• Title/Summary/Keyword: Uncertain Process

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Wisdom Definition Categorization and Wisdom Management as Characteristics of the Modern Business Environment (현대 경영환경의 특징에 따른 지혜 정의 분류와 '지혜경영' 제안)

  • Kim, Joo-Won;Lee, Byong-Jae;Park, Yong-Seung
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.63-71
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - The characteristics of the modern management environment in Korea clearly involve the limitations of knowledge management, globalization, changes in industrial structures, polarization of the economy, consumption, and education, and the demand for creative management. To achieve a continuous competitive advantage for individuals as well as organizations, Wisdom Management can be said to be a paradigm for the current environment. The Research is an alternative to environmental management in the early study of the need to conceptualize the theoretical approach to wisdom management. In other words, it presents a new management paradigm for a business environment of uncertainty and unpredictability. Furthermore, it aims to propose Wisdom Management as an alternative in the modern management environment as well as a topic of discourse. Its purpose is to provide basic knowledge to people who study and practice in this field to strengthen the competitiveness of individuals and companies. Research design, data, and methodology - This paper first provides six characteristics of the current management environment at home and abroad. It then attempts to emphasize the necessity of wisdom based on such characteristics by classifying wisdom according to recent management study research. This allows the derivation of definitions of wisdom management, suggesting its components and properties. Results - The six characteristics of the modern business environment are: 1) limits of knowledge, 2) intensifying globalized competition, 3) changes in industry structure - IoT (Internet of all Things) trend, 4) serious polarization and social unrest diffusion, 5) personal and organizational competitiveness creativity requirements, and 6) domestic special national and social situations. Therefore, accordingly, wisdom can be defined and classified as: wisdom that offers potential integration beyond knowledge, practicing and maintaining knowledge wisdom as an efficient strategy for an organization wisdom as a decision-making process that addresses ambivalence wisdom as the pursuit of common goods based on ethics; and, wisdom as creativity that involves intuition and insight. This paper attempts to define Wisdom Management in accordance with these definitions of wisdom. Wisdom Management is a management system that is awareof the current environment given in the multidimensional perspective, achieves the efficiency of the organization and the goals of common good through an uncertain decision-making process, based on the organization of individual and organizational knowledge, and the internal experiences and resources. Wisdom Management components include human beings, virtue, knowledge, creativity, and ambivalent thinking. Its properties include intentionality, self-destructiveness, creative and ethical reflexivity, complexity, insight, unpredictability, ambivalence, and wholeness. Conclusions - Since all organizations face the limitations of their environment, crises, and opportunities, applying wisdom in management to develop as Wisdom Management can be an inevitable alternative to the uncertainties of the management environment faced by modern society. The conceptualization of Wisdom Management forms a valuable context to further advance knowledge management theory into practice. It is also a cornerstone of strategic management and can provide insight into its potential for success and implementation.

A Study on the 'fragmentation' trend of modern film montage (현대영화 몽타주의 '파편화(fragmentation)' 경향 연구)

  • LEE, Jiyoung
    • Trans-
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    • v.3
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    • pp.29-53
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    • 2017
  • The film scholar Vincent Amiel divides into three types of montage through his book The Aesthetics of Montage ; Montage narratif, Montage discursif, and Montage decorrespondances. These three categories are the concept that encompasses the aesthetic class to which most movies belong. Early films pursued the essential and basic functions of editing, which tend to be modified in the direction of enhancing the director's goals over time. In this way, "Expressive Montage" is one of most important concepts of montage, not as a 'methodology' that combines narrative but as a 'purpose'. In the montage stage, the expressive montage work is done through three steps of decision. The process of 'combining' to combine the selected films in a certain order, after the process of 'selection' which selects only necessary parts of the rush film, and 'connection' to determine the scene connection considering the duration of the shot. The connection is the final stage of the montage. There are exceptions, of course. When fiction films of classical narratives use close-ups, or when using models or objects of neutered animals, the film induces the tendency of a "montage decorrespondances" rather than a "montage narratif" or "montage discursif". This study attempts to analyze the tendency of montage of works with 'uncertain connection' through 'collage' used by close-ups and montage decorrespondances as 'fragmentation tendency of modern films'. The fragmentation of the montage in contemporary film breaks the continuous and structural nature of the film, and confuses the narration structure that is visible on the surface of the film. The tendency of the fragmentation of the montage, which started from this close-up, seems to give an answer to the extensibility of the modern image.

