• Title/Summary/Keyword: Vegetation studies

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Predicting Future Terrestrial Vegetation Productivity Using PLS Regression (PLS 회귀분석을 이용한 미래 육상 식생의 생산성 예측)

  • CHOI, Chul-Hyun;PARK, Kyung-Hun;JUNG, Sung-Gwan
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.42-55
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    • 2017
  • Since the phases and patterns of the climate adaptability of vegetation can greatly differ from region to region, an intensive pixel scale approach is required. In this study, Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression on satellite image-based vegetation index is conducted for to assess the effect of climate factors on vegetation productivity and to predict future productivity of forests vegetation in South Korea. The results indicate that the mean temperature of wettest quarter (Bio8), mean temperature of driest quarter (Bio9), and precipitation of driest month (Bio14) showed higher influence on vegetation productivity. The predicted 2050 EVI in future climate change scenario have declined on average, especially in high elevation zone. The results of this study can be used in productivity monitoring of climate-sensitive vegetation and estimation of changes in forest carbon storage under climate change.

A Study on the Factors Affecting Vegetation Cover After Slope Revegetation - Focused on a JSB Method of Construction - (비탈면 녹화이후 식생피복에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구 - 자연생태복원 공법을 중심으로 -)

  • Kil, Sung-Ho;Lee, Dong-Kun;Cho, Min-Whan;Yang, Byung-E
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted on the field application for a method which is currently used. Although the method was performed with experimental knowledge, this study attempted to approach scientific ways through thirty sets of test-bed and three times monitoring limited by control variations for three months. The factors on previous studies are slope location, slope degree, type (roadfill vs. roadcut), aspect, vegetation cover, species, thickness, vertical length, horizontal length, soil type, elevation, erosion, soil-moisture, soil-hardness, pH, and so on. However, the factors of a suitable and significant level are slope degree, type, aspect, thickness, soil-moisture, vertical length and horizontal length in slope revegetation. the results were as follows : As a result of survey on soil types based on the status before construction, the rate of vegetation cover with non-mesh construction in soil areas was better than the rate of vegetation cover with fiber meshes and wire meshes. The rate of vegetation cover with fiber meshes in weathered rocks was better than using wire meshes. The rate of vegetation cover with the wire meshes in blasted rocks was better than using fiber meshes. Also, the factors affecting the rate of vegetation cover presented the number of appearance species, soil-moisture, thickness. this result presented the more appearance species as a positive role, and the lower soil-moisture and the thicker soil as a negative role.

GHG-AP Integrated Sink/Emission Inventories and Environmental Value Analysis in Vegetation Sector of Seoul (서울시 식생부문 온실가스-대기오염 통합 흡수/배출량 인벤토리 및 환경가치분석)

  • Jung, Jaehyung;Kwon, O-Yul
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.72-82
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    • 2015
  • We constructed greenhouse gas (GHG) and air pollution (AP) integrated sink/emission inventories and evaluated the environmental value for the vegetation sector in Seoul during year 2010. The data of vegetation, classified into four sectors of cultivated land, forest land, park and street tree, were obtained from Statistics Korea and Seoul City. Based on the previous studies, only $CO_2$ was chosen as GHG sink by vegetation. $NO_2$ and $SO_2$ were chosen as AP sink by vegetation, while isoprene, monoterpene, other VOC (OVOC) and NH3 were chosen as AP emission from vegetation. Estimation methodology and sink/emission factors were gathered from reports and published literatures. Estimated GHG sink by vegetation during year 2010 was 12,987,173 $tonCO_{2eq}$, of which approximately 1/4 was from pure vegetation and the remaining 3/4 from vegetation soil. AP sink and emission were estimated to be 23,309 tonAP and 2,629,797 tonAP, respectively. The analysis by administrative districts in Seoul revealed that among 25 districts, Seocho-gu, Nowon-gu, Eunpyeong-gu, Gwanak-gu and Gangbuk-gu were the major districts in GHG and AP sink/emission inventories for vegetation sector. Environmental value of vegetation as a function of GHG and AP sink, was estimated as 800 billion won, corresponding to 5% of the total cost of the forest land in Korea evaluated as a public function.

