• Title/Summary/Keyword: View of Form

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Hull Form Generation by Using Fuzzy Model

  • Lee, Yeon-Seung-;Jeong, Seong-Jae;Kim, Su-Young-;Geuntaek-Kang
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 1993.06a
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    • pp.1234-1237
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    • 1993
  • This paper discusses the hull form generation from fuzzy model constructed with actual ship data using fuzzy concept. SAC, which is the most important factor in the hull form generation, is expressed by a fuzzy model describing the relationships among design parameters, which have a great influence on SAC, through model identification process with the actual ship data and design parameters. Then, we can infer the SAC of an aimed ship through the process of fuzzy inference and decide the offset of a front view by making the fuzzy model between SAC and offset as well. In conclusion, this paper makes a step forward from the geometrical definition, which has been used for hull form generation so far, to direct mathematical formulae about the relationship between design parameters and offset. So, if the design parameters are given, we can generate the hull form taking such properties into account.

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A Study on the Hull Form Design System for CIM In Shipbuilding (조선 CIM을 위한 선형 설계 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Woo, I.G.;Lee, W.J.;Jo, H.J.;Yoon, D.Y.;Choi, Y.B.
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.182-188
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    • 1996
  • The hull form design is the first step of the concurrent ship design and production. At this point of view, to provide the hull form design system is very important to build the CIM system in shipbuilding. For this, we described about the functionality and the practices of the hull form design for the initial design stage based on the CIM concept. Also, we developed the hull form design system (DWHULL) using commercial 3D-CAD system. In the conclusions, we suggested the advance of the system and the direction of further development functions.

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Lane Departure Detection Using a Partial Top-view Image (부분 top-view 영상을 이용한 차선 이탈 검출)

  • Park, Han-dong;Oh, Jeong-su
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.1553-1559
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    • 2017
  • This paper proposes a lane departure detection algorithm using a single camera equipped in front of a vehicle. The proposed algorithm generates a partial top-view image for a small ROI (region of interest) designated on the top-view space form the image acquired by the camera, detects lanes on the small partial top-view image, and makes a decision on the lane departure by checking overlap between the pre-assigned virtual vehicle and the detected lanes. The proposed algorithm also includes the removal of lines occurred by road symbols (noises) disturbing the lane departure detection between lanes and the prediction of lost lanes using lane information of previous fames. In lane departure detection test using real road videos, the proposed algorithm makes the right decision of 99.0% in lane keeping conditions and 94.7% in lane departure conditions.

DDC문학류의 조합식 분류시스템 분석 - 20판을 중심으로

  • 윤희윤
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.20
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    • pp.351-381
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    • 1993
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the various processes and patterns to build or synthesize class numbers in the 800 class of the Dewey Decimal Classification, Edition 20(1989). The results of the analysis are as follows: 1. The 800(Literature and rhetoric) class in the DDC system is the main class added analytico-synthetic principle positively to an enumerative scheme. 2. The facets to be a n.0, pplied in literature are language literary form literary period ; kind, scope, or medium ; notation 08(collection) or 09(criticism) literary feature, subject, author, etc. 3. In the 800 class, there are the five tables of precedence for literary forms aspects ; specific kinds of persons ; literary, period in relation to the aspects for works treating more than one literary form subforms, aspects and literary periods in the works treating a specific literary form. 4. The basic number synthesis of literary works proceeds through the various facets in the following sequence, as far as necessary for the item : base no. + literary form + literary time or period + kind, scope, or medium + notation 08 or 09 + subform + additional notation from T3C and other tables. 5. In view of the multiplicity of facets, their synthesis formulas take the following order : (1) Works about the literature : base no.(schedule) + language(T6) or form(T3B) (2) Works by or about individual author : base no.(schedule) + form (T3A) + period(schedule) + subform(T3A) (3) Works by or about more than one author, not restricted by language facet : base no.(schedule) + period(T1) ; base no.(schedule) + kind, scope, medium(T3B), or feature(T3C), or person(T5). (4) Works by or about more than one author, restricted by language facet : base no.(schedule) + form (T3B) + period(schedule) + subform(T3B) + notation 08 or 09(T3B) ; base no.(schedule) + notation 08 or 09(T3B) + 9(T3C) + area notation(T2) : base no.(schedule) + form (T3B) + notation 008 or 009(T3B) : base no.(schedule) + form (T3B) + kind, scope, medium(T3B) + notation 08 or 09(T3B) + period(schedule). (5) Affiliated literatures for which period numbers are not us base no.(schedule) + form (T3A or T3B), or notation 08 or 09(T3B) : base no.(schedule) + kind, scope, medium(T3B), feature(T3C), or person(T5) 6. The problems in the number building of the 800 class are the complexity and difficulty of number synthesis, the intrinsic weakness of from distinction and the inconvenience of retrieval inherent in the form class. In order to solve these problems, therefore, the citation orders and methods of DDC should be improved and synthesis patterns simplified from the point of view of its applicability and its usefulness in the "literature class".

