• Title/Summary/Keyword: Water preparation part

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Studies on the Cellulase. (V) -Fractionation of Cellulolytic Complex produced by Trichoderma $viride(O_2-1)$ (섬유소(纖維素) 분해효소(分解酵素)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (제5보(第5報)) -Trichoderma $(O_2-1)$가 생성(生成)하는 Cellulolytic Complex의 분별(分別)에 대(對)하여-)

  • Sung, Nack-Kie
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.12
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    • pp.99-105
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    • 1969
  • The yield of cellulase derived from Trichoderma $(O_2-1)$ was remarkably varied with various concentration of ethanol and acetone in purification of the enzyme. In the purification with ethanol of ${\beta}-glucosidase$, the best result was obtained in the concentration of 60% and, of CMCase and of filter paper disintegrating enzyme 80%. And in the purification with acetone of ${\beta}-glucosidase$, filter paper disintegrating enzyme, and CMCase, in the concentration of 60%, 80%, and 90% respectively, was shown the best yield. The activities of crude Cellulase preparation could be seperated into few of fractions by column chromatography with Silica gel, Cellulose powder, and gauze. Most of CMCase, avicelase, and ${\beta}-glucosidase$ were eluted, but most of filter paper disintegrating enzyme and the rest of enzymes mentioned the above were absorbed, and were eluted with water. Therefore, it was considered that CMCase is different from filter paper disintegrating enzyme in properties. The relative activity of CMCase was different from that of avicelase in the peak of elusion part. And it was considered that filter paper disintegrating enzyme and cellulose powder saccharifying enzyme was seperated respectively as absorption part and non absorption part. The auther came to the conclusion that at least there were more than three sorts of cellulase in Trichoderma $(O_2-1)$ cellulase preparation.

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Studies on peptides during soybean-koji preparation -part I Peptides formation during soybean-koji preparation- (콩고오지 제조중(製造中)의 peptide에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -제1보(第一報) 콩고오지 제조중(製造中)의 peptide의 소장(消長)-)

  • Kim, Ze-Uook
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.6
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 1965
  • The contents of insoluble protein nitrogen, water soluble protein nitrogen anti peptides' nitrogen were determined of the samples which were taken in seven and half hours intervals during soybean-koji preparation to study changes of soybean protein, and the contents of total nitrogen and amino nitrogen were measured for the fractions resulting from molecular sieving by using Dowex 50 having various cross linkages for the peptides from soybean-koji extracts. As the results of the studies, The followings were obtained: 1. The contents of insoluble protein nitrogen and peptides' nitrogen are fairy constant at the earlier stage, where the former decreased and the latter increased markedly as mycelia grow, then rate of the decreases and the increases of them become lower at later stage after sporulation. The contents of water soluble protein are also constant at the earlier stage until covering of mycelia over the koji and increased since then until the stage of sporulation and then decreased at the later stage. 2. The amount of peptides nitrogen in each fraction obtained by the molecular sieving was almost constant at the earlier stage and the values in fractions of X-16, X-12, X-8. X-4 and X-2 increased considerably together as mycelia grow. Then the values in the fractions showed almost plateaux, after sporulalion, where the effluent fraction showed markedly increased values throughout mycelia growth.

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Study on the Preparation of Kochujang with Addtion of Fruit Juices (과즙을 첨가한 고추장제조에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jung-Sun;Lee, Taik-Soo;Kye, Hoon-Woo;Ahn, Sun-Min;Noh, Bong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.98-104
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    • 1993
  • In order to improve qualities of kochujang, various fruit juices such as apple, orange, pineapple and grape were added to the raw material of kochujang instead of the part of water. It was apparent in the kochujang with pineapple juice that organic acids originated from fruit juices increased titrable acidity and decreased pH. Free sugars and organic acids in the kochujang that was fermented during three months were degraded or might be used by microorganism after ten months of fermentation. Kochujang with grape juice showed relatively dark color, which had a good agreement with the changes of Hunter a-value. Sensory evaluation test about tastes, flavor and color showed that the kochujang with pineapple juice was preferred to others.

