• Title/Summary/Keyword: Ultra Low Power

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A Study on Improved Sum Rate of Cross-Correlated SC NOMA toward 6G URLLC (6G URLLC를 지향한 교차 상관 관계 중첩 코딩을 사용하는 비직교 다중 접속의 향상된 총 전송률에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Kyuhyuk
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.11 no.9
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2021
  • Since recently only an auto-correlated superposition coding (SC) scheme for non-orthogonal multiple access(NOMA) has been investigated, this paper proposes a cross-correlated SC scheme for NOMA. First, we derive the closed-form expression of the sum rate of the proposed cross-correlated SC scheme. Then, numerical analyses demonstrate that the sum rate of the proposed cross-correlated SC scheme is larger than that of the conventional auto-correlated SC scheme. We also show that for the stronger channel gain user, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) gain of the proposed cross-correlated SC scheme is about 15, compared with the conventional auto-correlated SC scheme. As a result, the proposed cross-correlated SC scheme could be a promising technology for 6G ultra-reliable low-latency communications (URLLC).

Blockchain-based lightweight consensus algorithm (L-PBFT) for building trust networks in IoT environment (IoT 환경에서 신뢰 네트워크 구축을 위한 블록체인 기반의 경량 합의 알고리즘(L-PBFT))

  • Park, Jung-Oh
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2022
  • With the development of the Internet of Things (IoT), related network infrastructures require new technologies to protect against threats such as external hacking. This study proposes an L-PBFT consensus algorithm that can protect IoT networks based on a blockchain consensus algorithm. We designed a blockchain (private) model suitable for small networks, tested processing performance for ultra-small/low-power IoT devices, and verified stability. As a result of performance analysis, L-PBFT proved that at least the number of nodes complies with the operation of the consensus algorithm(minimum 14%, maximum 29%) and establishes a trust network(separation of secure channels) different from existing security protocols. This study is a 4th industry convergence research and will be a foundation technology that will help develop IoT device security products in the future.

Microcode based Controller for Compact CNN Accelerators Aimed at Mobile Devices (모바일 디바이스를 위한 소형 CNN 가속기의 마이크로코드 기반 컨트롤러)

  • Na, Yong-Seok;Son, Hyun-Wook;Kim, Hyung-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.355-366
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    • 2022
  • This paper proposes a microcode-based neural network accelerator controller for artificial intelligence accelerators that can be reconstructed using a programmable architecture and provide the advantages of low-power and ultra-small chip size. In order for the target accelerator to support various neural network models, the neural network model can be converted into microcode through microcode compiler and mounted on accelerator to control the operators of the accelerator such as datapath and memory access. While the proposed controller and accelerator can run various CNN models, in this paper, we tested them using the YOLOv2-Tiny CNN model. Using a system clock of 200 MHz, the Controller and accelerator achieved an inference time of 137.9 ms/image for VOC 2012 dataset to detect object, 99.5ms/image for mask detection dataset to detect wearing mask. When implementing an accelerator equipped with the proposed controller as a silicon chip, the gate count is 618,388, which corresponds to 65.5% reduction in chip area compared with an accelerator employing a CPU-based controller (RISC-V).

Gas Leakage Estimation System Using Indoor Mobility (실내 모빌리티를 활용한 가스 누출 추정 시스템)

  • Eunhye Kwon;Donkyu Baek
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2024
  • In unmanned environments such as smart factories, it is difficult to detect gas leaks that leads to more severe accidents after diffusion. Typically, the most effective approach to detecting gas leaks is to install a large number of sensor nodes across a wide factory area. However, as the scale of the factory increases, it becomes more challenging to achieve precise detection due to installation cost. To address this, this paper proposes a low-power indoor gas leak estimation system that combines a mobility platform with ultra-wideband based positioning technology. The system enables indoor mobility devices to measure gas concentrations at different locations and analyze their distribution. The proposed system implements a gas distribution model with an indoor positioning system and a gas measurement system and estimates the gas leak source accurately. Experiments validate that the proposed system demonstrated high accuracy and reliability with a localization error of 12.9 cm for estimating the source of the leak.

