• Title/Summary/Keyword: Video tracking

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Multi-pedestrian tracking using deep learning technique and tracklet assignment

  • Truong, Mai Thanh Nhat;Kim, Sanghoon
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2018.10a
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    • pp.808-810
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    • 2018
  • Pedestrian tracking is a particular problem of object tracking, and an important component in various vision-based applications, such as autonomous cars or surveillance systems. After several years of development, pedestrian tracking in videos is still a challenging problem because of various visual properties of objects and surrounding environment. In this research, we propose a tracking-by-detection system for pedestrian tracking, which incorporates Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and color information. Pedestrians in video frames are localized by a CNN, then detected pedestrians are assigned to their corresponding tracklets based on similarities in color distributions. The experimental results show that our system was able to overcome various difficulties to produce highly accurate tracking results.

Multi-Person Tracking Using SURF and Background Subtraction for Surveillance

  • Yu, Juhee;Lee, Kyoung-Mi
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.344-358
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    • 2019
  • Surveillance cameras have installed in many places because security and safety is becoming important in modern society. Through surveillance cameras installed, we can deal with troubles and prevent accidents. However, watching surveillance videos and judging the accidental situations is very labor-intensive. So now, the need for research to analyze surveillance videos is growing. This study proposes an algorithm to track multiple persons using SURF and background subtraction. While the SURF algorithm, as a person-tracking algorithm, is robust to scaling, rotating and different viewpoints, SURF makes tracking errors with sudden changes in videos. To resolve such tracking errors, we combined SURF with a background subtraction algorithm and showed that the proposed approach increased the tracking accuracy. In addition, the background subtraction algorithm can detect persons in videos, and SURF can initialize tracking targets with these detected persons, and thus the proposed algorithm can automatically detect the enter/exit of persons.

Robust appearance feature learning using pixel-wise discrimination for visual tracking

  • Kim, Minji;Kim, Sungchan
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.483-493
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    • 2019
  • Considering the high dimensions of video sequences, it is often challenging to acquire a sufficient dataset to train the tracking models. From this perspective, we propose to revisit the idea of hand-crafted feature learning to avoid such a requirement from a dataset. The proposed tracking approach is composed of two phases, detection and tracking, according to how severely the appearance of a target changes. The detection phase addresses severe and rapid variations by learning a new appearance model that classifies the pixels into foreground (or target) and background. We further combine the raw pixel features of the color intensity and spatial location with convolutional feature activations for robust target representation. The tracking phase tracks a target by searching for frame regions where the best pixel-level agreement to the model learned from the detection phase is achieved. Our two-phase approach results in efficient and accurate tracking, outperforming recent methods in various challenging cases of target appearance changes.

Offline Object Tracking for Private Information Masking in CCTV Data (CCTV 개인영상 정보보호를 위한 오프라인 객체추적)

  • Lee, Suk-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.2961-2967
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    • 2014
  • Nowadays, a private protection act has come into effect which demands for the protection of personal image information obtained by the CCTV. According to this act, the object out of interest has to be mosaicked such that it can not be identified before the image is sent to the investigation office. Meanwhile, the demand for digital videos obtained by CCTV is also increasing for digital forensic. Therefore, due to the two conflicting demands, the demand for a solution which can automatically mask an object in the CCTV video is increasing and related IT industry is expected to grow. The core technology in developing a target masking solution is the object tracking technique. In this paper, we propose an object tracking technique which suits for the application of CCTV video object masking as a postprocess. The proposed method simultaneously uses the motion and the color information to produce a stable tracking result. Furthermore, the proposed method is based on the centroid shifting method, which is a fast color based tracking method, and thus the overall tracking becomes fast.

Haptic Rendering Algorithm for Collision Situation of Two Objects (두 객체가 충돌하는 상황에서의 햅틱 렌더링 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Seonkyu;Kim, Hyebin;Ryu, Chul
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.35-41
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we define a haptic rendering algorithm for a situation that has collision between static object and single object. We classified video scenes into four categories which can be easily seen in video sequence. The proposed algorithm can detect which frame is suitable for haptic rendering by detecting the change of direction using motion estimation and change of shape using object tracking. As a result, a total of 13 frames are extracted from the sample video and playing time of these frames were calculated. We confirmed that the haptic effect appears in expected playing time by adding the appropriate haptic generating waveform thtough the haptic editing program.

