• Title/Summary/Keyword: Value-based health care

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Robust Image Similarity Measurement based on MR Physical Information

  • Eun, Sung-Jong;Jung, Eun-Young;Park, Dong Kyun;Whangbo, Taeg-Keun
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.11 no.9
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    • pp.4461-4475
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    • 2017
  • Recently, introduction of the hospital information system has remarkably improved the efficiency of health care services within hospitals. Due to improvement of the hospital information system, the issue of integration of medical information has emerged, and attempts to achieve it have been made. However, as a preceding step for integration of medical information, the problem of searching the same patient should be solved first, and studies on patient identification algorithm are required. As a typical case, similarity can be calculated through MPI (Master Patient Index) module, by comparing various fields such as patient's basic information and treatment information, etc. but it has many problems including the language system not suitable to Korean, estimation of an optimal weight by field, etc. This paper proposes a method searching the same patient using MRI information besides patient's field information as a supplementary method to increase the accuracy of matching algorithm such as MPI, etc. Unlike existing methods only using image information, upon identifying a patient, a highest weight was given to physical information of medical image and set as an unchangeable unique value, and as a result a high accuracy was detected. We aim to use the similarity measurement result as secondary measures in identifying a patient in the future.

Association between Participation in a Rehabilitation Program and 1-Year Survival in Patients Requiring Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation

  • Wanho Yoo;Myung Hun Jang;Sang Hun Kim;Soohan Kim;Eun-Jung Jo;Jung Seop Eom;Jeongha Mok;Mi-Hyun Kim;Kwangha Lee
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.86 no.2
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    • pp.133-141
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    • 2023
  • Background: The present study evaluated the association between participation in a rehabilitation program during a hospital stay and 1-year survival of patients requiring at least 21 days of mechanical ventilation (prolonged mechanical ventilation [PMV]) with various respiratory diseases as their main diagnoses that led to mechanical ventilation. Methods: Retrospective data of 105 patients (71.4% male, mean age 70.1±11.3 years) who received PMV in the past 5 years were analyzed. Rehabilitation included physiotherapy, physical rehabilitation, and dysphagia treatment program that was individually provided by physiatrists. Results: The main diagnosis leading to mechanical ventilation was pneumonia (n=101, 96.2%) and the 1-year survival rate was 33.3% (n=35). One-year survivors had lower Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II score (20.2±5.8 vs. 24.2±7.5, p=0.006) and Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score (6.7±5.6 vs. 8.5±2.7, p=0.001) on the day of intubation than non-survivors. More survivors participated in a rehabilitation program during their hospital stays (88.6% vs. 57.1%, p=0.001). The rehabilitation program was an independent factor for 1-year survival based on the Cox proportional hazard model (hazard ratio, 3.513; 95% confidence interval, 1.785 to 6.930; p<0.001) in patients with APACHE II scores ≤23 (a cutoff value based on Youden's index). Conclusion: Our study showed that participation in a rehabilitation program during hospital stay was associated with an improvement of 1-year survival of PMV patients who had less severe illness on the day of intubation.

Study on Folk Caring in Korea for Cultural Nursing (문화간호를 위한 한국인의 민간 돌봄에 대한 연구 : 출생을 중심으로)

