• Title/Summary/Keyword: Vertebral

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The Effectiveness and Safety of Acupuncture for Recovery of Patients with Vertebral Compression Fractures: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis (척추 압박 골절 환자의 회복에 대한 침 치료의 유효성 및 안전성 평가: 체계적 문헌 고찰과 메타분석)

  • Bae, Ji min;Lee, Myeong su;Choi, Ji won;Yang, Gi young;Kim, Kun hyung
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2019
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of acupuncture treatment for recovery of patients with vertebral compression fracture(VCF). Methods : We searched ten English and Chinese and seven Korean database up to April 2018. Randomised controlled trials(RCTs), quasi-RCTs, non-radomised Controlled Trials(CCTs) were eligible. Quasi-RCTs and CCTs were assessed only for safety assessment. Pain and adverse events were primary outcome of this review. Quality of life, dysfunction, patient satisfaction, incidence of new vertebral compression fracture were regarded as secondary outcomes. The risk of bias was assessed by two independent authors using the Cochrane risk of bias tool. Level of evidence was tabulated using the GRADE methods. Results : Of 1656 screened, 15 RCTs, 1 quasi-RCT and 3 CCTs were included. Number of participants per study ranged from 45 to 135. Most of the studies had unclear or high risk of bias and considerable heterogeneity in terms of type of intervention, comparison and time-points for outcome measurement. Compared to usual care alone, acupuncture combined with usual care showed short-term favorable results for pain relief in patients with VCF(5 studies, n=252, MD -1.05 point on a 0 to 10 point scale, 95% CI -1.45 to -0.65, $I^2=74%$). Four studies reported mild and temporary adverse events, and no serious adverse events were reported. One study descriptively reported that acupuncture was effective for improving quality of life without providing numerical outcomes. There were no reports of patient satisfaction and incidence of new VCF. Conclusions : Level of evidence is very low for the effectiveness and safety of acupuncture for pain, harms and other clinical outcomes in patients with VCF. Included studies suffered from incomplete reporting, high or unclear risk of bias and substantial heterogeneity between studies. Future high-quality RCTs are needed to assess whether acupuncture is beneficial for recovery of patients with VCF.

Late-Onset Candida Vertebral Osteomyelitis in Two Young Patients Who Underwent Heart Transplant Surgery (심장 이식술을 받은 젊은 환자에서 발생한 2예의 지연성 칸디다 척추 골수염)

  • Kang, Min Seok;Son, In Seok;Kim, Tae Hoon;Lee, Suk Ha
    • Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.72-77
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    • 2019
  • Candida vertebral osteomyelitis (CVO) is a rare disease that is a complication of intravenous drug use, but recently it has been recognized as mostly an opportunistic infection. Because CVO appears to mimic pyogenic spondylodiscitis in terms of the clinical and radiologic presentations, it is often neglected in a usual clinical setting. The clinical, radiological, and biological characteristics of CVO are often used to make a differential diagnosis with vertebral osteomyelitis from other etiologies. Once an initial proper diagnosis was performed, the treatment relies on the prompt initiation of appropriate pharmacotherapy and serial monitoring of the clinical progress. This paper report late-onset CVO in two young patients who underwent a heart transplant surgery and had postoperative systemic candidiasis. These two cases are a good reminder of the potential of CVO in immunosuppressive patients treated with anti-fungal agents. This paper presents these two cases with a review of the relevant literature.

The Comparative Study of Improvement of Patients Who Were Diagnosed with HIVD of L-Spine with Iliopsoas Muscles Tenderness by MST(Motion Style Treatment) on Iliopsoas Muscles: A Randomized, Controlled, Trial (장요근 압통을 동반한 요추 추간판 탈출증 환자에 대한 장요근 MST 호전도 비교 연구: 무작위 대조 연구)