Performance Analysis of Noncoherent OOK UWB Transceiver for LR-WPAN (저속 WPAN용 비동기 OOK 방식 UWB 송수신기 성능 분석)

  • Ki Myoungoh;Choi Sungsoo;Oh Hui-Myoung;Kim Kwan-Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.30 no.11A
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    • pp.1027-1034
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    • 2005
  • IEEE802.15.4a, which is started to realize the PHY layer including high precision ranging/positioning and low data rate communication functions, requires a simple and low power consumable transceiver architecture. To satisfy this requirements, the simple noncoherent on-off keying (OOK) UWB transceiver with the parallel energy window banks (PEWB) giving high precision signal processing interface is proposed. The flexibility of the proposed system in multipath fading channel environments is acquired with the pulse and bit repetition method. To analyze the bit error rate (BER) performance of this proposed system, a noise model in receiver is derived with commonly used random variable distribution, chi-square. BER of $10^{-5}$ under the line-of-sight (LOS) residential channel is achieved with the integration time of 32 ns and signal to noise ratio (SNR) of 15.3 dB. For the non-line-of-sight (NLOS) outdoor channel, the integration time of 72 ns and SNR of 16.2 dB are needed. The integrated energy to total received energy (IRR) for the best BER performance is about $86\%$.

A Study on the Technology Development of User-based Home Automation Service (사용자 위치기반 홈오토메이션 서비스 기술 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jung-Gi;Lee, Yeong-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.327-332
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    • 2017
  • As Internet of Things (IoT) technology advances, there is a growing demand for location-based services (LBSs) to identify users' mobility and identity. The initial LBS system was mainly used to measure position information by measuring the phase of a signal transmitted from a global positioning system (GPS) satellite or by measuring distance to a satellite by tracking the code of a carrier signal. However, the use of GPS satellites is ineffective, because it is difficult to receive satellite signals indoors. Therefore, research on wireless communications systems like ultra-wide band (UWB), radio frequency identification (RFID), and ZigBee are being actively pursued for location recognition technology that can be utilized in an indoor environment. In this paper, we propose an LBS system that includes the 2.45GHz band for chirp spread spectrum (CSS), and the 3.1-10.6GHz band and the 250-750MHz bands for UWB using the IEEE 802.15.4a standard for low power-based location recognition. As a result, we confirmed that the 2.45GHz Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) band RF transceiver and the ranging function can be realized in the hardware and has 0dBm output power.

A Study on the Development of Multifuntional Real-Time Inclination and Azimuth Measurement System (다용도 실시간 경사각과 방위각 연속 측정 시스템 개발연구)

  • Kim, Gyuhyun;Cho, Sung-Ho;Jung, Hyun-Key;Lee, Hyosun;Son, Jeong-Sul
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.588-601
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    • 2013
  • In geophysics and geophysical exploration fields, we can use information about inclination and azimuth in various ways. These include borehole deviation logging for inversion process, real-time data acquisition system, geophysical monitoring system, and so on. This type of information is also necessarily used in the directional drilling of shale gas fields. We thus need to develop a subminiature, low-powered, multi-functional inclination and azimuth measurement system for geophysical exploration fields. In this paper, to develop real-time measurement system, we adopt the high performance low power Micro Control Unit (made with state-of-the-art Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor technology) and newly released Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Attitude Heading Reference System sensors. We present test results on the development of a multifunctional real-time inclination and azimuth measurement system. The developed system has an ultra-slim body so as to be installed in 42mm sonde. Also, this system allows us to acquire data in real-time and to easily expand its application by synchronizing with a depth encoder or Differential Global Positioning System.

