• Title/Summary/Keyword: Web-based Visualization

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Design of Wireless Data Transmission and Web Logging System (무선 데이터 전송과 웹 로깅 시스템 설계)

  • Roh, Jae-sung
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.636-641
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    • 2018
  • In recent years, the Internet of things has grown rapidly and is being used in many fields. The function of an Internet device isto collect information in various environments and to provide useful information to users. Due to recent developments in technology, the kinds of Internet devices are increasing and the prices are getting cheaper. In addition, many open source platforms that are easy to use have been developed and are providing convenience to users. In this paper, wireless data transmission and cloud server system based on ESP-12E NodeMCU module was designed and sensor information collected from Internet devices was transmitted to cloud server through WiFi wireless communication. The collected sensor data was saved by creating channel and field in the cloud server and the data of each field was visualized as a graph.

An Analysis of the Differences of the Self-Service Research Issues and Trends before and after COVID-19 Pandemic: A Bibliometrics Approach by Using Citespace (셀프서비스 연구 이슈와 추세에 대한 코로나-팬데믹 발생 전후 차이 분석: Citespace를 이용한 계량서지학적 접근)

  • Wu, Haoxi;Joon, Koh
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.53-72
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    • 2022
  • As a trend of modern service industry, self-service has been widely concerned by all walks of life, but there is a lack of literature on systematic management of the overall research in this field. Recently, people's lifestyle has been forced to change due to the influence of COVID-19, while there have been some changes in the field of self-service research. Based on the Web of Science data source, this study takes the literature of self-service field before and after the outbreak of COVID-19 as the research object, and summarizes the development process, research status and future research trend of self-service field through the Citespace visualization tool. The research shows that firstly, academic circles continue to be enthusiastic about self-service field research, cooperation between countries is becoming more and more diversified. Secondly, the communication between researchers is becoming more and more intensive, and the cooperation between different disciplines gradually becomes the mainstream. Third, related research gradually shifted to the practical application of technology, the research perspective gradually shifted from the initial traditional retail perspective industries such as tourism services. Finally, the role of customer experience and participation behavior in self-service process is gradually emphasized.

Utilization of Log Data Reflecting User Information-Seeking Behavior in the Digital Library

  • Lee, Seonhee;Lee, Jee Yeon
    • Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.73-88
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    • 2022
  • This exploratory study aims to understand the potential of log data analysis and expand its utilization in user research methods. Transaction log data are records of electronic interactions that have occurred between users and web services, reflecting information-seeking behavior in the context of digital libraries where users interact with the service system during the search for information. Two ways were used to analyze South Korea's National Digital Science Library (NDSL) log data for three days, including 150,000 data: a log pattern analysis, and log context analysis using statistics. First, a pattern-based analysis examined the general paths of usage by logged and unlogged users. The correlation between paths was analyzed through a χ2 analysis. The subsequent log context analysis assessed 30 identified users' data using basic statistics and visualized the individual user information-seeking behavior while accessing NDSL. The visualization shows included 30 diverse paths for 30 cases. Log analysis provided insight into general and individual user information-seeking behavior. The results of log analysis can enhance the understanding of user actions. Therefore, it can be utilized as the basic data to improve the design of services and systems in the digital library to meet users' needs.

Interactive Map-based Spatio-Temporal Visualization of Typhoon Situation using Web News BigData (웹 뉴스 빅데이터를 이용한 태풍 상황정보의 인터렉티브 지도 기반 시공간 시각화 방안)

