• Title/Summary/Keyword: Visual analysis

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The Stability of Emulsions Formed by Phase Inversion with Variation of HLB of Surfactant (HLB 변화와 전상유화에 의해 형성된 에멀젼의 안정성)

  • Park, Soo-Nam;Yang, Hee-Jung;Kim, Jae-Hyun;Cho, Wan-Goo
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.117-123
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    • 2009
  • Caprylic/Capric triglyceride-in-water emulsions stabilized by Nikkol HCO-60 and HCO-10 were prepared using emulsion inversion point method at different HLB values. Emulsions with various droplet sizes were formed, and emulsion inversion point was detected by electrical conductivity. The change in emulsion droplet sizes and long term stability were monitored using laser scattering method and visual method. The droplet sizes and stability of emulsions were affected by HLB of surfactant. At emulsion inversion point, the water volume fraction increased as the HLB of surfactants decreased. According to our analysis, this resulted from a tendency of forming the W/O (water-in-oil) emulsion as the HLB of surfactants was decreased. The emulsion inversion point was clearly detected by the microscope and the electric conductivity meter. Nanometer-sized emulsion was obtained at the optimum HLB by using emulsion inversion point method. The main pattern of instability of emulsions in HLB 12 and 13 systems was Ostwald ripening. However, The patterns of instability of emulsions below 11 of HLB systems were Ostwald ripening and coalescence. All emulsions produced with surfactants in the range of HLB 8-13, creaming caused by density difference between water phase and oil phase.

Analysis of visual preferences and image features of the floral design in the urban public space

  • Yoon, Sung-Eun;Cha, Kyung-Eun;Park, Chun-Ho;Jang, Eu-Jean
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.14-21
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    • 2010
  • In this study, the preferences with regard to floral design in a public space and the correlation between such preferences and the image features of the floral design types were identified. Based on the review of the related literature, the floral designs placed in a public space were classified into three types(the flower bed, container, and three-dimensional sculpture types) according to physical factors, and were classified into two types(the indoor and outdoor types) according to environmental factors. In the floral-design type classified by physical and environmental factors, the flower bed and outdoor types, respectively, were highly preferred. The factor that was found to have the greatest influence on the preference for the flower bed type was 'well-orderedness', which included the adjective categories 'harmonious', 'clean', and 'simple'; that which was found to have the greatest influence on the preference for the outdoor-type floral design was 'identity', which included the adjective categories 'symbolic', 'distinctive', 'harmonious', 'impressive', and 'clean'. It can thus be concluded that the plants that are effectively displayed in a public space can express the nature and identity of the city itself, can be a yardstick for giving value to the city and for evaluating it, and can be important components of the urban landscape. A design that is suitable for the purpose of each public space and that reflects the factors that exert an influence on the users' floral-design type preference should thus be developed.

Multi-View Wyner-Ziv Video Coding Based on Spatio-temporal Adaptive Estimation (시공간 적응적인 예측에 기초한 다시점 위너-지브 비디오 부호화 기법)

  • Lee, Beom-yong;Kim, Jin-soo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2016
  • This paper proposes a multi-view Wyner-Ziv Video coding scheme based on spatio-temporal adaptive estimation. The proposed algorithm is designed to search for a better estimated block with joint bi-directional motion estimation by introducing weights between temporal and spatial directions, and by classifying effectively the region of interest blocks, which is based on the edge detection and the synthesis, and by selecting the reference estimation block from the effective motion vector analysis. The proposed algorithm exploits the information of a single frame viewpoint and adjacent frame viewpoints, simultaneously and then generates adaptively side information in a variety of closure, and reflection regions to have a better performance. Through several simulations with multi-view video sequences, it is shown that the proposed algorithm performs visual quality improvement as well as bit-rate reduction, compared to the conventional methods.

The Necessity and the Characteristic of Picture Books for the Silver Generation (실버세대를 위한 그림동화책의 필요성과 특성)

  • Li, Shu;Oh, Chi-Gyu
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.387-397
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest design characteristics of picture books for silver generation empirically through academic consideration of necessity and characteristics of picture books targeting silver generation. Through an analytical result of literature materials such as library and information science, pedagogy, and literature therapeutics, and aging phenomenon, picture books help mental and physical health of silver generation, but picture books for silver generation are insufficient in comparison with demand. Therefore, a theoretical basis of study and development of fairy tale books for silver generation is acutely needed. This study suggested that close attention for characteristics of silver generation is needed to solve a problem about dyslexia of silver generation in story, picture(expression, size, layout, structure, and color), and typography of characteristic factors of picture on designing fairy tale books for silver generation, suggesting needs to develop picture books reflecting characteristics such as visual organ, body function, and psychological factor of silver generation. In addition, design characteristics for composition of picture books for silver generation will be used as part of advanced data in a study on solid analytical data through an actual analysis on silver generation in the future.

