• Title/Summary/Keyword: Visual Analog Pain Scale

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The Effect of Ankle Strengthening Exercises Using a Bosu® Ball on the Hallux Valgus Angle, Rear Foot Angle, Balance, and Pain of Hallux Valgus Patients in Their 20s (보수볼을 이용한 발목 강화 운동이 엄지발가락 가쪽휨증을 가진 20대 성인의 엄지발가락 가쪽휨증 각도와 통증에 미치는 영향)

  • SAIKHANZUL, JARGALSAIKHAN;Jeong, Beom-Cheol;Yoo, Kyung-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 2022
  • PURPOSE: In this study, we sought to investigate the effect of conservative ankle strengthening exercise programs using a Bosu® ball or taping, on the hallux valgus angle and the pain of hallux valgus patients in their 20s. METHODS: The hallux valgus angle, balance, and pain after measuring the hallux valgus were measured to select suitable subjects. In the ankle strengthening exercise group (ASG) an ankle strengthening exercise program using a Bosu® ball was performed for two sessions weekly for four weeks and the taping group (TG) was given Kinesiotaping® for two sessions weekly, two days per session, for four weeks. Before and after the experiment, a footprint was used to examine the changes in the hallux valgus angle and the visual analog scale (VAS) was used to measure pain. RESULTS: An evaluation of the post-experiment changes in the hallux valgus angle and pain showed statistically significant improvement in both groups. There was no statistically significant improvement between groups. CONCLUSION: These results show that both ankle strengthening exercises and Kinesiotaping® have a positive effect on the hallux valgus angle and pain.

A Case of Facial Pain Patient Diagnosed as Trigeminal Neuralgia (안면통을 호소하는 환자 치험 1례)

  • Son, Jeong Hwa;Lee, Han-gyul;Yei, Young-chul;Cho, Ki-ho;Mun, Sang-Kwan;Jung, Woo-sang
    • The Journal of the Society of Stroke on Korean Medicine
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.67-72
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    • 2015
  • ■ Objectives The purpose of this clinical study is to evaluate the effect of Traditional Korean Medicine (TKM) on a patient with pain induced by Trigeminal neuralgia. ■ Methods A patient with pain of one side face diagnosed with Trigeminal neuralgia was treated with herbal medication, acupuncture, electro-acupuncture(EA), and moxibution. Then we evaluated the improvement by Pain area comparison and Visual Analog Scale(VAS). ■ Results Decrease of Pain area, VAS score were observed after the TKM treatment. ■ Conclusion This study proved the effect of TKM treatment on pain due to Trigeminal neuralgia.

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3 Case Reports of Trigger Point Needling and Oriental Medical Treatment to Shoulder Pain Patients in Stroke Sequelae (Trigger Point 자침 및 한방치료로 호전된 중풍후유증 환자의 견비통 치험 3례 보고)

  • Jang, Yong-hwan;Lim, Hae-won;Kim, Jee-young;Kwon, Kang;Kim, Jong-hwa
    • The Journal of the Society of Stroke on Korean Medicine
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.89-98
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    • 2010
  • This study was performed to investigate the effectiveness of trigger point needling and oriental medical treatment to shoulder pain patients in stroke sequelae with three aspects of pain and range of motion, muscle strength. Trigger point needling was applied to 3 patients on supraspinatus, infraspinatus, deltoid, subscapularis muscle. For evaluating treatment, visual analog scale(VAS), passive range of motion(PROM), muscle strength evaluation(MSE) were checked. After treatment, VAS score of 1 cases were decreased. PROM of 1 case was improved and MSE of 2 cases were improved slightly. These results suggest that trigger point needling and oriental medical treatment were effective on shoulder pain patients in stroke sequelae and it is necessary to research more case with shoulder pain in stroke sequelae.

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A Case Report of Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome Treated with Hoeeum Bee-venom Therapy and Balio Acupuncture Treatment (회음혈 봉약침 치료와 팔료혈 자침을 통한 만성전립선염/만성골반통증 증후군 치험 1례)

  • Do-yeon Park;Hyang-ran Moon;Hui-jeong Noh;Sang-yoon Jeon
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.536-543
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to report the effectiveness of Hoeeum Bee-venom Therapy and Balio Acupuncture Treatment in the management of chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Methods: A patient with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome underwent Korean medical treatment, including Hoeeum Bee-venom Therapy and Balio Acupuncture Treatment. The severity of symptoms was assessed with a daily visual analog scale (VAS) for orchialgia and lower abdominal pain. In addition, we measured the National Institutes of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) on the first and last days of visit. Results: The patient's symptoms were improved after treatment. The severity of orchialgia was reduced from VAS7 to VAS2, and lower abdominal pain was improved from VAS6 to VAS1. NIH-CPSI decreased from 21 to 5. Conclusion: Hoeeum Bee-venom Therapy and Balio Acupuncture Treatment are effective in treating chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome.

