• Title/Summary/Keyword: Uncertain Process

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The Effect of CEO's Entrepreneurship on Intra-organization Innovation through Creative self-efficacy and the Moderating Effect of Organizational Commitment (창의적 효능감을 통해 조직 내 혁신을 유발하는 CEO의 기업가정신과 조직몰입의 조절효과)

  • Kim, Sun-Wang;Sung, Eul-Hyun
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.45-61
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    • 2024
  • This study looked in-depth at the importance of cultivating and manifesting entrepreneurship, which is emphasized for companies to gain a competitive advantage and promote innovation in the uncertain environment that organizations face and in the development of technology due to recent industrial advancement, the following innovative performance, and the mechanisms in the performance process. Entrepreneurship is emphasized as a key factor in inducing creative work performance, creation and application of new ideas, and innovative performance at various levels within the organization in various global companies. In particular, this study examined the influence of the CEO's cultivation and expression of entrepreneurship as an organizational leader on the innovative behavior of organizational members, which is a leading factor in the organization's innovative performance, and the role of creative self-efficacy as a mechanism. Through this, the study was to verify the importance of creativity and cultivating a sense of self-efficacy for demonstrating innovative performance within an organization. Additionally, it was to confirm the role of organizational commitment of organizational members as a situational factor. For the empirical analysis, a total of 247 office workers were surveyed, sampled from 10 venture companies engaged in the manufacturing industry in industrial complexes in Daejeon, Korea. As the result of empirical analysis showed, it was confirmed that each sub-factor of the CEO's entrepreneurship had a positive effect on the innovative behavior of organizational members. And in the process, the importance of the creative self-efficacy of members to demonstrate innovative performance was verified by confirming positively significant mediating effect of creative self-efficacy. Furthermore, in the case of organizational commitment, it was found that the innovativeness and proactiveness of the CEO strengthened the positive influence on the creative efficacy of the organization members. Based on the results of empirical analysis, theoretical and practical implications were provided to improve the importance of cultivating and manifesting the CEO's entrepreneurship to demonstrate innovation within the organization.

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A Study on the Overall Economic Risks of a Hypothetical Severe Accident in Nuclear Power Plant Using the Delphi Method (델파이 기법을 이용한 원전사고의 종합적인 경제적 리스크 평가)

  • Jang, Han-Ki;Kim, Joo-Yeon;Lee, Jai-Ki
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.127-134
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    • 2008
  • Potential economic impact of a hypothetical severe accident at a nuclear power plant(Uljin units 3/4) was estimated by applying the Delphi method, which is based on the expert judgements and opinions, in the process of quantifying uncertain factors. For the purpose of this study, it is assumed that the radioactive plume directs the inland direction. Since the economic risk can be divided into direct costs and indirect effects and more uncertainties are involved in the latter, the direct costs were estimated first and the indirect effects were then estimated by applying a weighting factor to the direct cost. The Delphi method however subjects to risk of distortion or discrimination of variables because of the human behavior pattern. A mathematical approach based on the Bayesian inferences was employed for data processing to improve the Delphi results. For this task, a model for data processing was developed. One-dimensional Monte Carlo Analysis was applied to get a distribution of values of the weighting factor. The mean and median values of the weighting factor for the indirect effects appeared to be 2.59 and 2.08, respectively. These values are higher than the value suggested by OECD/NEA, 1.25. Some factors such as small territory and public attitude sensitive to radiation could affect the judgement of panel. Then the parameters of the model for estimating the direct costs were classified as U- and V-types, and two-dimensional Monte Carlo analysis was applied to quantify the overall economic risk. The resulting median of the overall economic risk was about 3.9% of the gross domestic products(GDP) of Korea in 2006. When the cost of electricity loss, the highest direct cost, was not taken into account, the overall economic risk was reduced to 2.2% of GDP. This assessment can be used as a reference for justifying the radiological emergency planning and preparedness.

