• Title/Summary/Keyword: Visible light sensitive

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Development of Nondestructive Grouping System for Soil Organic Matter Using VIS and NIR Spectral Reflectance

  • Sung J.H.
    • Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.15-21
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    • 2005
  • This study was conducted to develop a nondestructive grouping system for soil organic matter using visible (VIS) and near infrared (NIR) spectroscopic method. The artificial light was irradiated on the cut soil surface at 15 to 20 cm depths to reduce the errors of light at open field. The reflectance energy from the cut soil surface was measured to group the soil organic matter using VIS/NIR light sensor with narrow band pass filter. From reflectance spectra of soil samples, the sensitive wavelengths for measuring the soil organic matter were selected and compared to previous research results. The grouping system for soil organic matter consisted of light sensor with band pass filter measuring the reflectance energy of the cut soil surface, global positing system (GPS), analog-to-digital (AD) converter, computer and operating software. The regression models to predict the soil organic matter were developed and evaluated. From field test, the accuracies of the developed light sensor system were 81.3% for five-stage grouping of the soil organic matters and 91.0% for three-stages grouping of the soil organic matters, respectively. It could be possible to support the decision making for variable rate applications with the developed grouping system for soil organic matter in precision agriculture.

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Color Space Mapping and Medium Access Control Techniques in Visible Light Communication (가시광통신을 위한 색채공간매핑과 MAC 기법 연구)

  • Rahman, Mohammad Shaifur;Kim, Byung-Yeon;Bang, Min-Suk;Park, Young-Il;Kim, Ki-Doo
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.99-107
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    • 2009
  • Visible Light Communication (VLC) is a promising wireless communication technology. It offers huge, worldwide available and free bandwidth without electro-magnetic interference, which makes it very attractive for RF-sensitive operating environments. We propose colored LED-based VLC system for hospital use which includes voice recognition system for operating the medical equipments. New Mr hlation Scheme based on the Light Color Space is suggested to overcome the effect of noise generated by background light. Different color space constellations for different symbol sizes are also suggested which would give better bit error rate performance. Finally, Slotted ALOHA or TDMA medium access control protocols are suggested for multi-user operations.

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Changes in Subjective Discomfort, Blinking Rate, Lens Centration and the Light Transmittance of Lens Induced by Exceeding Use of Daily Disposable Circle Contact Lenses in Dry Eyes (일회용 써클소프트렌즈의 일일 초과착용 시 유발되는 건성안의 자각적 불편감, 순목횟수, 중심안정 및 렌즈 광투과율의 변화)

  • Park, Mijung;Kang, Shin Young;Chang, Jung Iee;Han, Arum;Kim, So Ra
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.153-162
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: This study was assessed to investigate the change of subjective and/or objective symptoms and the light transmittance of lens caused by the use longer than recommended wearing time of daily disposable circle contact lenses (circle lens) in dry eyes. Methods: Three daily disposable circle lenses made of etafilcon A, hilafilcon B, and nelfilcon A were applied on 30 dry eyes with smaller tear volume than normal eyes in their twenties free from any eye diseases by when subjects complained any kind of discomfort. On the first and the last days of lens wearing, subjective discomfort, blinking rate, lens centration on corneal surface and visible light transmittance of lens were recorded at every case and compared. Results: The circle lens wearers complained subjective discomfort and quit the lens wearing when they wore the circle lens longer than 10 hours even though there were some difference according to the lens materials of daily disposable circle lens. However, around 20% of dry eyes could wear the circle lens made of non-ionic materials longer than 40 hours. Dry eyes showed most sensitive feeling of subjective discomfort against the circle lens made of etafilcon A among three different lens materials. On the last day of lens wearing, the representative subjective discomforts were irritation, stiffness, dryness and tiredness. When the subjects wore circle lens more than the recommended time, blinking rate was significantly increased about 20~30% regardless of lens materials when it compared with the values right after lens wearing. On the last day of lens wearing, the vertical direction of lens centration was shifted to pupil center however, its distribution in horizontal direction was wide compared with the distribution right after lens wearing. Especially, the centration of etafilcon A lens was unstable. Furthermore, the visible light transmittance of 3 different circle lenses in dry eyes has significantly been reduced around 15% averaged. Conclusions: From these results, it was known that the increase of dryness and stiffness caused by overusage of daily disposable circle lens induced excess irritation and decreased visible light transmittance and caused significant more blinking, which provoked lens decentration. It was also revealed that dry eyes showed sensitive reaction subjectively and objectively against the overusage of circle lens made of high water content/ionic lens material even there were some difference of the degree depending on the individual and the lens material. Thus, this research can be suggested as the basic reference for the education about some unexpected problems and the side effect caused by the wearing of circle lens in dry eyes.

