• Title/Summary/Keyword: User-defined Model

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Debelppment of C++ Compiler and Programming Environment (C++컴파일러 및 프로그래밍 환경 개발)

  • Jang, Cheon-Hyeon;O, Se-Man
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.831-845
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    • 1997
  • In this paper,we proposed and developed a compiler and interactive programming enviroments for C++ wich is mostly worth of nitice among the object -oriented languages.To develope the compiler for C++ we took front=end/back-end model using EM virtual machine.In develpoing Front-End,we formailized C++ gram-mar with the context semsitive tokens which must be manipulated by dexical scanner and designed a AST class li-brary which is the hierarchy of AST node class and well defined interface among them,In develpoing Bacik-End,we proposed model for three major components :code oprtimizer,code generator and run-time enviroments.We emphasized the retargatable back-end which can be systrmatically reconfigured to genrate code for a variety of distinct target computers.We also developed terr pattern matching algorithm and implemented target code gen-erator which produce SPARC code.We also proposed the theroy and model for construction interative pro-gramming enviroments. To represent language features we adopt AST as internal reprsentation and propose uncremental analysis algorithm and viseal digrams.We also studied unparsing scheme, visual diagram,graphical user interface to generate interactive environments automatically Results of our resarch will be very useful for developing a complier and programming environments, and also can be used in compilers for parallel and distributed enviroments.

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Similarity checking between XML tags through expanding synonym vector (유사어 벡터 확장을 통한 XML태그의 유사성 검사)

  • Lee, Jung-Won;Lee, Hye-Soo;Lee, Ki-Ho
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.29 no.9
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    • pp.676-683
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    • 2002
  • The success of XML(eXtensible Markup Language) is primarily based on its flexibility : everybody can define the structure of XML documents that represent information in the form he or she desires. XML is so flexible that XML documents cannot be automatically provided with an underlying semantics. Different tag sets, different names for elements or attributes, or different document structures in general mislead the task of classifying and clustering XML documents precisely. In this paper, we design and implement a system that allows checking the semantic-based similarity between XML tags. First, this system extracts the underlying semantics of tags and then expands the synonym set of tags using an WordNet thesaurus and user-defined word library which supports the abbreviation forms and compound words for XML tags. Seconds, considering the relative importance of XML tags in the XML documents, we extend a conventional vector space model which is the most generally used for document model in Information Retrieval field. Using this method, we have been able to check the similarity between XML tags which are represented different tags.

A User Optimer Traffic Assignment Model Reflecting Route Perceived Cost (경로인지비용을 반영한 사용자최적통행배정모형)

  • Lee, Mi-Yeong;Baek, Nam-Cheol;Mun, Byeong-Seop;Gang, Won-Ui
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.117-130
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    • 2005
  • In both deteministic user Optimal Traffic Assignment Model (UOTAM) and stochastic UOTAM, travel time, which is a major ccriterion for traffic loading over transportation network, is defined by the sum of link travel time and turn delay at intersections. In this assignment method, drivers actual route perception processes and choice behaviors, which can become main explanatory factors, are not sufficiently considered: therefore may result in biased traffic loading. Even though there have been some efforts in Stochastic UOTAM for reflecting drivers' route perception cost by assuming cumulative distribution function of link travel time, it has not been fundamental fruitions, but some trials based on the unreasonable assumptions of Probit model of truncated travel time distribution function and Logit model of independency of inter-link congestion. The critical reason why deterministic UOTAM have not been able to reflect route perception cost is that the route perception cost has each different value according to each origin, destination, and path connection the origin and destination. Therefore in order to find the optimum route between OD pair, route enumeration problem that all routes connecting an OD pair must be compared is encountered, and it is the critical reason causing computational failure because uncountable number of path may be enumerated as the scale of transportation network become bigger. The purpose of this study is to propose a method to enable UOTAM to reflect route perception cost without route enumeration between an O-D pair. For this purpose, this study defines a link as a least definition of path. Thus since each link can be treated as a path, in two links searching process of the link label based optimum path algorithm, the route enumeration between OD pair can be reduced the scale of finding optimum path to all links. The computational burden of this method is no more than link label based optimum path algorithm. Each different perception cost is embedded as a quantitative value generated by comparing the sub-path from the origin to the searching link and the searched link.

