• Title/Summary/Keyword: Using Motivation

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The Effects of Intention Inferences on Scarcity Effect: Moderating Effect of Scarcity Type, Scarcity Depth (소비자의 기업의도 추론이 희소성 효과에 미치는 영향: 수량한정 유형과 폭의 조절효과)

  • Park, Jong-Chul;Na, June-Hee
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.195-215
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    • 2008
  • The scarcity is pervasive aspect of human life and is a fundamental precondition of economic behavior of consumers. Also, the effect of scarcity message is a power social influence principle used by marketers to increase the subjective desirability of products. Because valuable objects are often scare, consumers tend to infer the scarce objects are valuable. Marketers often do base promotional appeals on the principle of scarcity to increase the subjective desirability their products among consumers. Specially, advertisers and retailers often promote their products using restrictions. These restriction act to constraint consumers' ability th take advantage of the promotion and can assume several forms. For example, some promotions are advertised as limited time offers, while others limit the quantity that can be bought at the deal price by employing the statements such as 'limit one per consumer,' 'limit 5 per customer,' 'limited products for special commemoration celebration,' Some retailers use statements extensively. A recent weekly flyer by a prominent retailer limited purchase quantities on 50% of the specials advertised on front page. When consumers saw these phrase, they often infer value from the product that has limited availability or is promoted as being scarce. But, the past researchers explored a direct relationship between the purchase quantity and time limit on deal purchase intention. They also don't explored that all restriction message are not created equal. Namely, we thought that different restrictions signal deal value in different ways or different mechanism. Consumers appear to perceive that time limits are used to attract consumers to the brand, while quantity limits are necessary to reduce stockpiling. This suggests other possible differences across restrictions. For example, quantity limits could imply product quality (i.e., this product at this price is so good that purchases must be limited). In contrast, purchase preconditions force the consumer to spend a certain amount to qualify for the deal, which suggests that inferences about the absolute quality of the promoted item would decline from purchase limits (highest quality) to time limits to purchase preconditions (lowest quality). This might be expected to be particularly true for unfamiliar brands. However, a critical but elusive issue in scarcity message research is the impacts of a inferred motives on the promoted scarcity message. The past researchers not explored possibility of inferred motives on the scarcity message context. Despite various type to the quantity limits message, they didn't separated scarcity message among the quantity limits. Therefore, we apply a stricter definition of scarcity message(i.e. quantity limits) and consider scarcity message type(general scarcity message vs. special scarcity message), scarcity depth(high vs. low). The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of the scarcity message on the consumer's purchase intension. Specifically, we investigate the effect of general versus special scarcity messages on the consumer's purchase intention using the level of the scarcity depth as moderators. In other words, we postulates that the scarcity message type and scarcity depth play an essential moderating role in the relationship between the inferred motives and purchase intention. In other worlds, different from the past studies, we examine the interplay between the perceived motives and scarcity type, and between the perceived motives and scarcity depth. Both of these constructs have been examined in isolation, but a key question is whether they interact to produce an effect in reaction to the scarcity message type or scarcity depth increase. The perceived motive Inference behind the scarcity message will have important impact on consumers' reactions to the degree of scarcity depth increase. In relation ti this general question, we investigate the following specific issues. First, does consumers' inferred motives weaken the positive relationship between the scarcity depth decrease and the consumers' purchase intention, and if so, how much does it attenuate this relationship? Second, we examine the interplay between the scarcity message type and the consumers' purchase intention in the context of the scarcity depth decrease. Third, we study whether scarcity message type and scarcity depth directly affect the consumers' purchase intention. For the answer of these questions, this research is composed of 2(intention inference: existence vs. nonexistence)${\times}2$(scarcity type: special vs. general)${\times}2$(scarcity depth: high vs. low) between subject designs. The results are summarized as follows. First, intention inference(inferred motive) is not significant on scarcity effect in case of special scarcity message. However, nonexistence of intention inference is more effective than existence of intention inference on purchase intention in case of general scarcity. Second, intention inference(inferred motive) is not significant on scarcity effect in case of low scarcity. However, nonexistence of intention inference is more effective than existence of intention inference on purchase intention in case of high scarcity. The results of this study will help managers to understand the relative importance among the type of the scarcity message and to make decisions in using their scarcity message. Finally, this article have several contribution. First, we have shown that restrictions server to activates a mental resource that is used to render a judgment regarding a promoted product. In the absence of other information, this resource appears to read to an inference of value. In the presence of other value related cue, however, either database(i.e., scarcity depth: high vs. low) or conceptual base(i.e.,, scarcity type special vs. general), the resource is used in conjunction with the other cues as a basis for judgment, leading to different effects across levels of these other value-related cues. Second, our results suggest that a restriction can affect consumer behavior through four possible routes: 1) the affective route, through making consumers feel irritated, 2) the cognitive making route, through making consumers infer motivation or attribution about promoted scarcity message, and 3) the economic route, through making the consumer lose an opportunity to stockpile at a low scarcity depth, or forcing him her to making additional purchases, lastly 4) informative route, through changing what consumer believe about the transaction. Third, as a note already, this results suggest that we should consider consumers' inferences of motives or attributions for the scarcity dept level and cognitive resources available in order to have a complete understanding the effects of quantity restriction message.

