• Title/Summary/Keyword: acute low back pain

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Effect of Exercise Programs for Chronic Low Back Pain Patients : A Systematic Review (만성 허리통증환자의 운동프로그램에 대한 효과)

  • Kang, Kwon-Young;Kim, Eun-Kyung;Hong, Gi-Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2011
  • Background: The purpose of this study was to systematic review the effect of exercise programs for chronic low back pain patients. We needs systematic development of low back pain exercise program to reduce economic cost further doing great service to public health promotion. Methods: We searched to the effects of exercise programs for chronic low back pain patients by Dankook University electronic library databases of DBPIA, KSI KISS, CINAHL, MEDLINE and PEDro combined with a hand search of papers published in relevant journals. Any type of study relevant to the topic published during time period from 1970 to 2007 was included. Results: The literature search identified 30 studies. 1.Performing the flexion exercise increased abdominal muscle activity but acute herniated intervertebral disc should be avoided. 2.The general lumbar extension exercise used lumbar extension machine and the muscle power increases, significant probability the change. 3.The spinal segments exercise for the patients offered significant efficacy and appeared to be a reasonable therapeutic option. 4.Spinal stabilization exercises appear to improve trunk endurance and balance to patients with chronic low back pain. This exercise programs had effective decrease pain and disability. Conclusion: The review suggests that although the exercise programs for chronic low back pain patients, and we expected the efficacy of the exercise programs for chronic low back pain patients used in this study should be further investigated in a long period study and objective outcomes.

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Survival Analysis for Prognostic Factors of Occupational Low Back Pain (직업성 요통 근로자의 장애기간에 영향을 미치는 요인 연구)

  • Kim, Ji-Yun
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: The goals of this research are to find out factors influencing the duration of work-related disability and to present implications for policies to prevent delayed recovery. Method: The subjects of this study were 238 workers who had been proved to be industrial disaster victims for occupational low back pain between January 1 2000 and December 31 2003. Kaplan-Meier method was used to estimate the proportion of duration of disability associated with low back pain, and Cox proportional hazards analysis was used to identify factors predicting it. The model distinguished main symptom variables affecting acute(${\leq}90\;days$) and chronic phase of disability (>90 days). Result: Fifty percent of the workers had not recovered in 408 days. The results of Cox regression show that delayed duration of disability was predicted by diagnosis, pain radiation (in chronic phase), sex, the size and labor union of the workplace, scheduled rest, compensation from the company, and operation. Conclusion: Duration of disability associated with compensated low back pain is influenced not only by factors related to the company and compensation system but also by individual factors. Thus, future efforts to reduce duration of disability may need to take into account all these factors.

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The Comparative Study of Digital Infrared Thermal Image(DITI) on the Patients of Low Back Pain and Normal Group (요통환자와 정상인의 적외선 체열검사 비교 고찰)

  • Kim, Na-Yeon;Choi, Joo-Young;Kang, Jae-Hui;Lee, Hyun
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.89-96
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    • 2010
  • Objectives : This study is designed to evaluate the diagnostic significances of DITI on the patients of low back pain according to impression, symptoms and medical history. Methods : According to impression, symptoms and medical history, thermal changes of $BL_{23}$, $BL_{26}$, $BL_{40}$, $BL_{57}$, $GB_{31}$ and $BL_{60}$ were compared forty-eight low back pain patients and twenty-three normal group. Results : Surface temperature of $BL_{26}$ in case of L-spine HNP is significantly higher than normal group. Surface temperature of $BL_{26}$ in case of low back pain is significantly higher, $GB_{31}$ of radiating pain is significantly lower than normal group. Surface temperature of $BL_{26}$ in case of acute stage is significantly higher, $GB_{31}$ of chronic stage is significantly lower than normal group. Conclusions : Thermal changes of $BL_{26}$ and $GB_{31}$ on the patients of low back pain compared with normal group, according to impression, symptoms and medical history has significances.

Effect of Spinal Stabilization Exercise and Manual Therapy on Visual Analogue Scale and Oswestry Disability Index in Acute or Subacute Patients with Low Back Pain (척추안정화운동과 도수치료가 급성기 또는 아급성기 허리통증 환자의 통증지수와 오스웨스트리 장애지수에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Eun-Young;Kim, Won-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.1792-1798
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate effect of type of physical therapy (spinal stabilization exercise and manual therapy) on pain index and disability index in acute and subacute patients with low back pain (LBP). 23 patients with LBP participated and were randomly assigned. Manual therapy and spinal stabilization exercise was applied for 15-minute sessions occurred 3 sessions a week, for 4 weeks. All subjects received conservative therapy for 30-minute. Visual analogue scale (VAS) and Korean version of Oswestry disability index (ODI-K) were measured before and after treatment. There was significant difference in VAS and ODI-K between before and after both treatment (p<.05). There was significant difference in change rate of VAS between manual therapy and spinal sabilization exercise (p<.05), but not in change rate of ODI-K (p>.05). Thus, it is suggested that spinal stabilization exercise is helpful to reduce pain safely in acute and subacute patients with LBP.

