• Title/Summary/Keyword: Variance of Analysis

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  • Kang, Chang-Woo;Yang, Kyung-Soo
    • Journal of computational fluids engineering
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2012
  • Large Eddy Simulation(LES) of turbulent mass transfer in fully developed turbulent pipe flow has been performed to study the effect of Reynolds number on the concentration fields at $Re_{\tau}=180$, 395, 590 based on friction velocity and pipe radius. Dynamic subgrid-scale models for the turbulent subgrid-scale stresses and mass fluxes were employed to close the governing equations. Fully developed turbulent pipe flows with constant mass flux imposed at the wall are studied for Sc=0.71. The mean concentration profiles and turbulent intensities obtained from the present LES are in good agreement with the previous numerical and experimental results currently available. The effects of Reynolds number on the turbulent mass transfer are identified in the higher-order statistics(Skewness and Flatness factor) and instantaneous concentration fields. The budgets of turbulent mass fluxes and concentration variance were computed and analyzed to elucidate the effect of Reynolds number on turbulent mass transfer. Furthermore, to understand the correlation between near-wall turbulence structure and concentration fluctuation, we present an octant analysis in the vicinity of the pipe wall.

A Study on On-line Consumer's Shopping Propensity and Satisfaction based on Apparel Product Attributes and Price Attributes (온라인 소비자의 의류 제품 및 가격 속성에 대한 쇼핑성향 차이와 만족도에 관한 연구)

  • Na, Youn-Kue;Suh, Hyun-Suk
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.164-172
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    • 2008
  • This study explores the attributes of the on-line shopping products and prices, and their effects on the customer satisfaction. In doing so, the sample population has been segmented according to their shopping propensity of consumption on clothing to understand the group differences. Based on the previous researches, the researcher have chosen four important characteristics of the customer's shopping propensity. The number of iteration on factor analysis revealed that the sample population can be classified into three different groups; the convenience/pleasure-seeking group, the fashion/utility-seeking group, and the unconcerned group. The significant group differences resulted on the following study variables; the product assortment, the price rationality, and the value of the price. Also, from the product aspect, the characteristic, the assortment, and the expression in order, explained the significant portion of the Y variance. While, on the aspect of price, the rationality, and information in order, significantly contributed on the customer satisfaction.

Frequency of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Perceived Stress, and Mental Health Among Women (서울·경인지역사회 성인여성의 과민성 장 증후군 빈도와 스트레스, 정신 건강에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Hyo-Jung;Lim, Soo-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.685-696
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: This study was performed to examine the frequency of irritable bowel syndrome(IBS), perceived stress, and mental health among community-dwelling women. Methods: This study conducted a survey to collect data on 869 women in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do. The measurements included the Rome III criteria(to diagnose IBS), the Global Assessment Recent Stress(GARS scale to evaluate perceived stress), and symptom check list 90R(SCL-90R to evaluate psychological distress). Data were analyzed using SPSS 15.0 program by frequency, $x^2$-tests, t-test, and analysis of variance(ANOVA). Results: The frequency of IBS in women was 15.1%. Eighty-six women(65.6%) had mixed constipation and diarrhea subtype of IBS. Compared to the women without IBS, those with IBS reported significantly higher scores on GARS, all subscales of GARS, SCL-90R, all subscales of SCL-90R, and the global severity index(GSI). No significant differences were observed among stress, mental health, and the IBS subtypes. Conclusion: Nursing interventions targeting women with IBS should be developed in order to reduce the associated stress and psychological distress.

