• Title/Summary/Keyword: UAV Photogrammetry

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Analysis of the Accuracy of the UAV Photogrammetric Method using Digital Camera (디지털 카메라를 이용한 무인항공 사진측량의 정확도 분석)

  • Jung, Sung-Heuk;Lim, Hyeong-Min;Lee, Jae-Kee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.741-747
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    • 2009
  • For construction of 3D virtual city models, airborne digital cameras, laser scanners, multi-oblique photograph systems and other devices are currently being used. With such advanced techniques, precise 3D spatial information can be collected and high quality 3D city models can be built in a considerably large area. The 3D spatial information to be built has to provide the latest information that quickly reflects the causes of any change due to urban development. In this study, a UAV photogrammetric method using low cost UAV and digital camera was proposed to acquire and update 3D spatial information effectively on small areas where information continuously change. In the proposed UAV photogrammetric method, the elements of interior orientation were acquired through camera calibration and the vertical and oblique photographs were taken at 9 points and the 3D drawing of ground control points and buildings was performed using 20 images among the pictured images. This study also analyzed the accuracy of the proposed method comparing with ground survey data and digital map in order to examine whether the method can be used in on-demand 3D spatial information update on relatively small areas.

Application of Deep Learning Method for Real-Time Traffic Analysis using UAV (UAV를 활용한 실시간 교통량 분석을 위한 딥러닝 기법의 적용)

  • Park, Honglyun;Byun, Sunghoon;Lee, Hansung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.353-361
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    • 2020
  • Due to the rapid urbanization, various traffic problems such as traffic jams during commute and regular traffic jams are occurring. In order to solve these traffic problems, it is necessary to quickly and accurately estimate and analyze traffic volume. ITS (Intelligent Transportation System) is a system that performs optimal traffic management by utilizing the latest ICT (Information and Communications Technology) technologies, and research has been conducted to analyze fast and accurate traffic volume through various techniques. In this study, we proposed a deep learning-based vehicle detection method using UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) video for real-time traffic analysis with high accuracy. The UAV was used to photograph orthogonal videos necessary for training and verification at intersections where various vehicles pass and trained vehicles by classifying them into sedan, truck, and bus. The experiment on UAV dataset was carried out using YOLOv3 (You Only Look Once V3), a deep learning-based object detection technique, and the experiments achieved the overall object detection rate of 90.21%, precision of 95.10% and the recall of 85.79%.

Comparison of Orthophotos and 3D Models Generated by UAV-Based Oblique Images Taken in Various Angles

  • Lee, Ki Rim;Han, You Kyung;Lee, Won Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.117-126
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    • 2018
  • Due to intelligent transport systems, location-based applications, and augmented reality, demand for image maps and 3D (Three-Dimensional) maps is increasing. As a result, data acquisition using UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) has flourished in recent years. However, even though orthophoto map production and research using UAVs are flourishing, few studies on 3D modeling have been conducted. In this study, orthophoto and 3D modeling research was performed using various angle images acquired by a UAV. For orthophotos, accuracy was evaluated using a GPS (Global Positioning System) survey that employed VRS (Virtual Reference Station) acquired checkpoints. 3D modeling was evaluated by calculating the RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) of the difference between the outline height values of buildings obtained from the GPS survey to the corresponding 3D modeling height values. The orthophotos satisfied the acceptable accuracy of NGII (National Geographic Information Institute) for a 1/500 scale map from all angles. In the case of 3D modeling, models based on images taken at 45 degrees revealed better accuracy of building outlines than models based on images taken at 30, 60, or 75 degrees. To summarize, it was shown that for orthophotos, the accuracy for 1/500 maps was satisfied at all angles; for 3D modeling, images taken at 45 degrees produced the most accurate models.

