• Title/Summary/Keyword: Village residents

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Residents' Recognition of House Entrance at Eoeun Village - The Case of Eoeun-Ri, Yiungcheon City - (어은리 주민들의 출입구에 대한 인식 -경북 영천시 금호읍 어은리의 사례-)

  • 이관희
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.37-42
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    • 2001
  • This research is related to house entrance recognition of residents, who have long kept the entrance without a closing door in Eoeun village, Geumho, Keongbook. The purpose of the research was to interpret the recognition of a house entrance in Eoeun village with the theories of cultural ecology. Final results suggest the belief for all the inhabitant\`s welfare through anthropological adaptation to habitat. The fish in the Geumho River had sought the shelter from the heavy rain in summer. The Eoeun forest at the entrance of the village provided good shelter for the fish. The Eoeun residents thought that the safe shelter fur the river fish is also semantic for the people. They believed that if the fish could not find shelter, i.e., the Eoeun forest and left, the village could be not safe for their life. Therefore, even the entrance of house should be structurely opened for the fish shelter in a symbolic sense. The entrance without a closing door has implied that their life should depend upon their natural environments because they have believed that till now there have been no considerable accidents in the village.

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A Study on the Establishment of Guidelines on the Conservation and Maintenance of Folk Village - Focused on the Houses in Cultural Heritage Zione of the Jeju Seongeup Village - (민속마을 보존정비 가이드라인 설정에 관한 연구 - 제주 성읍마을의 문화재구역 내 가옥을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Tae-Hyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2022
  • Among Korea's national folk cultural heritage, eight villages have been designated, and 37 years have passed since Hahoe Village was first designated in 1984. All eight villages have been constantly inhabited by residents from the past to the present, so the cultural value of inferring the lives of our ancestors in the past is very high. However, due to the inconvenience of the settlement environment in existing houses due to changes in the living environment, buildings such as various residential facilities and warehouses have been installed and expanded without permission, losing the original cultural property landscape and building. In addition, complaints and conflicts from residents are accumulating due to the poor living environment in the village. Therefore, this study intends to present guidelines for conservation and maintenance that can embrace changes in resident's housing and living environment, based on the 'maintenance of original form', the grand principle of the Cultural Properties Protection Law about the Jeju Seongeup Village. In particular, the maintenance plan is largely subdivided into legalization, demolition, expansion and reconstruction, and detailed standards for each item and examples applied are proposed. Through this, it aims to become basic data on the starting point of realistic improvement measures for cultural properties and residents to coexist.

Centennial Planning by Local Residents for Sustainable "Mun-Dang" Village (주민이 주도하는 지속가능한 '문당'마을 백년계획)

  • Yang, Byoung-E;Lee, Gwan-Gyu;Song, Byoung-Hwa
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.5-13
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    • 2002
  • As a result of the rapid industrialization in Korea, dismantlement of traditional rural villages and sharp decreases in rural populations have been common phenomena in rural areas in Korea. Recently, some rural villages have made efforts to revitalize their villages particularly with emphasis on the sustainable development of the village. Mundang village is one of the good examples of rural village revitalization. Residents of the village established centennial plan for the sustainable village with the help of the experts. The paper introduces the summary of the planning process and plan itself.

Case Study of Opinion Coordination between Residents and Coordinators on the Planning Process of Community Housing in Sungmisan Village (성미산마을 공동체주거 계획과정의 거주자와 코디네이터의 의견조정 사례연구)

  • Park, Kyoung-Ok;Ryu, Hyun-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to make clear considerations in the planning of community housing and the roles of coordinators. Seongmisan village, a representative urban community village in Seoul, was selected for this study on problem solving between residents and opinion coordination between residents and coordinators. For this qualitative research, 2 residents and 2 coordinators answered 'open questionnaires' on prior basic planning, land purchase, financing, architectural planning, construction and inspection, and actual living conditions thereafter. They were each interviewed for 2 hours at a time that was 14-16 months after the residents started living in the new houses, and the records were transcribed. The following was the result. 1) The residents, who ruled the steps of prior basic planning and land purchase, did not have sufficient information or knowledge of the construction of community housing, so that they faced difficulties especially in the legal and financial aspects. 2) The coordinators participated in the project at the steps of architectural planning and construction. The residents accepted the coordinators' opinions on the choice of floor and position, and the coordinators listened to the residents' opinions on individual plans and finishing materials. In the construction step, however, there was conflict between them, and dissatisfaction occurred on the completion time and construction cost. For the successful construction of community housing, a professional coordination company needs to join the project to establish a system of opinion coordinating from the step of prior basic planning to the step of afterconstruction management.