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Relationships Among Employees' IT Personnel Competency, Personal Work Satisfaction, and Personal Work Performance: A Goal Orientation Perspective (조직구성원의 정보기술 인적역량과 개인 업무만족 및 업무성과 간의 관계: 목표지향성 관점)

  • Heo, Myung-Sook;Cheon, Myun-Joong
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.63-104
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    • 2011
  • The study examines the relationships among employee's goal orientation, IT personnel competency, personal effectiveness. The goal orientation includes learning goal orientation, performance approach goal orientation, and performance avoid goal orientation. Personal effectiveness consists of personal work satisfaction and personal work performance. In general, IT personnel competency refers to IT expert's skills, expertise, and knowledge required to perform IT activities in organizations. However, due to the advent of the internet and the generalization of IT, IT personnel competency turns out to be an important competency of technological experts as well as employees in organizations. While the competency of IT itself is important, the appropriate harmony between IT personnel's business capability and technological capability enhances the value of human resources and thus provides organizations with sustainable competitive advantages. The rapid pace of organization change places increased pressure on employees to continually update their skills and adapt their behavior to new organizational realities. This challenge raises a number of important questions concerning organizational behavior? Why do some employees display remarkable flexibility in their behavioral responses to changes in the organization, whereas others firmly resist change or experience great stress when faced with the need to alter behavior? Why do some employees continually strive to improve themselves over their life span, whereas others are content to forge through life using the same basic knowledge and skills? Why do some employees throw themselves enthusiastically into challenging tasks, whereas others avoid challenging tasks? The goal orientation proposed by organizational psychology provides at least a partial answer to these questions. Goal orientations refer to stable personally characteristics fostered by "self-theories" about the nature and development of attributes (such as intelligence, personality, abilities, and skills) people have. Self-theories are one's beliefs and goal orientations are achievement motivation revealed in seeking goals in accordance with one's beliefs. The goal orientations include learning goal orientation, performance approach goal orientation, and performance avoid goal orientation. Specifically, a learning goal orientation refers to a preference to develop the self by acquiring new skills, mastering new situations, and improving one's competence. A performance approach goal orientation refers to a preference to demonstrate and validate the adequacy of one's competence by seeking favorable judgments and avoiding negative judgments. A performance avoid goal orientation refers to a preference to avoid the disproving of one's competence and to avoid negative judgements about it, while focusing on performance. And the study also examines the moderating role of work career of employees to investigate the difference in the relationship between IT personnel competency and personal effectiveness. The study analyzes the collected data using PASW 18.0 and and PLS(Partial Least Square). The study also uses PLS bootstrapping algorithm (sample size: 500) to test research hypotheses. The result shows that the influences of both a learning goal orientation (${\beta}$ = 0.301, t = 3.822, P < 0.000) and a performance approach goal orientation (${\beta}$ = 0.224, t = 2.710, P < 0.01) on IT personnel competency are positively significant, while the influence of a performance avoid goal orientation(${\beta}$ = -0.142, t = 2.398, p < 0.05) on IT personnel competency is negatively significant. The result indicates that employees differ in their psychological and behavioral responses according to the goal orientation of employees. The result also shows that the impact of a IT personnel competency on both personal work satisfaction(${\beta}$ = 0.395, t = 4.897, P < 0.000) and personal work performance(${\beta}$ = 0.575, t = 12.800, P < 0.000) is positively significant. And the impact of personal work satisfaction(${\beta}$ = 0.148, t = 2.432, p < 0.05) on personal work performance is positively significant. Finally, the impacts of control variables (gender, age, type of industry, position, work career) on the relationships between IT personnel competency and personal effectiveness(personal work satisfaction work performance) are partly significant. In addition, the study uses PLS algorithm to find out a GoF(global criterion of goodness of fit) of the exploratory research model which includes a mediating variable, IT personnel competency. The result of analysis shows that the value of GoF is 0.45 above GoFlarge(0.36). Therefore, the research model turns out be good. In addition, the study performs a Sobel Test to find out the statistical significance of the mediating variable, IT personnel competency, which is already turned out to have the mediating effect in the research model using PLS. The result of a Sobel Test shows that the values of Z are all significant statistically (above 1.96 and below -1.96) and indicates that IT personnel competency plays a mediating role in the research model. At the present day, most employees are universally afraid of organizational changes and resistant to them in organizations in which the acceptance and learning of a new information technology or information system is particularly required. The problem is due' to increasing a feeling of uneasiness and uncertainty in improving past practices in accordance with new organizational changes. It is not always possible for employees with positive attitudes to perform their works suitable to organizational goals. Therefore, organizations need to identify what kinds of goal-oriented minds employees have, motivate them to do self-directed learning, and provide them with organizational environment to enhance positive aspects in their works. Thus, the study provides researchers and practitioners with a matter of primary interest in goal orientation and IT personnel competency, of which they have been unaware until very recently. Some academic and practical implications and limitations arisen in the course of the research, and suggestions for future research directions are also discussed.

