• Title/Summary/Keyword: Trunk & Back Muscle

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Reactive muscle control, sternocleidomastoid and psoas, and sit-up impossible; an experimental study (윗몸일으키기가 불가한 요통 환자에 대한 흉쇄유돌근과 요근의 반응성 근육조절 치료 방법의 적용에 관한 실험)

  • Kim, Wan-Tae
    • Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: The purpose of this experimental study have been testifying about reactive muscle control regarding sternocleidomastoid and psoas. Low back pain patient do not sit-up exercise without abnormality of trunk flexor. The reason of problem is unbalance sternocleidomastoid and psoas. According to George J, Goodheart who have been developing Applied Kinesiology (A. K.) since reactive muscle recognized gait testing in 1964. Materials and Methods: From September, 2004 to February, 2005, I have controled sternocleidomastoid and psoas. It is applied to the patients who are unable sit up exercise at Yang-Dong local clinic, Yang-Pyung county, Kyung-Gi Do province in Korea. 24 Patients divided 2 groups. A group is applied general physical therapy. Also B group is added reactive muscle control from M.E.M.P.T.(Korean society of muscle and energy monitoring physical therapy) Results : The results of this study follow. 1. Possible sit up group 8 persons of the second group. 2. Not possible sit up group the others. Conclusion: The study present that reactive muscle control sternocliedomastoid and psoas is useful in patient with low back pain is difficult to sit up.

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Comparison of the Effect of Muscle Energy Techniques and Stretching Exercises on Pain and Psychosocial Dysfunction Levels in Individuals With Low Back Pain (근에너지기법과 스트레칭 운동이 허리 통증을 경험하고 있는 성인에 통증과 심리사회적 수준, 기능장애 수준, 체간 유연성에 미치는 영향 비교)

  • Cha, Byung-ha;Kim, Suhn-yeop
    • Physical Therapy Korea
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.54-63
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    • 2022
  • Background: Low back and neck pain are two of the most common medical problems in the adult population. It is estimated that between 70% and 80% adults experience an episode of low back pain at least once during their lifetime. Objects: This study aimed to compare the effects of various stretching exercises and muscle energy techniques used for treatment of iliopsoas, quadratus lumborum, and hamstrings of patients with low back pain. Methods: A total of 52 subjects were randomly assigned to the control group (n = 17), the muscle energy technology group (METG, n = 19), and the stretching exercise group (SEG, n = 16). Interventions were performed twice a week for 4 weeks. Outcomes were measured before and after 4 weeks of treatment in the three groups, using the Korean version of the Oswestry Disability Index, the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), the Fear Avoidance Belief Questionnaire (FABQ), the Finger to Floor test (FTF), the Modified-Modified Schober Test (MMS), and the Trunk Flexion Range of Motion test. Results: This study showed significant reduction in the pre-test and post-test KODI, VAS, and FABQ scores in all the three groups (p < 0.05). The KODI, VAS, FABQ and FTF assessed in this study showed interactions between the groups and the measurement time point (p < 0.01). After intervention, the KODI, VAS, FABQ and FTF in the SEG and METG were significantly higher (p < 0.05), and there was no difference between the METG and SEG. MMS and HFROM test showed no difference between the three groups (p > 0.05). Conclusion: KODI, VAS, FABQ and FTF showed significant improvement after basic physical therapy, muscle energy technique, and stretching exercise intervention. And there was no significant difference in the intervention effect between the muscle energy group and the stretching exercise group.

The Effects of Hip Abduction angles on Abdominal Muscle Activity During Leg Raising (다리들기 시 엉덩관절 벌림 각도가 배근육의 근활성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Min-Chull
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.165-171
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    • 2012
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study was to investigate the change of abdominal muscle activation during unilateral leg raising in supine position among three hip abduction angles($0^{\circ}$, $15^{\circ}$, $30^{\circ}$). Methods : Twenty eight able-body volunteers who had no medical history of low back and hip joint were recruited for this study. Abdominal muscle activity was recorded using surface EMG from both sides of the rectus abdominis, internal/external oblique muscle during leg raising in each position. Results : The muscle activations induced under the three different positions were compared and results showed that there was significant difference only in the right external oblique muscle activation. Conclusion : This study suggest that leg raising of different hip abduction angles without trunk control has little influence on abdominal muscle co-activation.