A Study on Calculating Relevant Length of Left Turn Storages Using UAV Spatial Images Considering Arrival Distribution Characteristics at Signalized Intersections in Urban Commercial Areas

  • Yang, Jaeho;Kim, Eungcheol;Na, Young-Woo;Choi, Byoung-Gil
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.153-164
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    • 2018
  • Calculating the relevant length of left turn storages in urban intersections is very crucial in road designs. A left turn lane consists of deceleration lanes and left turn storages. In this study, we developed methods for calculating relevant lengths of left turn storages that vary at each intersection using UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) spatial images. Problems of conventional design techniques are applying the same number of left turn vehicles (N) using Poisson distribution without considering land use types, using a vehicle length that may not be measurable when applying the length of waiting vehicles (S), and using same storage length coefficient (${\alpha}$), 1.5, for every intersections. In order to solve these problems, we estimated the number of left turn vehicles (N) using an empirical distribution, suggested to use headways of vehicles for (S) to calculate the length of waiting vehicles (S) with a help of using UAV spatial images, and defined ranges of storage length coefficient (${\alpha}$) from 1.0 to 1.5 for flexible design. For more convenient design, it is suitable to classify two cases when possible to know and impossible to know about ratio of large trucks among vehicles when planning an intersection. We developed formula for each case to calculate left turn storage lengths of a minimum and a maximum. By applying developed methods and values, more efficient signalized intersection operation can be accomplished.

Detection of Cropland in Reservoir Area by Using Supervised Classification of UAV Imagery Based on GLCM (GLCM 기반 UAV 영상의 감독분류를 이용한 저수구역 내 농경지 탐지)

  • Kim, Gyu Mun;Choi, Jae Wan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.433-442
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    • 2018
  • The reservoir area is defined as the area surrounded by the planned flood level of the dam or the land under the planned flood level of the dam. In this study, supervised classification based on RF (Random Forest), which is a representative machine learning technique, was performed to detect cropland in the reservoir area. In order to classify the cropland in the reservoir area efficiently, the GLCM (Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix), which is a representative technique to quantify texture information, NDWI (Normalized Difference Water Index) and NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) were utilized as additional features during classification process. In particular, we analyzed the effect of texture information according to window size for generating GLCM, and suggested a methodology for detecting croplands in the reservoir area. In the experimental result, the classification result showed that cropland in the reservoir area could be detected by the multispectral, NDVI, NDWI and GLCM images of UAV, efficiently. Especially, the window size of GLCM was an important parameter to increase the classification accuracy.

A Study on the Optimal Shooting Conditions of UAV for 3D Production and Orthophoto Generation (3D 제작과 정사영상 생성을 위한 UAV 최적 촬영 조건 연구)

  • Cho, Jungmin;Lee, Jongseok;Lee, Byoungkil
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.645-653
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    • 2020
  • Recently studies on how to use the UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) are actively being conducted, and the National Geographic Information Institute published the 『Work Guidelines for Public Surveying of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles』. However, the guidelines do not provide the optimum shooting conditions required for each application. In this study, we tried to find the suitable shooting conditions for the production of 3D (Three-dimensional) spatial information and orthophoto. To this end, 45 experiments were conducted by various altitudes, overlaps, and camera angles within an above ground level of 150m. For evaluating the 3D modeling by shooting conditions, point densities of 9 verification areas were analyzed, and to evaluate the orthophotos, 1/1,000 digital maps were compared. Considering the quality of the output and the processing time for precise 3D construction, an altitude of 50m, an overlap of 70~80%, and a camera angle of 80~90° are suitable as shooting conditions, and an altitude of 100m and camera angle of 80~90° are suitable for orthophoto generation.

Analysis of Three Dimensional Positioning Accuracy of Vectorization Using UAV-Photogrammetry (무인항공사진측량을 이용한 벡터화의 3차원 위치정확도 분석)

  • Lee, Jae One;Kim, Doo Pyo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.525-533
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    • 2019
  • There are two feature collection methods in digital mapping using the UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) Photogrammetry: vectorization and stereo plotting. In vectorization, planar information is extracted from orthomosaics and elevation value obtained from a DSM (Digital Surface Model) or a DEM (Digital Elevation Model). However, the exact determination of the positional accuracy of 3D features such as ground facilities and buildings is very ambiguous, because the accuracy of vectorizing results has been mainly analyzed using only check points placed on the ground. Thus, this study aims to review the possibility of 3D spatial information acquisition and digital map production of vectorization by analyzing the corner point coordinates of different layers as well as check points. To this end, images were taken by a Phantom 4 (DJI) with 3.6 cm of GSD (Ground Sample Distance) at altitude of 90 m. The outcomes indicate that the horizontal RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) of vectorization method is 0.045 cm, which was calculated from residuals at check point compared with those of the field survey results. It is therefore possible to produce a digital topographic (plane) map of 1:1,000 scale using ortho images. On the other hand, the three-dimensional accuracy of vectorization was 0.068~0.162 m in horizontal and 0.090~1.840 m in vertical RMSE. It is thus difficult to obtain 3D spatial information and 1:1,000 digital map production by using vectorization due to a large error in elevation.

