• 제목/요약/키워드: Unit calculation

검색결과 727건 처리시간 0.032초

A Study on the Estimation of Optimal Storage Area in the Distribution Center (유통물류센터의 최적 보관면적 산출 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jung-Hyun;Kim, Dong-Myung;Yeo, Gi-Tae
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • 제17권7호
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    • pp.59-71
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    • 2019
  • The distribution logistics center has its own inventory, so designing an efficient storage area is very important. The purpose of this study is to present the optimal storage area calculation method for distribution logistics center considering the use of standard pallet unit load, and the results of this study are as follows. First, standard rack modules for storing T-11 and T-12 type pallet, which is generally used in Korea, were defined. Second, a variety of pallet transport equipments were investigated and analyzed to define the standard transport equipment's work passageway by type. Finally, it has great implications in terms of suggesting measures to minimize unused space that may occur during placement of pallet rack modules within storage space, as well as the easy and optimal calculation of the storage area for the distribution logistics center. Future research require a study on the layout of the entire distribution logistics center, which reflects the latest logistics technologies, such as standard rack modules for Mini-Load and GTP picking system.

Comparative Study of Cost Estimate System in Landscape Architectural Construction - Comparison of Unit Price between Actual Construction Cost and Standard Quantity per Unit - (조경공사 적산방식의 비교연구 - 실적공사비와 표준품셈의 단가비교 -)

  • Jung, Un-Soo;Choi, Key-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • 제40권2호
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    • pp.97-111
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    • 2012
  • This study aims to find a proper construction cost calculation method by comparing unit prices of cost estimate in landscape construction among other public ordering construction projects. There were 7 out of 12 items from the actual work cost in the first half of 2011 were compared. The 12 items were classified as landscape Architectural construction and the 7 items were the approximate standard. As applied construction types, the comparable 35 items out of the 80 actual work cost items applied to 5 sites were compared to the unit price of the standard quantity per unit in March 2011, which was the approximate standard. Actual construction rate of the 7 items in the category of landscape sector was 104.86% for each item and 92.09% as a total construction cost. The high actual construction rate was caused by the high rate of seed spray depending on the status of applying rocks. However, there were more fundamental reasons for the cost generated from aslope treatment for grass and seed spray. So, it requires more detailed regulations on the modification factors for each soil type, the standard and needs to improve theillogical standard quantity per unit system. Actual construction rate of the 35 items in the applied sectors of civil engineering and architecture was 78.65% for each item and 71.31% (70.17%) as a total construction cost. This shows that actual unit cost cannot reflect actual cost structurally and standard quantity per unit system lacks practicality in terms of construction due to thelabor force. 85.1~91.2 % actual construction rate announced by the Ministry of Land and Maritime Affairs referred to the newly switched items. So the result was estimated as actual construction rate. This requires supplementation after verification in order to make the actual work cost produce at a proper rate. Also, standard quantity per unit system needs complementation with these actual data and so on.

Measurement of the Nursing Staff Needed for Two Specialized Nursing units in a University Hospital (간호업무량 측정 및 간호인력 수요산정)

  • 이윤신;박정호
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.589-603
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    • 1992
  • This study investigated a process to estimate the need for nursing staff on the basis of a patient elassification system and the required care needs and activities. The investigation was carried out in the following four steps. Step 1. Patients were classified according to the amount of nursing care need on each shift as class I (mildly ill), class II (mederately ill), class III (acutely ill), and class IV (critically ill). Step 2. Measurement of the direct nursing care hours needed for each patient class, and measurement of indirect nursing care hourse and personal time of the nursing staff. Step 3. Calculation of he total nursing workload in a nursing unit. Step 4. Estimation of the nursing staff needed. The investigation was carried out from July 17th to 30th, during 24hours every other day. The subjects were the patients and the nursing staff on two units of Seoul National University Hospital, Korea. Some of the results from the investigation are as follows : 1) Distribution of patient classification On the neuro surgical (N.S.), the distribution was class I, 22 patient, 3, class II, 27 patients, class III, 26 patients, and class IV, 25 patients, For the orthopedic surgical unit(0.5.), it was class I, 43 patients, class II, 43 patients, class III, patients, and class IV, 3 patients. 2) Direct nursing care hours per day On the N.S. unit, 3.2 hours of direct nursing care were needed for class I, 3.9 hours for class II, 5.1 hours of class III, and 6.2 hours for class IV patients, while 2.0 hours for class I, 2.5 hours for class II, 3.5 hours for class III, 5.0 hours class IV patients were needed on the 0.5. units. 3) Analysis of direct nursing care activities Activities were classified into assessment and observation(47%), medication(38.7%), communiontion(5.1%), exercise(2.4%), elimination and irrigation(1.3%), treatmemt(1.1%), hygiene(0.8%), nutrition(0.8%), and hot and cold compress(0.1%). 4) Average hours of indirect nursing care per day. On the N.S. unit 4.2 hours, and on the O.S. unit, 3.5 hours of RN indirect care was needed. 5) The average personal time used by the of nursing staff was 17 minutes for both RNs and nursing assistants in the N.S. unit, and 32 minutes for both RNs and nursing assistants in the O.S. unit. 6) Estimation of nursing staff needed on two specialized units of a university hospital For the N.S. nursing unit of 43 beds, 31 nursing staff would be indicated. For the 0.5. nursing unit of the same number of beds, 19 nursing staff would be indicated.