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  • Rafiq, M.;Jadoon, J.K.;Mahmood, K.;Naqvi, M.A.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.127-132
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    • 1996
  • Effects on feed intake, liveweight gain and economic benefits of supplementing lambs with urea molasses blocks, were studied. Forty eight crossbred lambs were divided into 6 groups and assigned randomly to grazing on native pasture (CONT) or along with supplements of Commercial ration (COM) and urea molasses blocks (UMBs) containing two levels of cement and calcium oxide as a binding agent. Analysis of variance revealed highly significant (p<0.01) differences in dry matter (DMI, g/day), crude protein (CPI, g/day) and metabolizable energy (MEI, MJ/day) intakes. Differences in liveweight gain (LWG, g/day), feed conversion ratio (FCR) and net economic benefit of supplementation were also highly variable. The intake of DM, CP and ME varied from 974 to 1002, 66-70 and 7.6-8.4 in lambs supplemented with UMBs, significantly (p<0.01) greater than 848, 52.5 and 5.6 in lambs supplemented with COM or FCR and net economic benefits (54.3; 57.8; 17.1 and 1.96; 2.4) in lambs supplemented with COM and UMB-2, were CONT or supplemented with UMB-1, UMB-3 and UMB-4 respectively. Factors responsible for differences in feed intake, liveweight gain and economic benefits, are discussed.

The Influencing Factors on Self-actualization in Middle-aged Women (중년여성의 자아실현과 영향요인)

  • Kim, Sook-Young;Jeon, Eun-Young;Kim, Kwuy-Bun;Suh, Yeon-Ok
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.602-611
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    • 2002
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the influencing factor to self actualization in middle-aged women. Method: The subjects for this study were 191 middle-aged women selected by convenience sampling in three cities. Data collection was done using a questionnaire. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, Pearson Product Moment Correlation coefficient and Stepwise Multiple Regression. Result: The results of this study were as follows: 1. The relationship between self-efficacy, social support, self esteem, motivation for achievement, parental satisfaction with children and self-actualization were found to have statistically significant positive correlations. But the relationship between depression and self-actualization were found to have statistically significant negative correlation. 2. Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that the most powerful predictor was social support. Social support, motivation for achievement and self esteem accounted for 38.1% of the variance in self-actualization in middle aged women. Conclusion: According to these results, it is recommended that in order to enhance self-actualization in middle-aged women, empowerment of social support, motivation for achievement and self esteem should be pursued.

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Development of Initial Design Stage Guidelines for nearly Zero Energy Offices : A Central-Climate Zone of Korea Case Study

  • Kang, Hae Jin;Yi, Won
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2015
  • This study aimed to develop a design manual to be used during the initial stage of the nearly Zero Energy Building (nZEB) design process. Recently, with the increased demand for nZEBs, there are many architects and architectural firms who are becoming interested in nZEB design. However, since the nZEB design process requires a different approach to the conventional building design process, architects have difficulties with application of the nZEB design process in their projects. Therefore, a design manual which can be used in the nZEB design process was developed in this study. Based on an intensive literature review, energy-saving strategies and their performance levels, which affect heating and cooling energy consumptions were established for a reference building. To analyze the sensitivity of each energy strategy to the overall performance, computer simulations using EnergyPlus were performed. At the same time, an Analysis of Variance assessment was conducted to estimate the relative importance of each energy factor. The energy sensitivity and priority of the energy factors was developed into a set of design guidelines.

Genetic Structure in Wild Populations of Ayu Plecoglossus altivelis in Korea and Japan

  • Han, Hyon-Sob;Taniguchi, Nobuhiko;Lee, Jong-Ha;Yoon, Moon-Geun
    • Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.295-301
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    • 2011
  • We investigated the genetic structure of Korean and Japanese ayu Plecoglossus altivelis populations by examining 669 individuals from 14 populations using three microsatellite loci. Genetic variation did not differ significantly among the populations examined in terms of allelic number and heterozygosity. Korean populations were genetically close to each other, implying that persistent gene flow has occurred in these populations. This suggests that eastern populations in Korea form a single large population and all of the Korean populations are distinct from the Japanese populations. Pairwise population $F_{ST}$ estimates, principal component analyses, and a neighbor-joining tree showed that genetic separation between the southern and pooled eastern coast populations was probably influenced by restricted gene flow. Hierarchical analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed a weak but significant genetic structure among three ayu groups (eastern and southern coasts of Korea and the Japan coast), and no genetic variation within groups. The estimated genetic population structure and potential applications of microsatellite markers may aid in the proper management of ayu populations.