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A study on the effect of sensemaking of the chief executives of the social welfare organizations on their leadership development - Centered on the Community Care Centers for the Disabled - (사회복지기관장의 센스메이킹이 리더십 발현에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 - 장애인복지관을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Eun Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.207-236
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    • 2013
  • This article aims to understand the process of effective leadership in the Community Care Centers for the Disabled(CCCD). Using a qualitative approach and the concept of 'Sensemaking', a term introduced by Weick (1995), I described and explored the process of leadership. Sensemaking enables leaders to have a better grasp of what is going on in their environments. Sensemaking theory offers a perspective on leadership that resolves successfully complex situations surrounding the CCCD. The CCCDs face the environmental changes such as a paradigm shift of disability and a rivalry system with private services. In this time of uncertain change, the CCCDs are in need of leadership of the executives who could reduce complexity with shared meaning. Data were collected over 5 weeks from the 6 CCCDs, through semi-structured interviews, with practitioners, middle managers and chief executives. The interview scripts were thematically analyzed through Atlas-ti programme. The findings showed three subjects, the people's perception of environment, organizational visioning and interactions among post positions. Even though the 6 CCCDs were under the same environment, the perceptions and the enactments of the practitioners were influenced by the chief executives' sensemaking. The important factors of the chief executives' sensemaking were the daily interaction as well as ongoing reflection on their experiences.

Relationship Between Information Technology and Corporate Organization (정보기술과 기업조직의 관계에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Lark-Sang
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.221-230
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    • 2018
  • Most of researchers and business futurists agree that traditional organizational designs are inadequate for coping with today's turbulent and increasingly networked world. Executives in small firms find that their organizations must tap into an extended network of partners to achieve the scale and power needed to succeed in industries dominated by large, global firms. As they attempt to build lean yet agile businesses, these executives are finding that they no longer rely on gut instinct alone. Neither can they simply copy organizational model that worked in the past. They must understand how organizational design choices influence operational efficiency and flexibility and, even more important, how to best align the organization with the environment and the strategy chosen to quickly and effectively sense and respond to opportunities and threats This research examines the capabilities required to build businesses that can survive and prosper in today's fast-faced and uncertain environment. The insights presented in this research have emerged from over 30 years of work with hundreds of executives and entrepreneurs as they struggled to build businesses that could cope with the demands of a rapidly changing, networked global economy. The insights from this research suggest that IT is an important enabler for developing the best capabilities required for success.

Estimation Method of the Amount of Demolition Waste through Automated Calculation of Volumetric Spaces using Drones (드론 활용 체적산출 자동화를 통한 해체 폐기물량 예측기법에 관한 연구)

  • Ryu, Jung-Rim;Kim, Hye-Ri;Park, Won-Jun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.681-688
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    • 2022
  • In this study, the process of drone photography, automatic volume calculation, total floor area conversion, and waste calculation was constructed as a QGIS plug-in to predict the demolition waste (DW) generated in an aged area where drawing information or building information is uncertain. Through a case study, the high consistency between the automatically calculated volume using the drone and the BIM volume based on the field measurement was confirmed. Field application was carried out for the planned demolition work site, and the consistency between the drone-based volume and the actual measurement-BIM-based volume was reconfirmed. The waste generation unit was applied and the amount of DW was calculated by setting the floor height and building type, and the entire process was completed within 6 hours. Although the difference between building information and building objects through drones occurred according to the setting of temporary structures, loads, and floor heights, it was found that the actual amount of DW was generated more than the initial estimate. It is expected that measures to improve the accuracy of volume and floor area conversion will be required through case studies in the future.