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Study on Development of Patient Effective Dose Calculation Program of Nuclear Medicine Examination (핵의학검사의 환자 유효선량 계산 프로그램 제작에 관한 연구)

  • Seon, Jong-Ryul;Gil, Jong-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.657-665
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    • 2017
  • The aim of this study was to develop and distribute a dedicated program that can easily calculate the effective dose of a patient undergoing nuclear medicine examinations, and assist in the study of dose of nuclear medicine examinations and information disclosure. The program produced a database of the effective dose per unit activity administered (mSv/MBq) of the radiopharmaceuticals listed in ICRP 80, 106 Report and the fourth addendum, was designed through Microsoft Visual Basic (In Excel) to take the effect of 5 different (Area, Clark, Solomon(=Fried), Webster, Young) of pediatric dose calculation methods and 7 different body surface area calculation methods. The program calculates the effective dose (mSv) when the age, radionuclide, substance, and amount injected in the human body is inputted. In pediatric cases, when the age is entered, the pediatric method is activated and the pediatric method to be applied can be selected. When the BSA (Body Surface Area) formula is selected in the pediatric calculation method, a selection window for selecting the body surface area calculation method is activated. When the adult dose is input, the infant dose and the effective dose (mSv) are calculated automatically. The patient effective dose calculation program of the nuclear medicine examinations produced in this study is meaningful as a tool for calculating the internal exposure dose of the human body that is most likely to be obtained in nuclear medicine examinations, even though it is not the actual measurement dose. In the future, to increase the utilization of the program, it will be produced as an application that can be used in mobile devices, so that the public can access it easily.

The Analysis of Optimum Resolution with Different Scale of Soil Map for the Calculation of Soil Loss (토양침식량 산정에서 토양도 축척에 따른 적정 해상도 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Greun-Sang;Jang, Young-Ryul;Cho, Gi-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • 제6권3호
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2003
  • RUSLE(revised universal soil loss equation) has been widely used for estimating soil loss. It is very difficult to validate the model estimation since the calculated soil loss should be compared with the survey data for quantification. The input variables for RUSLE model were estimated to grid cell for raster analysis in Bosung basin. Both reconnaissance(1:250,000) and detailed(1:25,000) soil maps were used to derive the input variables for soil erodibility factor. Soil loss calculated using RUSLE were compared to the unit sediment deposit surveyed by KICT(Korea Institute of Construction Technology, 1992) in Bosung basin for assessment. Unit sediment deposit from the cell size of 120m and 150m were the closest to the survey data in 1:250,000 and 1:25,000 map scale, respectively.

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Radiological Impact on Decommissioning Workers of Operating Multi-unit NPP (다수호기 원전 운영에 따른 원전 해체 작업자에 대한 방사선학적 영향)

  • Lee, Eun-hee;Kim, Chang-Lak
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.107-120
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    • 2019
  • The decommissioning of one nuclear power plant in a multi-unit nuclear power plant (multi-unit NPP) site may pose radiation exposure risk to decommissioning workers. Thus, it is essentially required to evaluate the exposure dose of decommissioning workers of operating multi-unit NPPs nearby. The ENDOS program is a dose evaluation code developed by the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI). As two sub-programs of ENDOS, ENDOS-ATM to anticipate atmospheric transport and ENDOS-G to calculate exposure dose by gaseous radioactive effluents are used in this study. As a result, the annual maximum individual dose for decommissioning workers is estimated to be $2.31{\times}10^{-3}mSv{\cdot}y^{-1}$, which is insignificant compared with the effective dose limit of $1mSv{\cdot}y^{-1}$ for the public. Although it is revealed that the exposure dose of operating multi-unit NPPs does not result in a significant impact on decommissioning workers, closer examination of the effect of additional exposure due to actual demolition work is required. The calculation method of this study is expected to be utilized in the future for planned decommissioning projects in Korea. Because domestic NPPs are located in multi-unit sites, similar situations may occur.