Clinical Study on Effect of Carthmi- Flos Herbal acupuncture therapy to Low back pain patient (요통환자(腰痛患者)의 홍화약침치료(紅花藥針治療)에 대한 임상적(臨床的) 연구(硏究))

  • Yoon, Min-Young;Cho, Eun-Hee;Lee, Ok-Ja;Moon, Sung-Jae;Hur, Tae-Young;Cho, Nam-Geun;Kim, Kyung-Sik
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.216-229
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    • 2002
  • Objective : To compare the effect of Carthmi- Flos herbal acupuncture theraphy and acupucture treatment to Low back pain patient. Methods : 70 patients with Low back pain are evaluated by being divided Carthmi- Flos herbal acupuncture theraphy Group(HAG, 30 peples) and non- Carthmi- Flos herbal acupuncture theraphy Group(NHAG, 40 peoples) at Ik-San Oriental medical hospital in wonkwang university from the first November 2000yr to 31th December 2001yr. Results : 1. In the cause of Low back pain, the most of HAG is acute sprain(9cases, 30%) and NHAG is non-inducement(13 cases, 22.5%). 2. In the analysis of the radiation result, HIVD and Degenerative change respectively were 22 cases(50%) in HAG and 29 cases(52.8 %) in NHAG. 3. The effect of treatment by Duration as follows :Two groups were the most improved highly in acute stage and they were improved lowly in chronic stage(6 month). 4. The effect of treatment by condition of patients was follows: After treatment, Grade IV & III were decreased 69.5% in HAG and 60% in NHAG. 5. In the distribution of treatment progression : 28 cases(93.3%) were recoverd in HAG but 30 cases(90%) in NHAG. Conclusion : These results shows that the effect of treatment by Carthmi- Flos herbal acupuncture treatmen is exellent by relaxing contracted muscles, strengthening weakened ligaments and improving inflammatory parts.

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Effects of Myofascial Release Technique with Preservation Physical Therapy on the Low Back Pain and Range of Motion and Body Function of Patients in Acute Traffic Accidents: A Randomized Controlled Trial (보존적 물리치료를 동반한 근막이완술이 급성기 교통사고 환자의 허리통증, 관절운동범위, 신체기능에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Young-Min;Kim, Tae-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.93-101
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    • 2021
  • PURPOSE: This study examined the effects of a myofascial release technique with preservation physical therapy on low back pain, range of motion, and physical function of patients in acute traffic accidents METHODS: Twelve patients with traffic accidents were divided randomly into two groups of six patients each who met the selection criteria. The training was conducted for 45 minutes each time, for two weeks and four times per week. The experimental group received four myofascial release techniques and with preservation physical therapy. The control group received only preservation physical therapy. RESULTS: The VAS test result was statistically significant after the intervention in both groups (p < .05). After the intervention, there was no significant difference between the experimental group and control group. The Schober test result was statistically significant after the intervention in both the experimental and control groups (p < .05), and there was a significant difference between the experimental group and control group after the intervention (p < .05). The KODI assessment result was significant after the intervention in both the experimental and control groups (p < .05), and there was a significant difference between the experimental group and control group after the intervention (p < .05). CONCLUSION: The myofascial release technique with preservation physical therapy had a positive effect on low back pain, range of motion, and body function in acute traffic accident patients.

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Chuna Manual Therapy for low back pain in the Pilot Insuring Project of the National Health Insurance (건강보험 시범사업 기관에 내원한 요통환자에 대한 추나요법 유효성 평가 연구)

  • Ryu, Jiseon;Kim, Dongsu;Shin, Byung-Cheul;Lim, Byungmook
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2018
  • Backgrounds : In 2017, National Health Insurance implemented the pilot insuring project for Chuna manual therapy(CMT). 65 Korean Medicine(KM) hospitals and clinics were selected in the project to monitor the provision of insured CMT. Objectives : This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of CMT for low back pain provided in the real world setting. Methods : Patients with low back pain who agreed to participated in the study were enrolled and requested to complete questionnaires. Patients who received CMT regardless of receiving other KM therapies were classified to Chuna group, and patient who received KM therapies without CMT to KM group. Pain(pain-VAS) and back function(KODI, Oswestry disability index-Korean version), quality of life were assessed at baseline, 4 weeks, and 8 weeks. Additionally, patients who received CMT twice and more, and who's pain-VAS 20 and over were included, and patients who used pain injection were excluded in the analysis. Results : Of 371 patients who completed all questionnaire (mean age=42.6years, SD=12.45; 61% female), 96 were excluded, 170 were in Chuna group, and 105 were in KM group. Proportions of patients who had low back pain for more than twelve weeks in the Chuna group and KM group were 57.7% and 24.8%, respectively. Pain and back function were significantly improved on 4weeks and 8weeks in both groups, but there was no difference between two groups. For the patients in the sub-acute and chronic stage(>=12 weeks), change of total KODI scores in the Chuna group was higher than KM group(p=0.013) at 4weeks. Conclusions : CMT with other KM therapies can improve back function in the sub-acute and chronic patients. For insurance policy decision, economic evaluation of CMT is needed.

