• Title/Summary/Keyword: Wave-structure Interaction

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Computation of Laryngeal Flow and Sound through a Dynamic Model of the Vocal Folds (동적 성대 모델을 이용한 후두 내 유동 및 음향장에 대한 수치 연구)

  • Bae, Young-Min;Moon, Young-J.
    • 한국전산유체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.03b
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    • pp.21-24
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    • 2008
  • The present study numerically investigates the glottal airflow characteristics as well as acoustic features of phonation fully coupled with dynamic behavior of vocal folds. The vocal folds are described by a low-dimensional body-covered model characterized by bio-mechanical parameters such as glottal width, vocal folds stiffness, and subglottal pressure. The flow in the vocal tract is modeled as an incompressible, axisymmetric form of the Navier-Stokes equations (INS), while the acoustic field is predicted by the linearized perturbed compressible equations (LPCE). The computed result shows that a two-mass model of vocal folds is sufficient to reproduce temporal variations in oral airflow and glottis motion produced by female speakers. It is also found that i) the glottal width has a significant effect on the amplitude of glottal flow, and thus on the amplitude of acoustic wave in the vocal tract, ii) the vocal fold tension is the main control parameter for the fundamental frequency of phonation, iii) the subglottal pressure plays an appreciable role on reproduction of the self-sustained oscillation of vocal folds, and iv) the strength of pulsating airflow and vortical structures are primarily affected by glottal width and subglottal pressure, and are closely related to pitch, loudness, and voice quality. Finally, more comprehensive explanation about the difference between one- and two-mass models is presented with discussion of effectiveness of vocal folds oscillation and voice quality.

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Numerical assessment of seismic safety of liquid storage tanks and performance of base isolation system

  • Goudarzi, Mohammad Ali;Alimohammadi, Saeed
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.759-772
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    • 2010
  • Seismic isolation is a well-known method to mitigate the earthquake effects on structures by increasing their fundamental natural periods at the expense of larger displacements in the structural system. In this paper, the seismic response of isolated and fixed base vertical, cylindrical, liquid storage tanks is investigated using a Finite Element Model (FEM), taking into account fluid-structure interaction effects. Three vertical, cylindrical tanks with different ratios of height to radius (H/R = 2.6, 1.0 and 0.3) are numerically analyzed and the results of response-history analysis, including base shear, overturning moment and free surface displacement are reported for isolated and non-isolated tanks. Isolated tanks equipped by lead rubber bearings isolators and the bearing are modeled by using a non-linear spring in FEM model. It is observed that the seismic isolation of liquid storage tanks is quite effective and the response of isolated tanks is significantly influenced by the system parameters such as their fundamental frequencies and the aspect ratio of the tanks. However, the base isolation does not significantly affect the surface wave height and even it can causes adverse effects on the free surface sloshing motion.

CFD simulation of compressible two-phase sloshing flow in a LNG tank

  • Chen, Hamn-Ching
    • Ocean Systems Engineering
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.31-57
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    • 2011
  • Impact pressure due to sloshing is of great concern for the ship owners, designers and builders of the LNG carriers regarding the safety of LNG containment system and hull structure. Sloshing of LNG in partially filled tank has been an active area of research with numerous experimental and numerical investigations over the past decade. In order to accurately predict the sloshing impact load, a new numerical method was developed for accurate resolution of violent sloshing flow inside a three-dimensional LNG tank including wave breaking, jet formation, gas entrapping and liquid-gas interaction. The sloshing flow inside a membrane-type LNG tank is simulated numerically using the Finite-Analytic Navier-Stokes (FANS) method. The governing equations for two-phase air and water flows are formulated in curvilinear coordinate system and discretized using the finite-analytic method on a non-staggered grid. Simulations were performed for LNG tank in transverse and longitudinal motions including horizontal, vertical, and rotational motions. The predicted impact pressures were compared with the corresponding experimental data. The validation results clearly illustrate the capability of the present two-phase FANS method for accurate prediction of impact pressure in sloshing LNG tank including violent free surface motion, three-dimensional instability and air trapping effects.

Steady Drift Forces on Very Large Offshore Structures Supported by Multiple Floating Bodies in Waves(II) (다수의 부체로 지지된 초대형 해양구조물에 작용하는 정상표류력(II))

  • J.S. Goo;H.J. Jo;S.Y. Hong;C.H. Lee;K.T. Kim
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.150-161
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    • 1996
  • A numerical procedure is described for predicting steady drift forces on very large offshore structures supported by a large number of the floating bodies of arbitrary shape dimensional source distributing method, the wave interaction theory, the far-field method of using momentum theory and the finite element method for structurally treating the space frame elements. Numerical results are compared with the experimental or numerical ones, which are obtained in the literature, of steady drift forces on a offshore structure supported by the 33(3 by 11) floating composite vertical cylinders in waves. The results of comparison confirmed the validity of the proposed approach.

