• Title/Summary/Keyword: analytic and numerical analysis

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Numerical Analysis of 1-D Ablation and Charring of a Composite Heat Insulator Using Finite Analytic Method (유한해석법을 이용한 조합 내열부품의 1차원 삭마 및 숯층 형성 해석)

  • 함희철;배주찬;이태호;전광민;이진호
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.943-951
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    • 1992
  • The objectives of this study are to analyse the thermal response behavior occurring in the charring ablative material more realistically by considering ablation and char phenomena occurring in several material layers, and to increase the reliability of thermal analysis by being able to get stable solutions through using the finite analytic method. A program has been developed to predict the temperature distribution, ablation thickness, char thickness, ablation velocity and char velocity by solving non-linear one-dimensional heat conduction equation. Results of calculation were compared with results of published papers. From this compariosn this program was proved to be a very good tool for thermal design and analysis of charring ablative materials used in the rocket propulsion system.

Multi-stage Finite Element Inverse Analysis of Elliptic Cup Drawing Processes with the Large Aspect Ratio (세장비가 큰 타원형 컵 성형 공정의 다단계 유한요소 역해석)

  • Kim, S.H.;Kim, S.H.;Huh, H.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.304-312
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    • 2000
  • An inverse finite element approach is employed to efficiently design the optimum blank shape and intermediate shapes from the desired final shape in multi-stage elliptic cup drawing processes. The multi-stage deep-drawing process is difficult to design with the conventional finite element analysis since the process is very complicate with the conventional finite element analysis since the process is very complicated with intermediate shapes and the numerical analysis undergoes the convergence problem even with tremendous computing time. The elliptic cup drawing process needs much effort to design sine it requires full three-dimensional analysis. The inverse analysis is able to omit all complicated and tedious analysis procedures for the optimum process design. In this paper, the finite element inverse analysis provides the thickness strain distribution of each intermediate shape through the multi-stage analysis. The multi-stage analysis deals with the convergence among intermediate shapes and the corresponding sliding constraint surfaces that are described by the analytic function of merged-arc type surfaces.

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Dynamic analysis of nanoscale beams including surface stress effects

  • Youcef, Djamel Ould;Kaci, Abdelhakim;Benzair, Abdelnour;Bousahla, Abdelmoumen Anis;Tounsi, Abdelouahed
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 2018
  • In this article, an analytic non-classical model for the free vibrations of nanobeams accounting for surface stress effects is developed. The classical continuum mechanics fails to capture the surface energy effects and hence is not directly applicable at nanoscale. A general beam model based on Gurtin-Murdoch continuum surface elasticity theory is developed for the analysis of thin and thick beams. Thus, surface energy has a significant effect on the response of nanoscale structures, and is associated with their size-dependent behavior. To check the validity of the present analytic solution, the numerical results are compared with those obtained in the scientific literature. The influences of beam thickness, surface density, surface residual stress and surface elastic constants on the natural frequencies of nanobeams are also investigated. It is indicated that the effect of surface stress on the vibrational response of a nanobeam is dependent on its aspect ratio and thickness.

Determination of Material Properties of Tube using Inverse Engineering and Analytic Method in Tube Bulge Test (역공학과 해석적 방법을 이용한 관재벌지시험에서의 관재물성치 결정)

  • Kim, Tae-Joon;Kim, Nak-Soo
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.27 no.9
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    • pp.1508-1516
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    • 2003
  • In numerical analysis for hydroforming process, the stress calculation is effected by flow stress which is general obtained by stress-strain relationship from uni-axial tension test, so the result of the analysis, especially in tube hydroforming, has limitation of accuracy, tubes are made in roll-forming process and become work-hardened. Then roll forming process causes material properties between rolling direction and circumstantial direction of the tube to be different. So it is difficult to predict material behavior in the process condition of bi-axial stress state. In this study, the flow stress of the tube is determined by inverse engineering approach and bulge test that is widely used for formability test in the condition of bi-axial stress. And Hill's quadratic yield function and flow rule are used to consider the anisotropy of the tube in the roll forming process.

Development of Numerical Code for Interior Ballistics and Analysis of Two-phase Flow according to Drag Models (강내탄도 전산해석 코드 개발과 항력 모델에 따른 이상유동 분석)

  • Sung, Hyung-Gun;Jang, Jin-Sung;Yoo, Seung-Young;Roh, Tae-Seong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.38-46
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    • 2011
  • In order to simulate the ignition-gas injection in the interior ballistics, a two-dimensional analytic code for two-phase flows has been developed. The Eulerian-Lagrangian approach and the low-dissipation simple high-resolution upwind scheme(LSHUS) have been adopted in the numerical code for the propellant combustion of the gun propelling charges. The ghost-cell extrapolation method has been used for the moving boundary in the chamber with the projectile movement. The calculation results of the developed code have been compared and verified through those of the dimensionless IBHVG2 code and the previous one-dimensional code. In comparison with the two-phase flows according to the drag models, the numerical analysis of the muzzle velocity has been affected by the drag model.