A Study on Smoking and Relevant Factors among High School Students in Seoul Province (서울시내 일부 고등학생의 흡연 관련요인 분석)

  • Ahn, Byoung Ho;Park, Keeho;Kye, Su Yeon
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.57-71
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    • 2012
  • Objectives: This study examines the situation regarding smoking among high school students in Seoul Province and identifies smoking-related factors. Methods: The study sample consisted of 1,000 high school second-grade students from 6 high schools in Seoul. The PRECEDE model was used to assess the students' needs. We carried out an educational diagnosis on attitudes, outcome expectations and social norms. Date were collected from June. 7 to 21, 2011, and were analyzed using SPSS-15.0 according to the study objectives. Results: Of 906 respondents, 9.4% had experiences to smoking: 12.7% were male and 5.7% were female. Smoking-related factors from among general characteristics were statistically significant depending on the degree of gender($x^2$=14.515, p=.001), school performance($x^2$=40.289, p=.001) and friends 'smoking status($x^2$=88.615, p=.001). Factors concerning attitudes toward smoking were statistically significant depending on the students' perceptions as follows: 'Smoking is fun(t=-14.801, p=.000)', 'Smoking looks cool(t=-10.349, p=.000)', 'People who smoke have more friends(t=-11.295, p=.000)', 'Smoking helps me manage stress(t=-15.059, p=.000)' and 'Smoking is not harmful to the body if you exercise(t=-6.388, p=.000)'. Factors concerning outcome expectations were statistically significant depending on their perceptions as follows: 'Tobacco smells good(t=-8.939, p=.000)' and 'Smoking helps in weight management (t=-7.304, p=.000)'. Factors concerning social norms were statistically significant depending on the following perception: 'My friends will not like it if I smoke(t=4.605, p=.000)'. The following influence high school students attitudes toward smoking: School performance (OR=11.66, 95%CI=1.67~81.37; OR=18.27, 95%CI=2.58~129.24; OR=26.74, 95%CI=3.06~233.79), Friends smoking status(OR=80.05, 95%CI=6.94~922.77), 'Smoking is fun(OR=12.90, 95%CI=3.87~43.04; OR=63.41, 95%CI=10.66~377.09)', 'Smoking looks cool(OR=0.15, 95%CI=0.03~0.64)', 'Smoking is not harmful to the body if you exercise(OR=1.44, 95%CI=0.03~0.62)', 'When there is no work to do, smoking is a good way to pass the time(OR=21.68, 95%CI=4.27~109.90)', 'When you are angry, smoking calms you down.(OR=13.39, 95%CI=3.92~45.65; OR=8.69, 95%CI=1.67~45.13)' and 'My parents consider it important that I do not smoke(OR=10.05, 95%CI=1.00~100.43)'. Conclusions: The study suggests that effective ways to discourage of high school students from smoking are changing their attitudes toward smoking, reducing the motivation to smoke, and controlling the number of cigarettes. Therefore, aiming at preventive education. Schools must provide accurate information about the effects of smoking. Thus, health education should actively involve preventive education not only in schools but also at home, the societal and national levels. Cooperation between various sectors of society is required for this.