  • Lee, Jiae;Kim, Junchul
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2020.11a
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    • pp.773-776
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    • 2020
  • 웹 뉴스 기사는 태풍과 같은 재해 발생상황에 대한 신속하고 정확한 정보를 포함하고 있다. 예를 들어, 태풍의 발생시점, 이동·예측경로, 피해·사고 현황 등 유용한 정보를 텍스트, 이미지, 동영상의 형태로 관련 상황정보를 전달한다. 그러나 대부분의 재해재난 관련 뉴스 기사는 특정 시점의 정보만을 웹페이지 형태로 제공하므로, 시계열 측면의 연결성을 지니는 기사들에 대한 정보를 전달하기 어렵다. 또한 시간적 변화에 따라 기사 내용에 포함된 장소, 지역, 건물 등의 지명에 대한 공간적 정보를 지도와 연계하여 정보를 전달하는데 한계가 있어, 시공간적 변화에 따른 특정 재해재난 상황정보에 대한 전체적인 현황파악이 어렵다. 따라서, 본 논문에서는 데이터 시각화 측면에서 이러한 한계를 극복하기 위해, 1) 웹크롤링을 통해 구축된 뉴스 빅데이터를 자연어 처리를 통해 태풍과 관련된 뉴스 기사들을 추출하였고, 2) 시공간적 관련 정보를 지식그래프로 구축하였고, 이를 통해 최근 발생한 태풍 사건들과 관련된 뉴스 정보를 시계열 특성을 고려하여 3) 인터렉티브 지도 기반의 태풍 상황정보를 시각화하는 방안을 연구하였다.

Design and Implementation of Indoor Air Hazardous Substance Detection Mobile System based on IoT Platform (IoT platform 기반 실내 대기 위험 물질 감지 모바일 시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Yang, Oh-Seok;Kim, Yeong-Uk;Lee, Hong-Lo
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.43-53
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    • 2019
  • In recent years, there have been many cases of damage to indoor air hazardous materials, and major damage due to the lack of quick action. In this regard, the system is intended to establish for sending push messages to the user's mobile when the concentration of hazardous substances is exceeded. This system extracts data with IoT system such as Arduino and Raspberry Pi and then constructs database through MongoDB and MySQL in cloud computing system. The database is imported through the application server using NodeJS and sent to the application for visualization. Also, when receiving signals about a dangerous situation in IoT system, push message is sent using Google FCM library. Mobile application is developed using Android Web view, and page to enter Web view is developed using HTML5 (HTML, Javascript CSS). The application of this system enables real-time monitoring of indoor air-dangerous substances. In addition, real-time information on indoor/outdoor detection location and concentration can be sent to the user's mobile in case of a risk situation, which can be expected to help the user respond quickly.

An XML Database System for 3-Dimensional Graphic Images (3차원 그래픽 이미지를 위한 XML 데이타베이스 시스템)

  • Hwang, Jong-Ha;Hwang, Su-Chan
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.110-118
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    • 2002
  • This paper presents a 3-D graphic database system based on XML that supports content-based retrievals of 3-D images, Most of graphics application systems are currently centered around the processing of 2-D images and research works on 3-D graphics are mainly concerned about the visualization aspects of 3-D image. They do not support the semantic modeling of 3-D objects and their spatial relations. In our data model, 3-D images are represented as compositions of 3-D graphic objects with associated spatial relations. Complex 3-D objects are mode]ed using a set of primitive 3-D objects rather than the lines and polygons that are found in traditional graphic systems. This model supports content-based retrievals of scenes containing a particular object or those satisfying certain spatial relations among the objects contained in them. 3-D images are stored in the database as XML documents using 3DGML DTD that are developed for modeling 3-D graphic data. Finally, this paper describes some examples of query executed in our Web-based prototype database system.

Development of Information Technology Infrastructures through Construction of Big Data Platform for Road Driving Environment Analysis (도로 주행환경 분석을 위한 빅데이터 플랫폼 구축 정보기술 인프라 개발)

  • Jung, In-taek;Chong, Kyu-soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.669-678
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    • 2018
  • This study developed information technology infrastructures for building a driving environment analysis platform using various big data, such as vehicle sensing data, public data, etc. First, a small platform server with a parallel structure for big data distribution processing was developed with H/W technology. Next, programs for big data collection/storage, processing/analysis, and information visualization were developed with S/W technology. The collection S/W was developed as a collection interface using Kafka, Flume, and Sqoop. The storage S/W was developed to be divided into a Hadoop distributed file system and Cassandra DB according to the utilization of data. Processing S/W was developed for spatial unit matching and time interval interpolation/aggregation of the collected data by applying the grid index method. An analysis S/W was developed as an analytical tool based on the Zeppelin notebook for the application and evaluation of a development algorithm. Finally, Information Visualization S/W was developed as a Web GIS engine program for providing various driving environment information and visualization. As a result of the performance evaluation, the number of executors, the optimal memory capacity, and number of cores for the development server were derived, and the computation performance was superior to that of the other cloud computing.