The Effect of Supply Chain Dynamic Capabilities, Open Innovation and Supply Uncertainty on Supply Chain Performance (공급사슬 동적역량, 개방형 혁신, 공급 불확실성이 공급사슬 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Sang-Yeol
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.481-491
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    • 2018
  • As the global business environment is dynamic, uncertain, and complex, supply chain management determines the performance of the supply chain in terms of the utilization of resources and capabilities of companies involved in the supply chain. Companies pursuing open innovation gain greater access to the external environment and accumulate knowledge flows and learning experiences, and may generate better business performance from dynamic capabilities. This study analyzed the effects of supply chain dynamic capabilities, open innovation, and supply uncertainty on supply chain performance. Through questionnaires on 178 companies listed on KOSDAQ, empirical results are as follows: First, integration and reactivity capabilities among supply chain dynamic capabilities have a positive effect on supply chain performance. Second, the moderating effect of open innovation showed a negative correlation in the case of information exchange, and a positive correlation in the cases of integration, cooperation and reactivity. Third, two of the 3-way interaction terms, "information exchange*open innovation*supply uncertainty" and "integration*open innovation*supply uncertainty" were statistically significant. The implications of this study are as follows: First, as the supply chain needs to achieve optimization of the whole process between supply chain components rather than individual companies, dynamic capabilities play an important role in improving performance. Second, for KOSDAQ companies featuring limited capital resources, open innovation that integrates external knowledge is valuable. In order to increase synergistic effects, it is necessary to develop dynamic capabilities accordingly. Third, since resources are constrained, managers must determine the type or level of capabilities and open innovation in accordance with supply uncertainty. Since this study has limitations in analyzing survey data, it is necessary to collect secondary data or longitudinal data. It is also necessary to further analyze the internal and external factors that have a significant impact on supply chain performance.

The Effects of Cognitive Bias on Entrepreneurial Opportunity Evaluations through Perceived Risks in Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy (창업가의 인지편향이 지각된 위험과 조절된 창업효능감에 따라 창업기회평가에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Daeyop;Park, Jaehwan
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.95-112
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    • 2020
  • This paper is to investigate how cognitive bias of college students and entrepreneurs relates to perceived risks and entrepreneurial opportunities that represent uncertainty, and how various cognitive bias and entrepreneurial efficacy In the same way. The purpose of this study is to find improvement points of entrepreneurship education for college students and to suggest problems and improvement possibilities in the decision making process of current entrepreneurs. This empirical study is a necessary to improve the decision-making of individuals who want to start a business at the time when various attempts are made to activate the start-up business and increase the sustainability of the existing SME management. And understanding of the difference in opportunity evaluation, and suggests that it is necessary to provide good opportunities together with the upbringing of entrepreneurs. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, questionnaires were conducted for college students and entrepreneurs. A total of 363 questionnaire data were obtained and demonstrated through structural equation modeling. This study confirms that there is some relationship between perceived risk and cognitive bias. Overconfidence and control illusions among cognitive bias have a significant relationship between perceived risk and wealth. Especially, it is confirmed that control illusion of college students has a significant relationship with perceived risk. Second, cognitive bias demonstrated some significant relationship with opportunity evaluation. Although we did not find evidence that excess self-confidence is related to opportunity evaluation, we have verified that control illusions and current status bias are related to opportunity evaluation. Control illusions were significant in both college students and entrepreneurs. Third, perceived risk has a negative relationship with opportunity evaluation. All students, regardless of whether they are college students or entrepreneurs, judge opportunities positively if they perceive low risk. Fourth, it can be seen from the college students 'group that entrepreneurial efficacy has a moderating effect between perceived risk and opportunity evaluation, but no significant results were found in the entrepreneurs' group. Fifth, the college students and entrepreneurs have different cognitive bias, and they have proved that there is a different relationship between entrepreneurial opportunity evaluation and perceived risk. On the whole, there are various cognitive biases that are caused by time pressure or stress on college students and entrepreneurs who have to make judgments in uncertain opportunities, and in this respect, they can improve their judgment in the future. At the same time, university students can have a positive view of new opportunities based on high entrepreneurial efficacy, but if they fully understand the intrinsic risks of entrepreneurship through entrepreneurial education and fully understand the cognitive bias present in direct entrepreneurial experience, You will get a better opportunity assessment. This study has limitations in that it is based on the fact that university students and entrepreneurs are integrated, and that the survey respondents are selected by the limited random sampling method. It is necessary to conduct more systematic research based on more faithful data in the absence of the accumulation of entrepreneurial research data. Second, the translation tools used in the previous studies were translated and the meaning of the measurement tools might not be conveyed due to language differences. Therefore, it is necessary to construct a more precise scale for the accuracy of the study. Finally, complementary research should be done to identify what competitive opportunities are and what opportunities are appropriate for entrepreneurs.

