• Title/Summary/Keyword: View Location

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A Study on the Equilibrium-Pricing Mechanism of Apartment (아파트의 가격형성 메커니즘에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, J.-Young;Yoon, Tae-Kwon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 2008
  • The aim is to get comprehensive view point for the price of apartment. Apartment construction cost is the sun of land cost and building cost. Land price reflects the value of location where building stands. When the gap between price and affordability is narrow enough, effective demand promote apartment construction. The today's trends of rising price, which began in apartment housing, spreads to real estates market and finally overall consumer price. Problem is that price is decided only by supplier's interest. Equilibrium-pricing is common process in housing market. However it is important to review hedonic price and the factor of housing services and focused on the affordability of demanders. AHP analysis was used to study real needs and preference of demanders and dealt with 200 interviewees with brief checklists. We found that social factor is more important than building cost or site development. Especially location of apartment is most important to affect environment quality and accessibility to facilities.

Design models of PTIS in a telecommunication point of view, and implementation case at Seoul city (PTIS : Public Transportation Information System)

  • Ho, Wan-Chol;Chae, Soo-Woon
    • 한국ITS학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.83-88
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    • 2005
  • A transportation problem in Korea is a serious issue that has to be solved urgently in the motor era of 15 million vehicles. Recently ITS has been introduced to improve efficiency of the current roads because an excessive budget and a long term construction are needed to build new roads. Therefore the government enacted the law as of ITS and the in architecture. However, these ITS information services were oriented to mainly vehicles and drivers, not public entities such as bus driver, passengers and so on. Nowadays lots of local autonomous city introduced a public transportation information system (PTIS), and providing useful information for the public. For this PTIS, important design issues are to be focused on detecting and tracking technology of moving bus, and a wireless communication link to transmit the location information. This paper presents design models using several wireless communication methods, and an implementation case using a Wireless packet Data communication Network (WDN) to transmit bus location information at Seoul, Korea.

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Application of Bayesian Computational Techniques in Estimation of Posterior Distributional Properties of Lognormal Distribution

  • Begum, Mun-Ni;Ali, M. Masoom
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.227-237
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    • 2004
  • In this paper we presented a Bayesian inference approach for estimating the location and scale parameters of the lognormal distribution using iterative Gibbs sampling algorithm. We also presented estimation of location parameter by two non iterative methods, importance sampling and weighted bootstrap assuming scale parameter as known. The estimates by non iterative techniques do not depend on the specification of hyper parameters which is optimal from the Bayesian point of view. The estimates obtained by more sophisticated Gibbs sampler vary slightly with the choices of hyper parameters. The objective of this paper is to illustrate these tools in a simpler setup which may be essential in more complicated situations.

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GPS-Based Shortest-Path Routing Scheme in Mobile Ad Hoc Network

  • Park, Hae-Woong;Won, Soo-Seob;Kim, So-Jung;Song, Joo-Seok
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.1529-1532
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    • 2004
  • A Mobile Ad Hoc NETwork (MANET) is a collection of wireless mobile nodes that forms a temporary network without the need for any existing network infrastructure or centralized administration. Therefore, such a network is designed to operate in a highly dynamic environment due to node mobility. In mobile ad hoc network, frequent topological changes cause routing a challenging problem and without the complete view of the network topology, establishing the shortest path from the source node to the destination node is difficult. In this paper, we suggest a routing approach which utilizes location information to setup the shortest possible path between the source node and the destination node. Location information is obtained through Global Positioning System (GPS) and this geographical coordinate information of the destination node is used by the source node and intermediate nodes receiving route request messages to determine the shortest path to the destination from current node.

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A Study on the Development of AVCS(Airside Vehicle Control System) in Gimpo Airport Based on RTK-GPS (RTK-GPS 기반의 김포공항 이동지역 차량통제 시스템 개발방안 연구)

  • Sanghoon Cha;Minguan Kim;Jeongil Choi
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.85-100
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    • 2023
  • The development of Airside Vehicle Control System(AVCS) at Gimpo Airport aims to reduce ground safety accidents in movement area and improve airport operation efficiency and safety management service quality. The vehicle is controlled by a brake controller RTK-antenna and On-Board Diagonostics(OBD) module. Location data is transmitted to a nearby communication base station through a Wi-Fi router and the base station is connected to the AVCS by an optical cable to transmit location data from each vehicle. The vehicle position is precisely corrected to display information using the system. The system allows airport operators to view registered information on aircraft and vehicles and monitor their locations speeds and directions in real time. When a vehicle approaches a dangerous area alarm warnings and remote brake control are possible to prevent accidents caused by carelessness of the driver in advance.

