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Effects of Dietary Fish Oil, Vitamin E and C Supplementation on DHA Deposition and Shelf-Life in Broiler Chickens (어유, 비타민 E 및 C의 급여가 닭고기의 DHA 축적 및 저장성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, H.K.;Kim, S.H.;Kim, J.H.;Kang, G.H.;Yu, D.J.;Na, J.C.;Kim, D.W.;Seo, O.S.;Kim, G.H.;Park, B.S.
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.259-269
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    • 2007
  • This study was compared the effect of shelf-life and DHA accumulation in chicken meat from broilers fed experimental diets for two weeks($21{\sim}35$ days) of growers. Two hundred-ten male Ross broilers, 1 day of age, were randomly allocated to seven treatment groups. Experimental diets were assigned to each of the seven groups: control diet containing tallow, T1 with 1.00% fish oil, T2 with 2.00% fish oil, T3 with 2.00% fish oil, 200 ppm vitamin E and 200 ppm vitamin C, T4 with 2.00% fish oil and 200 ppm vitamin C, T5 with 2.00% fish oil and 200 ppm vitamin E, and T6 with 3.00% fish oil. The levels of DHA in chicken meat was the highest in T6, and T1 in breast muscle and thigh muscle with skin was higher than that of $T2{\sim}T5,\;T2{\sim}T5$ in raw chicken meat and wing with skin was about two-fold higher than that of T1. The contents of DHA in chicken meat according to storage days were significantly reduced to 42.30%, 49.38% and 48.51% in T1, T2 and T6, respectively, and this decrease was higher than that of T3, T4 and T5 (p<0.05). Particularly, the rate of reduction of DHA was the lowest in the T3 and T5, which were the lowest in TBARS(thiobarbituric acid reactive substances). TBARS increased in the order of T6, T2 and T1, but reduced in the order of T3, T5 and T4 according to storage days, and there was a significant difference among the treatment groups (p<0.05).

Electrochemical Characterization of Anti-Corrosion Film Coated Metal Conditioner Surfaces for Tungsten CMP Applications (텅스텐 화학적-기계적 연마 공정에서 부식방지막이 증착된 금속 컨디셔너 표면의 전기화학적 특성평가)

  • Cho, Byoung-Jun;Kwon, Tae-Young;Kim, Hyuk-Min;Venkatesh, Prasanna;Park, Moon-Seok;Park, Jin-Goo
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.61-66
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    • 2012
  • Chemical Mechanical Planarization (CMP) is a polishing process used in the microelectronic fabrication industries to achieve a globally planar wafer surface for the manufacturing of integrated circuits. Pad conditioning plays an important role in the CMP process to maintain a material removal rate (MRR) and its uniformity. For metal CMP process, highly acidic slurry containing strong oxidizer is being used. It would affect the conditioner surface which normally made of metal such as Nickel and its alloy. If conditioner surface is corroded, diamonds on the conditioner surface would be fallen out from the surface. Because of this phenomenon, not only life time of conditioners is decreased, but also more scratches are generated. To protect the conditioners from corrosion, thin organic film deposition on the metal surface is suggested without requiring current conditioner manufacturing process. To prepare the anti-corrosion film on metal conditioner surface, vapor SAM (self-assembled monolayer) and FC (Fluorocarbon) -CVD (SRN-504, Sorona, Korea) films were prepared on both nickel and nickel alloy surfaces. Vapor SAM method was used for SAM deposition using both Dodecanethiol (DT) and Perfluoroctyltrichloro silane (FOTS). FC films were prepared in different thickness of 10 nm, 50 nm and 100 nm on conditioner surfaces. Electrochemical analysis such as potentiodynamic polarization and impedance, and contact angle measurements were carried out to evaluate the coating characteristics. Impedance data was analyzed by an electrical equivalent circuit model. The observed contact angle is higher than 90o after thin film deposition, which confirms that the coatings deposited on the surfaces are densely packed. The results of potentiodynamic polarization and the impedance show that modified surfaces have better performance than bare metal surfaces which could be applied to increase the life time and reliability of conditioner during W CMP.

The Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Body Composition, Cardiopulmonary Function, Serum Lipid and Antioxidants of Obese College Female Students (에어로빅운동이 비만여대생의 신체조성, 심폐기능, 혈청지질 및 항산화물질에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung Eun-Sook;Park Hyeong-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.125-141
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this research is to analyze the effects of aerobic exercise on body composition, cardiopulmonary function, serum lipid level and antioxidants of obese and normal college female students. The subject group was made up of 13 normal students (below 30% body fat ratio) and 12 obese students (above 30% body fat ratio). After a pretest, the subjects were given an 8-week aerobic program. Then the subjects were given a posttest and analyzed of body composition, serum lipid level, antioxidants and cardiopulmonary function after the 6th and the 8th week of the program. The program schedule was made up of 4 days per week, 60 minutes per day. Test includes B.W., subscapular and triceps subcutaneous fat thickness, change of respiratory gas, and two blood sampling before treadmill exercise and post all out state, which analyzed serum lipid and antioxidants. The subjects performed treadmill exercise starting with 4km/hr of walking and then gradually increase the speed of 1km/hr per minute until all out state. The obtained data were analyzed using SAS program. The statistical methods employed here were one-way ANOVA with repeated measure, Duncan Multiple range test, paired-t test and t-test. The test results and conclusion of this research were as follows. 1. The effects of aerobic exercise on body composition were as follows ; Percent body fat was significantly reduced 6 weeks after the program and lean body mass was significantly increased 8 weeks after the program in both groups(obese group: F=3.44 P=.044, normal group: F=3.30 P=.048). subscapular skinfold of the obese group showed a remarkable decrease after the 6th week(F=4.33 P=.021) triceps skinfold of the normal group showed a remarkable decrease after the 6th and the 8th week(F=4.55 P=.017) compared with readings before the aerobic program, the aerobic program made a bigger difference concerning body fat, lean body mass, subscapular skinfold in the obese group than in the normal group(t=2.41 P=.024, t=2.40 p=.025, t=2.43 p=.028). 2. The effects of aerobic exercise on cardiopulmonary function were as follows ; Maximal $O_2$ uptake/kg was significantly increased 6 weeks after the program in the obese group(F=3.20 P=.054), but not much difference was observed in the normal group. Maximal pulse rate was significantly reduced in both groups after 6 weeks of the program(obese group: F=2.77 P=.087, normal group: F=7.17 P=.001). 3. The effects of aerobic exercise on serum lipid level were as follows ; In a resting period, total cholesterol, Triglyceride, and LDL-cholesterol were slightly higher in the obese group than in the normal group, but HDL-cholesterol was higher in the normal group. But, with the aerobic program, total-cholesterol, Triglyceride, LDL-cholesterol were reduced gradually and HDL-choleterol got increased in both groups, but not much change was noticed in the normal group. However, in the obese group, serum HDL-cholesterol level got increased significantly(F=5.12 P=.012). 4. The effects of aerobic exercise in serum antioxidants were as follows ; In a resting period, the obese group's serum Free Radical and GSSG content were higher than the normal group's and the normal group's serum GSH content was higher than the obese group's. After 6 weeks of the aerobic program, Free Radical was reduced significantly in both groups(obese group: F=13.87 P=.000, normal group: F=18.60 P=.000) In the obese group, 8 weeks after the program, GSH was increased significantly(F=13.78, P=.000). In the normal group, 6 weeks after the program, GSH was reduced but increased again after 8 weeks(F=6.07 P=.005). Plasma GSSG was significantly increased after 8 weeks of exercise in both groups(obese group: F=19.75 P=.000, normal group: F=22.42 P=.000,) Compared with readings before the aerobic program, the aerobic program made a bigger difference serum GSH in the normal group than in the obese group(t=3.37 p=.003). As this result shows, it is known that the regular aerobic exercise improves cardiopulmonary function, body composition, serum lipid effectively and through the serum Free Radical reduction and antioxidant system activation, oxidant stress was suppressed. This effect was higher in the obese group than in the normal one. At least 6weeks exercise period need for improvement of body composition, cardiopulmonary function and activation of antioxidant system. This result suggest that improvement of serum lipid profile was needed longer than 8weeks exercise period.