The Effects of Squatting Exercise with Gym Ball and Wall on Lower Extremity Muscles Activation (짐볼과 벽면을 이용한 스쿼트 운동이 하지근 활성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Oh, Tae-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.647-653
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    • 2013
  • PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to compare the lower extremities muscle activation between squatting exercise with gym ball and wall for improving muscle strengthening in lower extremities. METHODS: Participants were 21 university students (males 10, females 11) who didn't have any problem with orthopedic surgery. Participants performed squatting exercise with gym ball and wall. Squatting exercise with gym ball were performed using by gym ball behind back, and the gym ball were fixed in back and wall. We asked participants to push back the gym ball slightly to prevent fall of ball. Wall squatting exercise, we ask participants to contact their back in wall slightly in order to prevent trunk flexion during performed squatting exercise. Each squatting exercise had performed until knee joint were flexed at 60 degree, and maintained five seconds. We collected data from E.M.G of Biceps femoris, Gastrocnemius, Vastus medialis and lateralis, Tibialis anterior of lower extremity in isometric phase of knee joint angle 60 degree of each squatting exercise. We analysed data using by ANOVA and independent t-test of SPSS PC ver.20.0 in order to compare the muscle activation between squatting exercise with gym ball and wall. RESULT: All of lower extremities muscle activation showed more higher value in squatting exercise with gym ball than squatting exercise with wall, especially there was significantly difference of muscle activation in vastus medialis, tibialis anterior between squatting exercise with gymball and with wall. CONCLUSION: On comprehensively considering the results of the present study, we suggested that squatting exercise with gym ball was more effective method improving lower extremity muscle strengthening.

Core muscle Strengthening Effect During Spine Stabilization Exercise

  • Han, Kap-Soo;Nam, Hyun Do;Kim, Kyungho
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.2413-2419
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    • 2015
  • Core spinal muscles are related to trunk stability and assume the main role of stabilizing the spine during daily activities; strengthening of core muscles around the spine can therefore reduce the chance of back pain. The objective of the study was to investigate the effect of core muscle strengthening in the spine during spine stabilization exercise using a whole body tilt device. To achieve this, a validated musculoskeletal (MS) model of the whole body was used to replicate the input motion from the whole body tilting exercise. An inverse dynamics analysis was executed to estimate spine loads and muscle forces depending on the tilting angles of the exercise device. The activation of long and superficial back muscles such as the erector spinae (iliocostalis and longissimus) were mainly affected by the forward direction (-40°) of the tilt, while the front muscles (psoas major, quadratus lumborum, and external and internal obliques) were mainly affected by the backward tilting direction (40°). Deep muscles such as the multifidi and short muscles were activated in most directions of the rotation and tilt. The backward directions of the tilt using this device could be carefully applied for the elderly and for rehabilitation patients who are expected to have less muscle strength. In this study, it was shown that the spine stabilization exercise device can provide considerable muscle exercise effect.

Comparison of Rectus Abdominalis and Erector Spine Muscle Activities during Expected and Unexpected Sudden Loadings in Young Healthy Adults (예상 부하와 갑작스런 부하에 따른 정상 성인의 복직근과 요부 척추기립근의 근활성도 차이)

  • Kuk, Jung-Seok;Kim, Jae-Hun;Lee, Jun-Hyeong;Park, Boo-Ae;Park, Da-Soom;Yu, Hye-In
    • Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.65-72
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the responses of the trunk muscle during expected and unexpected sudden loadings of the hands on the sagittal plane. Twenty, young healthy adults(male 10, female 10) were participated to two different loading conditions : expected and unexpected sudden loadings. Different weights were dropped in hand : 5lb, 6lb, 7lb for male, and 3lb, 4lb, 5lb for female. EMG activity of rectus abdominalis and erector spine muscle were collected. Rectus abdominalis and lumbar erector spine muscle activity significantly increased in unexpected sudden loadings than expected sudden loadings(p<.05). This results indicate that co-contraction of abdominal and back muscle contribute for dynamic spinal stability during expected or unexpected activities of daily living. Preparatory adjustments can be made which reduce the postural perturbation to sudden load and prevent low back injuries.

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A Case Report on the Immediate Effects of Cytoskeletal Manual Therapy on Pain, Muscle Thickness, and Pressure Pain Threshold in a Patient with Scoliosis

