• Title/Summary/Keyword: Visual Distance

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Analyzing the Applicability of Greenhouse Detection Using Image Classification (영상분류에 의한 하우스재배지 탐지 활용성 분석)

  • Sung, Jeung Su;Lee, Sung Soon;Baek, Seung Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.397-404
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    • 2012
  • Jeju where concentrates on agriculture and tourism, conversion of outdoor culture into cultivation under structure happens actively for the purpose of increasing profit so continuous examination on house cultivation area is very important for this region. This paper is to suggest the effective image classification method using high resolution satellite image to detect the greenhouse. We carried out classification of greenhouse using the supervised classification and rule-based classification method about Formosat-2 images. Connecting result of two classification try to find accuracy improvement for greenhouse detection. Results about each classification method were calculated the accuracy by comparing with the result of visual detection. As a result, mahalanobis distance among the supervised methods was resulted in the highest detection. Also, it could be checked that detection accuracy was improved by tying with result of supervised method and result of rule-based classification. Therefore, it was expected that effective detection of greenhouse would be feasible if henceforward further study is performed in the process of connecting supervised classification and rule-based classification.

The need of Front-fill Speaker in the Multipurpose Hall (다목적 홀에서의 프론트필 스피커의 필요성)

  • Song, Deoggeun;Kang, Joonsang;Rho, Jungkyu;Lee, Seon-Hee
    • Journal of Satellite, Information and Communications
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.43-46
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    • 2013
  • Active use of images in the same place as the religion according to the height of the screen is determined by the height of the main speakers. This causes the 'sound image mismatch' and 'bass boost' sound like a failure occurs. Front seats are good seats in visual acoustics is a bad place. To minimize these obstacles acoustical speakers to actively apply the front fill needed. Higher sound pressure difference between the main speaker and the distance must be determined in accordance with the appropriate capacity. Actively using the front speakers to the sound image field by implementing the agreement to increase the concentration of sound. The relatively high inflow enhance alto lacking the front seat can be implemented evenly in the frequency response. Column in front of the main seat of the main speakers to supplement the deficiencies can be implemented more comfortable acoustic environment. Front fill speaker needs to be actively introduced, thereby presenting a detailed estimate, is needed.

Implementation of Real-time Stereoscopic Image Conversion Algorithm Using Luminance and Vertical Position (휘도와 수직 위치 정보를 이용한 입체 변환 알고리즘 구현)

  • Yun, Jong-Ho;Choi, Myul-Rul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.1225-1233
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, the 2D/3D converting algorithm is proposed. The single frame of 2D image is used fur the real-time processing of the proposed algorithm. The proposed algorithm creates a 3D image with the depth map by using the vertical position information of a object in a single frame. In order to real-time processing and improve the hardware complexity, it performs the generation of a depth map using the image sampling, the object segmentation with the luminance standardization and the boundary scan. It might be suitable to a still image and a moving image, and it can provide a good 3D effect on a image such as a long distance image, a landscape, or a panorama photo because it uses a vertical position information. The proposed algorithm can adapt a 3D effect to a image without the restrictions of the direction, velocity or scene change of an object. It has been evaluated with the visual test and the comparing to the MTD(Modified Time Difference) method using the APD(Absolute Parallax Difference).

A Study for the Border line Extraction technique of City Spatial Building by LiDAR Data (LiDAR 데이터와 항공사진의 통합을 위한 사각 빌딩의 경계점 설정)

  • Yeon, Sang-Ho;Lee, Young-Wook
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.27-29
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    • 2007
  • The visual implementation of 3-dimensional national environment is focused by the requirement and importance in the fields such as, national development plan, telecommunication facility deployment plan, railway construction, construction engineering, spatial city development, safety and disaster prevention engineering. The currently used DEM system using contour lines, which embodies national geographic information based on the 2-D digital maps and facility information has limitation in implementation in reproducing the 3-D spatial city. Moreover, this method often neglects the altitude of the rail way infrastructure which has narrow width and long length. There it is needed to apply laser measurement technique in the spatial target object to obtain accuracy. Currently, the LiDAR data which combines the laser measurement skill and GPS has been introduced to obtain high resolution accuracy in the altitude measurement. In this paper, we first investigate the LiDAR based researches in advanced foreign countries, then we propose data a generation scheme and an algorithm for the optimal manage and synthesis of railway facility system in our 3-D spatial terrain information. For this object, LiDAR based height data transformed to DEM, and the realtime unification of the vector via digital image mapping and raster via exactness evaluation is transformed to make it possible to trace the model of generated 3-dimensional railway model with long distance for 3D tract model generation.