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A study on simple nursing activities for the registered nurses and nurse aides in the hospital (단순간호활동에 관한 간호사 및 간호조무사의 태도조사연구)

  • Lee Jung-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.37-55
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    • 1990
  • Every country in the world has been trying to expand the basic health right for the peoples as W.H.O has established the goal 'health for AU' by the year of 2000. Related to this goal, our government authority has establish the policy 'the insurance of health for all' into effect from July 198\). Recently hospitalshave been making a ceaseless effort for the plan for the rationalization of its management the academic World is making it a subject of discussion by doing the secure of manpower at a resonable level and the increase of productivity by the manpower. As a result of the efforts the study was established to secure the numbers of nursing manpower at a resonable level and use the unskilled persons at the utilizing field and seek the possible area of their activity for more efficient service through the investigation of ablity of simple nursing activities of regiestered nurses and nurse aides for rational function according to the educational levels and talents. The method of study was established by the registered nurses and nurse and nurse aides(R.N 229, N.A 226) who are working in 15 hospitals with over 200 beds. This surrey was conducted from Mar 29, 1989 to April 8, 1989. The method to test the degree of importance, difficulties, and the abillity of performance of a simple nursing activities was classified into 35 activities on the basis of references on this field. The degree of importance was composed from point l(Not so important) to 5(Very important). the degree of difficulties. was composed as follows; very easy - Point 1 very difficult and complicated - Point 5. and the ability of performance was composed from point 1 to 5. The materials gathered through the survey were analyzed with frequency, mean standard deviation, percentage. t-test, Anova, pearson's coefficient of correlation, stepwise multiple regression. factor analysis, discriminant analysis. The obtained results are summarized as follows: 1. The recognition values of the simple nursing activities of each group of registered nurse and nurse aides show; The degree of importance; 4.04 and 4.26 The degree of difficulties; 2.72 and 2.94 The ability of performance; 2.07 and 2.38 The brief summary shows there are little differences between who two groups the simple nursing activities turned out to be easy and simple work. 2. Regardless of the degree of importance, and difficulties, the ability of performance the important in fluencing of the degree of the simple nursing activities between the registered nurses and nurse aides was the order of educational level, hospital career, working career in wards and ages of the registered nurses and ages and hospital creer of nurse aides. The result was that the simple nursing activities could easily be familiar through the training of their working environment and period of experience. 3. Among the 35 simple nursing activities the items capable of resonable entrusting to the nurse aides are 5 that is helping bed-bathing, 8itz Bath, using bed pan, care while delivering patient, accompaying patient when visitor's check. There wasn't and differences between RN and nurse aides in performing the above 5 items. In anywhere. so we can say obviosuly that this nursing activities should be performed under the nursing system of which chief of nurse are supposed to supervise nurse aides as a possible function to be entrusted. In view of the above mentioned results, therefore, this partial functional job of the simple nursing activities can able be entrusted to the nurse aides through the regular training course. In case of these functional activities could be entrusted under, the responsibility of registered nurse, we can able suggest to for that there are the following advantages: 1.. In the nursing activities-affairs, the qualified guarantee of the nursing services can be kept and increased or promotoed with accommodation of the required nursing service and roles being expanded presently. 2. In the productivity of the hospital manpower, therefore, we have comt to view and consider in favourly that when an automational administration times would be come in the near future time to hospital affairs as a reality, to utilize the existing nures aides is better rather than investing so as to develop the other source manpowers or seek its for the efficient business management in the operational strategy or its policy.

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Development of KD- Propeller Series using a New Blade Section (새로운 날개단면을 이용한 KD-프로펠러 씨리즈 개발)

