• Title/Summary/Keyword: VALLEYS

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Generation of High-Resolution Precise DEMs Through Airborne LIDAR Surveys on Huge Antarctic Regions

  • Lee Imp-yeong;CHOI Yun-soo;Lee, Jae-one
    • Korean Journal of Geomatics
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.115-122
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    • 2004
  • NASA, NSF and USGS jointly conducted airborne LIDAR surveys to acquire numerous surface points with high densities over the Antarctic Dry Valleys and its vicinity, The huge set of these points retains two characteristics undesirable for DEM generation, which are unusually high blunder ratio and large variation of the local point densities. Hence, in order to not only reduce the undesirable effects due to these characteristics but also process the huge number of points within reasonable limits of time and resources, we developed an efficient, robust, nearly automatic approach to DEM generation. This paper reports about the application of this approach to generating high-resolution precise DEMs from the Antarctic LIDAR surveys and the evaluation of their accuracy.

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Generation Of High-Resolution Precise Dems Of The Antarctic Dry Valleys And Its Vicinity Based On Lidar Surveys

  • Lee, Impyeong;Park, Yunsoo;Park, Hong-Gi;Cho, Young-Won
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2004.02a
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    • pp.38-44
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    • 2004
  • NASA, NSF and USGS jointly conducted LIDAR surveys to acquire numerous surface points with high densities over the Antarctic Dry Valleys and its vicinity. The huge set of the points unusually includes many blunders, retaining large variation of the point densities. Hence, to reduce the undesirable effects due to these characteristics and process the huge number of points with reasonable time and resources, we developed an efficient, robust, nearly automatic approach to DEM generation. This paper reports about the application of this approach to generating high-resolution precise DEMs from the Antarctic LIDAR surveys and the evaluation of their accuracy.

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Speech Recognition Using Noise Processing in Spectral Dimension (스펙트럴 차원의 잡음처리를 이용한 음성인식)

  • Lee, Gwang-seok
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2009.10a
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    • pp.738-741
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    • 2009
  • This research is concerned for improving the result of speech recognition under the noisy speech. We knew that spectral subtraction and recovery of valleys in spectral envelope obtained from noisy speech are more effective for the improvement of the recognition. In this research, the averaged spectral envelope obtained from vowel spectrums are used for the emphasis of valleys. The vocalic spectral information at lower frequency range is emphasized and the spectrum obtained from consonants is not changed. In simulation, the emphasis coefficients are varied on cepstral domain. This method is used for the recognition of noisy digits and is improved.

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Electron Mobility Model in Strained Si Inversion Layer (응력변형을 겪는 Si 반전층에서 전자 이동도 모델)

  • Park Il-Soo;Won Taeyoung
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.42 no.3 s.333
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2005
  • The mobility in strained Si inversion layer on $Si_{1-x}Ge_x$ is calculated considering a quantum effect(subband energy and wavefunction) in inversion layer and relaxation time approximation. The quantum effect in inversion layer is obtained by using self-consistent calculation of $Schr\ddot{o}dinger$ and Poisson equations. For the relaxation time, intravalley and intervalley scatterings are considered. The result shows that the reason for the enhancement in mobility as Ge mole fraction increases is that the electron mobility in 2-폴드 valleys is about 3 times higher than that of 4-폴드 valleys and most electrons are located in 2-폴드 valleys as Ge mole fraction increases. Meanwhile, for the phonon-limited mobility the fitting to experimental data, Coulomb and surface roughness mobilities are included in total mobility, Deformation potentials are selected for the calculated effective field, temperature, and Ge mole fraction dependent mobilities to be fitted to experimental data, and then upgraded data can be obtained by considering nonparabolicity in Si band structure.

Analysis of the Physical Characteristics and Tranquility of the Valley in Gangwon Province (강원지역 계곡의 물리적 특성 및 고요함 분석)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Nam;Han, Gab-Soo
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.152-160
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the physical characteristics and tranquility of the valleys located in Gangwon region. For this study we analyzed the field survey data 135 valleys using GIS. The elements for measurement of tranquility were divided into visual elements including terrain, objects, forest, water and auditory elements including noise. These elements were divided further into positive and negative factors. The weight of each element and item was calculated by applying the AHP method. The results of this study are as follows. The length of the valley ranged from 126 m to 17 km, and the elevation ranged from 40 m to 1,800 m. Type of mixed forest was common in the valleys. The depth of the water was over 20 cm in 83% of the total area and most of the water was in good condition in visual quality. Regarding the positive factors of tranquility, the weighted scores of the objects, waterfall sounds and visual transparence of the water were of relatively high value. Relatively high values were also shown in closed and curved topography in the landform, forest type and natural forests. In the negative factors, the weights of the objects and forest elements had high values. Within the facility groups, facility of the river produced a considerable negative. After applying the index of tranquility, the natural physical attributes affected the tranquility value, more than the manmade structures to a much greater degree.