A Case Study on Venture and Small-Business Executives' Use of Strategic Intuition in the Decision Making Process (벤처.중소기업가의 전략적 직관에 의한 의사결정 모형에 대한 사례연구)

  • Park, Jong An;Kim, Young Su;Do, Man Seung
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.15-23
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    • 2014
  • A Case Study on Venture and Small-Business Executives' Use of Strategic Intuition in the Decision Making Process This paper is a case study on how Venture and Small-Business Executives managers can take advantage of their intuitions in situations where the business environment is increasingly uncertain, a novel situation occurs without any data to reflect on, when rational decision-making is not possible, and when the business environment changes. The case study is based on a literature review, in-depth interviews with 16 business managers, and an analysis of Klein, G's (1998) "Generic Mental Simulation Model." The "intuition" discussed in this analysis is classified into two types of intuition: the Expert Intuition which is based on one's own experiences, and Strategic Intuition which is based on the experience of others. Case study strategic management intuition and intuition, the experts were utilized differently. Features of professional intuition to work quickly without any effort by, while the strategic intuition, is time-consuming. Another feature that has already occurred, one expert intuition in decision-making about the widely used strategic intuition was used a lot in future decision-making. The case study results revealed that managers were using expert intuition and strategic intuition differentially. More specifically, Expert Intuition was activated effortlessly, while strategic intuition required more time. Also, expert intuition was used mainly for making judgments about events that have already happened, while strategic intuition was used more often for judgments regarding events in the future. The process of strategic intuition involved (1) Strategic concerns, (2) the discovery of medium, (3) Primary mental simulation, (4) The offsetting of key parameters, (5) secondary mental simulation, and (6) the decision making process. These steps were used to develop the "Strategic Intuition Decision-making Model" for Venture and Small-Business Executives. The case study results further showed that firstly, the success of decision-making was determined in the "secondary mental simulation' stage, and secondly, that more difficulty in management was encountered when expert intuition was used more than strategic intuition and lastly strategic intuition is possible to be educated.

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Modified Local Color Transfer with Color Category Map (컬러 카테고리 맵을 이용한 수정된 지역적인 색변환)

  • Ha, Ho-Gun;Kyung, Wang-Jun;Kim, Dae-Chul;Ha, Yeong-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.67-73
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    • 2012
  • Local color transfer is the process of assigning a given color to a local region in a target image. The local region that contains the given color has to be segmented. Conventionally, the segmentation of the corresponding local region in a target image is based on the color distance. The region which is the closest in color distance is separated. However, since the close range of color distance separating a given color from target image is ambiguous and uncertain, color distortion is often generated around a separated local region. Therefore, this paper addresses the problem of segmentation in a local color transfer. To prevent color distortion, a modified color influence map is proposed with color categories. First, the target image is roughly segmented using a color category map, which groups similar colors in color space. It restricts the color transfer to a specific color category according to a given color. Second, modified color influence map assigning different weight to lightness and chroma, respectively, is used instead of Euclidian color distance. Then, by combining a modified color influence map and color category map filtered with anisotropic diffusion, a local region that contains a given color can be segmented more strictly than conventional method.

The Analysis of Job Stress of Workers in the Architectural Design Firm After the Introduction of BIM (BIM 도입 후 설계사무소 실무자들의 직무스트레스 분석)

  • Seo, Hee-Chang;Oh, Jung-Keun;Kim, Jea-Jun
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.120-131
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    • 2012
  • Today, companies exist amid unlimited competition and uncertain adminstration environment, so hands-on workers are being exposed to various job requirements and stress due to this. Especially, employees in the design firm are physically difficult because of heavy working intensity unlike other industrial field, and because the process is interrelated unlike working of a five-day workday of the other industry, it is difficult to guarantee periodic holidays and vacation. In addition, recently, while BIM is introduced in the construction industry, various changes in the individual role as well as organizational dimension such as business environment and scope & role, etc. are required, so it is the actual situation that the category and factors of job stress due to this are being also changed. Accordingly, this research has grasped important and weak sectors according to characteristics such as career, position, gender, education and existence/nonexistence of BIM template, etc. by confirming a job stress level and inducing factors of hands-on workers at the design firm. This research has a meaning in constructing a business environment of a design firm that is a main participant of BIM-based projects that are expected to have high utilization in the future.