The Stability of Carotenoid Pigments in Astringent Persimmon(Diospyros kaki) Consumed in Korea (떫은감 Carotenoid의 색소 안정성)

  • 강미정;윤경영;성종환;이광희;김광수
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.355-362
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    • 2004
  • Studies on extraction and color stability of carotenoids from astringent persimmon(Diospyros kaki) were performed to provide the basic information for the utilization of persimmon pigment as a new source of natural food colorant. The major carotenoids in astringent persimmon were beta-cryptoxanthin, lycopene and beta-carotene. Beta-cryptoxanthin was the first major pigment and lycopene the next. Total carotenoid content in persimmon calculated as beta-carotene equivalent was 107.4 $\mu\textrm{g}$/g. The data indicated that the astringent persimmon was a good source of carotenoid pigment. The physical and chemical stabilities of carotenoid from astringent persimmon were investigated at various conditions of temperature, pH and antioxidant. The effects of oxygen and light on the stability of carotenoid pigment has been investigated. The factors that cause the discoloration were visible light, temperature above 60, pH below 5 and oxygen. Especially, the carotenoid pigment was very sensitive to light and oxygen. Carotenoid stability was much improved with increasing nitrogen concentration in the atmosphere. Persimmon pigments have been found to be most stable at 5∼10. And tocopherol was the most effective inhibitor of the pigment discoloration.

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Optical Characteristics of Oxygen-doped ZnTe Thin Films Deposited by Magnetron Sputtering Method

  • Kim, Seon-Pil;Pak, Sang-Woo;Kim, Eun-Kyu
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2011.08a
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    • pp.253-253
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    • 2011
  • ZnTe semiconductor is very attractive a material for optoelectronic devices in the visible green spectral region because of it has direct bandgap of 2.26 eV. The prototypes of ZnTe light emitting diodes (LEDs) have been reported [1], showing that their green emission peak closely matches the most sensitive region of the human eye. The optoelectronic properties of ZnTe:O film allow to expect a large optical gain in the intermediate emission band, which emission band lies about 0.4-0.6 eV below the conduction band of ZnTe [2]. So, the ZnTe system is useful for the production of high-efficiency multi-junction solar cells [2,3]. In this work, the ZnTe:O thin films were deposited on Al2O3 substrates by using the radio frequency magnetron sputtering system. Three sets of samples were prepared using argon and oxygen as the sputtering gas. The deposition chamber was pre-pumped down to a base pressure of 10-7 Torr before introducing gas. The deposition pressure was fixed at 10-3 Torr throughout this work. During the ZnTe deposition, the substrate temperature was 300 oC. The optical properties were also investigated by using the ultraviolte-visible (UV-Vis) spectrophotometer.

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Optical Design and Tolerance Analysis for UVO-Multiband Polarizing Imager System

  • Han, Jimin;Chang, Seunghyuk;Park, Woojin;Lee, Sunwoo;Ahn, Hojae;Kim, Geon Hee;Lee, Dae-Hee;Pak, Soojong
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.68.2-68.2
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    • 2020
  • UVO-Multiband Polarizing Imager System (UVOMPIS) is an ultraviolet to visible light multi-wavelength polarization/imaging system for Compact Advanced Satellite. We developed Linear Astigmatism Free-Three Mirror System (LAF-TMS) D200F2 as an optical system of UVOMPIS which has an entrance pupil diameter of 200 mm, a focal ratio of 2, a field of view of 2° × 4°. LAF-TMS is a confocal off-axis reflecting telescope system that removes linear astigmatism, and its all mirrors (M1, M2, M3) are optimized with the freeform surface to reduce high-order aberrations. Through the sensitivity analysis and Monte-Carlo simulation as the tolerance analysis, we can confirm the feasibility of the system, relatively sensitive parameters (tilt, decenter, despace, surface RMS error), and considerations for optomechanical design. From the sensitivity analysis, we can discover the relatively sensitive optical alignment parameters to a single perturbation. Further more, in the monte-carlo simulation, we investigate the minimum tolerance budget satisfying the required optical performance and whether the tolerance range is satisfied within manufacturing error.

