• 제목/요약/키워드: alisol C 23-acetate

검색결과 7건 처리시간 0.018초

Determination of Alisol B 23-acetate and Alisol C 23-acetate in Alismatis Rhizoma by HPLC-ESI-MS

  • Ahn, Mi-Jeong;Lee, Cheol-Ho;Shin, Yong-Wook;Chun, Man-Seog;Kim, Chul-Young;Kim, Jin-Woong
    • Natural Product Sciences
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    • 제14권3호
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    • pp.152-155
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    • 2008
  • An HPLC-ESI-MS method has been developed to identify and quantify two main tetracyclic triterpenes, alisol B 23-acetate and alisol C 23-acetate in the Alismatis Rhizoma (Taeg-Sa). The relative distribution of the two triterpenes in the methanolic extract of commercially available Alismatis Rhizoma was established by selective ion monitoring (SIM) mode via electrospray ionization (ESI) source. Regression equations revealed good linear relationship, and the correlation coefficients were 0.999 and 0.998 for alisol B 23-acetate and alisol C 23-acetate, respectively, between the peak areas of the components and their concentration in a range of $0.06-2.0{\mu}g/mL$. It was found that there were significant differences in the amount of alisol B 23-acetate and alisol C 23-acetate between Korean and Chinese origins. The results showed that this method could be used to identify the two components in Alismatis Rhizoma with high sensitivity and selectivity.

택사 (Alismatis Rhizoma)에서 분리한 Protostane계 화합물과 그 유도체의 FPTase 억제활성 (FPTase Inhibition Effect of Protostanes from Alismatis Rhizoma and Derivatives from Alisol B 23-acetate)

  • 이상명;권병목;민병선
    • 생약학회지
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    • 제42권3호
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    • pp.218-222
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this research is to study of inhibitory activity of protostane type triterpens against farnesyl-protein transferase (FPTase). The ingredients of Alismatis Rhizoma, alisol B 23-acetate, C 23-acetate, alisols B and A 24-acetate, and thirteen synthetic analogues from alisol B 23-acetate exhibited inhibition activity against FPTase by scintillation proximity assay method. As a result, alisol C 23-acetate, one of the constituents of Alismatis Rhizoma, the synthetic analogues carboxylated and hydroxylated on branch chain of protostane exhibited a significant inhibitory activity. However, the compounds significantly lowered the inhibitory activity, when there is no 3 position keto on protostane skeletone.

Anti-Complementary Activity of Protostane-Type Triterpenes from Alismatis Rhizoma

  • Lee, Sang-Myung;Kim, Jung-Hee;Zhang, Ying;An, Ren-Bo;Min, Byung-Sun;Joung, Hyouk;Lee, Hyeong-Kyu
    • Archives of Pharmacal Research
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    • 제26권6호
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    • pp.463-465
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    • 2003
  • Four protostane-type triterpenes, alisol B 23-acetate (1a), alisol C 23-acetate (2a), alisol B(3a), and alisol A 24-acetate (4a), were isolated from the rhizome of Alismatis plantago-aquatica L. var. orientale Samuelson (Alismataceae) and eleven protostane derivatives (compounds 1-11) were obtained by selective modification from alisol B 23-acetate (1a). These compounds were investigated for their anti-complement activity against the classical pathway of the complement system. Alisol B (3a) and alisol A 24-acetate (4a) exhibited anti-complement activity with $IC_{50} values of 150 and 130 \mu$ M. Among the synthetic derivatives, the tetrahydroxylated protostane triterpene (9) showed moderate inhibitory activity with $IC_{50} value of 97.1 \mu$ M. Introduction of an aldehyde group at C-23 (10; $IC_{50} value, 47.7 \mu$ M) showed the most potent inhibitory effect on the complement system in vitro.

Crtotoxic Triterpenoides from Alismatis Rhizome

  • Lee, Sang-Myung;Kho, Yung-Hee;Min, Byung-Sun;Kim, Jin-Hee;Na, Min-Kyun;Kang, Shin-Jyung;Maeng, Hack-Young;Bae, Ki-Hwan
    • Archives of Pharmacal Research
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    • 제24권6호
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    • pp.524-526
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    • 2001
  • Four prostate-type triterpenes were isolated from a methanol extract of Alismatis Rhizoma by bioassay-guided isolation using in vitro cytotoxic assay. The compounds were identified as alisol B 23-acetate (1), alisol C 23-acetate (2), alisol B (3), alisol A 24-acetate (4) by spectroscopic methods. Amongst the compounds, alisol B (3) showed significant cytotoxicity against SK-OV3, B16-F10, and HT1080 cancer cell lines with $ED_50$ values of 7.5, 7.5, $4.9\mu\textrm{g}/ml$, respectively.

