• 제목/요약/키워드: UCC Information Traits

검색결과 5건 처리시간 0.023초

UCC 정보특성이 구매의도에 미치는 영향 -소비자 만족 및 신뢰를 매개로 하여- (The Effect of UCC Information Trait on Purchase Intention: The Mediation Consumer Satisfaction and Trust)

  • 박노현;전태유
    • 디지털산업정보학회논문지
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.161-175
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships among UCC information traits, consumer satisfaction, consumer trust, and intention of purchase. The data was collected 297 customers and analyzed using SPSS ver. 14.0. The results of this study are as follows: First, informativeness, playfulness, reliability, and usefulness of UCC information traits had significantly positive effect on consumer satisfaction. Second, informativeness, reliability, usefulness, and interactivity of UCC information traits had significantly positive effect on consumer trust. Third, consumer satisfaction and consumer trust had significantly positive effect on purchase intention. According to the results, UCC information traits are commonly important feature throughout customer satisfaction and trust. And customer satisfaction and trust are important factors on purchase intention.

콘텐츠와 패러디 특성이 UCC 사용자 태도 및 온라인 구전의도에 미치는 영향 (The Effects of Contents and Parody Traits on UCC User Attitude and e-Worth of Mouth)

  • 황인호;김태하;김진수
    • 한국정보시스템학회지:정보시스템연구
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2012
  • This study aims to investigate the effects of UCC parody content trait on user attitude and e-word of mouth. The conventional methods had two identified factors: UCC content factors - trust, usefulness, and information, and parody content factors - humor, satire, and mockery. It also analyzes the impacts gap in UCC attitude between a high-involvement user and a low-involvement user in UCC contents. In this study, our findings are broadly summarized as follows: first, both trust and information, of UCC content factors, showed a positive impact on UCC attitude; second, both humor and satire, of parody content factors, showed a positive impact on UCC attitude; third, UCC attitude showed a positive impact on e-word of mouth, and both humor and satire were highly correlated to UCC attitude in UCC involvement user groups. In conclusion, this study is expected to give useful suggestions on selecting variables for further studies on UCC parody contents.

웹 2.0에서 사용자 특성과 플로우 간 관계 (Exploring Individual Differences and Flow in Web 2.0 Services)

  • 문윤지
    • 한국정보통신학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정보통신학회 2013년도 추계학술대회
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    • pp.569-572
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    • 2013
  • 플로우 이론에 근거해서 본 연구는 개인의 성격이 UCC를 활용할 때 개인의 플로우 경험과 사용형태에 어떠한 영향을 미치는 가를 탐색하고자 한다. 연구결과는 외향성은 사용자가 오락의 목적으로 UGC를 활용할 때 긍정적인 영향관계를 보인다고 시사하고 있으며, 반면 커뮤니케이션이나 정보추구의 목적일 때는 부정적인 관계가 있음을 나타냈다. 한편, 신경성은 오락 및 커뮤니케이션 목적의 UGC 활용과 긍정적인 관계가 있었으며, 정신병리적 성향의 경우 정보추구적 목적의 UCC 활용과 부정적인 관계를 보였다. 본 연구는 플로우의 선행요인과 영향요인을 포함한 실증연구를 제시함으로써 플로우 이론을 확장함에 그 의의가 있다.

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사용자 제작 콘텐츠의 활성화 요인에 대한 정성적 연구: 구비문학 이론을 중심으로 (A Qualitative Study on Facilitating Factors of User-Created Contents: Based on Theories of Folklore)

  • 정승기;이기호;이인성;김진우
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.43-72
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    • 2009
  • Recently, user-created content (UCC) have emerged as popular medium of on-line participation among users. The Internet environment has been constantly evolving, attracting active participation and information sharing among common users. This tendency is a significant deviation from the earlier Internet use as an one-way information channel through which users passively received information or contents from contents providers. Thanks to UCCs online users can now more freely generate and exchange contents; therefore, identifying the critical factors that affect content-generating activities has increasingly become an important issue. This paper proposes a set of critical factors for stimulating contents generation and sharing activities by Internet users. These factors were derived from the theories of folklores such as tales and songs. Based on some shared traits of folklores and UCC content, we found four critical elements which should be heeded in constructing UCC contents, which are: context of culture, context of situation, skill of generator, and response of audience. In addition, we selected three major UCC websites: a specialized contents portal, a general internet portal, and an official contents service site, They have different use environments, user interfaces, and service policies, To identify critical factors for generating, sharing and transferring UCC, we traced user activities, interactions and flows of content in the three UCC websites. Moreover, we conducted extensive interviews with users and operators as well as policy makers in each site. Based on qualitative and quantitative analyses of the data, this research identifies nine critical factors that facilitate contents generation and sharing activities among users. In the context of culture, we suggest voluntary community norms, proactive use of copyrights, strong user relationships, and a fair monetary reward system as critical elements in facilitating the process of contents generation and sharing activities. Norms which were established by users themselves regulate user behavior and influence content format. Strong relationships of users stimulate content generation activities by enhancing collaborative content generation. Particularly, users generate contents through collaboration with others, based on their enhanced relationship and specialized skills. They send and receive contents by leaving messages on website or blogs, using instant messenger or SMS. It is an interesting and important phenomenon, because the quality of contents can be constantly improved and revised, depending on the specialized abilities of those engaged in a particular content. In this process, the reward system is an essential driving factor. Yet, monetary reward should be considered only after some fair criterion is established. In terms of the context of the situation, the quality of contents uploading system was proposed to have strong influence on the content generating activities. Among other influential factors on contents generation activities are generators' specialized skills and involvement of the users were proposed. In addition, the audience response, especially effective development of shared interests as well as feedback, was suggested to have significant influence on contents generation activities. Content generators usually reflect the shared interest of others. Shared interest is a distinct characteristic of UCC and observed in all the three websites, in which common interest is formed by the "threads" embedded with content. Through such threads of information and contents users discuss and share ideas while continuously extending and updating shared contents in the process. Evidently, UCC is a new paradigm representing the next generation of the Internet. In order to fully utilize this innovative paradigm, we need to understand how users take advantage of this medium in generating contents, and what affects their content generation activities. Based on these findings, UCC service providers should design their websites as common playground where users freely interact and share their common interests. As such this paper makes an important first step to gaining better understand about this new communication paradigm created by UCC.

디지털 컨버전스 세대의 미래경제활동 특성에 관한 연구 (An Exploratory Study on Future Economic Activity of Digital Convergence Generation)

  • 김연정;박기호
    • 한국IT서비스학회지
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.33-46
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    • 2011
  • This research focus on the economic activity as consumer and producer traits of future customers in the convergence age. We assess level of convergence for digital devices and services respectively by questionnaire survey and interview for 14 professions. And then, for evaluating convergence level and usage of digital services of each respondents, we conducted the questionnaire survey for 343 samples. Findings of our research hold that the group who showed higher level of convergence tends to use the socialized digital services more. Convergence generation were heavy users in appstore on smart-phone and wireless game and more participating. In digital service area, facebook/cyworld, twitter, UCC, portal, internet community in digital service. Convergence generation are global network communication, buying decision making activity, actively opinion expression, prosumer attitude, dependency on digital device, experience based purchase behavior, enthusiastic information sharing.