• Title/Summary/Keyword: Virtual Machine Migration

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OTP-Based Dynamic Authentication Framework for Virtual Machine Migration (가상머신 마이그레이션을 위한 OTP 기반 동적인증 프레임워크)

  • Lee, Eun-Ji;Park, Choon-Sik;Kwak, Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.315-327
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    • 2017
  • Security threats such as unauthorized access and data tampering can occur during the virtual machine migration process. In particular, since virtual machine migration requires users to transfer important data and infrastructure information, it is relatively risky to other cloud services in case of security threats. For this reason, there is a need for dynamic authentication for virtual machine migration. Therefore, this paper proposes an OTP-based dynamic authentication framework to improve the vulnerabilities of the existing authentication mechanism for virtual machine migration. It consists of a virtual machine migration request module and an operation module. The request module includes an OTP-based user authentication process and a migration request process to a data center when a user requests a migration. The operation module includes a secure key exchange process between the data centers using SPEKE and a TOTP-based mutual authentication process between the data center and the physical server.

Proactive Virtual Network Function Live Migration using Machine Learning (머신러닝을 이용한 선제적 VNF Live Migration)

  • Jeong, Seyeon;Yoo, Jae-Hyoung;Hong, James Won-Ki
    • KNOM Review
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2021
  • VM (Virtual Machine) live migration is a server virtualization technique for deploying a running VM to another server node while minimizing downtime of a service the VM provides. Currently, in cloud data centers, VM live migration is widely used to apply load balancing on CPU workload and network traffic, to reduce electricity consumption by consolidating active VMs into specific location groups of servers, and to provide uninterrupted service during the maintenance of hardware and software update on servers. It is critical to use VMlive migration as a prevention or mitigation measure for possible failure when its indications are detected or predicted. In this paper, we propose two VNF live migration methods; one for predictive load balancing and the other for a proactive measure in failure. Both need machine learning models that learn periodic monitoring data of resource usage and logs from servers and VMs/VNFs. We apply the second method to a vEPC (Virtual Evolved Pakcet Core) failure scenario to provide a detailed case study.

Effect of ASLR on Memory Duplicate Ratio in Cache-based Virtual Machine Live Migration

  • Piao, Guangyong;Oh, Youngsup;Sung, Baegjae;Park, Chanik
    • IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.205-210
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    • 2014
  • Cache based live migration method utilizes a cache, which is accessible to both side (remote and local), to reduce the virtual machine migration time, by transferring only irredundant data. However, address space layout randomization (ASLR) is proved to reduce the memory duplicate ratio between targeted migration memory and the migration cache. In this pager, we analyzed the behavior of ASLR to find out how it changes the physical memory contents of virtual machines. We found that among six virtual memory regions, only the modification to stack influences the page-level memory duplicate ratio. Experiments showed that: (1) the ASLR does not shift the heap region in sub-page level; (2) the stack reduces the duplicate page size among VMs which performed input replay around 40MB, when ASLR was enabled; (3) the size of memory pages, which can be reconstructed from the fresh booted up state, also reduces by about 60MB by ASLR. With those observations, when applying cache-based migration method, we can omit the stack region. While for other five regions, even a coarse page-level redundancy data detecting method can figure out most of the duplicate memory contents.

NDynamic Framework for Secure VM Migration over Cloud Computing

  • Rathod, Suresh B.;Reddy, V. Krishna
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.476-490
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    • 2017
  • In the centralized cloud controlled environment, the decision-making and monitoring play crucial role where in the host controller (HC) manages the resources across hosts in data center (DC). HC does virtual machine (VM) and physical hosts management. The VM management includes VM creation, monitoring, and migration. If HC down, the services hosted by various hosts in DC can't be accessed outside the DC. Decentralized VM management avoids centralized failure by considering one of the hosts from DC as HC that helps in maintaining DC in running state. Each host in DC has many VM's with the threshold limit beyond which it can't provide service. To maintain threshold, the host's in DC does VM migration across various hosts. The data in migration is in the form of plaintext, the intruder can analyze packet movement and can control hosts traffic. The incorporation of security mechanism on hosts in DC helps protecting data in migration. This paper discusses an approach for dynamic HC selection, VM selection and secure VM migration over cloud environment.

A Migration Method of Virtual Machines based Dynamic Threshold in Virtualization Environments (가상화 환경에서 동적 임계치 기반 가상 머신 이주 기법)

  • Choi, Hogun;Park, JiSu;Shon, Jin Gon
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.83-90
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    • 2015
  • In an virtualization environment, several virtual machines use physical resources together. If a specific virtual machine uses to much of the computing resources, other machines may not be working properly. There are various method to solve this problem. Most representative study is to migrate a specified virtual machines to a different server, a target server. In this study, server load can be transferred to a target server by the remigrate of the load imposed on virtual machine. It is still problematic that virtual machine has to remigrate to a different server. This thesis has proposed the algorithm determining the remigration targets by applying dynamic thresholds to solve those problems. The migration algorithm applies dynamic thresholds according to the following criteria. Firstly, the usage of CPU, network and memory; secondly, decide the set of artificial machine and the target server based on the resources surpassed thresholds; thirdly, determine artificial machines based on the resource usage in the target server.

