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Subarray Structure Optimization Algorithm for Active Phased Array Antenna Using Recursive Element Exchanging Method (재귀적 소자 교환 방식을 이용한 능동위상배열안테나 부배열 구조 최적화 알고리즘)

  • Chae, Heeduck;Joo, Joung Myoung;Yu, Je-Woo;Park, Jongkuk
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.27 no.8
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    • pp.665-675
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    • 2016
  • With the development of active phased array radar technology in recent years, active phased array antennas, which digitally combine signals received from subarray units using dozens of digital receiver, have been developed. The beam characteristics are greatly affected by the shape of the subarray structure as well as the weight of subarray in digital beamforming. So in this paper, the method to generate subarray structures by using recursive element exchanging method and the method to optimize subarray structures that can minimize sidelobes of operating beams are proposed. Additionally it presents the result to find the optimized subarray structure to minimize the maximum sidelobe of monopulse beam and pencil multi-beam respectively or simultaneously which are commonly used for digital beamforming by applying the algorithm propsed in this paper.

Near-Field Rx-Measurement for Active Phased Array of Digital Radar Using Calibration Path (보정 경로를 활용한 디지털 레이더의 능동 위상 배열 근접전계 수신시험)

  • Yu, Je-Woo;Chae, Heeduck;Park, Jongkuk;Lim, Jae-Hwan;Kim, Duckhwan;Jin, Hyoung-Seog;Kim, Han-Saeng
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.504-511
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, the method is proposed that the equivalent result can be obtained by compensating the variation of gain and phase in the comparison with the result of near-field measurement which is obtained in the steady state, although the gain and phase variation of rx-channels occurred in the near-field rx-measurement of digital active phased array antenna. The proposed concept has the time section for monitoring the state of the rx-channels through the calibration path in the measurement timeline, and is the method for compensating the variation of state. For validating the proposed method, the fabricated X-band digital active phased array antenna and the planar near-field measurement facility is utilized. The proposed method is validated in the comparison with the compensated pattern which the unstable state of rx-channels is calibrated and the reference pattern obtained under the steady state of the rx-channels.

Design of a Retrodirective Active Array Antenna for the LS Band (LS 밴드용 역지향성 능동배열 안테나 설계)

  • Chun Joong-Chang
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.171-175
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, we have developed a retrodirective active array operating in the 2 GHz LS band. The retrodirective array has the property of redirecting any electromagnetic wave back to the incoming direction without any priory informations. The system is integrated with phase conjugators and antenna array. Microwave phase conjugators can be implemented by microwave mixers. In this research, 2-port gate mixers using pHEMT and 1×4 monopole array have been used to achieve the retrodirectivity. The measured results have been compared with the theoretical prediction, and it has been shown that there exists a reasonable agreement between them. The monopole array can be used easily in many areas for simplicity and cost-effective property, and the retrodirective array developed in this research can be applied directly in the base station facilities for the wireless mobile communications. indoor wireless LAN and RFID transponders.

The injection-locking coupled oscillators for the active integrated phased array antenna (능동 위상배열 안테나를 위한 Injection-locking coupled oscillators)

  • 김교헌;이두한;류연국;이승무;오일덕;홍의석
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.21 no.9
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    • pp.2362-2372
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    • 1996
  • This paper deals with the design and development of an Injection-Locking Coupled Oscillators(ILCO), which functions like phase-shifter in the Active Intergrated Phased Array Antenna(AIPAA). This linear array 2-element ILCO consists of two Injection Locking Hair-pin Resonator Oscillators(ILHRO) and an unilateral amplifier. The first and second elements of the ILCO have same frequency tuning range but locking bandwidths of 11.5MHz and 14MHz respectively. A phase shift of .DELTA..PHI.=158.4.deg.(-78.0.deg. to 80.4.deg.) could be obtained inthe second element of ILCO when the first elementof the ILCO was in the reference locking mode(.DELTA..PHI.=0.deg.). When the ILCO is applied to the AIPAA, the predicted beam scanning angle value will be 38.4.deg.. Each ILCO gives good frequency stability and lower AM, FM, and PM noise charactheristics in the mutual coupling lockingmode. The ILCO can not only play a part as the phase shifter for the AIPAA but it can also be usedas the power combining device in the mm-wave frequency range and as a part of a T/R MMIC module.

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Effective Beam Structure for Multi-Target Detection and Tracking in the Active Electrically Scanned Array Radar (능동위상배열 레이더에서 다중표적 탐지/추적을 위한 효과적인 빔 구조 연구)

  • Lee, Joo-Hyun;Lee, Seok-Gon;Park, Dae-Sung;Cho, Byung-Lae
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.25 no.10
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    • pp.1069-1076
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    • 2014
  • This paper presents an efficient receive beam structure able to search and track the simultaneous bundle targets with the active electrically scanned array radar. One of the characteristic with the active phased array radar is to point toward wanted direction and to forming simultaneously the digital multi-beam. This paper proposes method to detect and track rapidly bundle targets coming to radar using the digital beam forming. The proposed the beam forming method in the paper is evaluated about the angle accuracy of targets via a computer simulation.