Alignment of transmitters in indoor visible light communication for flat channel characteristics

  • Curuk, Selva Muratoglu
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.125-134
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    • 2022
  • Visible light communication (VLC) systems incorporate ambient lighting and wireless data transmission, and the experienced channel in indoor VLC is a major topic that should be examined for reliable communication. In this study, it is realized that multiple transmitters in classical alignment are the forceful factors for channel characteristics. In the frequency band, fluctuations with sudden drops are observed, where the fluctuation shape is related to the source layout and receiver location. These varying frequency-selective channels need solutions, especially for mobile users, because sustained channel estimation and equalization are necessary as the receiver changes its location. It is proven that using light-emitting diodes (LEDs) with highly directional beams as sources or using a detector with a narrow field of view (FOV) in the receiver may help partially alleviate the problem; the frequency selectivity of the channel reduces in some regions of the room. For flat fading channel characteristics all over the room, LEDs should be aligned in hexagonal cellular structure, and detector FOV should be arranged according to the cell dimension outcomes.

A Consideration of Accuracy Correction Methods in RTLS for Indoor Facility Management with Drones

  • Yeo, ChangJae;yu, Jungho
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2017.10a
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    • pp.210-213
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    • 2017
  • The construction industry has witnessed an exponential growth of drones used in the field over the past few years. Likewise, the field of maintenance has paid increasing attention to using drones with a view to improving the efficiency of condition checks in high-rise buildings and major space. Although operators manipulate drones to inspect buildings at present, drones are expected to autonomously move around without operators in a few years. Also, for indoor maintenance, it is important for drones to find accurate locations, which is implemented by real-time locating systems(RTLS). Yet, the accuracy of RTLS varies across the types of systems and indoor settings, which warrants a locating system suitable for indoor space and a location correction system designed to improve the accuracy. Hence, the current study investigated the accuracy of real-time locating systems(RTLS) for the maintenance of indoor space of buildings with drones and delved into the methods of correcting the location information to improve the accuracy of RTLS.

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Fast and Accurate Visual Place Recognition Using Street-View Images

  • Lee, Keundong;Lee, Seungjae;Jung, Won Jo;Kim, Kee Tae
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.97-107
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    • 2017
  • A fast and accurate building-level visual place recognition method built on an image-retrieval scheme using street-view images is proposed. Reference images generated from street-view images usually depict multiple buildings and confusing regions, such as roads, sky, and vehicles, which degrades retrieval accuracy and causes matching ambiguity. The proposed practical database refinement method uses informative reference image and keypoint selection. For database refinement, the method uses a spatial layout of the buildings in the reference image, specifically a building-identification mask image, which is obtained from a prebuilt three-dimensional model of the site. A global-positioning-system-aware retrieval structure is incorporated in it. To evaluate the method, we constructed a dataset over an area of $0.26km^2$. It was comprised of 38,700 reference images and corresponding building-identification mask images. The proposed method removed 25% of the database images using informative reference image selection. It achieved 85.6% recall of the top five candidates in 1.25 s of full processing. The method thus achieved high accuracy at a low computational complexity.

Development of the Three Dimensional Landform Display Software Using the Digital Terrain Model (수치지형정보를 애용한 지형의 3차원 표현 software 개발)

  • 이규석
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 1990
  • The digital terrain model (DTM) or digital elevation model (DEM) is commonly used in representing the continuous variation of relief over space. One of the most frequent applications is to display the three dimensional view of the landform concerned. In this paper, the altitude matrices-regular grid cell format of the elevation in Mt. Kyeryong National Park were used in developing the three dimensional view software for the first time in Korea. It required the removal of hidden lines or surfaces. To do this, it was necessary to identify those surfaces and line segments that are visible and those that are invisible. Then, only the visible portions of the landform were displayed. The assumption that line segments are used to approximate contour surfaces by polygons was used in developing the three dimensional orthographic view. In order to remove hidden lines, the visibility test and masking algorithms were used. The software was developed in the engineering workstation, SUN 3/280 at the Institute of Space Science and Astronomy using 'C' in UNIX operating system. The software developed in this paper can be used in various fields. Some of them are as follows : (1) Landscape design and planning for identifying viewshed area(line of sight maps) (2) For planning the route selection and the facility location (3) Flight simulation for pilot training (4) Other landscape planning or civil engineering purposes

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A Study on the Creation of Augmented Reality Map (증강현실 지도제작에 대한연구)

  • Kim, Tae-Eun
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.335-341
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    • 2018
  • This paper is a study on map contents to be embedded in a new type of mobile device that combines 2D information and 3D information by combining 2D information with augmented reality technology. We also describe the planning and production of a 3D map application called 'NSU AR Map' using Unity3D engine to help understand this paper. 'NSU AR Map' is a map application that enables accurate identification of user's location and real-world view through 360 View. Based on the experience gained during the process of 3D map application, this paper will present how 3D technologies and augmented reality technologies are applied to new map applications and how they can be developed in the future.