Assessment of Rocks and Alteration Information Extraction using ASTER data for Övörkhangaii Province, Mongolia (ASTER 영상자료를 활용한 몽골 오보르항가이(Övörkhangai) 일대 암상 빛 변질 정보추출의 활용가능성 평가)

  • Jeong, Yongsik;Yu, Jaehyung;Koh, Sang-Mo;Heo, Chul-Ho
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.325-335
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    • 2015
  • This study examined the possibility to extract potential alteration zones and lithologic information based on ASTER band ratio techniques for mineralized area located in ${\ddot{O}}v{\ddot{o}}rkhangai$ province, Mongolia, and the effectiveness of remote sensing as a preliminary exploration tool for mineral exploration was tested. The results of ABRLO, PBRLO, and PrBRLO models indicated that the detection of argillic zone requires the verification of the samples to verify hydrothermal alteration minerals as clay minerals can formed by weathering process, whereas phyllic-propylitic zones were considerably related to the spatial distribution of the intrusive bodies, geological structures, and ore distribution. QI and MI results showed that QI is more useful for sedimentary rocks such as conglomerate and sandstone than meta-sedimentary like quartzite, and MI faced relatively uncertain in detection of felsic or mafic silicate rocks. QI and MI may require additional geologic information such as the characteristics of samples and geological survey data to improve extraction of lithologic information, and, if so, it is expected that remote sensing technique would contribute significantly as a preliminary geological survey method.

Changes in the Usage of Dental Technology CAD/CAM (치과기공 CAD/CAM 사용에 대한 실태변화)

  • Nah, Jung-Sook
    • Journal of Technologic Dentistry
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.271-284
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the usage of CAD/CAM, which is one of dental technologist duties, in an effort to look for any possible changes in the usage of CAD/CAM. It's specifically meant to compare the results of this study with those of Lee Jong-do, Park Kwang-Sig(2011)'s study in March, 2011, to determine if there were any changes over the past four years. The selected variables that were investigated were the ownership of CAD/CAM, awareness of it, the route of acquiring the first information on it, the merits and demerits of its usage, usage experience and educational experience about it. Methods: An online survey was conducted on the dental technologists who worked in urban communities including metropolitan cities to find out the usage of CAD/CAM in 2015 from July 15 to 31, 2015, after existing questionnaire items were modified. The collected data were analyzed by IBM SPSS statistics 22.0, and statistical data on frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation for each item were obtained. To figure out the characteristics of the subjects and the relationship between their occupational characteristics and the usage of CAD/CAM, crosstabs, independent-samples t-test and one-way ANOVA were utilized. As for the usage of CAD/CAM in 2011, the results of Lee Jong-do, Park Kwang-Sig(2011)'s study were selected, and then a comparative analysis was made. The level of significance was all set at .05. Total 250 questionnaires were distributed to them, and 190(76.0%) were returned. After excluding 23 whose answers were uncertain or seemed to lack reliability, total 167(66.8%) were used in final analysis. Results: As a result of analyzing the usage of CAD/CAM that was one of dental technologist duties, there was a great increase in the ownership of CAD/CAM in their workplaces from 2.4 percent in 2011 to 71.7 percent in 2015, and there was an improvement in awareness about it and the necessity of its usage as well. In 2011, the Internet and mass media were the most common route that they got to know about it. They had a strong tendency to acquire related knowledge through education in 2015, and there were some changes in the products that they used or preferred. In both years, the great merit of CAD/CAM was the simplified manufacturing process of restoration, and it had another great advantages in 2015 such as the improved quality of restoration or improved environments for dental technology. Concerning disadvantages, high price was a big problem in 2011. In 2015, not only price but the burden of material costs, frequent breakdown, poor demand among dental clinics and a lack of CAD/CAM professionals were pointed out a lot. In the future, this researcher intends to make research to seek ways of improving CAD/CAM professionals. Conclusion: There was more awareness of CAD/CAM in 2015 than in 2011 when the changes in awareness of it were analyzed, and the finding suggest the necessity of sustained education and concern.