• Title/Summary/Keyword: Wave-structure Interaction

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A Study on the Evaluation of Soil Nonlinear Characteristics by Seismic Recorded Data at Downhole Array (Downhole 지진계측자료에 의한 지반의 비선형성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • 장정범;서용표;이종림;이계희
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.5 no.6
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    • pp.29-35
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    • 2001
  • The soil-structure interaction(SSI) analysis is essential to soil site where shear wave velocity is less than 1,050 m/sec and soil nonlinear characteristics for this kind of soil site have to be considered in SSI analysis. In order to consider soil nonlinear characteristics in the SSI analysis, simple and reliable soil nonlinear evaluation technique with seismic recorded data at downhole array is proposed in this study. The SSI analysis is carried out in order to prove the reliability of the proposed evaluation technique with Hualien large scale seismic test(HLSST) site in Taiwan. The analytical result are compared with Hualien earthquake recorded data and the analytical results with SHAKE program which is prevailed at present. As a result, the proposed evaluation technique shows a good agreement with both the Hualien earthquake recorded data and the analytical result with SHAKE program and the reliability and usefulness are confirmed.

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Large Eddy Simulation of Swirling Premixed Flames in a Model Gas Turbine Combustor (모형 가스터빈 연소기에서 선회 예혼합화염의 대와동모사(LES))

  • 황철홍;이창언
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.34 no.7
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 2006
  • In the present paper, the swirl flow structure and flame characteristics of turbulent premixed combustion in a model gas turbine combustor are investigated using large eddy simulation(LES). A G-equation flamelet model is employed to simulate the unsteady flame behavior. When inlet swirl number is increased, the distinct flow structures, such as the shapes of corner recirculation and center toroidal recirculation zone, are observed and the flame length is shorted gradually. Also, the phenomena of flashback are identified at strong swirl intensity. In order to get the accurate description of unsteady flame behavior, the predictive ability of the acoustic wave in a combustor is primarily evaluated. It is found that the vortex generated near the edge of step plays an important role in the flame fluctuation. Finally it is examined systematically that the flame and heat release fluctuation are coupled strongly to the vortex shedding generated by swirl flow and acoustic wave propagation from the analysis of flame-vortex interaction.

Sediment Transport Calculation Considering Cohesive Effects and Its Application to Wave-Induced Topographic Change (점착력을 고려한 표사유동 수치모델의 제안과 파랑에 의한 지형변동의 적용성 검토)

  • Cho, Yong Hwan;Nakamura, Tomoaki;Mizutani, Norimi;Lee, Kwang-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.405-411
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    • 2013
  • A sediment transport calculation considering cohesive force is proposed to deal with the transport phenomena of cohesive sediment. In the proposed calculation, each sand particle is assumed to be surrounded by a thin layer of mud. The critical Shields parameter and bed-load sediment transport rate are modified to include the cohesive force acting on the sand particle. The proposed calculation is incorporated into a two-way coupled fluid-structure-sediment interaction model, and applied to wave-induced topographic change of artificial shallows. Numerical results show that an increase in the content ratio of the mud, cohesive resistance force per unit surface area and water content cause increases in the critical Shields parameter and decreases in the bed-load sediment transport rate, reducing the topographic change of the shallow without changing its trend. This suggests that mixing mud in the pores of the sand particles can reduce the topographic change of shallows.

Seismic Response Analysis of a Floating Bridge with Discrete Pontoons (이산폰툰형 부유식교량의 지진응답해석)

  • Kwon, Jang-Sup
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.9 no.2 s.42
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 2005
  • Dynamic response analysis in time dimain is conducted for floating bridges with discrete pontoons subject to spatial variation of ground motions. The Spatial variation of ground motions is considered with the coherency function model which represents wave passage, incoherence and local site effects. The superstructure of the bridge is represented by space frame and elastic catenary cable elements, the abutment us modelde with the spring element of FHWA guideline for considering soil structure interaction and the concept of retardation function is utilized to consider the frequency dependency of the hydrodynamic coefficients which are obtainde by boundary element method. multiple support excitations considering the spatial variation. The noticeable amplification of the response can be shown when the spatial variation of ground motions is incorporated in the anallysis of floating bridges.