Studies on the Composition of Species and Distribution of Evergreen Forest in Haenam Peninsula , Korea (海南半島의 常綠樹林의 種組成과 分布에 關한 硏究)

  • Kim, Chul-Soo;Oh, Jang-Geun
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.243-255
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    • 1991
  • The vegetation of haenam peninsula(126 30e.l. and 34 30n.l ) was investigated from July, 1990 to 1991. the units of vegetatin were classified by the phytosociological method of broun- blanquet's. the forest vegetation was classified into 7 communities, sasa borealis-quercus acuta, cinnamomum japonicum, camellia japonica, rhododendron mucronulatum-pinus thunbergii, pinus densiflora community, torreya nucifera, chamaecyparis obtusa afforestatio, and the actual vegetation map was drawn in 1 : 50,00 scaie.

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Fluvial Processes and Vegetation - Research Trends and Implications (하천과정과 식생 - 연구동향과 시사점)

  • Woo, Hyoseop;Cho, Kang-Hyun;Jang, Chang Lae;Lee, Chan Joo
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.89-100
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    • 2019
  • We've reviewed existing studies on the interactions among vegetation, hydrology, and geomorphology in the stream corridors, adding one more factor of vegetation in the traditional area of hydro-geomorphology. Understanding of the interactions among those three factors is important not only academically but also practically since it is related intimately to the restoration of river corridor as well as management itself. Studies of this area started from field investigations in the latter part of the 20th century and focused on the flume experiments and then computer modelling in the 1990s and 2000s. Now, it has turned again to the field investigations of specific phenomena of the vegetative-hydrologic-geomorphologic interactions in detailed micro scales. Relevant studies in Korea, however, seem to be uncommon and far behind the international status quo in spite that practically important issues related directly to this topic have been emerged. In this study, we propose, based on the extensive literature review and authors' own knowledge and experiences, a conceptual diagram expressing the interactions among vegetation, flow (water), sediment, and geomorphology. Existing relevant studies in Korea since the 1990s are classified according to the categorization in the proposed diagrams and then briefly reviewed. Finally, considering the practical issues of riparian vegetation that have emerged recently in Korea, we propose areas of investigation needed in near future such as, among others, long-term and systematic field investigations and monitoring at multiple river corridors having different attributes on vegetative-hydrologic-geomorphologic interactions, including vegetative dynamics for succession.

Vegetation Water Status Monitoring around China and Mongolia Desert using Satellite Data (위성자료를 이용한 중국과 몽골 사막주변의 식생수분상태 모니터링)

  • Lee, Ga-Lam;Kim, Young-Seup;Han, Kyoung-Soo;Lee, Chang-Suk;Yeom, Jong-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.94-100
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    • 2008
  • Recently, global warming for climate system is a crucial issue over the world and it brings about severe climate change, abnormal temperature, a downpour, a drought, and so on. Especially, a drought over the earth surface accelerates desertification which has been advanced over the several years mainly originated from a climatic change. The objective of this study is to detect variation of vegetation water condition around China and Mongolia desert by using satellite data having advantage in observing surface biological system. In this study, we use SPOT/VEGETATION satellite image to calculate NDWI (Normalized Difference Water Index) around study area desert for monitoring of status of vegetation characteristics. The vegetation water status index from remotely sensing data is related to desertification since dry vegetation is apt to desertify. We can infer vegetation water status using NDWI acquired by NIR (Near infrared) and SWIR (Short wave infrared) bands from SPOT/VGT. The consequence is that NDWI decreased around desert from 1999 to 2006. The areas that NDWI was decreased are located in the northeast of Mongolian Gobi desert and the southeast of China Taklamakan desert.

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Correlation Analysis with Vegetation Indices and Vegetation-Endmembers From Airborne Hyperspectral Data in Forest Area (산림지역의 항공기 탑재 하이퍼스펙트럴 영상에 대한 식생-Endmember와 식생지수의 상관 분석)

  • Kim, Tae-Woo;We, Gwang-Jae;Suh, Yong-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.52-65
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    • 2012
  • The net biomass accumulation (or net primary production, NPP) and gross primary production (GPP) have closely related with carbon accumulations(or carbon exchange) in vegetation. There are many approaches to estimate biomass using remote sensing techniques. The vegetation indices (VIs) can be a methodology to estimate biomass which assumes total chlorophyll contents. Various VIs were characterized with difference development conditions as vegetation species, input datasets. The hyperspectral data have also different spatial/spectral resolutions for aerial surveying. Additionally they need particular spectral bands selection difficulty to calculate the VIs. The objective of this study is to evaluate the correlations with airborne hyperspectral data (compact airborne spectrographic imager, CASI) and spectral unmixing model (or spectral mixture analysis, SMA) to characterize vegetation indices in forest area. The spectral mixture analysis was used to model the spectral purity of each pixel as an endmember. The endmembers are the fraction components derived from hyperspectral data through the SMA. In this study, we choose three endmembers represented vegetation pixels in the hyperspectral data. These endmembers were compared with 9 VIs by the Pearson's correlation coefficient. The results show MTVI1 and TVI have same correlation coefficient with 0.877. The MCARI, especially has very high relationship with vegetation endmembers as 0.9061 at less vegetation and soil distributed site. The MTVI1 and TVI have high correlations with the vegetation endmembers as 0.757 in whole test sites.

