• Title/Summary/Keyword: adults and elderly

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Health Care Providers' Perceptions of Physical Function in Older Adults with Arthroplasty from Hip Fracture (고관절 골절로 인공고관절 수술을 받은 노인의 신체적 기능에 대한 의료인의 인식 분석)

  • Ko, Young Ji;Lee, JuHee
    • Journal of muscle and joint health
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: This study was a qualitative research using focus group interviews to collect data on the health care providers' perceptions of physical function in older adults with arthroplasty from hip fracture. Methods: A total of 12 subjects participated in this study. In order to conduct focus group interviews, structured manuscript, field notes, visual recording, and debriefing notes were referred and thematic analysis was used in analysis phase. Results: The six themes were raised: 'burdensome client', 'health care providers' perception of functional decline in older adults after surgery', 'health care providers' perception of caregiver', 'medical environment perceived as affecting physical function', 'crucial components perceived as encouraging functional restoration', and 'difficulty of pain management' with 18 subthemes. Conclusion: Healthcare providers perceived functional decline of elderly after arthroplasty and identified points facilitating or disturbing physical function Moreover, various perspectives on pain management related to physical function were represented.

Relationship between digital oral health literacy and digital device utilization among adults in Gangwon-do (강원특별자치도에 거주하는 성인의 디지털 구강건강 문해력과 디지털 기기 활용도의 관련성)

  • Chan-Young Park;Nam-Hee Kim;Jai-Woo Oh
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.149-162
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    • 2024
  • Objectives: This study aimed to identify the level of digital oral health literacy among Korean adults in Gangwon-do. Methods: A survey was conducted through face-to-face interviews with adults aged 30-89 residing in Gangwon-do, South Korea. The independent variables were socio-demographic characteristics, including gender, age, education level, income, and occupation. The dependent variable was digital oral health literacy. The statistical analysis included Independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis, and multiple linear regression analysis, all performed using the SPSS 27.0 software program. Results: The elderly and those with poor socioeconomic status (p<0.001) had lower average scores due to poor digital oral health literacy. The ease of searching for oral health information and the utilization of digital devices to search for information on oral health displayed a significant relationship (r=0.730, p<0.001). To develop the use of digital devices, simplifying the search for oral information (p<0.001) is essential. Conclusions: All socio-demographic characteristics, except gender, displayed a correlation with the level of digital oral health literacy. Both environmental and individual aspects of the respondents' living conditions must be considered to improve digital oral health literacy.

The Mediating Effect of Depression in the Relationship between Muscle Strength of Extremities and Falls among Community-Dwelling Elderly (지역사회 재가노인의 사지근력과 낙상의 관계에서 우울의 매개작용)

  • Park, Hyoung-Sook;Park, Kyung-Yeon
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.730-738
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the mediating effect of depression in the relationship between muscle strength of extremities and falls among community-dwelling elderly. Methods: Two hundred forty-seven participants were recruited from a public health center, a hall for the aged and a school for the aged in B city. Face-to-face interviews were conducted using questionnaires from May to September of 2007. Data was analyzed with descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, and multiple regression using the SPSS WIN 14.0 program. Results: There was a significantly negative relationship between muscle strength of lower extremities and falls, muscle strength of left upper extremity and falls, and muscle strength of right upper extremity and falls. Depression positively correlated with falls. Depression showed mediating effects between muscle strength of extremities and falls. Weakness of muscle strength of extremities increased depression and the increased depression increased the frequencies of falls. Conclusion: For the effective management and prevention of community-dwelling older adults' falls, exercise programs including depression-decreasing strategies should be established. These exercise programs can decrease depression which is the mediator role between the degrees of muscle strength of extremities and falls.

Effects of PNF Stretching on Balance During Single-Leg Standing in Older Adults (PNF 스트레칭이 노인의 한발서기 균형에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Jung-Seo
    • PNF and Movement
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.351-358
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This study aims to determine the correlation between the effects of contract-relax-antagonist-contract (CRAC) and contract-relax (CR) forms of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) stretching on balance during single-leg standing in elderly people. Methods: The participants were 20 elderly people in healthy condition and divided equally into two groups: the CRAC stretching group and the CR stretching group. Subjects were made to walk on a treadmill for 6 minutes before the stretching as a warm-up. CR and CRAC stretching were performed on the soleus. The dependent variables used to assess single-leg standing balance were overall stability(OSI), anterior/posterior(A/P) movement, and medial/lateral(M/L) movement. The statistical methods used to assess the differences between groups were verified using the Mann-Whitney U test and the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Results: The CRAC group had significantly increased OSI, A/P and M/L after the PNF stretching intervention (p < 0.05). The CR group had significantly increased OSI and A/P after the PNF stretching intervention (p < 0.05), but M/L did not significantly increase (p > 0.05). There was no significant difference in stretching between CRAC and CR (p > 0.05). Conclusion: The results of this study revealed that CR and CRAC PNF stretching improved single-leg standing balance. CARC stretching before exercise is helpful for elderly people, as it improves balance.