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An Iterative Spot Matching for 2-Dimensional Protein Separation Images (반복 점진적 방법에 의한 2차원 단백질 분리 영상의 반점 정합)

  • Kim, Jung-Ja;Hoang, Minh T.;Kim, Dong-Wook;Kim, Nam-Gyun;Won, Yong-Gwan
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.601-608
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    • 2007
  • 2 Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis(2DGE) is an essentialmethodology for analysis on the expression of various proteins. For example, information for the location, mass, expression, size and shape of the proteins obtained by 2DGE can be used for diagnosis, prognosis and biological progress by comparison of patients with the normal persons. Protein spot matching for this purpose is comparative analysis of protein expression pattern for the 2DGE images generated under different conditions. However, visual analysis of protein spots which are more than several hundreds included in a 2DGE image requires long time and heavy effort. Furthermore, geometrical distortion makes the spot matching for the same protein harder. In this paper, an iterative algorithm is introduced for more efficient spot matching. Proposed method is first performing global matching step, which reduces the geometrical difference between the landmarks and the spot to be matched. Thus, movement for a spot is defined by a weighted sum of the movement of the landmark spots. Weight for the summation is defined by the inverse of the distance from the spots to the landmarks. This movement is iteratively performed until the total sum of the difference between the corresponding landmarks is larger than a pre-selected value. Due to local distortion generally occurred in 2DGE images, there are many regions in whichmany spot pairs are miss-matched. In the second stage, the same spot matching algorithm is applied to such local regions with the additional landmarks for those regions. In other words, the same method is applied with the expanded landmark set to which additional landmarks are added. Our proposed algorithm for spot matching empirically proved reliable analysis of protein separation image by producing higher accuracy.

Large-scale Ambient Display Environment for providing Multi Spatial Interaction Interface (멀티 공간 인터랙션 인터페이스 제공을 위한 대규모 앰비언트 디스플레이 환경)

  • Yun, Chang Ok;Park, Jung Pil;Yun, Tae Soo;Lee, Dong Hoon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.30-34
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    • 2009
  • Recently, systems providing the interaction different according to an interval between a user and the display were developed in order to construct the ambient or the ubiquitous computing environment. Therefore, we propose a new type of spatial interaction system; our main goal is to provide the interactive domain in the large-scale ambient display environment. So, we divide into two zones of interaction dependent on the distance from the interaction surface interactive zone and ambient zone. In interactive zone, the users can approach the interaction surface and interact with natural hand-touch. When the users are outside the range of the interactive zone, the display shows only general information. Therefore, this system offers the various interactions and information to users in the ubiquitous ambient environment.

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Up-Sampling Method of Depth Map Using Weighted Joint Bilateral Filter (가중치 결합 양방향 필터를 이용한 깊이 지도의 업샘플링 방법)

  • Oh, Dong-ryul;Oh, Byung Tae;Shin, Jitae
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.1175-1184
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    • 2015
  • A depth map is an image which contains 3D distance information. Generally, it is difficult to acquire a high resolution (HD), noise-removed, good quality depth map directly from the camera. Therefore, many researches have been focused on acquisition of the high resolution and the good quality depth map by up-sampling and pre/post image processing of the low resolution depth map. However, many researches are lack of effective up-sampling for the edge region which has huge impact on image perceptual-quality. In this paper, we propose an up-sampling method, based on joint bilateral filter, which improves up-sampling of the edge region and visual quality of synthetic images by adopting different weights for the edge parts that is sensitive to human perception characteristics. The proposed method has gains in terms of PSNR and subjective video quality compared to previous researches.