  • J.T. Lee;M.C. Kim;J.W. Ahn;H.C. Kim
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.52-68
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    • 1991
  • A new propeller series is developed using the newly developed blade section(KH18 section) which behaves better cavitation characteristics and higher lift-drag ratio at wide range of angle-of-attack. The pitch and camber distributions are disigned in order to have the same radial and chordwise loading distribution with the selected circumferentially averaged wake input. Since the geometries of the series propeller, such as chord length, thickness, skew and rate distribations, are selected by regression of the recent full scale propeller geometric data, the performance prediction of a propeller at preliminary design stage can be mure realistic. Number of blades of the series propellers is 4 and the expanded blade area ratios are 0.3, 0.45, 0.6 and 0.75. Mean pitch ratios are selected as 0.5, 0.65, 0.8, 0.75 and 1.1 for each expanded area ratio. The new propeller series is composed of 20 propellers and is named as KD(KRISO-DAEWOO) propeller series. Propeller open water tests are performed at the experimental towing tank, and the cavitation observation tests and fluctuating pressure measurements are carried out at the cavitation tunnel of KRISO. $B_{P}-\delta$ curves, which can be used to select the optimum propeller diameter at the preliminary design stage, are derived from a regression analysis of the propeller often water test results. The KD-cavitation chart is derived from the cavitation observation test results by choosing the local maximum lift coefficient and the local cavitation number as parameters. The caviy extent of a propeller can be predicted more accurately by using the KD-cavitation chart at a preliminary design stage, since it is derived from the results of the cavitation observation tests in the selected ship's wake, whereas the existing cavitation charts, such as the Burrill's cavitation chart, are derived from the test results in uniform flow.

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Application Rate Modification of Paddy Herbicide Quinclorac Depending on Different Cultural Patterns (벼 작부양식(作付樣式)의 차이(差異)에 따른 제초제(除草劑) QUINCLORAC 의 선택활성(選擇活性) 변동(變動))

  • Guh, J.O.;Im, W.H.;Han, S.U.;Kuk, Y.I.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.124-131
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    • 1992
  • Not only reducing the carry-over effects of quinclorac [3, 7-dichloro-8-quinoline carboxylic acid] used in paddy field to some following vegetable crops but also rationalizing agro-ecology conservation and farm economy, the reducing feasibility of application rates by various cropping patterns and application timing after rice seeding and transplanting. Four cropping patterns namely dry direct seeding(DDS), flooded direct seed(FDS), transplanting of 8 days old early seedlings(EST) and 25 days old machinery seedling(MST) were experimented with 7 application timings as 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 days after seeding/transplanting and 9 levels of application rates as 0, 75, 150, 225, 300, 375, 450, 525, and 600g ai/ha of the chemical, respectively. Within the maximum permitted limit of rice phytotoxicity, the minimum application rate of quinclorac to complete control of Echinochloa crus-galli as influenced by various cropping patterns with application timing could be evaluated as follows : A. Dry direct seeding : The minimized application rate at application timing upto 10 days after seeding (DAS) was counted 150g ai/ha, and delaying upto 15-30 DAS, the rates were increased upto 225-525g ai/ha. B. Flooded direct seeding and transplanting : The application rates were minimized 75g ai/ha at application timing upto 10 days after seeding/transplanting(DAS/T), 150g ai/haupto 15 DAS/T, and 225g ai/ha at later than 20 DAS/T, respectively.

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Evaluation on Heating Effects of Geothermal Heat Pump System in Farrowing House (지열 난방시스템을 이용한 분만돈사의 난방효과 분석)

  • Choi, H.C.;Park, Jae-Hong;Song, J.I.;Na, J.C.;Kim, M.J.;Bang, H.T.;Kang, H.G.;Park, S.B.;Chae, H.S.;Suh, O.S.;Yoo, Y.S.;Kim, T.W.
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.205-215
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    • 2010
  • Geothermal heat pump system (GHPS) is an energy-efficient technology that use the relatively constant and renewable energy stored in the earth to provide heating and cooling. With the aim of using GHPS as a heating source, it's possibilities of application in farrowing house were examined by measuring environmental assessment and sow's performance. A total of 96 sows were assigned to 2 pig housings (GHPS and conventional housing) with 48 for four weeks in winter season. During the experimental period, indoor maximum temperature in GHPS-housing was measured up to $26.7^{\circ}C$, average temperature could maintain $21.2^{\circ}C$. The mean value of dust levels and $CO_2$, $NH_3$ and $H_2S$ gas emissions were decreased in GHPS-housing compare with those of conventional housing. Litter size, birth weight, parity and weaning weight did not differ between housings. However, feed intake of sow in GHPS-housing was lower than that of conventional housing. In energy consumption for heating, electric power consumption increased in GHPS-housing than the conventional housing, a 2,250 kwh increase, whereas there is no fuel usage for heater in GHPS-housing. Amount of ground water circulated for heating in cold weather for earth heat exchanger was 8.4-12.9 ton per day. In conclusion, GHPS may have environmental benefits and effectiveness of heating in farrowing housing and affect the performance in sows.