  • Lee, Sun Ho
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.79-89
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    • 2014
  • Objectives : This research was to evaluate the MST effectiveness on iliopsoas muscle of herniated inter-vertebral disc in lumbar spine. Methods : This research was carried out with the 58 inpatients who received treatment for their HIVD in lumbar spine from January 1 to April 12, 2014 in Daejeon Jaseng hospital of oriental medicine. We randomly divided into two groups: Group A=common treatment on HIVD of L-spine without MST(acupuncture, pharmacopuncture, herb medication, chuna treating and physiotherapy) and Group B=common treatment on HIVD of L-spine with MST. To verify the MST effect, tenderness(checked by algometer pressure), NRS(numeric rating scale), and ODI(Oswestry disability index) were measured before and after treatment. The statistically significance was evaluated by SPSS 18.0 for Windows. Results : In the Group B, the tenderness was significantly decreased compared with Group A. However, on the NRS and ODI, it did not produce the meaningful results as these two values decreased in all groups. Conclusions : From this research, when patients who were diagnosed HIVD of L-spine with iliopsoas muscles tenderness receive MST additionally, the satisfaction of patients as well as physician confidence will increase.

Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma of the Cervical Spine - Case Report - (경추부에 발생한 간엽성 연골육종 - 증 례 보 고 -)

  • Kwon, O Hyun;Kim, Jung Deuk;Park, Sang June;Kim, Eui Joong;Yoon, Sung Moon
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.30 no.11
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    • pp.1336-1339
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    • 2001
  • Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma is a rare tumor occurring in both bone and soft tissues and exhibits characteristic of a malignant nature. The authors experienced a case of mesenchymal chondrosarcoma occurring in a 23-year-old woman which had invaded the cervical spine. The patient presented with severe both shoulder pain, left upper extremity weakness(Grade IV) and paresthesia at admission. Radiologic studies of the cervial spine showed an aggressive osteolysis of C4 vertebral body, pedicle and lamina with compression of the spinal cord posteriorly on C3, C4, C5 levels. The tumor was totally removed by a combined anterior and posterior approach. The removed vertebral body was replaced with autogenous bone and stabilized by Codman locking plate symtem. The pathological examination showed characteristic of mesenchymal chondrosarcoma.previous symptoms well improved postoperatively. The authors present a case of mesenchymal chondrosarcoma with review of literature.

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Relations between Scoliosis and Gastroenteric Disorder (척추 측만과 위장장애와의 관련성)

  • 홍상진;김은영
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.319-328
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the relation between thoracic scoliosis and gastroenteric disorder. In this article, We surveyed sixty two patients and investigated through a questionnaire the health and meal habits, digestive trouble levels, stress levels(BEPSI-K), and the stress response index(SRI). Participants were classified according to each group in over $10^{\circ}$(vertebral scoliosis), under $10^{\circ}$(functional scoliosis) and made a diagnosis of X-ray of scoliosis grade. The data was took statistics on two group by independent t-test, chi-square test with SPSS/PC+ 10.0 program. The statistically significance was a p<.05 and the following results were obtained; 1. In general characteristics, The thoracic scoliosis was as many as women, weight 50∼60kg, height 160∼170cm, married person. 2. Relations between health and meal habit with thoracic scoliosis was not statistically significant(p>.05). 3. Relations between thoracic scoliosis and digestive trouble level was statistically significance (p<.05). 4. Relations between thoracic scoliosis and incidence rate of internal disease was statistically significant(p<.05). 5. Relations between thoracic scoliosis and stress(BEPSI-K) was statistically significant(p<.05). 6. Relations between thoracic scoliosis and stress(SRI) was statistically significant(p<.05). These results lead us to the conclusion that thoracic scoliosis influences digestive trouble, incidence rate of internal disease and stress. However, there results are not easy to explain because of the limitations of a few subjects and a single comparison. Therefore, further research on this study thoroughgoing inspection would clarify the association of thoracic scoliosis and gastroenteric disorders.

Study of Vertebral Column and Pterygiophores in Gobiidae (Pisces, Perciformes) from Korea (한국산 망둥어 과 어류의 척주와 담기골에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, yong-Joo
    • Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 1993
  • Several osteological characters of 45 species belonging to 26 genera and 4 subfamilies in th family Gobiidae were surveyed based on 348 specimens collected from April, 1984 to September, 1992 in the southern part of Korea. The characters include the following: first dorsal-fin pterygiophore formula, vertebral number, epural number, and number of anal-fin pterygiophores anterior to the first haemal spine. The first dorsal-fin pterygiophore formula and epural number showed considerable stability at the generic level, and the apeared useful characters at the species level. Among them, the epural number used formerly to distinguish gobiid subfamilies was considered to be unimpotant taxonomic character in the classification of the subfamily Gobiinae.