The Effect of Microcurrent Stimulation on Pain and Quality of Life in Women with Primary Dysmenorrhea

  • Minkyoung Kwon;Wonjae Choi
    • Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Science
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.293-299
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    • 2023
  • Objective: This study aimed to investigate the potential benefits of microcurrent stimulation as a non-invasive therapeutic approach for managing pain and improving the quality of life in women suffering from primary dysmenorrhea. Design: A case study. Methods: This study was conducted, involving a cohort of 6 women diagnosed with primary dysmenorrhea, aged between 20 to 30 years. Participants were received microcurrent stimulation using low-intensity microcurrents for 30 minutes every day for 4 weeks. The intensity of microcurrent stimulation was 25 μA and the frequency was 8 Hz. The intervention was administered between the menstruations, with pain intensity and quality of life being assessed at baseline, and then at the end of menstrual cycle. Pain intensity was evaluated using a visual analog scale (VAS) and menstrual symptom questionnaire (MSQ), while the quality of life was assessed through the stress response inventory (SRI), state trait anxiety inventory (STAI), center for epidemiologic studies depression (CES-D), and menstrual distress questionnaire (MEDI-Q). Results: After the intervention, participants demonstrated a statistically significant reduction in pain intensity, as evidenced by improved VAS scores (p<0.05). However, the changes in MSQ scores did not reach statistical significance. Regarding quality of life measures, no statistically significant differences were found in the SRI, STAI, CES-D, and MEDI-Q scores after the intervention (p>0.05). Conclusions: This study suggest that microcurrent stimulation holds promise as a potential treatment option for alleviating pain associated with primary dysmenorrhea.

Design and Efficacy of Calf EMS Protective Gear for Pain Relief in PARA Taekwondo Athletes (PARA 태권도 선수의 통증 완화를 위한 종아리 EMS 보호대 설계 및 효과)

  • Kookhyun Han;Jinhee Park;Jooyong Kim
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.109-124
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    • 2024
  • The aim of this paper is to design and evaluate calf braces that are equipped with Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) modules. These braces are intended to alleviate calf pain in PARA Taekwondo athletes. The paper also seeks to assess the effects of different textile electrode designs. PARA Taekwondo participants are at a heightened risk of injuries and pain due to the nature of this exercise, which is designed for individuals with disabilities. Additionally, there is a significant risk of strain on the lower limb muscles in PARA Taekwondo compared to regular Taekwondo. To address this issue, calf taping methods are commonly used. In this study, we develop calf EMS protective gear and aim to examine the effects of different textile electrode designs inspired by taping methods. We evaluate the differences in the effects of three different textile electrode designs through visual analog scale (VAS) and range of motion (ROM) measurements. The results show that EMS protective gear has the potential to reduce calf pain among PARA Taekwondo athletes, with electrode designs inspired by kinesiology taping providing the most effective pain relief. This research suggests that these findings may be applicable to other sports disciplines, body areas, and everyday pain relief scenarios.

Effects of Kinesio Taping and Upper Coordination Exercises on Pain and Function of Shoulder Myofascial Pain Syndrome (키네시오 테이핑 요법과 상지 협응 운동이 견관절 근막동통증후군의 통증과 기능에 미치는 효과)

  • Song, Hyun-seung;Kim, Tae-won;Park, Sung-doo
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was conducted to investigate the effects of kinesio taping and coordination exercise on the myofascial pain syndrome and shoulder function. Methods: The patients with myofascial pain syndrome were participated in this study and divided randomly 2 groups. Control group (n=22) was taken only physical therapy program. Experimental group (n=22) was taken physical therapy with Kinesio taping and coordination exercise. The Kinesio taping in experimental group applied on levator scapulae and supraspinatus. The coordination exercise performed in supine position and sitting position on 15 times during 10 seconds each positions. We measured the pain degree using visual analog scale (VAS), pain rating score (PRS), pressure pain threshold (PPT), myofascial pain subjects symptoms index and shoulder motor function using constant shoulder assessment scale; CSA before and after experiment. Results: The significant test of CSA, myofascial pain subjects symptoms index, VAS, PRS according to applying the Kinesio taping and coordination exercise between groups used ANCOVA. In the result following analysis, there was significance on VAS (F=13.071, p=.031), PRS (F=12.130, p=.014), PPT (F=7.378, p=.016), CSA (F=5.302, p=.026) between control group and experimental group. Conclusion: Then, Kinesio taping and coordination exercise has benefit on the VAS, PRS, PPT, CSA in patients with myofascial pain syndrome. So, it may suggest that Kinesio taping combined with coordination exercise will be helpful of the pain and shoulder function improvement the patients with myofascial pain syndrome.