A Single-Fed Microstrip Parasitic Array Antenna for Low-Cost Three-Dimensional Beam Steering (저가 3차원 빔 조향을 위한 단일급전 마이크로스트립 기생배열 안테나)

  • Kim, Young-Goo;Kim, Tae-Hong
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.223-230
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, the single-fed microstrip parasitic array antenna for low-cost three-dimensional beam steering in 5.8GHz ISM(5.725GHz~5.825GHz) band is designed and implemented. The antenna is comprised of one feed active element and four passive elements with variable reactance loads. The beam steering range of implemented antenna is achieved three-dimensional beam steering of ±28 at azimuth angle Φ=0, Φ=45, Φ=90, and Φ=135 by adjusting variable reactance loads. The maximum gain of the antenna in the beam steering range have within 7.23dBi~9.36dBi and the bandwidth of return loss lower than -10dB covers 5.8GHz ISM band regardless of the beam steering angles.

Terahertz Transmission Imaging with Antenna-Coupled Bolometer Sensor (안테나 결합형 볼로미터 방식 테라헤르츠 센서를 이용한 이차원 주사 방식의 투과형 테라헤르츠 영상 취득에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kyoung Il;Lim, Byung Jik;Won, Jongsuk;Hong, Sung Min;Park, Jae Hyoun;Lee, Dae Sung
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.311-316
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    • 2018
  • An antenna-coupled bolometer-type terahertz sensor was designed, fabricated, evaluated, and utilized to obtain terahertz transmission images. The sensor consists of a thin film bowtie antenna that resonates accordingly in response to an incident terahertz beam, a heater that converts the applied current in the antenna into heat, and a microbolometer that converts the rise in temperature into a change in resistance. The device is fabricated by a bulk micromachining process on a 4-inch silicon wafer. The fabricated sensor chip has a size of 2×2mm and an active area of 0.1×0.1mm2. The temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR) of the bolometer film (VOx) is 2.0%, which is acceptable for bolometer applications. The output sensor signal is proportional to the power of the incident terahertz beam. Transmission images were obtained with a 2-axis scanning imaging system that contained the sensor. The small active area of the sensor will enable the development of highly sensitive focal plane array sensors in terahertz imaging cameras in the future.

Study on TRX Channel Amplitude and Phase Calibration Method for a Radar Wind Profiler Based on 256 Active Phased Array (256 능동위상배열 기반 연직바람 관측장비의 송수신 채널 크기 및 위상 보정 방법 연구)

  • Jung, Woo-Jae;Lee, Jong-Chul
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.162-170
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, the phased-array transceiver (TRX) channel amplitude and phase calibration method for a radar wind profiler (RWP) based on the 256 active phased array is discussed. Without the additional module, the TX and RX calibration paths were secured using couplers and switches in the TRX front ends and the TRX switching duplexers, and the amplitude and phase of the 256 TRX were calibrated using a gain and phase detector. The beam widths and side lobes of five beams (vertical, east, west, south, and north) of the calibrated 256 active phased array antenna were confirmed by a near-field which agreed well with the simulation results. The proposed calibration method can be easily applied to a system based on an active phased array operated in an outdoor environment.

Analysis of aperture coupled stacked microstrip array antenna (슬롯결합 적층 마이크로스트립 배열 안테나 해석)

  • 장병준;이용국;문호원;윤영중;박한규
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.753-762
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    • 1996
  • In this paper, aperture coupled stacked microstrip array antennas are proposed and their operating characteristics are analyzed based on analytical. In order to evaluate mutual coupling between slot-coupled microstrip patches in finite array, analysis uses the reciprocity theorem and the spectral domain Green's functions for dielectric slab in a moment method solution for the unknown patches and solts current distrbution. By introducing an N-port equivalent network, the impedance matrix of an affay of N-element slot-coupled patches is evaluated directly from its network current matix of order N2, and it can be programmed to be run on a PC. Numerical results show mutual coupling, radiation pattern, active reflection coefficient versus scan angle, radiation efficiency and active element gain pattern.

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Development of Wide-Band Planar Active Array Antenna System for Electronic Warfare (전자전용 광대역 평면형 능동위상배열 안테나 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Jae-Duk;Cho, Sang-Wang;Choi, Sam Yeul;Kim, Doo Hwan;Park, Heui Jun;Kim, Dong Hee;Lee, Wang Yong;Kim, In Seon;Lee, Chang Hoon
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.467-478
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    • 2019
  • This paper describes the development and measurement results of a wide-band planar active phase array antenna system for an electronic warfare jamming transmitter. The system is designed as an 8×8 triangular lattice array using a 45 slant wide-band antenna. The 64-element transmission channel is composed of a wide-band gallium nitride(GaN) solid state power amplifier and a gallium arsenide(GaAs) multi-function core chip(MFC). Each GaAs MFC includes a true-time delay circuit to avoid a wide-band beam squint, a digital attenuator, and a GaAs drive amplifier to electronically steer the transmitted beam over a ±45 azimuth angle and ±25 elevation angle scan. Measurement of the transmitted beam pattern is conducted using a near-field measurement facility. The EIRP of the designed system, which is 9.8 dB more than the target EIRP performance(P), and the ±45 azimuth and ±25 elevation beam steering fulfill the desired specifications.