Development of Pre-Service and In-Service Information Management System (iSIMS) (원전 가동전/중 검사정보관리 시스템 개발)

  • Yoo, H.J.;Choi, S.N.;Kim, H.N.;Kim, Y.H.;Yang, S.H.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.390-395
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    • 2004
  • The iSTMS is a web-based integrated information system supporting Pre-Service and In-Service Inspection(PSI/ISI) processes for the nuclear power plants of KHNP(Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. Ltd.). The system provides a full spectrum coverage of the inspection processes from the planning stage to the final report of examination in accordance with applicable codes, standards, and regulatory requirements. The major functions of the system includes the inspection planning, examination, reporting, project control and status reporting, resource management as well as objects search and navigation. The system also provides two dimensional or three dimensional visualization interface to identify the location and geometry of components and weld areas subject to examination in collaboration with database applications. The iSIMS is implemented with commercial software packages such as database management system, 2-D and 3-D visualization tool, etc., which provide open, updated and verified foundations. This paper describes the key functions and the technologies for the implementation of the iSIMS.

Multi-Behavior Analysis Based on Google Archiving Data (구글 아카이빙 데이터 기반 멀티 행위 분석)

  • Yeeun Kim;Sara Hong;Seongmin Kim
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.737-751
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    • 2023
  • The importance of digital forensics in the cloud environment is increasing as businesses and individuals move their data from On-premise to the cloud. Cloud data can be stored on various devices, including mobile devices and desktops, and encompasses a variety of user behavior artifacts, such as information generated from linked accounts and cloud services. However, there are limitations in securing and analyzing digital evidence due to environmental constraints of the cloud, such as distributed storage of data and lack of artifact linkage. One solution to address this is archiving services, and Google's Takeout is prime example. In this paper, user behavior data is analyzed for cloud forensics based on archiving data and necessary items are selected from an investigation perspective. Additionally, we propose the process of analyzing selectively collected data based on time information and utilizing web-based visualization to meaningfully assess artifact associations and multi-behaviors. Through this, we aim to demonstrate the value of utilizing archiving data in response to the increasing significance of evidence collection for cloud data.

Color Recommendation for Text Based on Colors Associated with Words

  • Liba, Saki;Nakamura, Tetsuaki;Sakamoto, Maki
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we propose a new method to select colors representing the meaning of text contents based on the cognitive relation between words and colors, Our method is designed on the previous study revealing the existence of crucial words to estimate the colors associated with the meaning of text contents, Using the associative probability of each color with a given word and the strength of color association of the word, we estimate the probability of colors associated with a given text. The goal of this study is to propose a system to recommend the cognitively plausible colors for the meaning of the input text. To build a versatile and efficient database used by our system, two psychological experiments were conducted by using news site articles. In experiment 1, we collected 498 words which were chosen by the participants as having the strong association with color. Subsequently, we investigated which color was associated with each word in experiment 2. In addition to those data, we employed the estimated values of the strength of color association and the colors associated with the words included in a very large corpus of newspapers (approximately 130,000 words) based on the similarity between the words obtained by Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA). Therefore our method allows us to select colors for a large variety of words or sentences. Finally, we verified that our system cognitively succeeded in proposing the colors associated with the meaning of the input text, comparing the correct colors answered by participants with the estimated colors by our method. Our system is expected to be of use in various types of situations such as the data visualization, the information retrieval, the art or web pages design, and so on.