A Study on the Comparative Evaluation between the Planned Distict(Munhwa-Maul) and the Existing District in Korean Rural Village : The Cases of Wolam-1-Ri and Woohang-2-Ri (문화(집단)마을과 기존농촌마을의 비교평가에 관한 연구 - 월암 1리와 우항 2리를 중심으로 -)

  • Im, Seung-Bin;Jo, Sun-Jae;Park, Chang-Seok
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.49-64
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    • 1995
  • As a basic research for the reorganization of the rural villages and the enhancement of the rural residential environment this study intends to compare attitudes and perceptions of the residents in the planned districts(Munhwa-Maul) and the existing districts in the two rural villages, Wolam-1-Ri and Woohang-2-Ri The major fadings of this study can be summarized as follows 1) The three types of reorganization of the rural villages are identified $.$ addition of the new residential site to existing village, development of a new village in a new site, redevelopment of existing village 2) The residents have low degrees of satisEaction at medical facilities, park and green spaces, public open spaces 3) The rates of residents who think their village territory include both the planned and the existing district is higher in the Woohang-2-Ri than in the Wolam-1-Ri 4) 57.6% of the farm householders in the two planned districts think the lot sizes are small, But the majority of the residents think the sizes of their houses are adequate. 5) A large number of residents show positive response to the development of the planned district 6) Since the majority of the residents(about 70%) in the two planned districts are not farm householders, new strategies need to be deveolped to induce more farm householders to the planned district.

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The Effect of General Rural Development Project on Spiritual Leadership, Social Capital and Subjective Well-being (일반농산어촌개발사업이 지도자의 영성리더십, 마을의 사회적 자본, 주민의 주관적 복지에 미치는 영향)

  • Yook, Hwa-Bong;Jeong, Ahn-Seong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.51-68
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    • 2020
  • Korea's general rural development projects, which has shifted its paradigm to a bottom-up approach, should be promoted in the direction of focusing on the subjective well-being of the residents in rural areas. This study analyzed the effect that a general rural development project impact on the subjective well-being of the residents and the village leader in the relationship the spirituality of leadership, the village's social capital to analyze the impact any general rural areas, attributed the success of development projects with diversified.. The results are as follows: First, the basic living-based projects among general agricultural fishing village development projects have positive effects on the subjective welfare of the residents. Second, it was found that the basic living-based projects and regional income raising projects in general agricultural fishing village development projects had a positive effect on the altruistic behaviors and beliefs of spiritual leadership. Third, as a result of analyzing the effect of the level of general farming and fishing village development on social capital, regional income raising projects have a positive effect on the formation of social capital such as trust and network. Finally, as a result of analyzing the influence of social capital on subjective well-being, it was found that social capital such as trust and network has a positive effect on the subjective well-being of rural residents. In future research, it is required to select more extended research subjects not limited to residents of limited areas, and conduct repeated studies, with expanding the model to include the important variables that affect the subjective well-being of the residents.

Village Environment Improvement Projects from the Perspectives of Community - Focused on walls in village art projects - (커뮤니티의 관점에서 본 마을환경 개선 사업 - 마을 미술사업의 담을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Eun-Yeong;Kim, Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.155-163
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    • 2014
  • This study aimed to identify orientations for the development of the community by establishing desirable aesthetical environments and reorganizing the residents' communal way of life through the implementation of village art projects. To investigate how the implementation of village art projects influence community and communication, the author analyzed changes in walls made by the implementation of actual projects in Anhyeon Village in Gochang, Dongpirang in Tongyeong, and Byeolbyeol Village in Yeongcheon. The community was analyzed from the view points of locality, communal ties, and communication. The results showed that Anhyeon Village in Gochang expressed its locality with chrysanthemum, poems and local figures. Similar walls were built across the village to strengthen ties among the residents, and portraits used as doorplates represented communication among them. Various paintings of seas, flowers, and poems were seen in Dongpirang in Tongyeong, which were thought to be representations of its locality and the friendliness of hometown in the less favoured area. Wall paintings played pivotal roles in this village to impart to the residents essentials that should be kept to eliminate inner walls in their minds and ensure open communications. In Byeolbyeol Village in Yeongcheon, locality was presented with common farm village landscapes in various materials, patterns and formativeness. Village-wide reinforcement contributed to strengthening ties in the community rather than forming boundaries against outside worlds. Cultural and artistic elements structured mental walls that made people not aware of the presence of physical walls.