Association between Hand Grip Strength and Gait Variability in Elderly: Pilot Study (노인의 악력과 보행 가변성 간의 연관성: 예비연구)

  • Lee, Do-Youn;Lee, Yungon;Shin, Sunghoon
    • PNF and Movement
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.125-134
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to establish an association between grip strength and gait variability in the elderly. Methods: The participants in this experiment (n = 20) were aged 65 or older. Power grip and lateral pinch forces were obtained in grip strength tests, and spatiotemporal gait parameters were collected from IMU sensors during 6 min actual walking to test the gait of participants. The collected gait parameters were converted to coefficient of variation (CV) values. To confirm the association between grip strength and gait variability, a partial correlation analysis was conducted in which height, weight, and gait speed were input as controlling variables. Results: Grip power showed a significant negative correlation with the stride length CV (r = -0.52), and the lateral pinch force showed a significant negative correlation with the stance CV (r = -0.65) and swing CV (r = -0.63). Conclusion: This study reveals that gait variability decreases as grip strength increases, although height, weight, and gait speed were controlled. Thus, grip strength testing, a simple aging evaluation method, can help identify unstable gait in older adults at risk of falling, and grip strength can be utilized as a non-invasive measurement method for frailty management and prevention.

A Study to Verify the Effectiveness of Suicide Prevention Education Using "Life Charger" for the Elderly (노인 「생명충전기」을 활용한 자살예방교육의 효과성 검증 연구)

  • Jong-Hun Lee;Kwang-Za Yu;Tae-Hee Park;Jeong-Min Kim
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.167-176
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study aimed to verify the effectiveness of suicide prevention education using the "Life Charger" program for older adults. Methods: This study conducted the "Life Charger"suicide prevention education with 95 older adults in the experimental group. Participants were recruited from a senior welfare center and a senior citizen center in D metropolitan city, and their attitudes toward suicide and sense of competence in providing help before and after the education were investigated. While no measures were taken for the control group, their attitudes toward suicide and help-giving competence were surveyed during the same period. Statistics were analyzed using SPSS 23.0, demographic variables of the experimental and control groups were calculated as percentiles, and Chi-square analysis and paired-sample t-test were performed to verify the homogeneity of the experimental and control groups. Results: To verify the effectiveness of the "Life Charger"suicide prevention education, the effectiveness of attitude toward suicide before and after the education was verified. The experimental group showed a significantly higher level (t=-6.34, p<.000). Their competence in providing help was also at a significantly higher level (t=-10.20, p<.000). Upon verifying the effectiveness of the program, the experimental group's attitude toward suicide was found to be significantly higher; however, the control group showed no change in attitude toward suicide and competence in providing help. Conclusion: This study verified that the "Life Charger"suicide prevention education for older adults was effective in increasing attitudes toward suicide and sense of competence in providing help. To increase the effectiveness of suicide prevention education for older adults, follow-up research should determine whether there are any actual changes after the training, and attitudes toward suicide and help-providing competence should be increase d through universal and repetitive education to prevent suicide among older adults.

Prediction Equations of Pulmonary Function Parameters Derived from the Forced Expiratory Spirogram for Healthy Adults over 50 years old in rural area (농촌지역 50세 이상 인구의 노력성호기곡선을 이용한 폐활량측정법 검사지표의 추정정상치)

  • Kim, Won-Young;Kim, Kwang-Hyun;Youn, Boung-Han;Lee, Seung-Uk;Cho, Chul-Hyun;Choi, Jin-Su;Kim, Hun-Nam
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.536-545
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    • 1998
  • Background: The studies on prediction equations of pulmonary function parameters for adults in Korea have been performed in a reference population mainly consisted of young and middle ages. So they included a relatively few elderly who conducted pulmonary function test frequently in clinic. We established prediction equations of pulmonary function parameters for healthy adults over 50 years old in rural area and compared this results with those of other studies. Therefore we attempted to consider normative values of pulmonary function tests for elderly in Korea. Method: Five hundred thirty-three women and men over 50 years old in rural area were participated. A "healthy" subgroup of 110 women and 32 men were identified by excluding those who had conditions that negatively influenced pulmonary function. We derived prediction equations for FVC, $FEV_1$ and $FEV_1%$ by multiple linear regression method from their age, heights and weights in each sex. Results: Prediction equations for FVC and $FEV_1$ in each sex were derived as follows Male; FVC (L)=0.02488Height(cm)-0.0269Age(years)+0.493 $FEV_1(L)$=0.01874Weight(kg)-0.0282Age(years)+2.906 Female; FVC(L)=0.02160Height(cm)-0.0192Age(years)-0.0125 $FEV_1(L)$=0.01720Height(cm)-0.0194Age(years)+0.3890 Prediction equations for $FEV_1%$ were not derived because $FEV_1%$ didn't have statistically significant terms. Comparing Predicted values that were calculated by substitution into the equations of various studies of mean values of age, heights and weights from this study, FVC and $FEV_1$ values in men of this study were lower than those of other studies. In women, FVC and $FEV_1$ values of this study were as similar as or lower than those of the study conducted for healthy elderly blacks in U.S.A respectively. Conclusion: We have got prediction equations of pulmonary function parameters which were driven from forced expiratory spirogram in adults over 50 years old in rural area. Predicted values of this study were lower than those of other studies which were conducted in Korea. So we consider that the study for spirometry reference values for elderly Korean using the method compatible with ATS recommendation need to be conducted more frequently forward.