Creation of Fashion Items Using Traditional Dancheong Patterns - Focused on Bag Designs - (전통 단청문양을 활용한 패션상품 개발 - 가방 디자인을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jae-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.545-557
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    • 2020
  • With the increasing interest on K-fashion all over the world, it's the important time to create the items which can express the unique identity of Korea for promoting the globalization of Korean fashion. Accordingly, this study aims to suggest the modern applicability of traditional patterns by designing the bags using the Dancheong patterns(traditional multi-colored decorative painting) which can effectively express Korean images in a variety of shapes and definite visual features and then expand the scope of fashion items. To this end, this study concentrated on expressing the Dancheong patterns to fit to the modern fashion trends by re-interpreting them. The bag was designed using the laser cutting technique, without weaving or digital printing, to imbue the technical emotion and 3D effect to the patterns. In accordance with the analysis results, the features of patterns could be delicately expressed around the shaping and structuring method in terms of the design, and the scope of design for leather goods could be expanded using the laser cutting in technical aspects. For the industrial aspects, it is required to develop differentiated goods expressing the unique emotion of the Korean for globalization of Korean design.

An Analysis of Hanliu Phenomenon on the Chinese Street Fashion Style (중국의 스트리트 패션에 나타난 한류현상 분석)

  • Park, Kil-Soon
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.967-983
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to review Hanliu phenomenon, a kind of social and cultural phenomenon, in China and to analyze its effects on the fashion style of new young generation of China. In this study, Hanliu phenomenon means the enthusiasm of Asian people for Korean mass culture including Korean dramas, pop songs, and fashions from late 1990s. This research adopts two kinds of methods for analyzing the phenomenon: qualitative and quantitative research methods. As a qualitative research method, we analyzed it with several sources of documentaries and audio-visual materials: articles from newspapers and magazines, special TV reports, and documentary movie files from Internet. As a quantitative research method, we surveyed approximately 100 female students of Beijing university and asked how they feel Korean culture and fashions. The Hanliu phenomenon led to the popularity of Korean products as well as general culture of Korea. Also, it influenced Chinese young generation so much that Korean fashion has become prevailing. Such influence on the street fashion of Chinese youths can be summarized in three factors as follows: First, Korean entertainers' fashion is widely imitated. For example, H.O.T-like hairstyles, hip-hop styles, large heel shoes with boots-cut pants, and long-curled permanent hairstyles have been on among Chinese youths. Second, the preference for Korean fashion products has highly increased. The number of stores dealing with Korean fashion products has increased. Even the 'Kim Hee Seen,' a fashion brand named after a famous Korean actress, was introduced. Finally, Korean culture and products have widely been imitated in China as much as the increasing popularity of Korean fashion products. This study reveals that Hanliu phenomenon is widespread in China, and Chinese youths are largely affected by the fashion styles of Korean entertainers. Also, Korean fashion products are largely imitated and benchmarked in China. Hanliu phenomenon is a big chance to approach the fashion market of China, the largest buying power in the world. To make inroads into the Chinese fashion market, we suggest that we need to have our own brand and to make the most of culture, stars, and Internet in marketing. Also, we need a well-planned strategy for a success in the Chinese fashion market.

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The Relationship between Increased Intervertebral Disc Height and Development of Postoperative Axial Neck Pain after Anterior Cervical Fusion

  • Chang, Han;Baek, Dong-Hoon;Choi, Byung-Wan
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.343-347
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    • 2014
  • Objective : To evaluate the relationship between postoperative increase in intervertebral disc space height (IVH) and posterior axial neck in cases of degenerative cervical disease treated with anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF). Methods : A total of 155 patients who underwent ACDF with more than 1 year follow up were included. Radiologically, IVH and interfacet distance (IFD) of the operated segment were measured preoperatively and postoperatively. We clinically evaluated neck and arm pains according to visual analogue scale (VAS) scores and assessed neck disability index (NDI) scores preoperatively, postoperatively, at 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year postoperatively. The relationship between radiological parameters, and clinical scores were analyzed using a regression analysis. Results : The mean increase in IVH was 2.62 mm, and the mean increase in IFD was 0.67 mm. The VAS scores for neck pain preoperatively, postoperatively, and at 3 months, 6 months, 1 year postoperatively were 4.46, 2.11, 2.07, 1.95, and 1.29; those for arm pain were 5.89, 3.24, 3.20, 3.03, and 2.18. The NDI scores were improved from 18.52 to 7.47. No significant relationship was observed between the radiological evaluation results regarding the increase in intervertebral height or interfacet distance and clinical changes in VAS or NDI scores. Conclusion : The increase in intervertebral space or interfacet distance by the insertion of a large graft material while performing ACDF for the treatment of degenerative cervical disease was not related with the change in VAS scores for neck and arm pains and NDI scores postoperatively and during the follow-up period.