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Effect of the Dental Hygienics Students' $2{\times}2$ Achievement Target Orientation on the Self-Regulated Learning (치위생과 학생의 $2{\times}2$ 성취목표지향성이 자기조절학습에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Gi-Ok;Choi, Gyu-Yil
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.375-382
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    • 2012
  • This research will target the Dental Hygienics students to identify the level and type of the $2{\times}2$ achievement target orientation, and will study how this achievement target orientation is related to the Self-Regulated Learning, as well as the effect on the each sub elements of the Self-Regulated Learning (SRL). Among the $2{\times}2$ achievement target orientation of all the female university students, the skillful approach was found to be highest. In case of the adjustment of the motivation following grade, intrinsic value of the 1st grader was higher than the intrinsic value of the 2nd and 3rd graders. As for the behavior adjustment, the 3rd grader's time and studying adjustment were found to be higher. Mean while, pursuit of the cooperation was found to be high compared to the time and studying adjustment of the1st and 2nd graders. Second, intrinsic value, overt goal orientation, and studying environment adjustment among the SRL's subelements, manifested significant correlation with all the sub elements of the $2{\times}2$ achievement target orientation. As for the elements that affected cognition adjustment, grade and skillful approach were found to exert significant effect on the performance adjustment. As for the element that affects behavior adjustment, grade and skillful approach exerted significant effect on the sub elements of the behavior adjustment. Analysis on the effect of the achievement target orientation and SRL implies that the direction of the students' learning goal can be modified and that they can learn effectively by using the SRL appropriately. When the two elements are factored in carefully, the key findings could serve as a base data that can motivate the students, inducing effective learning process.

How Can Non.Chaebol Companies Thrive in the Chaebol Economy? (비재벌공사여하재재벌경제중생존((非财阀公司如何在财阀经济中生存)? ‐공사층면영소전략적분석(公司层面营销战略的分析)‐)