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Relationship of oral health behavior to subjective oral health status and the DMFT index in Korean adults (한국 성인의 구강보건행태와 주관적인 구강건강인지 및 우식경험영구치지수와의 관련성)

  • Jang, Yun-Jung;Kim, Nam-Song
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.499-509
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    • 2011
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to provide some information on down-to-earth oral health policy to improve the systemic health involving oral health and the quality of life in Korean adults. Methods : The third-year data of the 4th National Health and Nutrition Survey in 2009 were analyzed, and $x^2$(Chi-square) test was carried out to see whether there would be any gaps in subjective oral health status according to demographic characteristics, systemic health state, frequency of eating between meals and oral health behavior. In terms of the DMFT index, one-way ANOVA was utilized, and then Scheffe post-hoc analysis was conducted. Besides, multiple regression analysis was made to grasp the relationship of oral health behavior to subjective oral health state and the DMFT index. Results : The demographic characteristics, systemic health status and oral health behavior had a significant relationship to both of subjective oral health status and the DMFT index. As a result of analyzing the relationship of oral health behavior to subjective oral health state and the DMFT index, the subfactors of oral health behavior exerted a significant independent influence on subjective oral health status and the DMFT index. Conclusions : The findings of the study suggest that in order to promote the oral health of adults, preventive measures should be taken, and systematic oral health education should be provided. As there is an increase in the elderly population in Korea, the successful implementation of senior oral health plans and the development of oral health programs geared toward adults are both required.

Prevalence and Risk Factors of Stroke in Korean Older Adults: Focusing on Demographic and Health Behavior Factors (우리나라 노인의 뇌졸중 유병률 및 위험 요인: 인구사회학적 및 건강행태 요인을 중심으로 )

  • Do-Youn Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.103-110
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    • 2024
  • PURPOSE: This study aims to analyze the prevalence and risk factors of stroke in Korean older adults and provide basic data for stroke prevention. METHODS: Based on the data from the 2019-2021 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 5,750 adults aged 65 or older who participated in the health survey were selected. Risk factors for stroke were analyzed through complex sample multiple logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: As a result of this study, the prevalence of stroke among the subjects was 6.20%. Stroke risk factors were elderly, male, low personal income level, and current and past smoking experience. The risk of stroke prevalence was OR 1.076 (95% CI 1.048-1.104) higher with each age increase. According to gender, the risk of stroke prevalence was OR 1.587 (95% CI 1.068-2.358) higher in males compared to females. In the case of individual income level, the risk of stroke prevalence was OR 1.509 (95% CI 1.011-2.253) higher in Q1, the lowest compared to Q4, which has the highest income level, and it was not significant in Q2, and Q3. Compared to non-smokers, current smokers had an OR 1.717 (95% CI 1.087-2.712), and past smokers had an OR 1.546 (95% CI 1.095-2.183). CONCLUSION: The prevalence of stroke in Korean older adults was 6.20%, and the risk factors for stroke were old age, men, low individual income level, and smoking. Therefore, prevention programs and smoking cessation education are needed for subjects with stroke risk factors.

Diagnosis and Management of Subclinical Hypothyroidism: The 2023 Clinical Practice Guideline, Korean Thyroid Association (무증상 갑상선기능저하증의 진단과 치료: 2023 대한갑상선학회 진료 권고안)

  • Hyun-Kyung Chung
    • The Korean Journal of Medicine
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    • v.99 no.3
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    • pp.127-133
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    • 2024
  • Subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH) is characterized by elevated serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels and normal free thyroxine levels. The Korean Thyroid Association recently issued guidelines for managing SCH. Based on the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2013-2015), a serum TSH level of 6.8 mIU/L is the reference value for SCH. SCH is classified as mild (TSH 6.8-10.0 mIU/L) or severe (TSH > 10.0 mIU/L), and patients are categorized as adult (age < 70 years) or elderly (age ≥ 70 years). Levothyroxine treatment (LT4-Tx) is not recommended for mild or even severe SCH in elderly patients. Immediate LT4-Tx can be given to adults in most cases, but not to women who are pregnant, patients with progressive disease, or patients with underlying coronary artery disease, heart failure, or dyslipidemia.