Sensitivity Error Analyses with Respect to Shape Variables in a Two-Dimensional Cantilever Beam (2차원 외팔보의 형상변수에 대한 민감도 오차해석)

  • 박경진
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 1993
  • Sensitivity information is required in the optimal design process. In structural optimization, sensitivity calculation is a bottleneck due to its complexities and expensiveness. Various schemes have been proposed for the calculation. Analytic and finite difference methods are the most popular at the present time. However, they have advantages and disadvantages in different ways. Semi-anayltic method has been suggested to overcome the difficulties. In spite of the excellency, the semi-analytic method has been found to possess numerical error quite much with respect to shape variables. In this research, the error from each method is evaluated and compared using a shape variable. A two-dimensional beam is selected for an example since it has mathematical solution. An efficient method is suggested for the structural optimization which utilizes finite element method.

A Numerical Analysis on the Freeze Coating of a Non-Isothermal Flat Plate with a Binary Alloy (비등온 평판의 이성분 합금 냉각코팅에 관한 수치해석)

  • Nam, Jin-Hyeon;Kim, Chan-Jung
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.24 no.11
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    • pp.1437-1446
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    • 2000
  • A numerical analysis on the freeze coating process of a non-isothermal finite dimensional plate with a binary alloy is performed to investigate the growth and decay behavior of the solid and the mushy layer of the freeze coat and a complete procedure to calculate the process is obtained in this study. The continuously varying solid and mushy layers are immobilized by a coordinate transform and the resulting governing differential equations are solved by a finite difference technique. To account for the latent heat release and property change during solidification, proper phase change models are adopted. And the convection in the liquid melt is modeled as an appropriate heat transfer boundary condition at the liquid/mushy interface. The present results are compared with analytic solutions derived for the freeze coating of infinite dimensional plates and the discrepancy is found to be less than 0.5 percent in relative magnitude for all simulation cases. In addition the conservation of thermal energy is checked. The results show that the freeze coat grows proportional to the 1.2 square of axial position as predicted by analytic solutions ar first. But after the short period of initial growth, the growth rate of the freeze coat gradually decreases and finally the freeze coat starts to decay. The effects of various non-dimensional processing parameters on the behavior of freeze coat are also investigated.

Performance Analysis of a CSS System in the Presence of Jamming Signals (방해전파 신호에 따른 CSS 시스템의 성능 분석)

  • Lee, Young-Po;Chong, Da-Hae;Song, Chong-Han;Song, Iick-Ho;Yoon, Seok-Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.34 no.4C
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    • pp.453-459
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    • 2009
  • Due to its capability to resist jamming signals, chirp spread spectrum (CSS) technique has attracted much attention in the field of wireless communications. However, there has been little rigorous analysis for the performance of CSS systems in the presence of jamming signals. In this paper, thus, we present analytic results on the performance of a CSS system: specifically, symbol error rate (SER) expressions are derived for a CSS M-ary phase shift keying (MPSK) system in the presence of broadband and tone jamming signals, respectively. The numerical results show that the empirical SER closely agree with the analytic result.

A Study on Room Acoustic Field Analysis using Radiosity Method (라디오시티법을 이용한 실내 음향장 해석 연구)

  • Kim, Kookhyun
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.55 no.5
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    • pp.394-400
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    • 2018
  • Various numerical methods have been adopted for indoor noise assessments of ship plant. Acoustical radiosity method is one of the high frequency approaches for acoustic field analysis, which assumes diffuse reflections by boundaries so that it could be efficiently applied to the acoustically diffused indoor space noise analysis. In this study, an acoustic field analysis program has been developed based on radiosity method, which could apply for acoustically large enclosures such as ship's indoor space. For this purpose, the procedure of the acoustical radiosity method has been summarized and implemented to an acoustic field analysis program using MATLAB. Numerical example for a rectangular indoor space has investigated validity of the implemented program. Steady state sound pressure levels calculated for a continuous acoustic source signal have shown good agreement with those by other solutions such as an analytic solution and a ray tracing method. Instantaneous sound pressure levels calculated for an impulsive acoustic signal have provided the clues of direct/reflected acoustic field and reverberation time.

A response matrix method for the refined Analytic Function Expansion Nodal (AFEN) method in the two-dimensional hexagonal geometry and its numerical performance

  • Noh, Jae Man
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.52 no.11
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    • pp.2422-2430
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    • 2020
  • In order to improve calculational efficiency of the CAPP code in the analysis of the hexagonal reactor core, we have tried to implement a refined AFEN method with transverse gradient basis functions and interface flux moments in the hexagonal geometry. The numerical scheme for the refined AFEN method adopted here is the response matrix method that uses the interface partial currents as nodal unknowns instead of the interface fluxes used in the original AFEN method. Since the response matrix method is single-node based, it has good properties such as good calculational efficiency and parallel computing affinity. Because a refined AFEN method equivalent nonlinear FDM response matrix method tried first could not provide a numerically stable solution, a direct formulation of the refined AFEN response matrix were developed. To show the numerical performance of this response matrix method against the original AFEN method, the numerical error analyses were performed for several benchmark problems including the VVER-440 LWR benchmark problem and the MHTGR-350 HTGR benchmark problem. The results showed a more than three times speedup in computing time for the LWR and HTGR benchmark problems due to good convergence and excellent calculational efficiency of the refined AFEN response matrix method.