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Study on the Organ Transplantation in the Oriental Medicine (장기이식에 관한 한의학적 개념 연구)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Shin;Lee, Soo-Jin;Kim, Byoung-Soo
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.571-579
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    • 2010
  • The advancement of medical technology has made it possible to treat various incurable diseases. Especially organ transplantation can give another life to the patients who have organ failure and could not find any other ways to treat their diseases. According to the development of medical technology and immunosuppressive drugs, the rate and extent of organ transplantation is increasing these days. New medical technologies like organ transplantation brought on critical issues and these have changed the way of thinking and morals that has been the fundamental rules in our society. Bioethics is already an important field of medicine and oriental medicine should investigate the problem caused by the development of medical technology and life science and should form a view of life in oriental medicine. Oriental medicine is East Asian traditional medicine based on "Huangdi-Neijing", constructed by the system of Jangfu and meridian. The traditional therapies of oriental medicine have completed a scientific system on the point of view that looks on human and nature equally. This process continued to form a new medical theory as the environment was changed and the new diseases were appeared since "Huangdi-Neijing" and "Shoganron" showed a new scope to investigate human and diseases. Therefore, it is important to develop the point of view of oriental medicine as the medical situation was changed. Oriental medicine has a holistic view that considers human as a little cosmos resonated by a big cosmos and regards the possibility to recover and to regulate the energy in our body. This theory is a basic idea of oriental philosophy. Oriental medicine focuses on the balance of yin and yang of the body and tries to harmonize the imbalance of yin and yang caused by the life style and environment. This can solve many problems that cannot be settled by modern medicine and this can accomplish the new paradigm of oriental medicine that is needed these days.

The Chiroptical Properties and Absolute Configuration of 28-nor-$\beta$-amyrins

  • Woo, Won-Sick
    • Archives of Pharmacal Research
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.160-164
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    • 1991
  • The existence in nature of two isomers of 28-nortriterpenes is known. One is normal D/E cis form and the other is $17\alpha$-hydrogen D/E trans form. Since the latter cannot exist with ring D in the chair conformation, the chiroptical method is not applicable to determination of the absolute configuration. The stereochemical assignment would now be made by NMR data. Confirmation of this view could be provided by the synthesis of $3\beta, 21\beta-{dihydroxy-16-keto-28-nor-17}\alpha, \;18\beta-{olean-12-ene}$ as a model compound.

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A Pilot Study on the Standard Model for the Classification of Database (데이터베이스 분류 표준화를 위한 기초연구)

  • 고영만
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.193-230
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    • 1994
  • The systematic classification of database is much debated issue currently in telecommunication industry. Nevertheless, the attempt to build the systematic model is nowadays nowhere to be found. The purpose of this study is to gain a general overview relating to this subject and to make out a draft for the development of standard model. Relating th the study for the databases classification, it was classified from the 9 points of view: manufacturer, subject, processed form (level), (re)presented form, language, completion state and updating cycle, retrieval method, communication media, and use.

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Husband's View of Homemangement on traditional living-culture as related to Conciousness and Practice for Housework (전통생활문화를 토대로한 남편의 가정경영관과 가사작업에 대한 의식과 수행)

  • 이길표
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.81-97
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    • 1991
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate husband's view of homemanagement on traditional living-culture as related to consciousness and practice for housework. View of homemanagement is the main concept which continuse regardless of era changes of Korean homemanagement. It is appeared in the old book with the authority of educational contents for homemanagement written the criteria. The subjects of this study were 445 husbands living in Seoul. The questionaire was used as a methodological instrument. Data were analysed by SPSS computer programs. Such method as frequency, F-test, Duncan's Multiple Range test were used. The major result of the study can be summarised as follows: 1. The factors of husband's environmental variables(age, education, the number of children, wive's education, the age at marriage, house from) have significant effects on the husband's view of homemanagement. 2. Husband's consciousness for housework was different according to the wive's job and practice for housework was influenced by environmental variables(the age at marriage, the number of children, house form, wive's job). 3. The higer husband's view of homemanagement, the more practice for housework (housing, child and family care, homemanagement).

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Virtual portraits from rotating selfies

  • Yongsik Lee;Jinhyuk Jang;SeungjoonYang
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.291-303
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    • 2023
  • Selfies are a popular form of photography. However, due to physical constraints, the compositions of selfies are limited. We present algorithms for creating virtual portraits with interesting compositions from a set of selfies. The selfies are taken at the same location while the user spins around. The scene is analyzed using multiple selfies to determine the locations of the camera, subject, and background. Then, a view from a virtual camera is synthesized. We present two use cases. After rearranging the distances between the camera, subject, and background, we render a virtual view from a camera with a longer focal length. Following that, changes in perspective and lens characteristics caused by new compositions and focal lengths are simulated. Second, a virtual panoramic view with a larger field of view is rendered, with the user's image placed in a preferred location. In our experiments, virtual portraits with a wide range of focal lengths were obtained using a device equipped with a lens that has only one focal length. The rendered portraits included compositions that would be photographed with actual lenses. Our proposed algorithms can provide new use cases in which selfie compositions are not limited by a camera's focal length or distance from the camera.

Application of Semi-Twin Hull Form to a Medium Size Off-Shore Long Liner (반쌍동선미선형을 갖는 중형연승어선의 저항성능에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kwi-Joo;Han, Jae-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.259-265
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    • 1997
  • The new concept of hull form for G/T 19 ton class off-shore long liner was studied with the support of special research fund of Korean Ministry of Science and Technology. Newly developed hull form of semi-twin afterbody combined with part. curvilinear type forebody shows outstanding improvement in resistance performance point of view compared with hard chine form, especially at the range of high speed.

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