Imaging Feature of Radiation Induced Lung Disease (방사선 폐손상의 방사선학적 소견)

  • Lee, Jae Gyo;Rho, Byeung Hak;Chang, Jae Chun;Kim, Myung Se
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.146-154
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    • 2000
  • Background and Purpose: Radioopaque lesions are commonly seen in patients who received thoracic radiotherapy for various kinds of thoracic neoplasm, But therir exact diagnos are sometimes uncertain. Patients and Methods: We examined simple chest radiograph and computed tomogram(CT) of 69 patients who received thoracic radiotherapy for lung cancer and were follow up at least 6 months in Yeungnam University Medical Center. Results: Of the 69 patients. thirty-eight patients showed radioopaque lesions in their chest radiographs except radiation fibrosis; radiation pneumonitis was witnessed in 24 patients. infectious pneumonia in 8 patients, and recurrence in 6 patients. In radiation pneumonitis patients, the pneumonitis occurred usually between 50 to 130 days after receiving radiation therapy, and interval between pneumonitis and fibrosis is 21 to 104 days. Simple chest radiographs of radiation pneumonitis(24 patients) represented ground glass opacities or consolidation in 4 cases(type I, 17%), reticular of reticulonodular opacities in 10 cases(type II, 42%), irregular patchy consolidations in 2 cases( type III, 8%), and consolidation with fibrosis in 8 cases(type IV, 33%), CT represent ground glass opacities or consolidation in 5 cases(type I, 29%), irregular nodular opacities in 3 cases(type II, 19%), irregular opacity beyond radiation fields in 3 cases(type III, 18%), and consolidation with fibrosis in 6 cased(type IV, 35%). The CT of four patients who represented type II on simple chest radiographs reveal type I and III, and CT of two patients with clinical symptoms who had no abnormal finding on simple radiograph revealed type I. Conclusions: In conclusion, computed tomogram is superior to the simple radiograph when trying to understand the pathologic process of radiation pneumonitis and provide confidence in the diagnosis of radiation induced lung disease.

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Economic Analysis of the Livestock Manure Treatment System Using Life-Cycle Cost Technique (LCC 기법을 통한 가축분뇨처리시설의 경제성 분석)

  • Kim, J.H.;Cho, S.H.;Kwag, J.H.;Choi, D.Y.;Jeong, K.H.;Chung, U.S.;Chung, M.S.;Park, S.K.
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.17 no.sup
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2011
  • To assess the total cost with all stages of facilities, the feasibility of Life Cycle Cost (LCC) analysis was examined in this study to estimate the livestock manure treatment system and optimal decision making process. For the economic evaluation, the plant/equipment investment and annual operation cost of four Public Livestock Recycling Facilities, whose treatment capacity is 100 ton piggery manure per day, was compared. The initial cost was in the range of 2,699 million won to 3,202 million won, where T and E methods were highest and lowest, respectively. The annual operation cost was in the level of 378 million to 498 million won, which decreased in the following order : T method > J method > E method > B method. For the LCC analysis, 4.7% of interest rate, 3.13% of inflation rate, and 1.52% of net discount rate was considered by the data received from Bank of Korea and Statics Korea in the period of 2000 to 2009. Also, for the calculation of present value factor, the durable years of civil engineering & construction, machinery and electric instrument was 30 years, 10 years and 15 years, respectively. Based on these consideration, operation cost was in the range of 17,570 won/ton to 20,661 won/ton, and E method (17,570 won/ton) was economical and B method (20,661 won/ton) was non-economical. Though initial cost of T method was higher than that of B method, LCC analysis of T method was lower than that of T method due to the lower operation cost. Therefore, LCC analysis, which considers both initial cost and operation cost, is more reasonable evaluation method than either initial cost or annual operation cost. For the change of LCC analysis according to the uncertainty, the sensitivity analysis was carried out using fluctuation magnitude of discount rate in the period of 2000 to 2009. As a result, LCC analysis evaluated by discount rate was stable for the uncertain factors since the cost leadership did not change even though the sensitivity analysis varied. In summary, the economic evaluation using LCC analysis could be an efficient reference to choose the suitable livestock manure treatment plants. Furthermore, standardization of statement calculation for the actual cost analysis should be conducted and more detailed study is necessary to validate this summary. Therefore, the application of comprehensive technology evaluation, which considers LCC analysis, should contribute in obtaining objectivity and enhancing reliability for the 'Evaluation of Livestock Manure Treatment System and its Technology'.

