건강보험 체납예측모형을 통한 체납세대의 유형화 및 특성

Categorized the Contribution evasion through Health Insurance contribution evasion expected model

  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


The purpose of this study was to categorize the contribution evasion and develop the expected models for contribution arrears in National Health Care System. The modified logistic regression model in non-payments was used as logistic regression model based on the statistical method. By using this model, we arranged non-payment types and typical branches those are appeared by statistical technique. First fact, sex and age branches those are able to take a part in economy had effect mostly. Also they had difference in non-payment probability by existence of their incomes and property. Especially people who didn't have their own house and car were appeared in high non-payment probability, disease and reduction characteristic(rare diseases, reduction of seniors, handicaps, numbers of medical treatments) didn't effect much in probability. The reason for some characteristic of non-payment which is higher than the correct threshold value of Logistic Regression Model (a suggested model for predicting non-payment)'s distribution of probability was mostly moral hazard. Living difficulty was the bigger reason for non-payment, but moral slackening was the bigger reason for non-payment. But it is careless to decide that moral hazard is just the reason, there is a necessity to examine on the side of sociology based in family. By the reason, the member's non-payment reason can be classified by economy, population, and psychology, but there was a comprehension that losing of work desire could be one reason. So we analyzed informations for composition of family of members. In conclusion, we grasped that family conflict makes non-payment and conversion of member in the National Basic Livelihood Protection System difficult.



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