Geo-tourism : A Practical Application to Mt. Apsan in Daegu (지오 투어리즘(Geo-tourism)을 위한 대구 앞산 활용방안)

  • Jeon, Young-Gweon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.517-529
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    • 2005
  • Mt. Apsan is well known to be one of the most popular tourist sites around Daegu. Annually, more than 16 million persons visit Mt. Apsan. Although, in the mountain there are varieties of geomorphic and geological resources, there has been less concern to utilize the resources for geo-tourism. For example, there are about 10 valleys within Mt. Apsan and various landforms are scattered around the valleys. In this context, this study, based on field surveys centering around Gosangol valley, Anjiranggol valley and Dalbigol valley, focuses on exploring ways towards developing Mt. Apsan as an example geo-tourist site. The main findings are as follows: 1) The main landforms of Mt. Apsan include river cliff, cavern, free face, mud crack, ripple mark, fold, sheeting joint, talus, alluvial fan, pot hole, fault line, gnamma, columnar joint and metamorphic rock. 2) The guide notes on the landforms are developed. 3) In order to raise a learning effect of visitors on geomorphic resources, 9 nature trails are designed according to valleys and the length of visitor's stay.

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A Study on the Improvement and Networking for the Natural leisure areas in Gyeonggi-do (경기도 내 자연 휴식공간의 네트워크화 및 개선방안 연구)

  • Sung, Hyun-Chan;Seo, Jung-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.116-129
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    • 2009
  • This study is to enhance the provincial leisure plans through various programs and infrastructure facilities and to establish a network of natural leisure areas in Gyeonggi-do. According to the result, first, in terms of analyzing the locations of natural leisure areas by types, the rest of urban parks is formed in the Capital area outside Seoul as centering around the central area. Moreover, with regard to the rest of forest and the rest of natural ecology learning, the area of the detention exceeds the total area of Gyeonggi-do. The rest of valleys and swamps showed a dotted pattern of the detention area while the rest of tideland and fishing village experience indicated a distribution of the detention area along the West Coast as an axis. Second, according to result of analyzing the accessibility of natural leisure areas by types, the rest of valleys and swamps showed the highest accessibility among the natural leisure areas : the rest of natural ecology learning had the medium level of accessibility; the rest of forest indicated the lowest accessibility. Therefore, it is necessary to create more leisure areas concerning the futures demands. In addition, they should be constructed in the places adjacent to the urban district area exhibiting higher usability and accessibility. In the places where there are many natural leisure area with higher utility, management plans should be deliberated as well. Based on the result of analyzing the rest of valleys and swamps and the rest of tideland and fishing village experience, it was found that the natural leisure area should improve the quality of water intensively and hydrophile property and create hydrophilic spaces. The development of natural leisure areas need to be carried out under the principle of environmental protection while considering historic sites and nearby rivers and lakes. Moreover, water leisure programs should be developed actively as well with further utilization of water resources in order to enhance the usability of natural leisure.

A Study on the Valley Shapes with Different Parent Rocks in Yeongnam Area (영남지역(嶺南地域) 주요(主要) 모암별(母岩別) 곡간(谷間)의 특성(特性)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Yun, Eul-Soo;Jung, Yeun-Tae;Kim, Min-Tae;Jung, Ki-Yuol
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.139-144
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    • 2000
  • This study was conducted to obtain the basic information to increase the practical use of soil survey data through the subdividing of valley shapes with soil sequences due to different parent rocks, and to study the relationship between the valley shapes and parent rock. The various rocks such as sedimentary(gray shale and sand stone) and igneous rocks(granite, granite gneiss and andesite porphyry) which are the major parent rocks in Yeongnam area were investigated. The characteristics of valleys formed and the kinds of soils derived from different rocks were analysed by using aerial photographs and topographical maps scaled 1:5,000. The rill density in igneous rock area was as high as 40. But the rill bifurcation ratio of first order stream was higher in the sedimentary than the igneous rocks except granite area. The mean slope of valleys in igneous areas was about 8%, which was higher than that of the sedimentary areas. The variability of valley width in the complexly metamorphosed rock, such as granite gneiss, and andesite porphyry, was greater than in sedimentary and in granite rocks. Based on the variability of valley widths and valley slopes, it was possible to classify the valleys into two types. The "Uterus-shaped valleys" had wide variability of valley width and were located in the areas of granite gneiss and andesite porphry rocks. while the "Roots-shaped valleys" had narrow variability of valley width and were located in the sedimentary areas. "Uterus-shaped valleys" were typified by having land forms of mountain foot slopes and alluvial fans, and the soil drainage sequences also had complexities. So that, we concluded that the variability of valley width and valley slopes was associated with kinds of parent rocks and metamorphism which influences soil sequence and characteristics.

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