Social Support, Depression, Self-esteem Influences on Life Satisfaction of Disability in Aging (노년기 장애인 삶의 만족에 영향을 미치는 사회적 지지, 자아존중감, 우울의 구조적 관계: 노령화 장애인과 노인성 장애인의 비교)

  • Jung, Eun Hye;Yoon, Myeong Sook
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.645-666
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of the elderly with disability focused on comparison between aging with disability and disability with aging in Korea. Disability in older age has been related to several psychosocial characteristics, including social support, self-esteem, life satisfaction and depression. However, the exact role of these characteristics in the disablement process remains uncertain and this study focused on comparison between aging with disability and disability with aging in Korea. This study analyzed the 12th wave (2017) KWPS(Korean Welfare Panel Study)and Disability Study which included 692 elderly with disability aged 65 and over. The data were processed by SEM and multi-group SEM analysis. The findings were as follows; First, family support and the significant others support showed direct effects on the life satisfaction of the elderly with disability. Second, family support and the significant others support reduced the level of depression and enhanced self-esteem and finally impact on the life satisfaction of the elderly with disability. The formal support enhanced the depression and reduced self-esteem and eventually reduced the life satisfaction. Third, the disability with aging group showed more higher perception and more experience of formal support and formal service and more higher depression than the aging with disability group. Forth, the significant others support on life satisfaction only showed significance in disability with aging group and depression had significance in disability with aging group. Finally, aging with disability group showed positive effects on the formal support of life satisfaction but showed negative effects on the depression and self-esteem. Based on these findings, practical implications of future directions for research are discussed.

The Method and Meaning of the Archiving Project of Suicide Survivors (자살유족 기록작업의 방법과 의미)

  • Lee, Young-nam
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.59
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    • pp.207-275
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    • 2019
  • This archiving project of the survivors of suicide was done with the survivor supporting team of the Seoul Suicide Prevention Center. The survivor supporting team was operating a Self-help Support Group for the emotional support of the survivors of suicide. A Self-help Support Group is a place for the survivors of suicide to regularly meet and share their suffering by talking of topics hard to discuss elsewhere. As the Self-help Support Group progressed members who acted as the leader of the group appeared. They formed an essay group that writes together. Two fathers who lost their sons, two mothers who lost their daughters, a mother who lost her son, a wife who lost his husband. The essay group met each week in a place facing Sajik Park. Through the windows that took up the whole side of the room, evening was coming in. The things that happened during the day went away towards Inwang mountain following the setting sun. Ten people (six members of the essay group, three from the survivor support team, a historian for unique conversation) sat around a table, facing each other. "Now, what shall we do?" History for unique conversation is a time that archives life by sharing conversations. At times a complete stranger, and other times people who share their ordinary lives sit around together (3-9 people, sometimes about 15). On the table there is coffee, bread, fruits and salads, and sometimes a dish someone heartily prepared. When a bottle of wine is placed on the table, each takes a glass. Morning, afternoon, the time the evening is welcomed in, late night. It does not matter which. For six months, 3 hours when meeting every week, 6 hours when at every other week. A room where the ambience is like that of a kitchen where sunlight enters, or a cozy living room is the best location. However, there are many times when it is held in a multipurpose room in the suburbs where many meetings are held, or in a classroom of a school. The meeting place is decided according to different situations of the time. There are no participation requirements as it is said to be for themselves to write down according to archiving form while looking back their lives thoroughly, and they are the only ones to stop themselves. The archives landscape from far away would seem like trying to do some talking. However, when going into a microscopic situation one must leave themselves to the emotional dynamics. It is because it archives the frustration and failures one experienced through life. A participator of history for unique conversation must face the sufferings of their life. The archiving project took place in 2013 to 2014. Many years have passed. Has the objective distance for archiving the situation of that time been secured? That may be uncertain, but I will speak of a few stray thoughts on archiving while depicting the process and method of operation.