Suitability Assessment of Rural Public Spaces and Facilities - A Case Study of Okgwa-myeon(Myeon Unit, Region Unit, Village Unit), Gokseong-gun, Jeollanam-do - (농촌마을 공공공간 및 시설의 입지적합성 평가를 위한 사례연구 - 전남 곡성군 옥과면 일대(거점면단위, 권역단위, 마을단위) 대상으로-)

  • Suh, Joo-Hwan;Kim, Jin-Oh;Song, Byeong-Hwa
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.145-154
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    • 2015
  • With the rapid change of rural communities and increasing desire for social welfare, the demand for the quality of public spaces and facilities is increasing. However, inefficient location of rural public space and facility has caused problems such as economic inefficiency, inconvenient accessibility, environmental pollution, unsustainable energy use, and disturbance of visual landscape. This study aims to evaluate suitability of public spaces and facilities in three types of rural village: rural downtown village, rural clustered village, and individual village. As a way to measure the suitability of public spaces and facilities, we assessed indicators of suitability in terms of accessibility, usability, biophysical environment, and sustainable management. To evaluate the accessibility, we applied indicators such as distance from residential areas, public transit, market and public facilities. For the evaluation of biophysical environment, we applied indicators such as slope, elevation, aspect, and occurrence of natural disasters. We analyzed digital maps representing the indicators listed above using GIS. We also conducted a survey and face-to-face interviews to evaluate usability and sustainability of management which are not possible to understand through maps. As a result, we identified that suitability of public spaces and facilities in downtown villages is higher than clustered and individual villages. In particular, suitability of infrastructure facilities, social welfare facilities, and income generation facilities in downtown village are higher than those in clustered and individual villages. The suitability of tourism facilities is generally lower than other types of public facility across the three types of villages. Tourism facilities in clustered village have been identified especially unsuitable compared to other types of villages. We expect the outcome of the research is helpful to improve allocation of public spaces and facilities in rural villages.

Multiple Camera-Based Correspondence of Ground Foot for Human Motion Tracking (사람의 움직임 추적을 위한 다중 카메라 기반의 지면 위 발의 대응)

  • Seo, Dong-Wook;Chae, Hyun-Uk;Jo, Kang-Hyun
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.848-855
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we describe correspondence among multiple images taken by multiple cameras. The correspondence among multiple views is an interesting problem which often appears in the application like visual surveillance or gesture recognition system. We use the principal axis and the ground plane homography to estimate foot of human. The principal axis belongs to the subtracted silhouette-based region of human using subtraction of the predetermined multiple background models with current image which includes moving person. For the calculation of the ground plane homography, we use landmarks on the ground plane in 3D space. Thus the ground plane homography means the relation of two common points in different views. In the normal human being, the foot of human has an exactly same position in the 3D space and we represent it to the intersection in this paper. The intersection occurs when the principal axis in an image crosses to the transformed ground plane from other image. However the positions of the intersection are different depend on camera views. Therefore we construct the correspondence that means the relationship between the intersection in current image and the transformed intersection from other image by homography. Those correspondences should confirm within a short distance measuring in the top viewed plane. Thus, we track a person by these corresponding points on the ground plane. Experimental result shows the accuracy of the proposed algorithm has almost 90% of detecting person for tracking based on correspondence of intersections.

A Study of Outer-ring Galaxies within z<0.05 (적색편이 z<0.05의 외부고리 은하에 대한 연구)

  • Chang, Hunhwi;Sohn, Jungjoo;Ahn, Hongbae
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.211-221
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    • 2020
  • This study classified outer-ring galaxies using 25,308 galaxies within z=0.05 from the SDSS DR7, which are larger than Rpet>6 arcsec and whose minor-to-major axis ratio (b/a)<0.6. We selected 531 galaxies that have ring-like structures by visual inspection of the color images of 25,308 galaxies; these galaxies with ring-like structures served as a primary sample from which we selected 90 outer-ring galaxies. The final sample of 69 outer-ring galaxies was selected by examining the photometric properties of the candidate galaxies. Their properties were determined by conducting surface photometry on their u, g, r, i, and z images. The frequency of the outer-ring galaxies was found to be 0.3% of the local galaxies. We examined the environment of the outer-ring galaxies using two measures of environment, namely, the projected distance to the nearest-neighbor galaxy and the local background density. We did not observe any notable difference between outer-ring and other galactic environments.