Precedent based design foundations for parametric design: The case of navigation and wayfinding

  • Kondyli, Vasiliki;Bhatt, Mehul;Hartmann, Timo
    • Advances in Computational Design
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.339-366
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    • 2018
  • Parametric design systems serve as powerful assistive tools in the design process by providing a flexible approach for the generation of a vast number of design alternatives. However, contemporary parametric design systems focus primarily on low-level engineering and structural forms, without an explicit means to also take into account high-level, cognitively motivated people-centred design goals. We present a precedent-based parametric design method that integrates people-centred design "precedents" rooted in empirical evidence directly within state of the art parametric design systems. As a use-case, we illustrate the general method in the context of an empirical study focusing on the multi-modal analysis of wayfinding behaviour in two large-scale healthcare environments. With this use-case, we demonstrate the manner in which: (1). a range of empirically established design precedents -e.g., pertaining to visibility and navigation- may be articulated as design constraints to be embedded directly within state of the art parametric design tools (e.g., Grasshopper); and (2). embedded design precedents lead to the (parametric) generation of a number of morphologies that satisfy people-centred design criteria (in this case, pertaining to wayfinding). Our research presents an exemplar for the integration of cognitively motivated design goals with parametric design-space exploration methods. We posit that this opens-up a range of technological challenges for the engineering and development of next-generation computer aided architecture design systems.

The Meaning of Menopause Experienced by Women (여성이 경험한 폐경의 의미)

  • Kim, Ae-Kyung;Yoo, Eun-Kwang
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.82-92
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study was attempted to understand the substance and meaning of menopause experienced by women through informal interviews with oral consent. The informants were 6 perimenopausal women of 50-55 years old who are executing menopause. Colaizz's analytical method, a type of phenomenological analysis, was used to analyze data recorded by audiotape. One professor and a master's degree student who understand phenomenology, and the one who has a master of arts examined the validity between the meanings composed of the clusters of themes. Findings were turned out to be valid through validation process as the last step. The meaning of menopause implied both 'concept about menopause' and 'menopause as a time of change'. Menopause was mostly considered as cessation of menstruation as a physiological, natural, and normal process by aging. However, some people regarded menopause as a loss of youth and womanhood and lessening of every function of the body. Menopause as the time of changes means 'the period of' 'hormonal changes' such as change of menstruation, hot flushes, perspiration, and palpitation ; 'body function changes' of visual acuity, physical strength, sleeping, digestion, thoughts, bone and joints, skin sensibility, sexual pattern and intelligence ; 'emotional changes' such as anxiety, loneliness, gloominess, and nervousness. Menopause is a turning point on the women's life cycle accompanying various kind of changes and health problems. Therefore it is inevitable to develop strategy helping menopausal women pass through the critical successfully by adapting and coping with their critical period toward the healthy and better quality of life individually rather than putting them all into the standardized hormonal replacement protocol.

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Prevalence of binocular anomalies in adult Koreans (한국인의 양안 시기능 이상에 관한 고찰)

  • Ryu, Geun Chang;Park, Hyun Ju;Seong, Jeong Sub;Kim, Jai Min
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.147-154
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    • 2000
  • To describe the prevalence of binocular anomalies in adult Koreans. Patients included were 19 to 40 years of age, 41 males and 60 females and living in Kwang-Ju Korea. Refractive correction was estimated objectively with an autorefractometer and subjectively refined without cycloplegia. Myopia was defined as a refractive error less than -0.50 diopters hyperopia was defined as a refractive error greater than +0.50 diopters. 101 no strabismic patients who had a refractive error and a near lateral phoria(46%) and an AC/A(accommodative convergence/accommodation) anomaly(50.4%). The prevalence of a near vergence anomaly(52.5%) was higher than a near divergence anomaly(55.5%). The prevalence of a positive relative accommodation(PRA) anomaly(61.4%) was higher than a negative relative accommodation(NRA) anomaly(54.5%). According to Morgan's analysis method, patients with vergence anomaly(21.7%) were seen slightly less frequently than those with accommodative interaction anomaly(29.7%). 34.6% of patients had both vergence anomaly and accommodative interaction anomaly. These results indicate that full prescription for a refractive corrections should be considered as these can improve binocular visual function for ametropia.

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