The Effect of Technology Start-up Companies' Absorption Capacity on Start-up Performance: Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Patent Activities (기술창업기업의 흡수역량이 창업성과에 미치는 영향: 특허활동의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Kim Jong Sik;Nam Jung Min
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.191-209
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    • 2023
  • Amid rapid changes in technological innovation due to the influence of the 4th Industrial Revolution and COVID-19, research related to absorption capacity and patent activities to promote technological innovation of Korean technology start-ups is important in this uncertain environment. This study aims to examine the effects on entrepreneurial performance and patent activities by reconstructing absorptive capacity, an organizational capability, for technology-based startups in fields such as BT and ICT with less than seven years of establishment, distinguishing between potential absorptive capacity and realized absorptive capacity. The study also seeks to develop a theoretical research model. To accomplish this, data was collected from managerial executives, including CEOs of 215 technology startups. The following hypotheses were tested: Firstly, potential absorptive capacity had a significant impact on patent activities, while realized absorptive capacity did not. Secondly, potential absorptive capacity had a significant impact on technological performance, while realized absorptive capacity did not. Thirdly, both potential and realized absorptive capacity had a significant impact on financial and non-financial performance. Fourthly, patent activities indirectly influenced potential absorptive capacity and technological performance, but did not affect realized absorptive capacity. Fifthly, patent activities indirectly influenced potential absorptive capacity and financial performance, but did not affect realized absorptive capacity. Lastly, patent activities indirectly influenced potential absorptive capacity and non-financial performance, but did not affect realized absorptive capacity. The practical significance of this study lies in providing useful guidelines for building the core capabilities of organizations through absorptive capacity and patent activities. Furthermore, it is expected that startups that have not recognized the formation process of absorptive capacity for patent activities will perceive the formation mechanism of absorptive capability anew and show considerable interest in future potential and realized absorptive capacity as part of their management strategies. This is anticipated to play an important role in adapting to rapidly changing technological advancements, the startup ecosystem, and securing sustainable competitive advantages.

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Categorization of Factors Causing the Framing Effect and Analysis of the 2015 Revised Curriculum Science Textbooks: Focusing on Risk Expressions (틀효과 발생 요인 범주화 및 2015 개정 교육과정 과학과 교과서 분석 -위험 표현을 중심으로-)

  • Hyeonju Lee;Minchul Kim
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.391-404
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    • 2024
  • The development of science and technology brings abundance and convenience to human life, but it also brings risks. The risks caused by science and technology are universal and far-reaching, affecting the lives of humans, and they are living in an uncertain VUCA era where humans cannot predict when and where they will encounter risks. In order to respond to these risks, it is necessary to increase the level of citizens' risk awareness through risk education. It is necessary to discuss the role of science education in helping citizens to judge and respond to risks scientifically and objectively. On the other hand, in the process of judging and assessing risks, citizens are affected by the frames and ways in which risk information is expressed, a phenomenon known as the "Framing Effect". In this study, we categorized the factors that cause the framing effect, and based on the categorization, we compared and analyzed the frames of risk expression presented in the 2015 revised curriculum science textbooks. For this purpose, we categorized the factors that cause the framing effect by looking at papers published in KCI and SSCI journals with keywords "Framing Effect", and extracted the risk expression texts in textbooks and analyzed them according to the categories. We were able to derive eight factors causing framing effect and categorize the relationship between the factors in a 5x5 matrix. The differences in the frequency of risk expressions by subject in the 2015 revised science curriculum were related to the nature of the subject and the achievement standards, and the differences in the frequency of risk expressions could be identified by the categories of framing and presentation methods. This study is significant in that it examines the way risk is expressed by science subjects based on the factors that cause the framing effect and suggests the importance of the framing effect in risk education.