated shells using FSDT: Alternative formulation

  • Sahan, Mehmet Fatih
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.889-907
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    • 2015
  • This paper aims to present an alternative analytical method for transient vibration analysis of doubly-curved laminated shells subjected to dynamic loads. In the method proposed, the governing differential equations of laminated shell are derived using the dynamic version of the principle of virtual displacements. The governing equations of first order shear deformation laminated shell are obtained by Navier solution procedure. Time-dependent equations are transformed to the Laplace domain and then Laplace parameter dependent equations are solved numerically. The results obtained in the Laplace domain are transformed to the time domain with the help of modified Durbin's numerical inverse Laplace transform method. Verification of the presented method is carried out by comparing the results with those obtained by Newmark method and ANSYS finite element software. Also effects of number of laminates, different material properties and shell geometries are discussed. The numerical results have proved that the presented procedure is a highly accurate and efficient solution method.

내부 핀이 부착된 열교환기의 유동장해석 (Analysis of flow and heat transfer in internally finned tube)

  • 정호열;정재택;고형종
    • 한국전산유체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국전산유체공학회 1999년도 추계 학술대회논문집
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    • pp.139-144
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    • 1999
  • There have been many studies for heat transfer enhancement. Particularly, the study of flow in heat exchangers which have fin device has been main theme in heat transfer area. Practically, the circular tube which has internal fins is widely used for developing heat transfer rate. In this study, flow and heat transfer analysis of the circular tube with fins are investigated. The height and the number of fins are arbitrary. The flow field is assumed to be laminar. The conformal mapping is used for analytic solution of the laminar flow field. Discretization of governing equation, namely, FDM was used for numerical analysis. The velocity field, flow rate and shear stress are calculated for some numbers of fins in circular tube and for some heights of fin. Temperature fields are plotted along the tube length. It can be shown that the numerical solution agrees with the analytical solution.

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가선전류에 의한 자기장 형성과 수동루프를 이용한 전기철도차량내 자기장 유도 감쇄 분석 (Analysis of Magnetic Field by Catenary Current and Magnetic Field Mitigation in Electric Railway using Passive Loop)

  • 윤여근;나완수;한인수;이태형;박춘수
    • 한국철도학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국철도학회 2011년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.384-389
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    • 2011
  • The electric railway cars are operated by high voltage supply through the catenary wire. Also, numerous electric equipments operated by electric signal are distributed in the electric railway cars. Such electric equipments are exposed to EMI/EMC problems, and there is the possibility that the magnetic field due to the catenary wire current takes effect on the electromagnetic field in the electric railway cars which move under the catenary wire. There is the possibility that the electromagnetic interference generates in view of the operation of many electric equipments in the electric railway cars. There is the possibility that the communication device faults generate, and that the hazards on the human beings generate. In this paper, we predict the magnetic field around the catenary wire, and obtain the exact magnetic field distribution by comparing the analytic results and the numerical results. Finally, we confirmed the possibility of the passive loop mitigation by comparing the analytic results and the numerical results through the passive loop mitigation technique.

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  • Kim, Yong-Woo;Jhung, Myung-Jo
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제43권4호
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    • pp.361-374
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    • 2011
  • Two types of numerical modeling techniques were considered for the dynamic response of a structure subjected to a ground acceleration. One technique is based on the equation of motion relative to ground motion, and the other is based on the equation of absolute motion of the structure and the ground. The analytic background of the former is well established while the latter has not yet been extensively verified. The latter is called a large mass method, which allocates an appropriate large mass to the ground so that it causes the ground to move according to a given acceleration time history. In this paper, through the use of a single degree-of-freedom spring-mass system, the equations of motion of the two techniques were analyzed and useful theorems are provided on the large mass method. Using simple examples, the numerical results of the two modeling techniques were compared with analytic solutions. It is shown that the theorems provide a clear insight on the large mass method.

질량 유량계 센서관에서의 열전달 현상에 대한 수치적 해석 및 실험적 연구 (Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Heat Transfer Phenomena in a Sensor Tube of a Mass Flow Controller)

  • 장석필;김성진;최도형
    • 대한기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한기계학회 2000년도 춘계학술대회논문집B
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    • pp.154-161
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    • 2000
  • As a mass flow controller is widely used in many manufacturing processes for controlling a mass flow rate of gas with accuracy of 1%, several investigators have tried to describe the heat transfer phenomena in a sensor tube of an MFC. They suggested a few analytic solutions and numerical models based on simple assumptions, which are physically unrealistic. In the present work, the heat transfer phenomena in the sensor tube of the MFC are studied by using both experimental and numerical methods. The numerical model is introduced to estimate the temperature profile in the sensor tube as well as in the gas stream. In the numerical model, the conjugate heat transfer problem comprising the tube wall and the gas stream is analyzed to fully understand the heat transfer interaction between the sensor tube and the fluid stream using a single domain approach. This numerical model is further verified by experimental investigation. In order to describe the transport of heat energy in both the flow region and the sensor tube, the Nusselt number at the interface between the tube wall and the gas stream as well as heatlines is presented from the numerical solution.

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모멘트법을 이용한 경계면에 부분적으로 파묻힌 실린더의 음향 후방산란에 대한 수치해석 (Numerical Analysis of the Backscattering Amplitude for a Partially Buried Cylinder on a Flat Interface Using Method of Moments)

  • 백경민
    • 한국음향학회지
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    • 제33권5호
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    • pp.282-290
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    • 2014
  • 매끈한 물체에 의한 음향산란에 관한 수치해석은 발전해 왔으나 경계면에 위로 부분적으로 드러나 있는 물체에 의한 음향산란에 대한 수치해석은 여전히 드물다. 해저면에 부분적으로 파묻힌 실린더의 후방산란진폭을 결정함에 있어 경계면에 의한 잔향은 표적의 산란 함수 특성을 변화시킨다. 본 연구는 평탄한 경계면에 부분적으로 파묻힌 실린더의 후방산란진폭에 대한 수치해석을 제시하기 위하여 모멘트법(Method of Moments)을 채택하였다. 제시된 수치해석은 측정 및 키르히호프 근사법으로 얻은 해석적인 해와 상당한 일치를 보여주었다. 본 연구에서 기술된 수치해석은 해저면에서의 잔향과 표적으로부터의 산란파를 결합시킴으로써 해저면에 부분적으로 파묻힌 어떠한 형상의 표적에 대한 후방산란 문제에도 적용될 수 있다.

일축대칭 단면을 갖는 박벽 원형아치의 면외좌굴해석 (Spatial Stability of Monosymmetric Thin-walled Circular Arch)

  • 김문영;민병철
    • 한국전산구조공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국전산구조공학회 1998년도 봄 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.449-456
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    • 1998
  • A consistent finite element formation and analytic solutions are presented for spatial stability of thin-walled circular arch. The total potential energy is derived by applying the principle of linearized virtual work and including second order terms of finite semitangential rotations. As a result the energy functional corresponding to the semitangential rotation is obtained, in which the elastic strain energy terms are considered restrained warping effects. We have obtained analytic solution for the lateral buckling of monosymmetric thin-walled curved beam subjected to pure bending or uniform compression and it's boundary conditions are simply supported. For finite element analysis, the two node cubic Hermitian polynomials are utilized as shape Auctions. In order to illustrate the accuracy of this study, parameter studies for lateral buckling problems of circular arch are presented and compared with available solutions and numerical results analyzed by the FEM using straight beam element.

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