Physico-chemical Meat Quality Properties and Nutritional Composition of Hanwoo Steer Beef with 1++ Quality Grade (1++ 등급 거세한우의 부위별 이화학적 육질특성 및 영양성분조성)

  • Cho, S.H.;Kim, J.H.;Seong, P.N.;Cho, Y.M.;Chung, W.T.;Park, B.Y.;Chung, M.O.;Kim, D.H.;Lee, J.M.;Ahn, C.N.
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.422-430
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    • 2008
  • This study was conducted to investigate the nutritional composition and meat quality properties of Hanwoo steer beef by different cut. Ten cuts [Abjin (short plate), Bosup (top sirloin), Cheggt (striploin), Dngsim (loin), Guri (chuck tender), Hongduke (eye of round), Moksim (chuck roll), Sulgit (bottom round), Udoon (top round), Yanaji (brisket)] prepared from 10 Hanwoo steers (28-30 months old) were used for this experiment. The range of pH was 5.46-5.64. In the chemical analysis, Hongduke contained highest protein contents (21.15%) and Dngsim had lowest protein contents (16.94%) (p<0.05). Fat contents were higher in Dngsim whereas those of Guri, Hongduke and Udoon were significantly lower when compared to the other cuts (p<0.05). There were not significantly different in meat color (L, a and b values) properties only except that L values were significantly higher in Dngsim among 10 cuts (p<0.05). Cooking loss (%) was higher in Guri, Hongduke, Udoon and Yangji whereas it was significantly love. in Cheggt (p<0.05). Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBS) was significantly higher in Abjin $(6.24inch^2/kg)$, whereas Dngsim $(3.45inch^2/kg)$ and Cheggt $(3.50inch^2/kg)$ were significantly lower than the other cuts (p<0.05). There was no significant difference in water-holding capacity (WHC) among 10 cuts (p>0.05). Total amino acid contents were significantly higher in Hongduke (p<0.05). Hongduke was highest in most kinds of amino acids, however, Udoon had the highest methionine and histidine contents among 10 cuts (p<0.05). Glutamate contents were high in all cuts and followed by aspartate, leucine and lysin. With regard to mineral contents, Ca was ranged from 47.63-70.69 mg/kg and Fe was ranged from 15.09-26.68 mg/kg in 10 cuts. Zn was highly contained in Guri (50.56 mg/kg) when compared to the other cuts (p<0.05).

Study on the Influence of Ca and Mg Saturation Ratios of Soil on the Uptake of Ca, Mg, and K by Rice Plant (답토양(畓土壤)의 Ca, Mg 포화비(飽和比)가 수도(水稻)의 Ca, Mg, K의 흡수(吸收)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Jeong, Y.G.;Hong, J.W.;Ha, H.S.
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.115-121
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    • 1987
  • A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the influence of Ca and Mg saturation ratios of soil on the uptake of Ca, Mg and K by rice plant. A silty loam soil was treated with $CaCl_2$ and $MgCl_2$ to obtain different degrees of Ca and Mg saturation. The studied ranges of Ca and Mg saturation ratios were 81:19, 70:30, 52:48, 55:45, and 31:69 in terms of the ratio of exchangeable Ca and Mg. Two levels of K application (90kg/ha, and 180kg/10a as $K_2O$) were also included in this study. The significant observation were summarized as follows. 1. When the Ca saturation of soil was dominant over Mg, the soil solution contained more Ca than Mg and vice versa. These led to the higher uptake of Ca by rice plant in Ca dominant soils and higher uptake of Mg in Mg dominant soils. 2. When the Ca and Mg saturation ratio was about equal, more Mg was released to soil solution leading to higher concentration of Mg in rice plant compare to that of Ca. 3. A trend was observed that the concentration of K in soil solution was lower in Mg dominant soils than in Ca dominant soils. This also resulted in the depressed uptake of K by rice plant under Mg dominant system when compare to Ca dominant system. 4. The increase application of K led to the increase in relative concentration of K to (Ca+Mg+K), and to the depression of divalent uptake by rice plant. However, it was observed that the degree of depression in uptake divalent by K application was more sensitive in case of Mg than that of Ca. 5. When viewed from grain yield of rice, it is pointed out that the optimum range of Ca to Mg ratio in soil may fall in the vicinity of 7:3. 6. Although K uptake by rice plant was influenced by the term of $AK^+/{\sqrt{A(Ca^{{+}{+}}+Mg^{{+}{+}})$ in soil solution, $AK^+$ itself was affected by the ratios of Ca:Mg in soil, as it were $AK^+$ value was decreased in Mg dominant soil than in Ca.