A Resource Reduction Scheme with Low Migration Frequency for Virtual Machines on a Cloud Cluster

  • Kim, Changhyeon;Lee, Wonjoo;Jeon, Changho
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.1398-1417
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    • 2013
  • A method is proposed to reduce excess resources from a virtual machine(VM) while avoiding subsequent migrations for a computer cluster that provides cloud service. The proposed scheme cuts down on the resources of a VM based on the probability that migration may occur after a reduction. First, it finds a VM that can be scaled down by analyzing the history of the resource usage. Then, the migration probability is calculated as a function of the VM resource usage trend and the trend error. Finally, the amount of resources needed to eliminate from an underutilized VM is determined such that the migration probability after the resource reduction is less than or equal to an acceptable migration probability. The acceptable migration probability, to be set by the cloud service provider, is a criterion to assign a weight to the resource reduction either to prevent VM migrations or to enhance VM utilization. The results of simulation show that the proposed scheme lowers migration frequency by 31.6~60.8% depending on the consistency of resource demand while losing VM utilization by 9.1~21.5% compared to other known approaches, such as the static and the prediction-based methods. It is also verified that the proposed scheme extends the elapsed time before the first occurrence of migration after resource reduction 1.1~2.3-fold. In addition, changes in migration frequency and VM utilization are analyzed with varying acceptable migration probabilities and the consistency of resource demand patterns. It is expected that the analysis results can help service providers choose a right value of the acceptable migration probability under various environments having different migration costs and operational costs.

An Intelligent Residual Resource Monitoring Scheme in Cloud Computing Environments

  • Lim, JongBeom;Yu, HeonChang;Gil, Joon-Min
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.1480-1493
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    • 2018
  • Recently, computational intelligence has received a lot of attention from researchers due to its potential applications to artificial intelligence. In computer science, computational intelligence refers to a machine's ability to learn how to compete various tasks, such as making observations or carrying out experiments. We adopted a computational intelligence solution to monitoring residual resources in cloud computing environments. The proposed residual resource monitoring scheme periodically monitors the cloud-based host machines, so that the post migration performance of a virtual machine is as consistent with the pre-migration performance as possible. To this end, we use a novel similarity measure to find the best target host to migrate a virtual machine to. The design of the proposed residual resource monitoring scheme helps maintain the quality of service and service level agreement during the migration. We carried out a number of experimental evaluations to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed residual resource monitoring scheme. Our results show that the proposed scheme intelligently measures the similarities between virtual machines in cloud computing environments without causing performance degradation, whilst preserving the quality of service and service level agreement.

A Development of Adaptive VM Migration Techniques in Cloud Computing (클라우드 컴퓨팅에서 적응적 VM 마이그레이션 기법 개발)

  • Lee, HwaMin
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.4 no.9
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    • pp.315-320
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    • 2015
  • In cloud computing, server virtualization supports one or more virtual machines loaded on multiple operating systems on a single physical host server. Migration of a VM is moving the VM running on a source host to another physical machine called target host. A VM live migration is essential to support task performance optimization, energy efficiency and energy saving, fault tolerance and load balancing. In this paper, we propose open source based adaptive VM live migration technique. For this, we design VM monitoring module to decide VM live migration and open source based full-virtualization hypervisor.

Harmony Search for Virtual Machine Replacement (화음 탐색법을 활용한 가상머신 재배치 연구)

  • Choi, Jae-Ho;Kim, Jang-Yeop;Seo, Young Jin;Kim, Young-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.26-35
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    • 2019
  • By operating servers, storage, and networking devices, Data centers consume a lot of power such as cooling facilities, air conditioning facilities, and emergency power facilities. In the United States, The power consumed by data centers accounted for 1.8% of total power consumption in 2004. The data center industry has evolved to a large scale, and the number of large hyper scale data centers is expected to grow in the future. However, as a result of examining the server share of the data center, There is a problem where the server is not used effectively such that the average occupancy rate is only about 15% to 20%. To solve this problem, we propose a Virtual Machine Reallocation research using virtual machine migration function. In this paper, we use meta-heuristic for effective virtual machine reallocation. The virtual machine reallocation problem with the goal of maximizing the idle server was designed and solved through experiments. This study aims to reducing the idle rate of data center servers and reducing power consumption simultaneously by solving problems.

A Predictive Virtual Machine Placement in Decentralized Cloud using Blockchain

  • Suresh B.Rathod
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.60-66
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    • 2024
  • Host's data during transmission. Data tempering results in loss of host's sensitive information, which includes number of VM, storage availability, and other information. In the distributed cloud environment, each server (computing server (CS)) configured with Local Resource Monitors (LRMs) which runs independently and performs Virtual Machine (VM) migrations to nearby servers. Approaches like predictive VM migration [21] [22] by each server considering nearby server's CPU usage, roatative decision making capacity [21] among the servers in distributed cloud environment has been proposed. This approaches usage underlying server's computing power for predicting own server's future resource utilization and nearby server's resource usage computation. It results in running VM and its running application to remain in waiting state for computing power. In order to reduce this, a decentralized decision making hybrid model for VM migration need to be proposed where servers in decentralized cloud receives, future resource usage by analytical computing system and takes decision for migrating VM to its neighbor servers. Host's in the decentralized cloud shares, their detail with peer servers after fixed interval, this results in chance to tempering messages that would be exchanged in between HC and CH. At the same time, it reduces chance of over utilization of peer servers, caused due to compromised host. This paper discusses, an roatative decisive (RD) approach for VM migration among peer computing servers (CS) in decentralized cloud environment, preserving confidentiality and integrity of the host's data. Experimental result shows that, the proposed predictive VM migration approach reduces extra VM migration caused due over utilization of identified servers and reduces number of active servers in greater extent, and ensures confidentiality and integrity of peer host's data.