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Studies on the Yellow Pigment Produced by Monascus SP. CS-2 Part II Isolation and Preparation of Yellow Pigment. (Monascus SP.가 생산하는 황색색소에 관한 연구 제2보 황색 색소의 분리 및 정제)

  • Kim, Hyun-Soo;Jang, Wook;Lee, Hee-In;Bae, Jong-Chan;Yoo, Ju-Hyun
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.167-172
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    • 1980
  • Yellow pigments were extracted with mixture of 60% -ethanol and petroleum ether (1 : 2) by method of partition chromatography in petroleum ether phase. The absorption curve of yellow pigments solution exhibits maximum peak at wave length range of 394-403um. By thin layer chromatography yellow pigments preparation were found to consists of monascin(yellow), monascidin A (pale yellow) and one unknown (orange-yellow) compound. Isolated fat soluble yellow pigments were changed to water soluble by N-KOH (adjust pH 9). The resulted product obtained were yellow pigments of K-salt complex.

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Characteristics of Slope Failure induced by Typhoon and an Examination of a Standard Slope Inclination for Design (태풍에 의한 절개면 붕괴특성 연구 및 경사도 설계기준 검토)

  • Koo, Ho-Bon;Baek, Yong;Kwon, O-Il
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2003.03a
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    • pp.117-122
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    • 2003
  • Every year in domestic slope failure caused by rainfall is happening frequently. Specially, causable failure accident by localized downpour accompanied when summer rainy season period and produces typhoon gets damage of large scale human life and property. Failure happened at slope of 121 places ranged whole country national highway by No.15 typhoon Rusa that strike whole country during 3 days from August 30, 2002. Slope failure that happen by typhoon are judged for major cause to effect of ground saturation and surface water by localized downpour. In this research, failure characteristic was analyzed to target 20 places attaining site investigation among failure slope. As a result, erosions by surface water was construed for major cause of failure and judged for direct relation in failure slope weathering and topography Also, result that analyze inclination of failure part, in the case of ripping rock, inclination of failure side is forming Incline of the lowest 40$^{\circ}$, because surface failure of depth 4m on or so scale happened, it is require that regulating plan gently design standard inclination of weathered rock and soil layer And it is considered that desirable preparation of design standard about measure that help smooth drainage of surface water and can restrain percolation in ground to reduce failure damage by rainfall.

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A study on section design proposals of rural stream based on the adjacent land use and residents' preference (주변 토지이용과 주민 이용 선호도를 고려한 농촌마을 소하천 표준 횡단면 설계)

  • Im, Seung-Bin;Lee, Chun-Seok
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.6 no.1 s.11
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to propose section designs for the ecological improvement of streams in rural villages in Korea. According to the survey about ecological conditions of rural streams of 10 selected rural villages (sep., 1996), the streams could be classified into three divisions(upstream, inner village, downstream), and the average width of streams was 9m, and the height of banks 3.1m. The slopes of basin were 7.33%, 2.67%, 1.39% at upstream, inner village, downstream respectively. The survey about the residents' usage of stream and the preferred activities(jun., 1997) showed that the streams were most frequently used for the supply of agricultural water use(39%), for the washing(15%) and for the recreation and rippling(10%), etc.. Three standard designs were presented for upstream, inner village, and downstream, and three standard sections were made by each designs. For the upstream division, it was designed to be used for the recreational activities in summer and the major stream bank materials were base rock and existing boulders with least artificiality. As the streams in the residential area were expected to be frequent access and used by the residents, most facilities for the streamside activity such as waterfront, water holes, shallows, walk were concentrated in this part with some artificiality. The downstream was designed for the agricultural activities such as water supply, space for the preparation of work and some break during the work.