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Behavioral Monitoring System for Mud Shrimp Upogebia major and the Photoresponse to Illumination with Different Wavelength LEDs (쏙(Upogebia major)의 광반응 분석시스템 구축과 발광다이오드(Light-Emitting Diode) 파장별 행동분석)

  • Jang, Jun-Chul;Chung, Jong-Kyun;Hur, Youn-Seong;Song, Jae-Hee;Kim, Jong-Myoung
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.413-420
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    • 2017
  • The increase in the number of mud shrimps Upogebia major is a concern because of their negative effects on shellfish aquaculture, including Manila clam Venerupis philippinatum along the west coast of Korea. This study developed a behavioral analysis system for aquatic animals using a set of monochromatic light-emitting diode (LED) modules covering the visible light range at similar intervals. Movements of mud shrimp were monitored using a tracking system under illumination with infra-red light and an LED of 660 nm wavelength without provoking stimulation. The minimum light intensity needed to induce a photoresponse by the mud shrimp was $10{\mu}mole/m^2/s$ under the conditions tested. Of the six kinds of LED illuminations tested, the most sensitive response was obtained with illumination with the 505 nm LED, followed in order by LEDs with peak wavelengths of $525nm{\fallingdotseq}465nm$ > $405nm{\fallingdotseq}590nm$ > 660 nm. These findings should help to identify LED sources that efficiently induce movement of the mud shrimp and also for monitoring movement without stimulating.

Bactericidal effect of 461 nm blue light emitting diode on pathogenic bacteria (461nm 청색 LED를 이용한 식중독세균의 살균효과)

  • Do, Jung Sun;Bang, Woo Suk
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.419-423
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    • 2013
  • The objective of this study was to characterize the bactericidal effect of 461nm visible-light LED on three common foodborne bacteria: Escherichia coli O157:H7, Staphylococcus aureus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Tests were conducted against pathogen strains that were treated with 461nm LED for 10 h at $15^{\circ}C$. The E. coli (ATCC 43894, ATCC 8739 and ATCC 35150) and the S. aureus (ATCC 27664, ATCC 19095 and ATCC 43300) had average reductions of 2.5, 6.6, 1.5, 2.5 and 2.0 log CFU/mL, respectively, after they were exposed for 10 h to 461nm LED light (p<0.05). In contrast, V. parahaemolyticus (ATCC 43969) had 6 log CFU/mL reductions after it was exposed for 4 h to 461nm LED light. The results showed that both the Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria were inactivated with 461nm LED light exposure. Also, the Gram-negative bacteria were more sensitive to the LED treatment than the Gram-positive bacteria. These results show the potential use of 461nm LED as a food preservation and application technology.

Three-Car following model parameter estimation and vehicle tinting impact analysis using time-space GPS data (시공간 GPS자료를 활용한 연속차량 3대의 차량추종모형 파라메터 추정과 차량틴팅의 영향분석)

  • Kim, Hye-Won;Lee, Chung-Won
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 2011
  • Driving directly in front of the driver of a vehicle driving in front of the vehicle and it is commonly known is affected. Responding to the car in front of the driver and the vehicle in front, and these follow the model is known as Three-Car-Following Model. Platoon vehicles to follow behind the driver's visibility is affected by the a tinted vehicle, and Parameters of the model is estimated to be affected also. In this study, in Three-Car-Followng Model parameters were estimated. and the parameter values differ about whether and how analysis was performed by the level of Visible Light Transmission Percentage. RTK GPS receiving data through field experiment analyzed based on sensitivity of three car by Visible Light Transmission Percentage and ${\gamma}$. And With statistical verification of driving directly in front of the driver in front of the vehicle and that the moving vehicle is influenced also confirmed. Also Visible Light Transmission Percentage is lowered, the vehicle in front of the driver's behavior showed sensitive reactions. In the further need to research for influence analysis of traffic flow capacity by the level of VLT.

Compact battery-less guest guidance system at the EXPO 2005, Aichi Japan

  • Itoh, Hideo;Lin, Xin;Kaji, Ryosaku;Niwa, Tatsuya;Nakamura, Yoshiyuki;Nishimura, Takuichi
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.2207-2210
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    • 2005
  • Guest guidance system based on the compact battery-less information terminal, Aimulet, which has been developed by the authors of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan. Conventional Aimulet, which is Aimulet ver.1 or CoBIT, has features of location and direction sensitive information service device without batteries. On the other hand, the Aimulet has two subjects, one is multiplex and demultiplex of some contents, and the other is operation under sunshine. Former subject is of solved by the wavelength multiplex technique using LED emitter with different wavelength and dielectric optical filters. Latter subject is solved by new micro spherical solar cells with a visible-light-eliminating optical filter and a new design of light irradiation. These techniques are applied to the EXPO 2005, Aichi Japan and introduced in public. Aimulet GH is Former technique is applied on Aimulet GH, which is used in Orange Hall of the Global House, scientific museum with a fossil of a frozen mammoth.

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