  • 고성희;조명옥;최영희;강신표
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.430-458
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    • 1990
  • Care is a central concept of nursing. Nursing would not exist without caring. Care and quality of life are closely related. Human behavior is a manifestation of culture. We can say that caring and nursing care are expression of culture. The nurse must understand the relationship of culture with care for ensure quality nursing care. But knowledge of cultural factors in nursing is not well developed. Time and in - depth study are needed to find meaningful relationships between culture and care. Nurses recognized the importance of culturally appropriate nursing There are two care systems in culturally based nursing. The folk care system and the professional nursing care system. The folk care system existed long before the professional nursing care system was introduced into this culture. If the discrepancy between these two care systems is great, the client may receive inappropriate nursing care. Culture and subcaltures are diverse and dynamic in nature. Nurses need to know the caring behaviors, patterns, and their meaning in their own culture. In Korea we have taken some first step to study cultural nursing phenomena. It is not our intent necessarily to return to the past and develop a nationalistic of nursing, but to identify the core of traditional caring and relate that to professional nursing care. Our Assumptions are as follows : 1) Care is essential for human growth, well being and survial. 2) 7here are diverse and universal forma, expressions, patterns, and processes of human care that exist transcul - turally. 3) The behaviors and functions of caring differ according to the social structure of each culture. 4) Cultures have folk and professional care values, beliefs, and practices. To promote the quality of nursing care we must understand the folk care value, beliefs, and practices. We undertook this study to understand caring in our traditional culture. The Goals of this study were as follows : 1) To identify patterns in caring behavior, 2) To identify the structural components of caring, and 3) To understand the meaning and some principles of caring. We faised several questions in this study. Who is the care-giver? Who is the care-receipient? Was the woman the major care -giver at any time? What are the patterns in caring behavior? What art the priciples underlying the caring process? We used an interdisciplinary team approach, composed of representatives from nursing and anthropology, to contribute in -depth understanding of caring through a socicaltural perspeetive. A Field study was conducted in Ro-Bong, a small agricultural kinship village. The subjects were nine women and one man aged be or more years of age. Data were collected from january 15 to 21, 1990 through opem-ended in-depth interviews and observations. The interview focused on caring behaviors sorrounding birth, aging, death and child rearing. We analysed these data for meaning, pattern and priciples of caring. In this report we describe caring behaviors surrounding childbirth. The care-givers were primarily mothers- in -low, other women in the family older than the mother - to- be, older neighbor woman, husbands, and mothers of the mother-to- be. The care receivers were the mother-to-be the baby, and the immediate family as a component of kinship. Emerging caring behavior included praying, helping proscribing, giving moral advice(Deug - Dam), showing concern, instructing, protecting, making preparations, showing consideration, touching, trusting, encouraging, giving emotional comfort, being with, worrying about, being patient, preventing problems, showing by an example, looking after bringing up, taking care of postnatal health, streng thening the health condition, entering into another's feelings(empathizing), and sharing food, joy and sorrow The emerging caring component were affection, touching, nurtuing, teaching, praying, comforting, encouraging, sharing. empathizing, self - discipline, protecting, preparing, helping and compassion. Emerging principles of. caring were solidarity, heir- archzeal relationships, sex - role distinction. Caring during birth expresses the valve of life and reflects the valued traditional beliefs that human birth is given by god and a unique unifying family event reaching back to include the ancestors and foreward to later generations. In addition, We found positive and rational foundations for traditionl caring behaviors surrounding birth, these should not be stigmatized as inational or superstitious. The nurse appropriately adopts the rational and positive nature of traditional caring behaviors to promote the quality of nursing care.

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Noise reduction in low-dose positron emission tomography with adaptive parameter estimation in sinogram domain

  • Kyu Bom Kim;Yeonkyeong Kim;Kyuseok Kim;Su Hwan Lee
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.10
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    • pp.4127-4133
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    • 2024
  • Noise reduction in low-dose positron emission tomography (PET) is a well-researched topic aimed at reducing patient radiation doses and improving diagnosis. Software-based noise reduction mainly improves the contrast between regions by reducing the variation of the acquired image. However, it should be performed under appropriate parameters to reduce discrimination. We propose a method that derives optimal noise-reduction parameters using the multi-scale structural similarity index measure and visual information fidelity, which are metrics for image quality assessment. Simulation and experimental studies demonstrated the viability of the proposed algorithm. The contrast-to-noise ratio value of the denoised reconstruction slice, which was used as the optimal parameter, increased approximately three times compared to that of the low-dose slice while preserving the resolution. The results indicate that the proposed method successfully predicted the parameters according to the noise-reduction algorithm and PET system conditions in the sinogram domain. The proposed algorithm should help prevent misdiagnosis and provide standardized medical images for clinical application by performing appropriate noise reduction.

Categorized the Contribution evasion through Health Insurance contribution evasion expected model (건강보험 체납예측모형을 통한 체납세대의 유형화 및 특성)

  • 이애경;최인덕
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.78-98
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to categorize the contribution evasion and develop the expected models for contribution arrears in National Health Care System. The modified logistic regression model in non-payments was used as logistic regression model based on the statistical method. By using this model, we arranged non-payment types and typical branches those are appeared by statistical technique. First fact, sex and age branches those are able to take a part in economy had effect mostly. Also they had difference in non-payment probability by existence of their incomes and property. Especially people who didn't have their own house and car were appeared in high non-payment probability, disease and reduction characteristic(rare diseases, reduction of seniors, handicaps, numbers of medical treatments) didn't effect much in probability. The reason for some characteristic of non-payment which is higher than the correct threshold value of Logistic Regression Model (a suggested model for predicting non-payment)'s distribution of probability was mostly moral hazard. Living difficulty was the bigger reason for non-payment, but moral slackening was the bigger reason for non-payment. But it is careless to decide that moral hazard is just the reason, there is a necessity to examine on the side of sociology based in family. By the reason, the member's non-payment reason can be classified by economy, population, and psychology, but there was a comprehension that losing of work desire could be one reason. So we analyzed informations for composition of family of members. In conclusion, we grasped that family conflict makes non-payment and conversion of member in the National Basic Livelihood Protection System difficult.

