• Title/Summary/Keyword: Vehicle safety index

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Comparative Study of Subjective Mental Workload Assessment Techniques for the Evaluation of ITS-oriented Human-Machine Interface Systems (지능형 교통체계 기반 인간-기계 인터페이스 시스템 평가를 위한 정신적부하 측정방법의 비교 연구)

  • Cha, Doo-Won;Park, Peom
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.45-58
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    • 2001
  • Subjective mental workload assessment technique becomes a standard human factors and human-machine interface evaluation tool for the evaluation of ITS(Intelligent Transport Systems)-oriented information systems as well as the drivers visual activity analysis, physiological indices(GSR, EEG, ECG, etc.), secondary task performance, reaction time. vehicle control parameters(speed, steering behavior, accelerator control) that are widely applied for transportation and vehicle systems to evaluate the safety, to decide the system or design alternatives, and to establish the design guidelines. This paper reviewed and compared the most globally employed four mental workload assessment techniques that have been designed for the use of various human-machine systems and ITS-oriented in-vehicle information systems. NASA-TLX(National Aeronautics and Space Administration-Task Load Index). SWAT(Subjective Workload Assessment Technique), MCH(Modified Cooper-Harper) scale, and recently developed RNASA-TLX(Revision of NASA-TH) were compared in terms of sensitivity and subjective evaluations to derive the human-machine interface evaluation guidelines for the application of ITS-oriented in-vehicle information systems. Then, experiment results supported that RNASA-TLX is the prospective tool for the mental workload assessment of ITS-oriented in-vehicle information systems.

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Low Frequency Squeal Noise Reduction using Mode Participation Factor in Complex Eigenvalue Analysis (복소고유치해석에서 모드기여도 인자를 이용한 저주파 스퀼소음 저감)

  • Park, Jeong Min;Kim, Hyun Soo;Yoon, Moon Young;Boo, Kwang Seok;Kim, Heung Seob
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.325-331
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    • 2013
  • In this study, a complex eigenvalue analysis is implemented to verify the unstable mode of a brake system using ABAQUS software. The component participation factors and component modal participation factors are used to analyze the total contributions from each component and each component mode to a particular unstable system mode. This study shows that the 1.4-kHz unstable system mode comes from mode coupling between the 2nd nodal diametric mode and 3rd lateral axial mode (LAM) in the baseline model. A sensitivity analysis with a linking index is performed to prevent the mode coupling of the component modes. This linking index analysis shows the optimum mass loading position to move away the natural frequency of the 3rd LAM, which contributes to the unstable mode. Finally, a complex eigenvalue analysis is implemented with mass loading in the tie bar position, and no unstable system mode is generated in the low-frequency range (below 2 kHz).

Data Processing and Numerical Procedures Influencing on Occupant Risk Indices (탑승자 안전지수에 영향을 주는 데이터 처리과정과 수치절차)

  • Kim, Kee-Dong;Ko, Man-Gi;Nam, Min-Kyun
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.215-226
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    • 2007
  • To verify the performance of roadside barriers, occupant risk indices are calculated from acceleration and angular velocity data of vehicle crash tests. The occupant risk indices to be computed include THIV(Theoretical Head Impact Velocity), PHD(Post-impact Head Deceleration), ASI(Acceleration Severity Index), OIV(Occupant Impact Velocity) and ORA(Occupant Ridedown Acceleration). There is a confusion due to different values of occupant risk indices produced for the same test data because various computational procedures and data processing methods can be applied to compute them. To slove this problem the effects of various numerical procedures and data processing methods on occupant risk indices were investigated. If the sampling rate specified in the guidelines is used for full-scale vehicle crash tests, an interpolation of impact time and numerical integration methods do not result in an appreciable change of THIV and OIV. The way to determine 10msec moving average for PHD and zero offset of data processing should be specified in the guidelines because 10msec moving average and zero offset methods have a significant influence on occupant risk indices.