An Implementation of Lighting Control System using Interpretation of Context Conflict based on Priority (우선순위 기반의 상황충돌 해석 조명제어시스템 구현)

  • Seo, Won-Il;Kwon, Sook-Youn;Lim, Jae-Hyun
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2016
  • The current smart lighting is shaped to offer the lighting environment suitable for current context, after identifying user's action and location through a sensor. The sensor-based context awareness technology just considers a single user, and the studies to interpret many users' various context occurrences and conflicts lack. In existing studies, a fuzzy theory and algorithm including ReBa have been used as the methodology to solve context conflict. The fuzzy theory and algorithm including ReBa just avoid an opportunity of context conflict that may occur by providing services by each area, after the spaces where users are located are classified into many areas. Therefore, they actually cannot be regarded as customized service type that can offer personal preference-based context conflict. This paper proposes a priority-based LED lighting control system interpreting multiple context conflicts, which decides services, based on the granted priority according to context type, when service conflict is faced with, due to simultaneous occurrence of various contexts to many users. This study classifies the residential environment into such five areas as living room, 'bed room, study room, kitchen and bath room, and the contexts that may occur within each area are defined as 20 contexts such as exercising, doing makeup, reading, dining and entering, targeting several users. The proposed system defines various contexts of users using an ontology-based model and gives service of user oriented lighting environment through rule based on standard and context reasoning engine. To solve the issue of various context conflicts among users in the same space and at the same time point, the context in which user concentration is required is set in the highest priority. Also, visual comfort is offered as the best alternative priority in the case of the same priority. In this manner, they are utilized as the criteria for service selection upon conflict occurrence.

Design for Database Retrieval System using Virtual Database in Intranet (인트라넷에서 가상데이터베이스를이용한 데이터베이스 검색 시스템의 설계)

  • Lee, Dong-Wook;Park, Young-Bae
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.5 no.6
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    • pp.1404-1417
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    • 1998
  • Currently, there exists two different methods for database retrieval in the internet. First is to use the search engine and the second is to use the plug-in or ActiveX technology, If a search engine, which makes use of indices built from keywords of simple text data in order to do a search, is used when accessing a database, first it is not possible to access more than one database at a time, second it is also not possible to support various conditional retrievals as in using query language, and third the set of data received might include many unwanted data, in other words, precision rate might be relatively low. Plug in or Active technology make use of Web browset to execute chents' query in order to do a database retrieval. Problems associated with this is that it is not possible to activate more than one DBMS simultaneously even if they are of the same data model. sefond it is not possible to execute a user query other than the ones thai arc previou sly defined by the client program In this paper, to resolve those aforementioned problems we design and implement database retrieval system using a virtual database, which makes it possible to provide direct query jntertacc through the conventional Web browser. We assume that the virtual database is designed and aggregated from more than one relational database using the same data model.

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Electronic-Composit Consumer Sentiment Index(CCSI) development by Social Bigdata Analysis (소셜빅데이터를 이용한 온라인 소비자감성지수(e-CCSI) 개발)

  • Kim, Yoosin;Hong, Sung-Gwan;Kang, Hee-Joo;Jeong, Seung-Ryul
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.121-131
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    • 2017
  • With emergence of Internet, social media, and mobile service, the consumers have actively presented their opinions and sentiment, and then it is spreading out real time as well. The user-generated text data on the Internet and social media is not only the communication text among the users but also the valuable resource to be analyzed for knowing the users' intent and sentiment. In special, economic participants have strongly asked that the social big data and its' analytics supports to recognize and forecast the economic trend in future. In this regard, the governments and the businesses are trying to apply the social big data into making the social and economic solutions. Therefore, this study aims to reveal the capability of social big data analysis for the economic use. The research proposed a social big data analysis model and an online consumer sentiment index. To test the model and index, the researchers developed an economic survey ontology, defined a sentiment dictionary for sentiment analysis, conducted classification and sentiment analysis, and calculated the online consumer sentiment index. In addition, the online consumer sentiment index was compared and validated with the composite consumer survey index of the Bank of Korea.

Development of Java/VRML-based 3D GIS's Framework and Its Prototype Model (Java/VRML기반 3차원 GIS의 기본 구조와 프로토타입 모델 개발)

  • Kim, Kyong-Ho;Lee, Ki-Won;Lee, Jong-Hun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.6 no.1 s.11
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 1998
  • Recently, 3D GIS based on 3D geo-processing methodology and Internet environment are emerging issues in GIS fields. To design and implement 3D GIS, the strategic linkage of Java and VRML is first regarded: 3D feature format definition in the passion of conventional GIS including aspatial attributes, 3B feature indexing, 3D analytical operators such as selection, buffering, and Near, Metric operation such as distance measurement and statistical description, and 3D visualization. In 3D feature format definition, the following aspects are implemented: spatial information for 3D primitives extended from 2D primitives, multimedia data, object texture or color of VRML specification. DXF-format GIS layers with additional attributes are converted to 3D feature format and imported into this system. While, 3D analytical operators are realized in the form of 3D buffering with respect to user-defined point, line, polygon, and 3D objects, and 3D Near functions; furthermore, 'Lantern operator' is newly introduced in this 3D GIS. Because this system is implemented by Java applet, any client with Java-enable browser including VRML browser plug-in can utilize the new style of 3D GIS function in the virtual space. Conclusively, we present prototype of WWW-based 3D GIS, and this approach will be contribute to development of core modules on the stage of concept establishment and of real application model in future.