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Development of the Humanized Milk Part 1. Relative Nutritional Value, Preparation Chemical Composition of Humanized milk and Comparison of Commercial Products (Humanized Milk제조에 관한 연구 제 1 보 모유화분유 조제와 외국산제품과의 비교)

  • Yoo, Y.J.;Lee, T.L.;Kim, S.H.;Han, D.B.;Koh, J.B.;Jung, C.E.
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.91-97
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    • 1974
  • This paper was developed for production of the humanized milk, comprising similarly to the composition and characteristic of human milk. Humanized milk of superior quality can be made directly from the fresh raw milk mixed vegetable oil, corn syrup, whey powder, ${\beta}-lactose$, sugar, vitamin, ${\beta}-carotene$ and minerals showing formulation of the humanized milk at table 2. The improving effects of adding vegetable oil and corn syrup are both more reformed the chemical and physical properties of humanized milk. The former enhanced the essential fatty acid and energy source in this product, the latter has the most solving function in water and induced amount of emulsion and stabilizer. The products contain about 13% protein, 23% fat, 58.3% carbohydrate, 2% ash and ensue reasonably balance of essential amino acid, poly-unsaturated fatty acid for the requirement of infants and controlled component of the humanized milk such as human milk.

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Development and Evaluation of Gastro Retentive Floating Matrix Tablet Containing Valsartan Solid Dispersion (발사르탄 고체 분산체를 함유하는 위체류 매트릭스 부유 정제의 개발 및 평가)

  • Cho, Young Ho;Lee, Jong-Hwa;Lee, Gye Won
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.219-227
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    • 2016
  • Valsartan, a drug for the treatment of cardiovascular disease, exhibited low bioavailability which was caused by, at least in part, limited solubility at low pH. Present investigation deals with the preparation and characterization of gastro-retentive drug delivery system (GRDDS) using valsartan solid dispersion. We prepared solid dispersion using surfactants (Poloxamer 407) and alkalizer ($Na_2CO_3$) which may to be useful for improving solubility of valsartan at low pH and evaluated by saturated solubility of valsartan in distilled water. Valsartan gastro-retentive (GR) tablets containing solid dispersion prepared and evaluated by weight variation, floating time and dissolution rate. Compression at lower pressures resulted in the tablets floating over simulated gastric fluid (pH 1.2) for more than 17 h. In vitro release of valsartan from GR tablet was dependent on the amount of poloxamer 407 and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose. On the basis of evaluation parameter, formulation E-3 was selected as a final formulation. Therefore, it can be concluded that the GR tablets containing solid dispersion may be exploited successfully for the delivery of poorly drug such as valsartan.

Preparation of Amino Acid by Chemical Synthetic Methods (화학합성법에 의한 아미노산의 합성)

  • Son, Tae-Il
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.254-263
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    • 1993
  • The industry of amino acids has developed for the synthetic methods, zymotechnics from the methods of extraction. In the present, part of amino acids (L-cystine, L-tyrosine, etc.) is manufactured by the methods of extraction, but most of amino acids is produced by synthetic methods, zymotechnics. Among the methods, the synthetic methods use of cyanic acid, which generate a large of waste water by acid or alkali in hydrolysis. In this point of view, improved new synthetic methods are demanded for being the influence of environment. This article Introduces new synthetic methods of phenyl alnine, further more, the recent of research results are introduced to prepare the derivative ${\alpha}-keto$ acids of precursor for preparing more than particular amino acids.

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Halogen Containing Heterocyclic Compounds (Part Ⅱ) Halogenation of Furfuryl Derivatives-Maleic Anhydride Adduct (含할로겐 異元素環化合物에 關한 硏究 (第2報) 풀퍼릴誘導體-마레인酸無水物 附加物의 할로겐化反應)

  • Kim, You-Sun;Kim, Chung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.88-95
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    • 1965
  • The exo adduct between furfuryl derivatives (furan, furfuryl acetate and furfuryl alcohol) and maleic anhydride were prepared in the presence of ethyl ether. The bromination of the exo adduct of each derivatives gave a monobromolactone and dibromoacid when the reaction was done in the presence of water. The formation of the bromolactone was proved to be dependent to the carboxylic participation to the incipient rearranged carbonium ion of a classical type, and the participation was sterically hindered by the steric structure of the substituents. The bromination of the furan-maleic anhydride adduct in the presence of organic solvent $(CCl_4,\;CH_2Cl_2)$ gave the dibromide, whereas the photochlorination of the same adduct in the presence of carbon tetrachloride gave the tetrachloride. The procedure of the preparation and the reaction path of the halogenation were described.

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