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Augustin und die Rhetorik (아우구스티누스와 수사학)

  • Hahn, Seok-whan
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.116
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    • pp.389-410
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    • 2010
  • Augustin wurde sozusagen von der Rhetorik zum Christentum bekehrt. Der einstmalige Rhetorikprofessor (bis 386) distanziert sich von seiner $fr{\ddot{u}}heren$ Kunst. Aber er $kn{\ddot{u}}pft$ als Bischof im vierten Buch seiner weniger bekannten Schrift "De doctrina Christiana" (DDC; abgef. 427) wieder an die antike Rhetorik, speziell an Cicero, an. So wird die augustinische $Sp{\ddot{a}}tschrift$ $f{\ddot{u}}r$ eine antike Rhetorik in christlicher Verwendung gehalten. Es stellt nun die Frage, was Augustin zur $R{\ddot{u}}ckkehr$ zu seiner $fr{\ddot{u}}heren$ Kunst bewegte. Neuere Forschungen sehen in Augustins Werk eine Grundlage der mittelalterlichen Predigttheorie oder einen $blo{\ss}en$ Versuch, die Rhetorik vom Makel des Sophistischen zu befreien. Gewiss ist seine Einstellung zur "leeren Beredsamkeit" der Sophistik eindeutig, aber dies war eine Haltung, die letztlich von allen seinen christlichen Zeitgenossen geteilt wurde und folglich eines geringen Beweises bedurfte. Die Aufmerksamkeit, die Augustins $sp{\ddot{a}}terem$ Einfluss und seiner Ablehnung der Zweiten Sophistik geschenkt wird, kann den Blick $tr{\ddot{u}}ben$ $f{\ddot{u}}r$ seine Rolle bei der $L{\ddot{o}}sung$ eines christlichen Dilemmas aus dem vierten Jahrhundert. Augustin sah die Gefahren einer entgegengesetzten rhetorischen $H{\ddot{a}}resie$. Die $S{\ddot{u}}nde$ des Sophisten besteht darin, dass er die Notwendigkeit des Inhalts verneint und glaubt, nur die forma alleine sei $w{\ddot{u}}nschenswert$. Der gegenteilige Fehler, dem Geschichtsschreiber der Rhetorik niemals einen Namen gegeben haben, beruht auf dem Glauben, dass derjenige, der im Besitz der Wahrheit ist, auch ipso facto in der Lage ist, die Wahrheit anderen zu ${\ddot{u}}bermitteln$. Es handelt sich um eine $ausschlie{\ss}liche$ $Abh{\ddot{a}}ngigkeit$ von der materia. Augustin erkannte eine Gefahr und benutzte DDC dazu, eine Verbindung von Inhalt und Form in der christlichen Predigt voranzutreiben. Nur wenn man daher das Buch als einen Teil der $gro{\ss}en$ Debatte des vierten Jahrhunderts ansieht, tritt seine historische Bedeutung klar hervor. Der Leser ist beeindruckt davon, dass der Autor darauf insistiert, es sei eine Torheit, dem Feind ein $n{\ddot{u}}tzliches$ Instrument zu ${\ddot{u}}berlassen$. Augustin $erkl{\ddot{a}}rt$, dass die Kunst der Beredsamkeit rege in Gebrauch genommen und nicht kurzerhand abgelehnt werden solle, weil sie mit dem Makel des Heidentums behaftet sei. Kurz gesagt, geplant ist das vierte Buch von DDC als eine ratio eloquentiae Christianae.