Acute Low Back Pain from Coexisting Gout and Tuberculous Spondyloarthropathy (급성 요통을 일으킨 결핵과 통풍이 혼재된 척추관절병증)

  • Park, Yung;Ha, Joong Won;Kwon, Ji-Won;Eum, Kwangsik
    • Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.351-356
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    • 2021
  • A 67-year-old male patient with a history of epididymectomy and anti-tuberculosis treatment for epididymis tuberculosis was admitted for acute low back pain and radiating pain. The patient had no history of gout but showed hyperuricemia and a bone destruction lesion in the facet joint and lamina of the lumbar spine. A histology examination was performed after a computed tomography-guided needle biopsy, and the findings were compatible with gout spondyloarthropathy and tuberculous spondylitis. The acute symptoms improved after conservative treatment for gouty arthritis. When patients with hyperuricemia risk factors, such as taking anti-tuberculosis drugs, complain of acute low back pain, gout spondyloarthropathy should be considered in a differential diagnosis.

The Effect of Meridian Tendino-musculature Acupuncture and Release Therapy on acute lumbar Sprain (요부(腰部) 경근(經筋)의 급성(急性) 염좌(捻挫)에 경근자침(經筋刺鍼) 및 경근이완요법(經筋弛緩療法)이 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Song Ho-Sueb;Kang Mi-Jung;Lim Jeong-Eun;Kwon Soon-Jung;Kang Mi-Suk;Lee Seong-No;Byun Im-Jeung;Hwang Hyeon-Seo;Kim Kee-Hyun
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2001
  • Objective : To broaden understanding about relationship between Meridian Tendino-musculature and muscles in a lumbar area and to evaluate the effect of Meridian Tendino-musculature acupuncture and release therapy on acute lumbar sprain. Materials and Methods : From Oct. 1st, 2000 to Mar. 31th, 2001, 692 outpatient's chart of Kyung Won University Hospital were reviewed. Out of them, 39 outpatients were selected. they had low back pain, were diagnosed with acute lumbar sprain, showed only straightened curvature on lateral view of lumbar spine X-ray and get the Tendino-musculature acupuncture and release therapy. Results : 1. On patients' first visit, 72% had GrIII and Gr.IV predominantly. 2. Major muscles related with low back pain were divided into two groups. One was Quadratus lumborum group and the other was Rectus abdominis group. In the correlation with Meridian Tendino-musculature, the former was mainly related with Chok-taeyang(B) and slightly related with Chok-soyang(G), Chok-taeum(SP), the latter was mainly related with Chok-taeyum(SP), Chok-yangmyong(S) and slightly related with Chok-taeyang(B), Chok-soyang(G). 3. In the evaluation of treatment effect, Exellent was 27(69%), Good was 10(6%), Fair was 2(5%) and Bad was 0(0%). Fair rate reached 100% eventually. 4. Most of Gr.Ⅲ, Gr.Ⅳ patients who had severe conditions that almost every R.O.M. was limited and Milgram test positive was shown on the physical examination, were fully recovered and lived normal daily life without admission by Meridian Tendino-musculature acupuncture and release therapy within 3 to 5, 4 to 7 days, respectively, since they had started to get their outpatient treatment. 5. Two patients was troubled with pain induced, by twitching response and acupuncure stimuli, which lasted around acupunctured muscle for about a day after treatment, so they coudn't endure the pain and quitted treatment in spite of Fair condition. conclusion : Meridian Tendino-musculature acupuncture and release therapy was found to be helpful to patients who wish to recover from their back pain induced by acute lumbar sprain as soon as possible, but the treatment actually had some problems to be overcome such as pain during or after the treatment. therefor, in order to make this treatment method more available, we should pay more attention to improving treatment appliance and acupuncture technique.

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Acute Back Pain Care after Mandibular Block Anesthesia in an Aged Woman with Multiple sclerosis -A Case Report- (다발성 경화증 노인환자에서 하악 전달마취 시행후 발생된 급성 요통치험 1예 -증례 보고-)

  • Lee, Chun-Ui;Mo, Dong-Yub;Yoo, Jae-Ha;Choi, Byung-Ho;Kim, Jong-Bae
    • Journal of The Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.197-202
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    • 2010
  • Multiple sclerosis is a degenerative disease prevalent in northern climates, and its cause is unknown. The histopathological lesion in multiple sclerosis is the sclerotic "plague", a discrete focus of myelin loss with maintenance of axon segments and glial proliferation. The plaques may be seen in widely different brain and spinal tissues. The common causes of low back pain are psychosomatic disorder, myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome and herniation of nucleus pulposus. Local anesthetics cross the blood-brain barrier and the signs of CNS toxicity appear at a level between 4.5 and $7.0\;{\mu}g/ml$. This is a case report of acute back pain care after mandibular block anesthesia for the surgical extraction of mandibular root rests in an old aged woman with multiple sclerosis.