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Development of Qual2E Interface System Coupled with HyGIS (HyGIS와 Qual2E의 연계 시스템 개발)

  • Park, In-Hyeok;Kim, Kyung-Tak;Ha, Seong-Ryong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.96-108
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    • 2011
  • Going abreast of high public concerns on the environment, the need of environmental modeling has been increased to assess the impact of space exploitation of environment. GIS offers potential solutions to the many problems encountered during water-quality modeling. But there are also many problems associated with the modeling. The preparation of necessary parameters for the modeling can be complicated. Also, the results from one model can be different from each other even the same area is analyzed. This paper aims to develop the data processing system to couple the Qual2E and HyGIS in which Qual2E input and output data files can be created, modified and processed using HyGIS and assess the performance of the system. A structural analysis and standardization of modeling are conducted to identify data flow and processing of Qual2E. Algorithms of the defined processors are designed and developed as component modules. The data model of HyGIS-Qual2E is designed, and GUI(Graphical User Interface) is developed using Visual Basic 6.0 and GDK.

Development of Forest Road Network Model Using Digital Terrain Model (수치지형(數値地形)모델을 이용(利用)한 임도망(林道網) 배치(配置)모델의 개발(開發))

  • Lee, Jun Woo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.81 no.4
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    • pp.363-371
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    • 1992
  • This study was aimed at developing a computer model to determine rational road networks in mountainous forests. The computer model is composed of two major subroutines for digital terrain analyses and route selection. The digital terrain model(DTM) provides various information on topographic and vegetative characteristics of forest stands. The DTM also evaluates the effectiveness of road construction based on slope gradients. Using the results of digital terrain analyses, the route selection subroutine, heuristically, determines the optimal road layout satisfying the predefined road densities. The route selection subroutine uses the area-partitioning method in order to fully of roads. This method leads to unbiased road layouts in forest areas. The size of the unit partitiones area can be calculated as a function of the predefined road density. In addition, the user-defined road density of the area-partitioning method provides flexibility in applying the model to real situations. The rational road network can be easily achived for varying road densities, which would be an essential element for network design of forest roads. The optimality conditions are evaluated in conjuction with longitudinal gradients, investment efficiency earthwork quantity or the mixed criteria of these three. The performance of the model was measured and, then, compared with those of conventional ones in terns of average skidding distance, accessibility of stands, development index and circulated road network index. The results of the performance analysis indicate that selection of roading routes for network design using the digital terrain analysis and the area-partitioning method improves performance of the network design medel.

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An Integrated VR Platform for 3D and Image based Models: A Step toward Interactivity with Photo Realism (상호작용 및 사실감을 위한 3D/IBR 기반의 통합 VR환경)

  • Yoon, Jayoung;Kim, Gerard Jounghyun
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2000
  • Traditionally, three dimension model s have been used for building virtual worlds, and a data structure called the "scene graph" is often employed to organize these 3D objects in the virtual space. On the other hand, image-based rendering has recently been suggested as a probable alternative VR platform for its photo-realism, however, due to limited interactivity. it has only been used for simple navigation systems. To combine the merits of these two approaches to object/scene representations, this paper proposes for a scene graph structure in which both 3D models and various image-based scenes/objects can be defined. traversed, and rendered together. In fact, as suggested by Shade et al. [1]. these different representations can be used as different LOD's for a given object. For in stance, an object might be rendered using a 3D model at close range, a billboard at an intermediate range. and as part of an environment map at far range. The ultimate objective of this mixed platform is to breath more interactivity into the image based rendered VE's by employing 3D models as well. There are several technical challenges in devising such a platform : designing scene graph nodes for various types of image based techniques, establishing criteria for LOD/representation selection. handling their transition s. implementing appropriate interaction schemes. and correctly rendering the overall scene. Currently, we have extended the scene graph structure of the Sense8's WorldToolKit. to accommodate new node types for environment maps. billboards, moving textures and sprites, "Tour-into-the-Picture" structure, and view interpolated objects. As for choosing the right LOD level, the usual viewing distance and image space criteria are used, however, the switching between the image and 3D model occurs at a distance from the user where the user starts to perceive the object's internal depth. Also. during interaction, regardless of the viewing distance. a 3D representation would be used, if it exists. Finally. we carried out experiments to verify the theoretical derivation of the switching rule and obtained positive results.

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