  • Kim, Nam-Kuk;Sengupta, Sanjit;Kim, Dong-Jae
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.28-36
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    • 2009
  • While existing literature has focused extensively on the strengths and weaknesses of the Chaebol and their ownership and governance, there have been few studies of Korean non-Chaebol firms. However, Lee, Lee and Pennings (2001) did not specifically investigate the competitive strategies that non-Chaebol firms use to survive against the Chaebol in the domestic Korean market. The motivation of this paper is to document, through four exploratory case studies, the successful competitive strategies of non-Chaebol Korean companies against the Chaebol and then offer some propositions that may be useful to other entrepreneurial firms as well as public policy makers. Competition and cooperation as conceptualized by product similarity and cooperative inter.firm relationship respectively, are major dimensions of firm.level marketing strategy. From these two dimensions, we develop the following $2{\times}2$ matrix, with 4 types of competitive strategies for non-Chaebol companies against the Chaebol (Fig. 1.). The non-Chaebol firm in Cell 1 has a "me-too" product for the low-end market while conceding the high-end market to a Chaebol. In Cell 2, the non-Chaebol firm partners with a Chaebol company, either as a supplier or complementor. In Cell 3, the non-Chaebol firm engages in direct competition with a Chaebol. In Cell 4, the non-Chaebol firm targets an unserved part of the market with an innovative product or service. The four selected cases such as E.Rae Electronics Industry Company (Co-exister), Intops (Supplier), Pantech (Competitor) and Humax (Niche Player) are analyzed to provide each strategy with richer insights. Following propositions are generated based upon our conceptual framework: Proposition 1: Non-Chaebol firms that have a cooperative relationship with a Chaebol will perform better than firms that do not. Proposition 1a; Co-existers will perform better than Competitors. Proposition 1b: Partners (suppliers or complementors) will perform better than Niche players. Proposition 2: Firms that have no product similarity with a Chaebol will perform better than firms that have product similarity. Proposition 2a: Partners (suppliers or complementors) will perform better than Co.existers. Proposition 2b: Niche players will perform better than Competitors. Proposition 3: Niche players should perform better than Co-existers. Proposition 4: Performance can be rank.ordered in descending order as Partners, Niche Players, Co.existers, Competitors. A team of experts was constituted to categorize each of these 216 non-Chaebol companies into one of the 4 cells in our typology. Simple Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) in SPSS statistical software was used to test our propositions. Overall findings are that it is better to have a cooperative relationship with a Chaebol and to offer products or services differentiated from a Chaebol. It is clear that the only profitable strategy, on average, to compete against the Chaebol is to be a partner (supplier or complementor). Competing head on with a Chaebol company is a costly strategy not likely to pay off for a non-Chaebol firm. Strategies to avoid head on competition with the Chaebol by serving niche markets with differentiated products or by serving the low-end of the market ignored by the Chaebol are better survival strategies. This paper illustrates that there are ways in which small and medium Korean non-Chaebol firms can thrive in a Chaebol environment, though not without risks. Using different combinations of competition and cooperation firms may choose particular positions along the product similarity and cooperative relationship dimensions to develop their competitive strategies-co-exister, competitor, partner, niche player. Based on our exploratory case-study analysis, partner seems to be the best strategy for non-Chaebol firms while competitor appears to be the most risky one. Niche players and co-existers have intermediate performance, though the former do better than the latter. It is often the case with managers of small and medium size companies that they tend to view market leaders, typically the Chaebol, with rather simplistic assumptions of either competition or collaboration. Consequently, many non-Chaebol firms turn out to be either passive collaborators or overwhelmed competitors of the Chaebol. In fact, competition and collaboration are not mutually exclusive, and can be pursued at the same time. As suggested in this paper, non-Chaebol firms can actively choose to compete and collaborate, depending on their environment, internal resources and capabilities.

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Development of Self-Managed Food Sanitation Check-List and On-Site Monitoring of Food Sanitation Management Practices in Restaurants for Control of Foodborne Illness Risk Factors (식중독 발생 위험요인 관리를 위한 외식업체 자가위생관리점검표 개발 및 현장모니터링)

  • Chung, Min-Jae;Choi, Jung-Hwa;Ryu, Kyung;Kwak, Tong-Kyung
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.603-616
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    • 2010
  • Based on recent dramatic increases in foodborne outbreaks in restaurants, self-managed sanitation systems are now recommended to control contributing risk factors. This study aimed to improve sanitation management practices in restaurants and had two objectives. First, we tried to develop a self-managed sanitation check-list, including risk factors contributing to foodborne illness and Korean food hygiene regulation articles. We also tried to evaluate current sanitation management practices in restaurants according to operation and restaurant type. Thirty restaurants were evaluated by on-the-spot inspectors using an auditing tool consisting of four dimensions, seventeen categories, and forty-one items. Total compliance rate categorized by operation type significantly differed between chain restaurants and self-managed restaurants, with values of 85.5% and 51.6%, respectively. Therefore, self-managed restaurants, which showed the lowest compliance rate of below 30.0%, need more strict control to improve current unsanitary management practices, specifically relating to 'sterilization of knives, chopping boards, and wiping cloths', 'sanitation training', 'not allowing access into the kitchen to outsiders', 'handling of food or utensils on shelves at a 15 cm distance away from floor', 'prevention of cross-contamination of cooked foods or vegetables', and 'records of kitchen access or inspection'. Thus, an effective food sanitation system is essential and should be implemented to improve the existing sanitary conditions in restaurants. However, the most important factor to achieving food sanitation management objectives is food handlers' self-motivation.