Case Study of Dynamic Amplification Characteristics of the Seismic Stations Using Observed Seismic Waves (관측지진파를 이용한 지반증폭특성 사례분석)

  • Lee, Jundae;Kim, Junkyoung
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.35-41
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    • 2009
  • It is necessary to consider the site amplification for estimating SSI (soil structure interaction) and seismic source with more confidence. The horizontal to vertical (H/V) ratio technique in spectral domain is one of several techniques to estimate empirical site transfer function. The technique, originally proposed by Nakamura (1989), is applied to analyze the surface waves in the microtremor records. However, the application of this technique has been widened to the shear wave energy of strong motions for estimating site amplification. The purpose of this paper is to estimate spectral ratio using observed data at the seismic stations distributed within Southern Korean Peninsula from the Fukuoka earthquake including 11 aftershocks. The results show that each station has the its own characteristics of the specific resonance, high-band, and low-band frequency. The characteristics of the resonance frequency is more important because the quality of the seismic records are dependent on the resonance frequency. The result can be used for the study of site classification and removal of the site amplification effects from observed records can give us more reliable seismic source parameters.

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Study on the Dynamic Characteristics of Foundation-Soil System for the Seismic Analysis of Structures (구조물 내진설계를 위한 기초지반체계 동특성에 관한 연구)

  • 김용석
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.1 no.3
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 1997
  • It is recognized that the dynamic of a structure is affected by the characteristics of the soil layer and foundation. However the design codes for the seismic design of structures are partially reflecting the caharcteristics of the soil layers due to the inherent complexity of them and the lack of systematic study results for the foundation-soil system, and leading to unconservative or too conservative results. In this study, the kinematic interaction effects of foundation-soil system was investigated for the seismic analyses of structures estimating the effects of the shear wave velocity, the depth of the soil layer, the embedment of a foundation and pile foundation, and the modified classification criteria of soil layers are proposed for the reasonable seismic analyses of structures considering the characteristics of soil layers and foundations. For the embedded medium or large foundations (including pile foundations), at least 60m soil layer below the foundation should be considered for the seismic analyses of structures to tate into account the kinematic interaction effects of the foundation-soil system, and also the rocking motion of foundation-soil system with or without piles should be included in the seismic analyses of structures.

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Seismic behavior of deep-sea pipeline after global buckling under active control

  • Jianshuo Wang;Tinghao Meng;Zechao Zhang;Zhihua Chen;Hongbo Liu
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.261-267
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    • 2024
  • With the increase in the exploitation depth of offshore oil and gas, it is possible to control the global buckling of deep-sea pipelines by the snake lay method. Previous studies mainly focused on the analysis of critical buckling force and critical temperature of pipelines under the snake-like laying method, and pipelines often suffer structural failure due to seismic disasters during operation. Therefore, seismic action is a necessary factor in the design and analysis of submarine pipelines. In this paper, the seismic action of steel pipes in the operation stage after global buckling has occurred under the active control method is analyzed. Firstly, we have established a simplified finite element model for the entire process cycle and found that this modeling method is accurate and efficient, solving the problem of difficult convergence of seismic wave and soil coupling in previous solid analysis, and improving the efficiency of calculations. Secondly, through parameter analysis, it was found that under seismic action, the pipe diameter mainly affects the stress amplitude of the pipeline. When the pipe wall thickness increases from 0.05 m to 0.09 m, the critical buckling force increases by 150%, and the maximum axial stress decreases by 56%. In the pipe soil interaction, the greater the soil viscosity, the greater the pipe soil interaction force, the greater the soil constraint on the pipeline, and the safer the pipeline. Finally, the pipeline failure determination formula was obtained through dimensionless analysis and verified, and it was found that the formula was accurate.