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Human Dermal Risk Assessment on Chlorpyrifos of Korean Farmers (우리나라 농민의 Chlorpyrifos에 대한 피부 위해성 평가)

  • 정경미;이효민;이은희;이선희;김진화;심영용;홍진태;이용욱
    • Environmental Mutagens and Carcinogens
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.187-198
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    • 2002
  • Chlorpyrifos is an organophosphate insecticide and one of the most commonly and widely used insecticide. However, a little known about the dermal risk of chlorpyrifos on human being. Therefore, this study was conducted for the dermal risk assessment after exposure to chlorpyrifos in Korean farmers. First, skin irritation by chlorpyrifos (10 mg/$\textrm{cm}^2$, 50 mg/$\textrm{cm}^2$, 100 mg/$\textrm{cm}^2$, 250 mg/$\textrm{cm}^2$ in acetone) was determined in rabbits for 5 days considering the usage of chlorpyrifos short term highly exposure. The index of skin irritation by chlorpyrifos was increased in each dose and length of exposure dependent manners. Next, using benchmark dose (BMD$_{5}$) approach, the dose-response relationship was assessed to calculate the reference dose (RfD). The value of RfD was 2.84 $\mu\textrm{g}$/kg/day from 142.16 $\mu\textrm{g}$/kg/day BMD5 value divided uncertainty factor 50. Finally, we assessed human dermal risk of chlorpyrifos with exposure level and RfD. Skin absorbed levels were assumed with several exposure scenarios encounting the circumstances of exposure that application method, protection equipment and cloth, exposure time and exposure frequency during chlorpyrifos spraying. By the comparison of skin absorbed dose with the reference dose, it was identified that risk values (risk index) to skin chlorpyrifos exposure were 0.958 from the point of above results and it was recommended that the occurrence of hazard effect (skin irritation toxicity) of chlorpyrifos would not be expected. Risk index was smaller than 1 in the case of spraying vehicle mounted application, 1hour exposure time and wearing protective cloth exposure. Whereas, risk index was above 1 in the case of hand-held application, 2hour exposure time and wearing common cloth. Comparing two kinds of application method, total risk index of the hand held application (1.67) was higher than vehicle mounted (0.27). Therefore, chlorpyrifos skin exposure was mainly affected by application equipment and applied form. The results of risk assessment on the human dermal toxicity of chlorpyrifos should be required to control in keeping safety rules, skin surface area available for contact, spraying time ,and spraying frequency.y.

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An Analysis of Dynamic Characteristics for Running Safety Improvement of the Rubber Tired AGT Localization Bogie (고무차륜 경량전철 국산화 대차의 주행안전성 향상을 위한 동특성 해석)

  • Eom, Beom-Gyu;Han, Byeong-Yeon;An, Cheon-Heon;Kang, Bu-Byoung;Lee, Hi-Sung
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2011.10a
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    • pp.1894-1904
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    • 2011
  • The Light Rail Transit (LRT) System which has medium transport capacity between subway and bus(5,000-25,000 persons per hour) is the most advanced transportation system. It has many benefits, cheap construction, operational costs through driverless and flexible route planning. Also, the rubber tired AGT (K-AGT) of various LRT has a rubber wheels and side guide. The side guide type has an many advantages. but occur a vibration and friction noise through contact between guide rail and wheel. Most of point that decreased comport is vibration thorough the guide contact. In this paper, It is purpose to improve the maximum running speed of rubber tired AGT localization bogie which is currently developed from 70km/h to 80km/h. To satisfy comport index of railway vehicle that is required in performance test. we examined coefficient of bogie suspension which is designed.

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Design Guideline for Spacing between Tunnel and Interchange (터널과 인터체인지 이격거리 설계기준에 관한 연구)

  • 전영수;장재남;장명순
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 1999
  • Where an interchange is located just after a tunnel not only it is impossible to install the traffic signs in tunnel sections but also sufficient sight distance to identify the interchange can't be provided. The objective of this study is to suggest the safety based spacing between tunnel and interchange. For this study accident rate was used as an index representing characteristics for vehicle operation to suggest the appropriate spacing. Traffic volume and the number of accidents on freeway from 1992 to 1997 were analyzed. The relationship between accident rate and spacing represents negative logarithm function such that shorter spacing increases accident rate. An appropriate safety based spacing between tunnel and interchange for four lane freeway with the design speed of 100kph was found as 2.6km.

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Development and Application of an Evaluation Method for a Freight Vehicle Route Management System (화물자동차 통행관리제도의 평가방법 개발 및 적용 (서울지역을 대상으로))

  • Kim, Yu-Chan;Park, Dong-Joo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.17-28
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    • 2008
  • Favorable policies for freight vehicles (i.e., trucks), such as exclusive "Truck-ways," have been proposed, and at the same time restricted policies for freight vehicles have been suggested because transportation of goods by truck aggravates traffic congestion and environmental conditions in urban areas. This study discusses the limitations of assessment processes for freight vehicle route management systems which have been carried out from limited perspectives such as physical distribution efficiency and traffic circulation. The objective of this study is to propose an assessment method of truck route management systems in urban areas which includes more varied criteria. This research modified the two existing assessment indices of physical distribution efficiency and traffic circulation. In addition two new assessment indexes are proposed: (i) exposure indices for population directly influenced by nitrous oxide, a representative pollutant, and (ii) a friction index between trips for attending elementary school and freight vehicle trips. It was found that from the perspective of physical distribution efficiency and traffic circulation, the "before" alternative is better than "after". However, from the aspect of traffic safety and environmental impacts the "after" alternative is better than "before". It is expected that the proposed evaluation method in this study would be useful when identifying reasonable policies for truck route management in urban areas.