An Effect of Muscle Strength Training Program on Muscle Strength, Muscle Endurance, Instrumental Activities of Daily Living and Quality of Life in the Institutionalized Elderly (노인의 근력강화운동이 일상생활기능 및 삶의 질에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Hee-Ja;Hong, Yeo-Shin
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.55-73
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    • 1995
  • An Effect of Muscle Strength Training Program on Muscle Strength, Muscle Endurance, Instrumental Activities of Daily Living and Quality of Life in the Institutionalized Elderly Recent statistics shows that the aged are the fastest growing segment of our population by increasing life span. The age group of over 60 shows multiple health problems and the most serious handicapping problem of these. are related to the changes in muscular skeletal system. With aging, people lose. their muscle mass and muscle strength resulting from biological changes and physical inactivity. Studies documented a 30-50% loss of muscle mass in an advanced age and thus, ordinary life activities can be seriously affected due to weakened muscle strength. Preservation of muscle strength of lower limb is especially important in the aged. Since it is readily affected from reduced physical activity in old age, sometimes to the detriment of moving or walking. So muscle strength exercise program designed for the elderly to improve leg muscle strength and leg muscle endurance. The research design used was nonequivalent control group pretest - protest design. The purposes of this study were to test the effect of muscle strength exercise program utilizing Leg Press on muscle strength, muscle endurance, instrumental activities of daily living(IADL), cognitive perceptual variables and quality of life. Forty nine subjects participating in this study consisted of twenty four male and twenty five female. Twenty four experimental group subjects were selected from C-institution in Chung Buk province, and twenty five control group subjects were selected from O-institution in Chung Nam province. The mean age of subjects was 72.8 years. Muscle strength training program utilizing Leg Press for the experimental group was carried out three times a week for 9 weeks. The data was collected from August, 1993 to October, 1993. Data were analyzed with $X^2-test$, t-test, ANCOVA test, Kruskal Wallis 1-Way ANOVA test using SPSS PC program. Results were obtained as follows : 1) The experimental group showed significantly higher scores on muscle strength (leg lift strength, back lift strength and grip strength) and muscle endurance than control group after the experiment $\ulcorner$F=52.35(p=.001), F=54.07(p=.001), F=6.97(p=.011), F=18.17(p=.001)$\lrcorner$ 2) Experimental group were significantly higher scores on IADL than control group(F=7.51, p=.009). 3) Experimental group showed significantly higher scores on economical state and self esteem aspects of the quality of life scale than control group $\ulcorner$F=10.59(p=.002), F=6.97(p=.011)$\lrcorner$. But there were no differences in emotional state, physical and functional state and relationship with reatives in the quality of life between groups. 4) Scores on IADL showed a significant difference with the level of muscle strength and muscle endurance $\ulcornerx^2=7.73(p=.025),\;x^2=8.86\;(p=.011)\lrcorner$ 5) Scores on self esteem and physical and functional state aspects of the quality of life scale showed a significant difference with the level of IADL $\ulcornerx^2=11.39(p=.003),\;x^2=9.02(p=.011)\lrcorner$. 6) Scores of experimental group after the experiment in cognitive perceptual variables (perceived benefit on exercise, perceived health status, self efficacy, emotion on exercise) were significantly higher than those of control group $\ulcorner$F=32.09(p=.001), F=5.07(p=.029), F=20.63 (p=.001), F=30.38(p=.001)$\lrcorner$. As a result of this study, the effect of strength training exercise program with Leg. Press had improved muscle strength, muscle endurance, IADL, and the perception of self esteem, physical and funtional state, and economical state. Thus strength training program could be beneficially applied for the prevention of disablity and promotion of health and wellbeing in the aged easily and safely. The subjects in the experimental group have maintained their exercises till six months after the cessation of the experiment. This seem to illustrate that changes in cognitive perceptual variables and the improvement in health status have reinforced motivation for the continuation of voluntary exercises. A further study is necessary to determine the factors affecting maintainance of muscle strength exercise and to assess the effect of weight training program on bone density.