Comparative Studies of Standard of Estimated Unit Manpower and Material of Landscape Architecture Construction in Korea and Japan (조경공사 표준품셈의 한·일간 비교 연구)

  • Yun, Ju-Cheul;Lee, Kwan-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • 제29권3호
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    • pp.154-158
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    • 2011
  • This research was carried out to compare the standard of estimated unit power and material in landscape architecture construction between Korea and Japan. It has also been done to offer a practical and reasonable information to Korea landscape architecture industry. The research results are as follows. First, both Korea and Japan's standard of estimated unit power and material in landscape architecture construction are part of civil construction. Second, Korea's detailed type of construction is centered on plant's type and size while Japan's centered on architectural construction. Third, Korea's standard of estimated unit power and material are composed of workforce construction, mechanical construction and addition of soil. On the other hand, Japan's estimated unit power and material are composed of workforce construction, time of transportation, date of transportation. Fourth, the planting specification of Korea seems to be more in detail than that of Japan, Japan's showing a wider implication. Fifth, when comparing the information regarding standard of estimated unit power and material between Japan and Korea, transportation, independent stalking for plant, soil for landscape architecture is difference between the two countries. On the base of this research results, Korea's standard of estimated unit power and material in planning construction should be more elastic in its implication and independent standard of estimated unit power and material in landscape architecture construction. Also, examination of transportation, independent skating for plant and soil for landscape architecture should be done in order for better improvements.

Neutron Flux Evaluation on the Reactor Pressure Vessel by Using Neural Network (인공신경 회로망을 이용한 압력용기 중성자 조사취화 평가)

  • Yoo, Choon-Sung;Park, Jong-Ho
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • 제32권4호
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    • pp.168-177
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    • 2007
  • A neural network model to evaluate the neutron exposure on the reactor pressure vessel inner diameter was developed. By using the three dimensional synthesis method described in Regulatory Guide 1.190, a simple linear equation to calculate the neutron spectrum on the reactor pressure vessel was constructed. This model can be used in a quick estimation of fast neutron flux which is the most important parameter in the assessment of embrittlement of reactor pressure vessel. This model also used in the selection of an optimum core loading pattern without the neutron transport calculation. The maximum relative error of this model was less than 3.4% compared to the transport calculation for the calculations from cycle 1 to cycle 23 of Kori unit 1.

Verification of an Autonomous Decentralized UPS System with Fast Transient Response Using a FPGA-Based Hardware Controller

  • Yokoyama, Tomoki;Doi, Nobuaki;Ishioka, Toshiya
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • 제9권3호
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    • pp.507-515
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    • 2009
  • This paper proposes an autonomous decentralized control for a parallel connected uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system based on a fast power detection method using a FPGA based hardware controller for a single phase system. Each UPS unit detects only its output voltage and current without communications signal exchange and a quasi dq transformation method is applied to detect the phase and amplitude of the output voltage and the output current for the single phase system. Fast power detection can be achieved based on a quasi dq transformation, which results in a realization of very fast transient response under rapid load change. In the proposed method, the entire control system is implemented in one FPGA chip. Complicated calculations are assigned to hardware calculation logic, and the parallel processing circuit makes it possible to realize minimized calculation time. Also, an Nios II CPU core is implemented in the same FPGA chip, and the software can be applied for non-time critical calculations. Applying this control system, an autonomous decentralized UPS system with very fast transient response is realized. Feasibility and stable operation are confirmed by means of an experimental setup with three UPSs connected in parallel. Also, rapid load change is applied and excellent performance of the system is confirmed in terms of transient response and stability.

Influence of the inlet oxygen humidity on PEMFC performance (산소 가습이 PEMFC 성능에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Seo-Hee;Moon, Cheor-Eon;Ko, Dong-Soo;Choi, Gyung-Min;Kim, Duck-Jool;Jung, Ji-Hwan
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국신재생에너지학회 2007년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.35-38
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    • 2007
  • The comparisons between measured performance of lab-scale PEMFC and calculation were conducted to understand the detail phenomena of PEMFC for the various inlet oxygen humidity of cathode side. Experiments were performed at $65^{\circ}C$ operation temperature and different inlet humidity conditions such as 40%, 60% and 80%. We used the MEA manufactured by oneself which include $Nafion^{(R)}$ 112 membrane, Nafion solution 20%, and carbon paper(E-TEK). As a result of this experiment, cell performance was getting higher by increasing inlet humidity condition at cathode side because ion conductivity of electrolyte membrane is increased. A 3D CFD simulation model of PEMFC was developed using commercially available CFD code that is one of the STAR-CD module, es-pemfc under same operating conditions. Model calculations results were compared with experimental ones on the polarization curves and calculation results are in good agreement with the experimental ones. Local water distribution and current density inside PEMFC are discussed in detail.

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