Agent-based Speed Management Strategy for Freeway Traffic Safety (Methodology and Evaluation) (고속도로 교통사고 예방을 위한 에이전트 기반 속도관리 전략 (방법론 및 평가))

  • Song, Tae-Jin;O, Cheol
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.17-28
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    • 2011
  • This study proposed a speed management strategy for the enhancement of traffic safety on freeways. A novel feature of the proposed strategy is to provide desirable speed information to individual vehicles. A microscopic traffic simulator, VISSIM, was used for the performance evaluation. Vehicle trajectory data were used to evaluate the various speed management scenarios including the different levels of proportions of heavy vehicles. The proposed speed management strategy would be a useful precursor for developing an effective traffic control and operations system to prevent traffic accidents on freeways.

Correlation Analysis between Wheelchair Multi-layer Headrest Foam Properties and Injury Index (Wheelchair Multi-layer headrest foam 특성과 상해지수간 상관관계 분석)

  • Sungwook Cho;Seungmin Ji;Seong S. Cheon
    • Composites Research
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.253-258
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    • 2023
  • Although the development of transportation means has realized the right to mobility for the disabled who have difficulty in moving, it can be said that the improvement of the safety of passengers with disabilities that can occur in a car accident is lower than that of ordinary passenger seats. In particular, in the case of a rear-end collision that can occur suddenly, it is a reality that disabled passengers are vulnerable to head and neck injuries. Therefore, in this study, a multi-layer headrest foam that divides the headrest into three parts in the coronal plane was proposed to improve the head and neck injury index of disabled passengers in the vehicle in the event of a rear-end collision of a wheelchair transport vehicle. A range of stress scale factors was selected to give various compressive characteristics of the foam through low-speed rear-end collision analysis through a simple model, and GA optimization was performed by specifying the range as a parameter. Through the optimization result, the phase relationship between HIC and NIC was analyzed according to the compression characteristics of the layers. HIC responded most sensitively to the compression characteristics of the front layer and NIC responded to the compression characteristics of the mid layer, and the compression characteristics of the rear layer showed the lowest. A normal headrest and an optimized multi-layer headrest were placed in the validation model to analyze the low-speed rear-end collision sled test, and HIC and NIC were derived lower in the multi-layer headrest than in the general headrest. The compression behavior of the multi-layer headrest was also clearly shown, and it was verified that the multi-layer headrest was effective in improving the injury index of the head and neck compared to the general headrest.

A Study on the Analysis of Dangerous Driving Behavior and Traffic Accident Risk according to the Operation Characteristics of Commercial Freight Vehicles (사업용 화물자동차 운행특성에 따른 위험운전행동 및 교통사고 위험도 분석 연구)

  • Park, Jin soo;Lee, Soo beom;Park, Jun tae
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.152-166
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    • 2022
  • This study analyzed the causal relationship among operating characteristics of commercial freight vehicles, dangerous driving behaviors, and traffic accident risk. The study applied the existing accident cause and prevention theory to arrive at this relationship. Data related to working characteristics of driver, driving experience, driving ability, driving psychology, vehicle characteristics (size), dangerous driving behavior, and traffic accidents were collected from 303 commercial freight vehicle drivers. Working characteristics and dangerous driving behavior data are based on the driver's digital driving record. The traffic accident data is based on the insurance accident data reflecting actual traffic accidents. First, a structural equation model was built and verified using the model fitness index. Then, the developed model was used to analyze the causal relationship between multiple independent and dependent variables simultaneously. Four dangerous driving behaviors (sudden deceleration, sudden acceleration, sudden passing, and sudden stop) were found to be highly related to traffic accidents. The results further indicate that it is necessary to establish a safety management policy and intensive management for small-sized freight vehicles, drivers with insufficient driving ability, and drivers with dangerous driving behaviors. Such policy and management are expected to reduce traffic accidents effectively.