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Analysis of Basic Factors of Self-Directed Learning for the Creative Leaning Management (창의적 학습 경영을 위한 자기주도학습 기초요인 분석)

  • Ko, Jae Lyang;Kim, Kyung Soon;Byun, Sang Hea
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.145-159
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the structural relationship as to how learning flow and self-directed learning are linked to learning motives and academic self-efficacy in the learning setting of high school students. To accomplish such purpose, based on theoretical backgrounds and preceding research findings evaluation models were put to verification for a valid research model for this study. The initial hypothetical model was that self-directed learning ability would have a direct influence on learning motive, academic efficacy and learning flow, while having an indirect influence on learning flow with learning motive and self-efficacy acting as a mediating variable. But the hypothetical model showed low significance level between self-directed learning and learning motive, and learning motive and learning flow. Therefore, links were adjusted to create the final model within the scope that the adequacy of the model might not be compromised. To verify the model, 900 high school students in Seoul were surveyed and the collected data were statistically analyzed using AMOS v21.0 and SPSS v21.0 But 815 surveys were excluded because they were not sufficiently answered. From the analysis, it was found that self-directed learning and academic efficacy have a direct influence on learning flow while self-directed learning and academic efficacy have an indirect leaning motive and learning flow. This finding means that, in the relationship of self-directed learning and learning flow, learning motive and learning efficacy are positive factors that help high school students experience learning flow. Thus, in order to enhance the experience of self-directed learning ability of high school students, various educational endeavors are needed to draw the experience of learning flow during the regular course of study. In addition, customized educational methods and environments are required to increase academic efficacy of the students.

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현대여성(現代女性)의 의복의식(衣服意識)에 관한 조사(調査) 연구(硏究) - 서울 지역(地域)의 양복(洋服) 착용자(着用者)를 중심(中心)으로 -