Development Process of Activities about Urban and Rural Interchange and Its Characteristics for Making Continuous Profit in Underdeveloped Rural Village -The Case of Cheonjang-ri(Alps village), Mount Chilgab-Region in Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project- (낙후농촌의 지속적 수익 창출 위한 도농교류활동 개발 전개과정과 특징 -농촌마을종합개발사업 칠갑산권역 천장리(알프스마을)을 사례로-)

  • Kim, Du-Han
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.35-49
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    • 2013
  • The study area is Cheonjang-ri, also called Alps village, making continuous profit after performing Comprehensive Rural Village Development Projects. This study aims to determine the development process of activities about urban and rural interchange and its characteristics for making continuous profit by residents themselves. A focus on thinking about the process is necessary to make activities in order to achieve continuous profits in the underdeveloped rural village by residents themselves. As a result of this study, Alps village has developed new activities, improving problems which are encountered on the development process of activities. And, Alps village has developed new activities by linking them with previous activities. To improve problems, Alps village has made an effort by itself and cooperated with the subject, both inside and outside of the village. This way has been effective for increasing the number of visitors in village. Increasing the number of visitors in village has been effective in making a continuous profit. Also, continuing to make new activities in order to substitute previous activities including problems has been effective to increase profit.

A Study on Eco-village Planning in Chindo-ri, Muju-kun (무주군 진도리의 생태마을 조성계획에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Won;Kim, Kyong Hwa;Choi, Gui Seon
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.141-146
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    • 1999
  • This paper proposes the planning and design of the Eco-village centering around Chindo-ri, Muju-kun. The Eco-village project has three basic objects the Eco-village residents' lives adapting to ecological principles such as regeneration and circulation, life agricultural techniques based on organic cycle, and residents' harmonious lives with the surrounding nature. For constructing of the Eco-village, first, the subject area was analyzed in terms of the natural and cultural environment and then, on this analytic ground the concrete concept and the specific plan were set up. The following details also should be considered: the scale of the residential household, the population, the space arrangement of the village, the material cycling structure, the waste treatment, the purification of the sewage, the energy supply, the landscape architecture, the production activity, the conservation of the ecosystem and so on.

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Health Effects of Exposure to Oil-contaminated Water Using Biological Markers: Focusing on G Village near the Area of Daecheon Beach (생체지표를 이용한 지하수 오염의 건강 영향 평가: 일개 지역을 중심으로)

  • Oh, Doo-Nam;Lim, Kyung-Choon;Park, Seungmi
    • Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.74-81
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to explore the health effects of exposure to oil-contaminated water in G village near the area of Daecheon beach on which air force had test fired. Methods: Eighty residents consented and were divided into three groups; 33 residents(drinking well water and still living there), 23 residents(drinking well water but do not live there any more), and 24 residents(did not drink well water but live there now: control group). Data were collected from August to September, 2010 from the survey questionnaires, general health examination, specific functional test, and biological marker tests. Results: Current residents showed higher levels of body mass index, blood pressure, and fasting blood glucose that are related to adult diseases. 64 participants received specific test for cancer. Only one person had esophageal cancer. Perchloroethylene was not found in the Urine Samples. Current residents showed a higher level of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine, an indicator of oxidative damage, and there was a statistically significant difference after correcting the confounding variables. Conclusion: We need education programs for managing the risk factors that are related to adult diseases in people who are now living in this village. We also need to expand further studies for investigating oxidative damage indicators.