Development of Vision-Based Vehicle Tracking for Extracting Microscopic Traffic Information (미시적 교통정보자료의 취득을 위한 영상기반 차량추적기술 개발)

  • Lee, Ki-Young;Chang, Myung-Soon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.23 no.7 s.85
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    • pp.137-148
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    • 2005
  • The position information of individual vehicles on a road at every time instant can be used to analyze the microscopic behaviors of driving of each vehicle. The limited information obtained from previous imaging technology such as traffic volume and interval velocity cannot be used to explore such microscopic traffic conditions. Also, information gathering for the microscopic behaviors by manual analysis of captured video takes large amount of time and man-power. In the paper we develop the rule-based vehicle tracking technology from which the position information of individual vehicles on a road at every time instant can be automatically obtained. Also, we extract the position data of driving vehicles on a road, length of 130m for every 0.05 second, and calculate the velocity of each traced vehicles to compare with the real velocity for the verification of accuracy. In the future, this type of tracking techniques based on video analysis can be widely used to provide the practically important information of road traffic conditions and to analyze the academically important microscopic behaviors of driving patterns.

Object Tracking in HEVC Bitstreams (HEVC 스트림 상에서의 객체 추적 방법)

  • Park, Dongmin;Lee, Dongkyu;Oh, Seoung-Jun
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.449-463
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    • 2015
  • Video object tracking is important for variety of applications, such as security, video indexing and retrieval, video surveillance, communication, and compression. This paper proposes an object tracking method in HEVC bitstreams. Without pixel reconstruction, motion vector (MV) and size of prediction unit in the bitstream are employed in an Spatio-Temporal Markov Random Fields (ST-MRF) model which represents the spatial and temporal aspects of the object's motion. Coefficient-based object shape adjustment is proposed to solve the over-segmentation and the error propagation problems caused in other methods. In the experimental results, the proposed method provides on average precision of 86.4%, recall of 79.8% and F-measure of 81.1%. The proposed method achieves an F-measure improvement of up to 9% for over-segmented results in the other method even though it provides only average F-measure improvement of 0.2% with respect to the other method. The total processing time is 5.4ms per frame, allowing the algorithm to be applied in real-time applications.

Vanishing point-based 3D object detection method for improving traffic object recognition accuracy

  • Jeong-In, Park
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.93-101
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    • 2023
  • In this paper, we propose a method of creating a 3D bounding box for an object using a vanishing point to increase the accuracy of object recognition in an image when recognizing an traffic object using a video camera. Recently, when vehicles captured by a traffic video camera is to be detected using artificial intelligence, this 3D bounding box generation algorithm is applied. The vertical vanishing point (VP1) and horizontal vanishing point (VP2) are derived by analyzing the camera installation angle and the direction of the image captured by the camera, and based on this, the moving object in the video subject to analysis is specified. If this algorithm is applied, it is easy to detect object information such as the location, type, and size of the detected object, and when applied to a moving type such as a car, it is tracked to determine the location, coordinates, movement speed, and direction of each object by tracking it. Able to know. As a result of application to actual roads, tracking improved by 10%, in particular, the recognition rate and tracking of shaded areas (extremely small vehicle parts hidden by large cars) improved by 100%, and traffic data analysis accuracy was improved.

Construction of the Facilities Management System by Video Structuring (동영상자료 구조화에 의한 시설물관리시스템 구축)

  • Yoo, Hwan-Hee;Choi, Kyoung-Ho;Koo, Heung-Dae
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.12 no.4 s.31
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    • pp.69-74
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    • 2004
  • By the expanding of infrastructure caused by urbanization, new technologies are required to manage various kinds of facilities. GIS has been appraised as valuable technology for facilities management since the 1990s. Therefore, the long and mid term GIS construction plan has been established by the national government and the local government. Some facilities management systems have been built and developed for suppling user-friendly functions. From this point of view, the information system based on the video sequences is considered a more effective way to improve the defects of conventional GIS using the digital map or the image as the base map. Using the video sequences as a base map, the availability of the system ill be increased because the real world information can be furnished to the users. In this study, through the connection between the GIS data, the digital map and the attribute data, and the video sequences taken from the airship using the video geo-referencing and the object tracking, we developed the facilities management system as a prototype which can effectively manage the road utilities. We also presented potentialities of the suggested system for facility management based on the video sequences.

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