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Effects of Manual Therapy Approach for Lumbar Spondylolisthesis (요추부 전방전위증 환자의 도수치료 효과 연구)

  • Kang, Seok-Yeong;Kim, Myung-Joon;Lee, So-Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.34-39
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    • 2010
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study is to find out the evidence concerning the effectiveness of manual therapy intervention in the treatment of low back pain related to spondylolisthesis Methods : 12men with lumbar pain from L5~S1 spondylolisthesis of 2 or 3 grade were treated during 12-week period. The manual therapy applied twice per week. The results of back and radiating pain were measured by VAS, and abdominal muscle strength was measured by Power track II. The measurement of degree of slip in spondylolisthesis was confirmed by the lateral view of X-ray and took a measurements of the anterior displacement of a vertebral body in relation to the vertebral below. Results : 1. There was significant decrease in the back and radiating pain.(p<0.05) 2. There was significant increase in the abdominal muscle strength.(p<0.05). 3. There was significant decrease in the degree of the anterior displacement. Conclusion: The intervention of manual therapy for lumbar spondylolisthesis is effective in back pain, radiating pain, abdominal muscle strength and degree of the anterior displacement. So, nonsurgical treatment should be attempted before surgical treatment.

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Quantitative analysis of lumbar multifidus atrophy with low back pain patients using Magnetic Resonance Image (자기공명영상(MRI)을 통한 요통환자의 다열근 위축에 대한 정량적 분석)

  • Yang, Dae-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.615-621
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    • 2010
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study was to compare chronic LBP patients and asymptomatic subjects on measures of multifidus size (cross-sectional area;CSA, thickness) and symmetry (proportional difference of relatively larger side to smaller side). Methods : Data were obtained from 12 asymptomatic subjects without a prior history of LBP (8 females, 4 males), and a retrospective audit was undertaken of records from 12 chronic low back pain patients (8 females, 4 males). CSA and Thickness of the lumbar multifidus muscles was measured from axial T1-weighted magnetic resonance images(MRI). Results : The results of the analysis showed that chronic LBP patients had significantly smaller multifidus CSA and thickness than asymptomatic subjects at L4-5 vertebral levels(p<.05). The asymmetry between sides was seen at L4- L5 vertebral level in patients with chronic low back pain presentations(p<.05). Conclusions : MRI provided a quantitative measure of change between asymptomatic subjects and chronic low back pain patients of multifidus muscle. MRI identified significant differences in cross-sectional area and thickness and helps to evaluate clinically and plan the treatment modalities of LBP.

Hematoma in Neck following Stellate Ganglion Block -A case report- (성상신경절 차단후 발생한 경부혈종 -증례 보고-)

  • Eun, Hyun-Hee;Hwang, Ho-Yong;Ryu, Hong-Hyun;Lee, Yong-Woo
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.124-126
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    • 1997
  • Stellate ganglion block is the most widely practiced procedure in the pain clinics due to its wide range of indications. We experienced a rare case who exhibited severe hematoma in neck following stellate ganglion block. A 58-year-old female patient injured by a traffic accident was admitted to the department of negro surgery for the treatment of cerebral contusion, cervical and lumbar sprain and left arm paresis. Because left sensory neural hearing loss occurred, the patient was referred to the pain clinic for treatment with stellate ganglion block due to her left sensory neural hearing loss. The next day stellate ganglion block was done with a negative aspiration for blood. Three hours later, hematoma in neck was found and the patient complained of pain in the neck and dyspnea. The symptoms and signs of respiratory difficulty were progressively aggravated. The hematoma was removed and ruptured muscular branch of vertebral artery was ligated under surgical exploration. In this case, the needle was apparently in the branch of vertebral artery during or after injection in spite of the negative aspiration for blood. Authors recommend that compression of the injected site over 5 minutes should be necessary to prevent a hematoma formation despite of a negative aspiration for blood.

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