Correlation of responsiveness to pain intensity and functional status measurements after lumbar epidural steroid injection in patients with lower back pain

  • Park, Sun Kyung;Lee, Aeryoung;Cho, Suk Ju;Park, Sang Hyun;Yun, So Hui;Lee, Bang Won;Na, Changrock;Choi, Yun Suk
    • Journal of Medicine and Life Science
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.20-25
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    • 2022
  • This study aimed to examine the changes in the Numerical Rating Scale (NRS), Oswestry Disability Index (ODI), and Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMDQ) scores before and after epidural steroid injection (ESI) in patients with lower back pain, and the correlation between the three scales in patients with reduced scores on these scales. Patients completed the NRS, ODI, and RMDQ before and after receiving ESI. A paired t-test was performed to compare the mean scores obtained before and after ESI. The correlations between the scores were estimated by calculating the difference between the baseline and follow-up scores. Of the 49 patients, 37 completed both questionnaire assessments. Among them, 26 patients (70%) presented a post-ESI decrease in scores obtained on all three scales. The NRS score decreased from 6.81±1.91 points at baseline to 3.66±2.22 points at follow-up (P<0.0001); similarly, the ODI score decreased from 41.65±14.76 to 30.38±16.16 points (P=0.0025); and the RMDQ score decreased from 11.11±5.68 to 7.64±5.74 points (P=0.011). Of the 37 patients who completed the two questionnaires, 26 had reduced NRS, ODI, and RMDQ scores. The intraclass correlation coefficients between the NRS and ODI, NRS and RMDQ, and ODI and RMDQ scores were 0.7943, 0.6615, and 0.7182, respectively. The concordance correlation coefficients between the NRS and ODI, NRS and RMDQ, and ODI and RMDQ scores were 0.6020, 0.4938, and 0.5202, respectively. Among the measurements, the correlation between the NRS and ODI scores was the highest, and a moderate correlation was found between the scores obtained using the other instruments.

Long-term Results of Stellate Ganglion Block in Patients with Olfactory Dysfunction

  • Moon, Ho Sik;Chon, Jin Young;Lee, Sang Hoon;Ju, Yu Mi;Sung, Choon Ho
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.57-61
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    • 2013
  • Background: Olfactory dysfunction, including anosmia and hyposmia is difficult to treat. Although the mechanism is not well known, stellate ganglion block (SGB) is used to treat olfactory dysfunction. There are no prior studies on the long-term effects of SGB on olfactory dysfunction. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the continuity of therapeutic effects and patient satisfaction with SGB treatment. Methods: This was a follow-up study carried out via a telephonic survey. The olfactory function of the patient was evaluated using a visual analog scale (VAS). We checked VAS three times: VAS-I (pre-treatment VAS), VAS-A (post-treatment VAS), and VAS-C (VAS at follow up telephone survey). We divided the subjects into 2 groups according to their responsiveness to SGB: the responsive (R group) and the unresponsive groups (UR group). Patient satisfaction was evaluated using a Likert scale. Results: Out of the 40 subjects, 37 responded to the telephone survey. In the UR group, there was difference in the olfactory function. However, in the R group, there were significant VAS differences; VAS-I was $9.6{\pm}0.7$, VAS-A was $5.1{\pm}4.2$, and VAS-C was $2.7{\pm}$2.7 (P < 0.05). On the Likert scale, patient satisfaction was as follows: grade 1, 17 patients (45.9%); grade 2, 6 patients (16.2%); grade 3, 6 patients (16.2%); and grade 4, 8 patients (21.6%). Conclusions: SGB is a safe, long-lasting, and effective therapeutic modality for olfactory dysfunction treatment.

Four Case of HIVD-Lumbar Spine Patient Treated with Acupotomy (침도침 시술을 통한 요추추간판탈출증 환자 4명의 증례보고)

  • Kwak, Byung-Min;Hong, Kwon-Eui
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.149-156
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    • 2008
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study is to report the effect of acupotomy for patients with Lumbar intervertebral disc Herniation. Methods : We treated Four patients who have HIVD of L-spine with acupotomy. Visual analog scores(VAS) and Oswestry Low-back pain Disabiliby Index(ODI) were compared before-treatment with after-tretment. When the patients is discharged, the satisfaction of acupotomy were graded by Five-point Likert scale. Results : VAS and ODI were decreased at all case. Likert scale point were cheked as grade 4 at all case. Conclusions : This study shows acupotomy has useful effect on HIVD of L-spine.

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