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Periodicity Dependence of Magnetic Anisotropy and Magnetization of FeCo Heterostructure

  • Kim, Miyoung
    • Journal of Magnetics
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.6-11
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    • 2016
  • The magnetic anisotropy energy (MAE) and the saturation magnetization $B_s$ of (110) $Fe_nCo_n$ heterostructures with n = 1, 2, and 3 are investigated in first-principles within the density functional theory by using the precise full-potential linearized augmented plane wave (FLAPW) method. We compare the results employing two different exchange correlation potentials, that is, the local density approximation (LDA) and the generalized gradient approximation (GGA), and include the spin-orbit coupling interaction of the valence states in the second variational way. The MAE is found to be enhanced significantly compared to those of bulk Fe and Co and the magnetic easy axis is in-plane in agreement with experiment. Also the MAE exhibits the in-plane angle dependence with a two-fold anisotropy showing that the $[1{\overline{I}}0]$ direction is the most favored spin direction. We found that as the periodicity increases, (i) the saturation magnetization $B_s$ decreases due to the reduced magnetic moment of Fe far from the interface, (ii) the strength of in-plane preference of spin direction increases yielding enhancement of MAE, and (iii) the volume anisotropy coefficient decreases because the volume increase outdo the MAE enhancement.

Numerical Study on Compressible Multiphase Flow Using Diffuse Interface Method (Diffuse Interface Method를 이용한 압축성 다상 유동에 관한 수치적 연구)

  • Yoo, Young-Lin;Sung, Hong-Gye
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 2018
  • A compressible multiphase flow was investigated using a DIM consisting of seven equations, including the fifth-order MLP and a modified HLLC Riemann solver to achieve a precise interface structure of liquid and gas. The numerical methods were verified by comparing the flow structures of the high-pressure water and low-pressure air in the shock tube. A 2D air-helium shock-bubble interaction at the incident shock wave condition (Mach number 1.22) was numerically solved and verified using the experimental results.

Visualization of Plasma Produced in a Laser Beam and Gas Jet Interaction (레이저와 질소가스 상호충돌로부터 발생되는 플라스마 가시화)

  • Kim Jong-Uk;Kim Chang-Bum;Kim Guang-Hoon;Lee Hae-June;Suk Hy-Yong
    • 한국가시화정보학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.39-42
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    • 2002
  • In the current study, characteristics of the laser-induced plasma were investigated in a gas filled chamber or in a gas jet by using a relatively low intensity laser $(I\;\leq\;5\;\times\;10^{12}\;W/cm^2)$. Temporal evolutions of the produced plasma were measured using the shadow visualization and the shock wave propagation as well as the electron density profiles in the plasma channel was measured using the Mach-Zehnder interferometry. Experimental results such as the structure of the produced plasma, shock propagation speed $(V_s)$, electron density profiles $(n_e)$, and the electron temperature $(T_e)$ are discussed in this study. Since the diagnostic laser pulse occurs over short time intervals compared to the hydrodynamic time scales of expanding plasma or a gas jet, all the transient motion occurring during the measurement is assumed to be essentially frozen. Therefore, temporally well-resolved quantitative measurements were possible in this study.

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Study on Multiple Shock Wave Structures in Supersonic Internal Flow (초음속 내부유동에서 다수의 충격파 구조에 대한 연구)

  • James, Jintu K;Kim, Heuy Dong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2020
  • The structure and dynamics of multiple shock waves are studied numerically using a finite volume solver for a model with nozzle exit Mach number of 1.75. At first, the shock variation based on images were analyzed using a Matlab program then later to the wall static pressure variation. The amplitude and frequency variation for multiple shock waves are analyzed. The cross-correlation between the shock location suggests that the first and the second shocks are well correlated while the other shocks show a phase lag in the oscillation characteristics. The rms values of pressure fluctuations are maximum at the shock locations while the other parts in the flow exhibit a lower value os standard deviation.

Numerical simulations of hydrodynamic loads and structural responses of a Pre-Swirl Stator

  • Bakica, Andro;Vladimir, Nikola;Jasak, Hrvoje;Kim, Eun Soo
    • International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.804-816
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    • 2021
  • This paper investigates the effect of different flow models on the Pre-Swirl-Stator structural response from the perspective of a non-existing unified design procedure. Due to viscous effects near the propeller plane, the hydrodynamic solution is calculated by Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Three different models are analysed: without the propeller, with the actuator disk and with the propeller. The main intention of this paper is to clarify the effects of the propeller model on the structural stresses in calm-water and waves which include the ship motion. CFD simulations are performed by means of OpenFOAM, while the structural response is calculated by means of the Finite Element Method (FEM) solver NASTRAN. Calm-water results have shown the inclusion of the propeller necessary from the design perspective, while the wave simulations have shown negligible propeller influence on the resulting stresses arising from the ship motions.

Structural integrity of a 2.5-MW spar-type floating offshore wind turbine under extreme environmental conditions

  • Hanjong Kim;Jaehoon Lee;Changwan Han;Seonghun Park
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.461-471
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    • 2023
  • The main objective of this study was to establish design guidelines for three key design variables (spar thickness, spar diameter, and total draft) by examining their impact on the stress distribution and resonant frequency of a 2.5-MW spar-type floating offshore wind turbine substructure under extreme marine conditions, such as during Typhoon Bolaven. The current findings revealed that the substructure experienced maximum stress at wave frequencies of either 0.199 Hz or 0.294 Hz, consistent with previously reported experimental findings. These results indicated that the novel simulation method proposed in this study, which simultaneously combines hydrodynamic diffraction analysis, computational dynamics analysis, and structural analysis, was successfully validated. It also demonstrated that our proposed simulation method precisely quantified the stress distribution of the substructure. The novel findings, which reveal that the maximum stress of the substructure increases with an increase in total draft and a decrease in spar thickness and spar diameter, offer valuable insights for optimizing the design of spar-type floating offshore wind turbine substructures operating in various harsh marine environments.