The Fabrication of Poly-Si Solar Cells for Low Cost Power Utillity (저가 지상전력을 위한 다결정 실리콘 태양전지 제작)

  • Kim, S.S.;Lim, D.G.;Shim, K.S.;Lee, J.H.;Kim, H.W.;Yi, J.
    • Solar Energy
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.3-11
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    • 1997
  • Because grain boundaries in polycrystalline silicon act as potential barriers and recombination centers for the photo-generated charge carriers, these defects degrade conversion effiency of solar cell. To reduce these effects of grain boundaries, we investigated various influencing factors such as thermal treatment, various grid pattern, selective wet etching for grain boundaries, buried contact metallization along grain boundaries, grid on metallic thin film. Pretreatment above $900^{\circ}C$ in $N_2$ atmosphere, gettering by $POCl_3$ and Al treatment for back surface field contributed to obtain a high quality poly-Si. To prevent carrier losses at the grain boundaries, we carried out surface treatment using Schimmel etchant. This etchant delineated grain boundaries of $10{\mu}m$ depth as well as surface texturing effect. A metal AI diffusion into grain boundaries on rear side reduced back surface recombination effects at grain boundaries. A combination of fine grid with finger spacing of 0.4mm and buried electrode along grain boundaries improved short circuit current density of solar cell. A ultra-thin Chromium layer of 20nm with transmittance of 80% reduced series resistance. This paper focused on the grain boundary effect for terrestrial applications of solar cells with low cost, large area, and high efficiency.

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Cortex M3 Based Lightweight Security Protocol for Authentication and Encrypt Communication between Smart Meters and Data Concentrate Unit (스마트미터와 데이터 집중 장치간 인증 및 암호화 통신을 위한 Cortex M3 기반 경량 보안 프로토콜)

  • Shin, Dong-Myung;Ko, Sang-Jun
    • Journal of Software Assessment and Valuation
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.111-119
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    • 2019
  • The existing smart grid device authentication system is concentrated on DCU, meter reading FEP and MDMS, and the authentication system for smart meters is not established. Although some cryptographic chips have been developed at present, it is difficult to complete the PKI authentication scheme because it is at the low level of simple encryption. Unlike existing power grids, smart grids are based on open two-way communication, increasing the risk of accidents as information security vulnerabilities increase. However, PKI is difficult to apply to smart meters, and there is a possibility of accidents such as system shutdown by sending manipulated packets and sending false information to the operating system. Issuing an existing PKI certificate to smart meters with high hardware constraints makes authentication and certificate renewal difficult, so an ultra-lightweight password authentication protocol that can operate even on the poor performance of smart meters (such as non-IP networks, processors, memory, and storage space) was designed and implemented. As a result of the experiment, lightweight cryptographic authentication protocol was able to be executed quickly in the Cortex-M3 environment, and it is expected that it will help to prepare a more secure authentication system in the smart grid industry.

Digital Logic Extraction from QCA Designs (QCA 설계에서 디지털 논리 자동 추출)

  • Oh, Youn-Bo;Kim, Kyo-Sun
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 2009
  • Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA) is one of the most promising next generation nanoelectronic devices which will inherit the throne of CMOS which is the domineering implementation technology for large scale low power digital systems. In late 1990s, the basic operations of the QCA cell were already demonstrated on a hardware implementation. Also, design tools and simulators were developed. Nevertheless, its design technology is not quite ready for ultra large scale designs. This paper proposes a new approach which enables the QCA designs to inherit the verification methodologies and tools of CMOS designs, as well. First, a set of disciplinary rules strictly restrict the cell arrangement not to deviate from the predefined structures but to guarantee the deterministic digital behaviors is proposed. After the gate and interconnect structures of. the QCA design are identified, the signal integrity requirements including the input path balancing of majority gates, and the prevention of the noise amplification are checked. And then the digital logic is extracted and stored in the OpenAccess common engineering database which provides a connection to a large pool of CMOS design verification tools. Towards validating the proposed approach, we designed a 2-bit adder, a bit-serial adder, and an ALU bit-slice. For each design, the digital logic is extracted, translated into the Verilog net list, and then simulated using a commercial software.