Vegetation Studies of Girbanr Hills, District Swat, Pakistan (Girbanr Hills의 식생)

  • Hussain, Farrukh;Mohammad Ilyas;Kil, Bong-Seop
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.207-218
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    • 1995
  • Five non-stratified plant communities, Dichanthium-Artemisia-Themeda, Dichanthium- Plectranthes-Themeda, Plectranthes-Carex-Myrine, Heteropogon- Dichanthium-Dodonaea and Artemisia-Cynodon-Ber-beris were recognized in Girbanr hills, District Swat, during autumn, 1992. The indices of similarity showed that the communities were dissimilar. The percentage of leptophyllous and nanophyllous, terophytic and nanophanerophytic species were higher than other groups. These indicate dry and disturben conditions. Due to autumn season most of the species were entering in dormant stage. There was no tree layer on southern slopes while northern slopes had a poor layer of Pinus roxburghii. Deforestation, uprooting, terrace cultivation and overgrazing followed by erosion are the main ecological problems. The presence of isolated trees of Pinus roxburghii and stunted Olea ferruginea indicate that the original vegetation might have been of chirpine or Olea-Pinus type. The area having resource potential can be changed into a forest or rangeland by proper protection and management. Suggestions in favour of improvement are given.

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Investigation on Airflows in Abnormal Nasal Cavity with Adenoid Vegetation by Particle Image Velocimetry

  • Kim, Sung Kyun;Son, Young Rak
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.1799-1808
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    • 2004
  • Knowledge of airflow characteristics in nasal cavity is essential to understand the physiological and pathological aspects of nasal breathing. Several studies have utilized physical models of the healthy nasal cavity to investigate the relationship between nasal anatomy and airflow. Since the final goal of these works is their contribution to the diagnosisand treatment of nasal diseases, the next step on this topic is naturally studies for disordered nasal cavities. In this paper, as the first application, airflows in the normal and abnormal nasal cavities with adenoid vegetation are investigated experimentally by PIV, and comparisons of both cases are appreciated. Dense CT data and careful treatment of model surface under the ENT doctor's advice provide more sophisticatedcavity model. The CBC PIV algorithm with window offset is used for PIV flow analysis. Average and RMS distributions are obtained for inspirational and expirational nasal airflows. Airflow characteristics that are related with the abnormalities in nasal cavity are presented.

Optimization of Input Features for Vegetation Classification Based on Random Forest and Sentinel-2 Image (랜덤포레스트와 Sentinel-2를 이용한 식생 분류의 입력특성 최적화)

  • LEE, Seung-Min;JEONG, Jong-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.52-67
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    • 2020
  • Recently, the Arctic has been exposed to snow-covered land due to melting permafrost every year, and the Korea Geographic Information Institute(NGII) provides polar spatial information service by establishing spatial information of the polar region. However, there is a lack of spatial information on vegetation sensitive to climate change. This research used a multi-temporal Sentinel-2 image to perform land cover classification of the Ny-Ålesund in Arctic Svalbard. In the pre-processing step, 10 bands and 6 vegetation spectral index were generated from multi-temporal Sentinel-2 images. In image-classification step is consisted of extracting the vegetation area through 8-class land cover classification and performing the vegetation species classification. The image classification algorithm used Random Forest to evaluate the accuracy and calculate feature importance through Out-Of-Bag(OOB). To identify the advantages of multi- temporary Sentinel-2 for vegetation classification, the overall accuracy was compared according to the number of images stacked and vegetation spectral index. Overall accuracy was 77% when using single-time Sentinel-2 images, but improved to 81% when using multi-time Sentinel-2 images. In addition, the overall accuracy improved to about 83% in learning when the vegetation index was used additionally. The most important spectral variables to distinguish between vegetation classes are located in the Red, Green, and short wave infrared-1(SWIR1). This research can be used as a basic study that optimizes input characteristics in performing the classification of vegetation in the polar regions.