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Prostane-type Triterpenes from Alismatis Rhizoma and Their Anti-complement Activity

  • Lee, Sang-Myung;Kim, Jung-Hee;An, Ren-Bo;Na, Min-Kyun;Min, Byung-Sun;Bae, Ki-Hwan;Lee, Hyeong-Kyu
    • 대한약학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한약학회 2002년도 Proceedings of the Convention of the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea Vol.2
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    • pp.373.3-374
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    • 2002
  • Alismatis Rhizoma is originated from the rhizome of Alisma plantago-aquatica L. var. orientale Samuelson or A. canaliculatum A. Br. et Bouche (Alismataceae). Prostane-type triterpenes, guaiane-type sesquiterpenes, and kaurane-type diterpenes have been reported as the main canstituents from these plants. Four prostane-type triterpenes. alisol B 23-acetate (1). alisol C 23-acetate (2), alisol B (3). and alisol A 24-actate (4). were isolated from the EtOAc-soluble fraction of this dried rhizome. (omitted)

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Alisol B 23-Acetate Ameliorates Ovalbumin-Induced Allergic Asthma during Sensitization and Challenge Periods

  • Ki-Hyuk Nam;Dong-Soon Im
    • Biomolecules & Therapeutics
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    • 제31권6호
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    • pp.611-618
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    • 2023
  • Rhizome of Alisma orientale has been used as a traditional medicine for treating kidney diseases in East Asian countries. Its inhibitory effects on hypersensitivity responses have been reported for methanol extracts, with alisol B 23-acetate (AB23Ac) being the most active constituent among six terpenes in inhibiting the direct passive Arthus reaction. However, whether AB23Ac has efficacy against allergic asthma has not been tested to date. The in vivo efficacy of AB23Ac in an ovalbumin (OVA)-induced allergic asthma mouse model was evaluated by administrating AB23Ac before OVA sensitization or OVA challenge in BALB/c mice. AB23Ac suppressed antigen-induced degranulation of RBL-2H3 mast cells in a concentration-dependent manner. The administration of AB23Ac both before OVA sensitization and OVA challenge greatly lowered pulmonary resistance and the increase in immune cell counts and inflammatory responses around the peribronchial and perivascular regions. In addition, the inflammatory cytokine levels of Th1/Th2/Th17 cells in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid decreased in the AB23Ac-treated groups. AB23Ac reduced the number of PAS-stained cells in the lungs. Furthermore, a computer modeling study indicated that AB23Ac can bind tightly to spleen tyrosine kinase (Syk). These results suggest that AB23Ac may ameliorate allergic asthma by suppressing immune responses in dendritic cells during sensitization and in mast cells during challenge periods.

Chemical Modification of Alisol B 23-acetate and Their Cytotoxic Activity

  • Lee, Sang-Myung;Min, Byung-Sun;Bae, Ki-Hwan
    • Archives of Pharmacal Research
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    • 제25권5호
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    • pp.608-612
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    • 2002
  • The twelve-protostane analogues were synthesized from alisol B 23-acetate and assessed for their in vitro antitumor activity against six different human and murine tumor cell lines. Of the compounds synthesized, 23S-acetoxy-24R(25)-epoxy-11$\beta$,23S-dihydroxyprotost-13(17)-en-3-hy-droxyimine (12) exhibited significant cytotoxic activities against A549, SK-OV3, B16-F10, and HT1080 tumor cells with $ED_{50}/$ values of 10.0, 8.7 ,5.2, and 3.1 ${\mu}g$/ml, respectively. Furthermore, 23S-acetoxy-13(17),24R(25)-diepoxy-11$\beta$-hydroxyprotost-3-one (5), 13(17),24R(25)-diepoxy-11$\beta$, 23S-dihydroxyprotostan-3-one (6), 24R,25-epoxy-11$\beta$,23S-dihydroxyprotost-13(17)-en-3-one (7), and 11$\beta$,23S,24R,25-tetrahydroxyprotost-13(17)-en-3-one (9) showed moderate cytotoxic activities against 816-F10 and HT1080 tumor cells. These results mean that a hydroxyimino group at C-3 position in the protostane-type terpene enhances cytotoxic activity.