Effects of Meteorology and Air Pollution on Respiratory Disease affecting Vulnerable Populations (기상 및 대기질이 건강취약집단에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Dongbae;Park, Changhyoun;Jung, Woo-Sik;Lee, KwiOk;Lee, Hwa Woon
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.29 no.7
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    • pp.715-727
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    • 2020
  • It is well known that atmospheric environments, including both meteorology and air quality, significantly affect public health, such as chronic lung disease and cancer, and respiratory infections. In this study, we have analyzed correlations between the number of daily respiratory outpatients and the atmospheric environments data for about ten years for the city of Busan, South Korea. The respiratory problem patients data have been categorized into two health-vulnerable groups by age over 65(DayPA_O65) and under 20(DayPA_U20), each of which shows relatively higher correlations with air quality and meteorology, respectively. However, time series analysis with factor separation results in that DayPA_O65 and DayPA_U20 show a higher relation with variance components and daily irregular factors of atmospheric concentrations, respectively.

Influences of Calling, Work Value, and Organizational Commitment on Turnover Intention in Nurses Employed at University Hospitals in a Region (일 지역 대학병원 간호사의 소명의식과 직업가치, 조직몰입이 이직의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Moon-Jeong;Kim, So-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 2016
  • Objectives : This study was to test the influencing effects of calling, work value, and organizational commitment on turnover intention in hospital nurses. Methods : Two-hundred sixty hospital nurses were recruited in B city, South Korea. They were asked to complete a questionnaire, and 251 data sets were included in the multiple regression analysis. Results : Subjects had more extrinsic work value rather than intrinsic and a low calling level. There were significant correlations among transcendent summons, purpose/meaningfulness, pro-social intentions, intrinsic work value, and organizational commitment. Influencing factors of turnover intention were purpose/meaningfulness (t=-2.170, p=.031) and organizational commitment (t=-7.824, p<.001). The model was statistically significant explaining 27.8% of the variance (F=47.550, p<.001). Conclusions : Nurses showed a weak sense of calling and their work value leaned towards the extrinsic domain. Therefore, nurse managers should support a plan that enhances the calling and intrinsic work value of nurses to get them to commit to their organization and subsequently, reduce the turnover rate.

Evaluation and Identification of Promising Bivoltine Breeds in the Silkworm Bombyx mori L.

  • Begum, Azeezur Rehman Naseema;Basavaraja, Hadikere Kallappa;Joge, Punjab Govindrai;Palit, Aditya Kumar
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.15-20
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    • 2008
  • Under the all India programme of evaluation of mulberry and silkworm genotypes, twelve bivoltine silkworm breeds obtained from Central Silkworm Germplasm Resource Centre, Hosur (CSGRC) were evaluated at the bivoltine silkworm breeding laboratory, Central Sericultural Research & Training Institute, Mysore (CSR&TI). These breeds were tested during September-October 2003, August-September 2004 and February-March 2005. The average temperature and humidity during September-October 2003 was $26.5^{\circ}C$ and 72.6% RH, while during August-September 2004, it was $26.5^{\circ}C$ and 75.2% RH and during February-March 2005 it was $24^{\circ}C$ and 48% RH respectively. The performance of the breeds in respect of 21 traits was studied and statistically analyzed using analysis of variance (Singh and Choudhary, 1985). Silkworm breeds were short-listed using multiple trait evaluation index method as suggested by Mano et at., (1993). Evaluation Index values were calculated for all the 11 traits of economic importance and six breeds were short-listed based on average index value 50 and above 50. Two breed viz., BV 183 (SMGS-1) have recorded average E.I. >50 in 10 traits (except in neatness) and ranked first and the breed BV 262 (SMGS9) with E.I. value >50 in nine traits except in cocoon weight and neatness ranked second, in the order of merit. These two breeds may be selected as resource material for evolving region specific silkworm breeds.