Various theoretical studies have been conducted to activate university archives, but the services provided currently in the field haven't been much studied. This study aims to investigate the usage and users of the domestic university archives, examine the types of the archival information services provided, understand the characteristics and limitations of the services, and suggest the development direction. This study set 3 objectives for the research. First, Identify the users of the university archives, the reason of the use, and the kinds of archival materials used. Second, the kinds of services and programs the university archives provide to the users. Third, the difficulties the university archives face to execute information services, the plans they consider in the future, and the best possible direction to prove the services. The authors of the study determined to apply interviews with the staffs at university archives to identify the current status of the services. For this, the range of the services offered in the field of university archives was defined first, and then, key research questions were composed. To collect valid data, authors carried out face to face interviews and email/phone interviews with the staff of 12 university archives, as well as the investigation of their Web sites. The collected data were categorized by the topic of the interview questions for analysis. By analyzing the data, some useful information was yielded including the demographic information of the research participants, the characteristics of the archives' users and requests, the types and activities of the services the university archives offered, and the limitations of archival information services, the archives' future plans, and the best possible development direction. Based on the findings, this study proposed the implications and suggestions for archival information services in university archives, in 3 domains as follows. First, university archives should build close relationship with internal university administrative units, student groups, and faculty members for effective collection and better use of archives. Second, university archives need to acquire both administrative records by transfer and manuscripts and archives by active collection. Especially, archives need to try to acquire unique archives of the universities own. Third, the archives should develop and provide various services that can elevate the awareness of university archives and induce more potential users to the archives. Finally, to solve the problems the archives face, such as the lack of the understanding of the value of the archives and the shortage of the archival materials, it was suggested that the archivists need to actively collect archival materials, and provide the valuable information by active seeking in the archives where ever it is needed.