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- J. Natl. Cancer Inst. v.82 New colorimetric cytotoxity assay for anticancer drug screening Skehan,P.;Storeng,R.;Schudiero,D.A.;Monks,A.;McMahan,J.;Vistica,D.;Warren,J.T.;Bokesh,H.;Kenny,S.;Boyd,M.R.
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- Chem. Pharm. Bull. v.42 Crude drug from aquatic plants. Ⅳ. On the constituents of Alismatis Rhizoma Yoshikawa,M.;Yamaguchi,S.;Matsuda,H.;Kohda,Y.;Ishikawa,H.;Tanaka,N.;Yamahara,J.;Murakami,N.