Association between Diabetes Mellitus and Fatty Liver Based on Ultrasonography Screening in the World's Highest Cholangiocarcinoma Incidence Region, Northeast Thailand

  • Thinkhamrop, Kavin;Khuntikeo, Narong;Phonjitt, Pichai;Chamadol, Nittaya;Thinkhamrop, Bandit;Moore, Malcolm Anthony;Promthet, Supannee
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.9
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    • pp.3931-3936
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    • 2015
  • Fatty liver disease (FLD) can be a precondition for other liver pathology including cholangiocarcinoma (CCA). Diabetes mellitus (DM) has been suggested in some studies to be a risk factor for FLD as well as cancers, including cholangiocellular carcinoma; however, there are currently very few studies on FLD in DM subjects, although the rate of FLD continues to increase annually. To determine the association between DM and FLD ultrasonographic data were analyzed from the Cholangiocarcinoma Screening and Care Program (CASCAP), in northeast Thailand. DM was reported by the subjects based on the CASCAP health questionnaire. Factors that were associated with FLD were determined by prevalence, odds ratio (ORs) and its 95% confidence intervals (CIs) using multiple logistic regression. There were 45,263 subjects with a mean age of 53.46 (${\pm}9.25$) years. FLD was found in 36.3% of DM subjects but only in 20.7% of non-DM subjects. The association between DM and FLD was adjusted for all other factors including gender, age, education level, relatives diagnosed with CCA, smoking, alcohol consumption, and hepatitis B and C. The risk of DM in subjects having FLD was highly significant compared with the non-DM subjects (OR 2.13; 95%CI: 1.92 to 2.35; p-value < 0.001). Thus DM is significantly associated with FLD which in turn may facilitate the development of several diseases including CCA. DM should be taken into consideration in future ultrasonic investigations of FLD and CCA.

Development of the Model for Total Quality Management and Cost of Quality using Activity Based Costing in the Hospital (병원의 활동기준원가를 이용한 총체적 질관리 모형 및 질비용 산출 모형 개발)

  • 조우현;전기홍;이해종;박은철;김병조;김보경;이상규
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.141-168
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    • 2001
  • Healthcare service organizations can apply the cost of quality(COQ) model as a method to evaluate a service quality improvement project such as Total Quality Management (TQM). COQ model has been used to quantify and evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of TQM project through estimation between cost and benefit in intervention for a quality Improvement to provide satisfied services for a customer, and to identify a non value added process. For estimating cost of quality, We used activities and activity costs based on Activity Based Costing(ABC) system. These procedures let the researchers know whether the process is value-added by each activity, and identify a process to require improvement in TQM project. Through the series of procedures, health care organizations are service organizations can identify a problem in their quality improvement programs, solve the problem, and improve their quality of care for their costumers with optimized cost. The study subject was a quality improvement program of the department of radiology department in a hospital with n bed sizes in Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). The principal source of data for developing the COQ model was total cases of retaking shots for diagnoses during five months period from December of the 1998 to April of the 1999 in the department. First of the procedures, for estimating activity based cost of the department of diagnostic radiology, the researchers analyzed total department health insurance claims to identify activities and activity costs using one year period health insurance claims from September of the 1998 to August of the 1999. COQ model in this study applied Simpson & Multher's COQ(SM's COQ) model, and SM's COQ model divided cost of quality into failure cost with external and internal failure cost, and evaluation/prevention cost. The researchers identified contents for cost of quality, defined activities and activity costs for each content with the SM's COQ model, and finally made the formula for estimating activity costs relating to implementing service quality improvement program. The results from the formula for estimating cost of quality were following: 1. The reasons for retaking shots were largely classified into technique, appliances, patients, quality management, non-appliances, doctors, and unclassified. These classifications by reasons were allocated into each office doing re-taking shots. Therefore, total retaking shots categorized by reasons and offices, the researchers identified internal and external failure costs based on these categories. 2. The researchers have developed cost of quality (COQ) model, identified activities by content for cost of quality, assessed activity driving factors and activity contribution rate, and calculated total cost by each content for cost for quality, except for activity cost. 3. According to estimation of cost of quality for retaking shots in department of diagnostic radiology, the failure cost was ₩35,880, evaluation/preventive cost was ₩72,521, two times as much as failure cost. The proportion between internal failure cost and external failure cost in failure cost is similar. The study cannot identify trends on input cost and quality improving in cost of qualify over the time, because the study employs cross-sectional design. Even with this limitation, results of this study are much meaningful. This study shows possibility to evaluate value on the process of TQM subjects using activities and activity costs by ABC system, and this study can objectively evaluate quality improvement program through quantitative comparing input costs with marginal benefits in quality improvement.