  • Lee, Hee-Myung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.2
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    • pp.73-88
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    • 1978
  • This article is an attempt to explain, at least in part, the contemporary Korean women's consciousness of Western Dreasses. As time changes, the role of clothing undergoes varisous transitions, while values and ways of life are constantly in change. It is, therefore, proper and appropriate to recognize as among the major aspects of social psychology such phenomenon as interests, understanding of clothing, the choice of a dress, and attitudes toward clothing, etc. The purpose of this study is to discover problems concerning and their clothing and their solutions, by means of a surveying approach. The method of research used is based upon questionares distributed to parents of first-year pupils in elementary schools and to female clerks working in offices, covering the period from August through October, 1976. The number of the questionares distrubuted totalled 600, and 526 were returned to the research to be utilized for analysis. The contents of the survey included such things as values concerning clothing, kinds of clothing and their practical use, the selection of clothing and the method of purchase, fashions, etc. The classification of aquisition are self-made clothing, clothing made to order and ready-made materials. It is composed of 25 items, including affirmative reasons as well as negative ones. The processing of the material returned was made by using the computer, and based upon classifications such as ages, monthly income, occupations; thus diagraming the result in percentages. The conclusion made and the improvements proposed are as follows: 1. The values of clothing were placed on the expression of the wearer's personality (32.7) and on eauty(28. 6%). The lower age group places is stress upon the expression of personality, while the higher age group stresses beauty. About 50% of wearers are contented with their clothing, their clothing, the rest of whom them indicating their dissatisfaction with what they wear. As to designs at the time of selection, about 46% indicated their preference of personal expression, 31.8% on usefulness. In selecting material, practicality is emphasized; in selecting patterns, single color is preferred. In short, personal expression and esthetic values are primary, with consideration of practicality in mind. 2. The classification of clothing according to their uses indicates the highest numbers in normal wear (home wears) and clothings to be worn outside home. As to evening dresses, (party dress) only one or two articles were checked by many, and no such article was clamed to be possessed by most. The highest ratio of wearing was shown in the case of home wear (47.3%) and clothing to be worn outside the home, which is 55.8%. The budget for one article of clothing was greatest in the case of home wear, and clothing worn outside the home. Many used both kinds of articles for the same purpose. It is desirable, therefore, that the kinds of clothing should be varied according to the purpose for which they are worn, and that clothing appropriate for that purpose should be worn. 3. The motivation for purchasing clothing was highly chosen in the item of seasonal change, which was 55.7%; Clothing deliberately made was indicated by 45.2%. In the mothods of purchasing clothing, clothing made to order and ready-made was indicated by 44.4%, which is the highest; Clothing made to order was 25.4%, and self-sewing was 1.1%, which is the lowest. (1) In the case of self-sewing, "I like it but it is very hard," was checked by 43.6%; "It is so difficult that I cannot wear such clothing" was checked by 13.3%. From these, we can conclude that the questionees are willing to make clothing by themselves, but techniques involved in sewing and at her problems involved in the skill are complicated but when those problems are eliminated there is a possibility for practice. The response checked by questionees concerning the self-sewing was, "It's economical", which is a clear indication that many questionees are positive for self-sewing. It is generally believed that ready-made clothing is cheaper, but it is not necessarily so. In consideration of the quality of clothing, self-sewing is a necessity, and it is desirable that it should be encouraged. (3) Problems involved in ready-made clothing, such as designs, skills, size (fitting) should be eliminated. When these problems are scientifically gotten rid of, it is possible that affirmative returns will be expected. Affirmative responses such as "Ready-made clothing is economical," "You can select there on the spot," are good signs that many women expect to wear ready-made clothing. It is in this sense that the prospect for ready-made clothing is brighter when much development for ready-made clothing is on the way. 4. Much concern for fashion are checked in such item of questions as "Fashionable clothing in the show window," "Clothes worn by women." The first item was checked by 50.1 %, and the second was checked by 48.6%. The reason for following fashion is "Because many people wear them," which was indicated by 30.4%. The reason for not following fashion is "It is too expensive," which was checked by 29.6%. The 26.2% of the answers indicated that "Fashionable clothing is devoid of personality," The influences of fashion over the development of fashion over the development of clothing are two-fold: Esthetic and active. It is not to be deniable that people follow fashion more or less. 1978.9>

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Consumer Motivation for Brand-Switching According to Types of Fashion Products (패션제품 유형에 따른 소비자 상표전환동기 차이)

  • Lim, Eun-Jin;Hwang, Choon-Sup
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.33 no.12
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    • pp.1991-2001
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    • 2009
  • This study provides basic information that is needed to build marketing strategies related to consumer brand-switching, through the investigation of consumer motivations for brand-switching, as determined by the types of fashion products. The study was implemented by a descriptive survey method using a questionnaire. The survey was conducted during the period of May $11^{th}$ through July $5^{th}$ 2008. A total of 184 completed responses were analyzed. All respondents were from the Seoul area and between the ages of 20 and 31. Factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha coefficients, one-way ANOVA and Duncan test were employed for the analysis of data. Significant differences were found in brand-switching motives according to the types of fashion products. For clothing, shift behavior occurred more often in conjunction with the attributes of the products itself, such as design, color, price, size, and fiber content. In general, clothes more than shoes, were likely subject to brand-switching most often on the basis of situational factors. On the other hand, for shoes, more brand-switching activities occurred because of non-product attributes, such as discounts, coupons, desire for a change, and wearing of friends. In light of the results, there is a need to differentiate brand related marketing strategies with respect to clothing and shoes. For clothing, efforts focusing on the improvement of the product attributes will be more effective in minimizing brand-switching. There is also a need to improve instructions for increasing the product understanding of salespersons as well as the ability to give advice in accordance with personal consumer characteristics. With regard to shoes, greater efforts should be given to promotional activities, and the desire of consumers for a change in order to prevent brand-switching of customers.