Evaluation of the Response of BRM Analysis with Spring-Damper Absorbing Boundary Condition according to Modeling Extent of FE Region for the Nonlinear SSI Analysis (비선형 SSI 해석을 위해 Spring-Damper 에너지 흡수경계조건을 적용한 BRM의 유한요소 모델링 범위에 따른 응답평가)

  • Lee, Eun-Haeng;Kim, Jae-Min;Jung, Du-Ri;Joo, Kwang-Ho
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.499-512
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    • 2016
  • The boundary reaction method(BRM) is a substructure time domain method, it removes global iterations between frequency and time domain analyses commonly required in the hybrid approaches, so that it operates as a two-step uncoupled method. The BRM offers a two-step method as follows: (1) the calculation of boundary reaction forces in the frequency domain on an interface of linear and nonlinear regions, (2) solving the wave radiation problem subjected to the boundary reaction forces in the time domain. In the time domain analysis, the near-field soil is modeled to simulate the wave radiation problem. This paper evaluates the performance of the BRM according to modeling extent of near-field soil for the nonlinear SSI analysis of base-isolated NPP structure. For this purpose, parametric studies are performed using equivalent linear SSI problems. The accuracy of the BRM solution is evaluated by comparing the BRM solution with that of conventional SSI seismic technique. The numerical results show that the soil condition affects the modeling range of near-field soil for the BRM analysis as well as the size of the basemat. Finally, the BRM is applied for the nonlinear SSI analysis of a base-isolated NPP structure to demonstrate the accuracy and effectiveness of the method.

Factors Influencing Adult Media Engagement of Adolescents from Micro-systemic Perspective: Mediation Analysis of Cell-Phone Dependency (미시체계적관점에서의 청소년 성인매체 몰입에 미치는 영향요인: 휴대폰 의존의 매개효과 검정)

  • Shim, Hyun-Jin;Lee, Hee-Myung;Rhee, Hyun-Sill
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to find the factors influencing adolescents' adult media engagement. The study is based on Agnew's General Strain Theory (GST) and a micro-systemic perspective. Methods: The study examined 479 middle school freshmen who participated in the fourth wave of the Korean Children & Youth Panel Survey (KCYPS) conducted by National Youth Policy Institute. Data were analyzed through descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and reliability analysis using SPSS 22.0 Ver. Also, hypothesis testing was performed via covariance-based structure equation modeling (CB-SEM) using Amos 21.0 Ver. Results: Strain factors had positive effects on adolescent depression, and depression had a positive effect on adult media engagement. Also, cell-phone dependency had a positive mediation effect between depression and adult media engagement. Conclusion: The study's result identified the factors affecting adult media engagement. Therefore, we suggest intervention programs considering adolescents' strains, depression and cell-phone dependency to improve their health.

Effects of vessel-pipe coupled dynamics on the discharged CO2 behavior for CO2 sequestration

  • Bakti, Farid P.;Kim, Moo-Hyun
    • Ocean Systems Engineering
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.317-332
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    • 2020
  • This study examines the behaviors and properties of discharged liquid CO2 from a long elastic pipe moving with a vessel for the oceanic CO2 sequestration by considering pipe dynamics and vessel motions. The coupled vessel-pipe dynamic analysis for a typical configuration is done in the frequency and time domain using the ORCAFLEX program. The system's characteristics, such as vessel RAOs and pipe-axial-velocity transfer function, are identified by applying a broadband white noise wave spectrum to the vessel-pipe dynamic system. The frequency shift of the vessel's RAO due to the encounter-frequency effect is also investigated through the system identification method. Additionally, the time histories of the tip-of-pipe velocities, along with the corresponding discharged droplet size and Weber numbers, are generated for two different sea states. The comparison between the stiff non-oscillating pipe with the flexible oscillating pipe shows the effect of the vessel and pipe dynamics to the discharged CO2 droplet size and Weber number. The pipe's axial-mode resonance is the leading cause of the fluctuation of the discharged CO2 properties. The significant variation of the discharged CO2 properties observed in this study shows the importance of considering the vessel-pipe motions when designing oceanic CO2 sequestration strategy, including suitable sequestration locations, discharge rate, towing speed, and sea states.