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The Colorectal Cancer Mortality-to-Incidence Ratio as a Potential Cancer Surveillance Measure in Asia

  • Sunkara, Vasu;Hebert, James R
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.17 no.9
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    • pp.4323-4326
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    • 2016
  • Background: The cancer mortality-to-incidence ratio (MIR) has been established as an important measure of health disparities in local and global circumstances. Past work has corroborated a linkage between the colorectal cancer MIR and the World Health Organization (WHO) Health System ranking. The literature further documents many Asian countries having incomplete cancer registries and a lack of comprehensive colorectal cancer screening guidelines. Materials and Methods: The colorectal cancer MIR values for 23 Asian countries were calculated from data obtained from the 2012 GLOBOCAN database. The 2000 World Health Organization (WHO) Health System rankings were used as a proxy for health system infrastructure and responsiveness. A regression equation was calculated with the MIR as the dependent variable and the WHO Health System ranking as the independent variable. Predicted MIR values were next calculated based on the regression results. Actual MIR values that exceeded 0.20 from the predicted MIR were removed as 'divergent' points. The regression equation was then re-plotted. Goodness-of-fit for both regressions was assessed by the R-squared test. Results: Asian countries have a relatively wide colorectal cancer MIR range, from a minimum of 0.24 to a maximum of 0.86. For the full dataset, the adjusted R-squared value for this regression was 0.53. The equation was then used to calculate a predicted MIR, whereby two data points were identified as 'divergent' and removed. The adjusted R-squared for the edited dataset increased to 0.66. Conclusions: Asian countries have a marked range in their colorectal cancer MIR values and there is a strong correlationwith the WHO Health System ranking. These results corroborate the contribution of the MIR as a potentially robust tool in monitoring changes in colorectal cancer care for Asian nations.

A Study on the Strategic Vitalization Plan of Korean Integrated Medical Tourism

  • Kweon, Kee-Tae;Kim, Hwa-Kyung
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2013
  • Objectives: As a newcomer to the medical tourism industry, Korea needs to differentiate itself from the leading competing countries to vitalize its early-stage medical tourism industry. This study aims to introduce a strategic plan to vitalize the Korean integrated medical tourism so that Korea can differentiate itself from competing countries and create high added value. Methods: The concept and actual conditions of medical tourism and Oriental medical tourism were examined. A plan to differentiate Korea from the competing countries in the medical tourism industry was studied to create high added-value through strategic vitalization of its medical tourism industry. Results: Korean integrated medical tourism must be developed differently from those of other South-East Asian countries in order to strategically promote the cash-cow medical tourism industry. In order to develop such medical tourism, Korean medical practice, which integrates Western and Oriental medicine, is to be developed through mutual understanding and fusion of other disciplines among medical doctors and Oriental medical doctors who are working in local healthcare for health promotion of local residents and disease prevention and control. This will play a key role in developing a unique medical tourism product of Korea by means of strategic alliances as an integrated medicine. Manpower specialized for integrated medicine is to be specially supplied for Oriental medicine-related business lines at city, county and borough levels, among local governments, that are enthusiastically carrying forward Oriental medical tourism with an interest to promoting more active and strategic business development and raise the effectiveness and efficiency of public health centers handling related medical tourism. Manpower specialized for Korean integrated medical tourism is to be specially supplied for the Ministry of Culture, Health and Tourism, a policy control tower to develop and vitalize high value-added fusion (theme) tourism products such as the Korean integrated medical tourism, in order to discover, promote and support Korean integrated medical tourism's differences from existing medical tourism. Conclusions: The differentiated integrated medical tourism that only Korea can offer in a variety of forms, in order to create a key area of high value-added medical tourism, should be strategically vitalized through a liaison between integrated medicine and tourism and the realization of patient-centered health care services with medical technology developed based on mutual understanding of Western and Oriental medicine.

Health Outcome Prediction Using the Charlson Comorbidity Index In Lung Cancer Patients (Charlson Comorbidity Index를 활용한 폐암수술환자의 건강결과 예측에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Se-Won;Yoon, Seok-Jun;Kyung, Min-Ho;Yun, Young-Ho;Kim, Young-Ae;Kim, Eun-Jung;Kim, Kyeong-Uoon
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.18-32
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    • 2009
  • The goal of this study was to predict the health outcomes of lung cancer surgery based on the Charlson comorbidity index (CCI). An attempt was likewise made to assess the prognostic value of such data for predicting mortality, survival rate, and length of hospital stay. A medical-record review of 389 patients with non-small-cell lung cancer was performed. To evaluate the agreement, the kappa coefficient was tested. Logistic-regression analysis was also conducted within two years after the surgery to determine the association of CCI with death. Survival and multiple-regression analyses were used to evaluate the relationship between CCI and the hospital care outcomes within two-year survival after lung cancer surgery and the length of hospital stay. The results of the study showed that CCI is a valid prognostic indicator of two-year mortality and length of hospital stay, and that it shows the health outcomes, such as death, survival rate, and length of hospital stay, after the surgery, thus enabling the development and application of the methodology using a systematic and objective scale for the results.