Comparison of Match Candidate Pair Constitution Methods for UAV Images Without Orientation Parameters (표정요소 없는 다중 UAV영상의 대응점 추출 후보군 구성방법 비교)

  • Jung, Jongwon;Kim, Taejung;Kim, Jaein;Rhee, Sooahm
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.647-656
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    • 2016
  • Growth of UAV technology leads to expansion of UAV image applications. Many UAV image-based applications use a method called incremental bundle adjustment. However, incremental bundle adjustment produces large computation overhead because it attempts feature matching from all image pairs. For efficient feature matching process we have to confine matching only for overlapping pairs using exterior orientation parameters. When exterior orientation parameters are not available, we cannot determine overlapping pairs. We need another methods for feature matching candidate constitution. In this paper we compare matching candidate constitution methods without exterior orientation parameters, including partial feature matching, Bag-of-keypoints, image intensity method. We use the overlapping pair determination method based on exterior orientation parameter as reference. Experiment results showed the partial feature matching method in the one with best efficiency.

Normalized Digital Surface Model Extraction and Slope Parameter Determination through Region Growing of UAV Data (무인항공기 데이터의 영역 확장법 적용을 통한 정규수치표면모델 추출 및 경사도 파라미터 설정)

  • Yeom, Junho;Lee, Wonhee;Kim, Taeheon;Han, Youkyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.499-506
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    • 2019
  • NDSM (Normalized Digital Surface Model) is key information for the detailed analysis of remote sensing data. Although NDSM can be simply obtained by subtracting a DTM (Digital Terrain Model) from a DSM (Digital Surface Model), in case of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) data, it is difficult to get an accurate DTM due to high resolution characteristics of UAV data containing a large number of complex objects on the ground such as vegetation and urban structures. In this study, RGB-based UAV vegetation index, ExG (Excess Green) was used to extract initial seed points having low ExG values for region growing such that a DTM can be generated cost-effectively based on high resolution UAV data. For this process, local window analysis was applied to resolve the problem of erroneous seed point extraction from local low ExG points. Using the DSM values of seed points, region growing was applied to merge neighboring terrain pixels. Slope criteria were adopted for the region growing process and the seed points were determined as terrain points in case the size of segments is larger than 0.25 ㎡. Various slope criteria were tested to derive the optimized value for UAV data-based NDSM generation. Finally, the extracted terrain points were evaluated and interpolation was performed using the terrain points to generate an NDSM. The proposed method was applied to agricultural area in order to extract the above ground heights of crops and check feasibility of agricultural monitoring.

Calibration of a UAV Based Low Altitude Multi-sensor Photogrammetric System (UAV기반 저고도 멀티센서 사진측량 시스템의 캘리브레이션)

  • Lee, Ji-Hun;Choi, Kyoung-Ah;Lee, Im-Pyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2012
  • The geo-referencing accuracy of the images acquired by a UAV based multi-sensor system is affected by the accuracy of the mounting parameters involving the relationship between a camera and a GPS/INS system as well as the performance of a GPS/INS system. Therefore, the estimation of the accurate mounting parameters of a multi-sensor system is important. Currently, we are developing a low altitude multi-sensor system based on a UAV, which can monitor target areas in real time for rapid responses for emergency situations such as natural disasters and accidents. In this study, we suggest a system calibration method for the estimation of the mounting parameters of a multi-sensor system like our system. We also generate simulation data with the sensor specifications of our system, and derive an effective flight configuration and the number of ground control points for accurate and efficient system calibration by applying the proposed method to the simulated data. The experimental results indicate that the proposed method can estimate accurate mounting parameters using over five ground control points and flight configuration composed of six strips. In the near future, we plan to estimate mounting parameters of our system using the proposed method and evaluate the geo-referencing accuracy of the acquired sensory data.