  • Hyunjoong Kim;Dajeong Kim
    • Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Science
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.19-25
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    • 2023
  • Objective: Patients with scoliosis complain of various symptoms such as muscle imbalance, dysfunction, back pain, abnormal posture and gait abnormality. The most basic treatment for scoliosis is to observe the progress based on conservative treatment. Therefore, in this case report, the effect of cytoskeletal manual therapy (CMT), a soft tissue mobilization technique, on pain intensity, muscle thickness, and pressure pain threshold (PPT) in a patient with scoliosis was investigated. Design: A case report Methods: A 25-year-old male diagnosed with scoliosis visited the Neuromusculoskeletal Science Laboratory with chronic back pain. In the laboratory, scoliosis was confirmed through the X-ray image used for his diagnosis, and it was confirmed again through Adam's forward bending test. Pain, pressure pain threshold and muscle thickness were measured to compare the immediate effects of CMT applied in the laboratory for 40 minutes. Treatments were visited two weeks after the first visit and outcome measures were assessed after a total of two visits. Results: After receiving CMT up to the second session, the pain intensity decreased by 4 points and the screening angle decreased by 15 degrees. Muscle thickness decreased in all but 10 mm on the dominant side of the thoracic spine. All of the PPTs increased, and the greatest increase was 3.1 lb on the dominant side of the thoracic spine. Conclusions: CMT showed positive improvement in pain during trunk flexion, spinal curvature, muscle imbalance, and pressure pain, which is considered as an ancillary treatment option for scoliosis management.

The effects of PNF hamstring stretching on lower back movement and flexibility (PNF를 이용한 슬괵근 신장 운동이 요부 움직임과 유연성에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Won-Jye;Kim, Young-Jung;Kim, Yoon-Hwan;Jang, Young-Su;Son, Kyung-Hyun
    • PNF and Movement
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.55-61
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    • 2010
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study was to find out which method was efficient to enhance the flexibility of lower back between PNF(proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation) and hamstring stretching. Method : subject were 20 young people between the ages 20 and 25. subjects were randomly assigned to one of 2groups; PNF(n=10), static(n=10). respective group received the same stretching does of 3days per week for 4weeks. Trunk flexion forward a measuring instrument and tapeline were performed to measurement the flexibility of lower back at different times(before starting the exercise, 4weeks after starting). Results : The results of the study were as follows: The lower back flexibility was increased significantly in PNF groups. PNF, static groups showed meaningful defference in trunk flexion forward. The finding indicate that PNF may be preferred technique for improving flexibility and that flexibility training results in on increased consistency of flexibility scores.

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The effect of muscle strength, endurance and flexibility on Graded Low back exercise and education of chronic low back pain patents. (만성요통환자의 점증적 요통 운동과 교육이 근력과 근지구력, 유연성에 미치는 효과)

  • Han, Sang-Wan;Kong, Sung-Ah;Lee, Jun-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of graded low back exercise program with patient education about low back pain care on abdominal strength, endurance and flexibility of waist of chronic low back pain patents. For this study 13 patients aged 40 to 60 were selected as subjects, who suffered from low back pain and got diagnosed by physician. The exercise program and the education were executed for total 6 weeks, posture education were executed with physical exercises over first 1 to 4 weeks period and over 5 to 6 weeks the exercises were executed. The effect of the exercises and the education were evaluated through weights, WHR, fat(%), flexibility by sit-and-reach and trunk extension test, strength by sit-up test and back sit-up test. Weights were, decreased after physical exercise and education, but there was no statistical significance. Wasit hip ratio(WHR) and fat(%) were decreased after physical exercise and education, but there were no statistical significances. Sit-and-reach was significantly increased from $13.68{\pm}5.59cm$ to $19.45{\pm}3.81cm$ after education and physical exercise(P<0.05). Trunk extension was significantly increased from $30.31{\pm}11.34cm$ to $40.88{\pm}6.16cm$ after education and physical exercise(P<0.05). Sit-up and Back sit-up were increased after physical exercise and education, but there were no statistical significances. These results suggest that graded low back exercise program with patient education about low back pain care increase the abdominal strength, endurance and the flexibility of waist in low back pain patients.

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Analysis of trunk angle and muscle activation during chest compression in 119 EMTs (가슴압박시 구급대원의 체간 각도와 근활성도 분석)

  • Shin, Dong-Min;Lee, Chang-Sub;Kim, Seung-Yong;Kim, Chang-Kook;Hong, Eun-Jeong;Lee, Young-Chul;Choi, Ga-Ram;Kim, Gyoung-Yong;Jang, Mun-Sun;Kim, Jeong-Hee;Han, Boong-Ki;Lee, Jong-Kun;Tak, Yang-Ju
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.7-18
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: We aimed to investigate trunk angle and muscle activation of the extremity and back to evaluate the effect of chest compression on work-related musculoskeletal disorders in 119 emergency medical technicians (EMTs). Methods: Eighteen 119 EMTs performed 2-minute chest compression without interruption on a cardiopulmonary resuscitation manikin, during which we measured changes in the trunk and shoulder joint angles, muscle activation (triceps brachii, biceps brachii, erector spinae, gluteus maximus, pectoralis major, rectus abdominis, and rectus femoris) and chest compression accuracy. Results: The decrease in trunk angle by trunk muscle activation was the highest in event 2, the major direction of chest compression. Both shoulder joint angles had no significant difference. Muscle activation of the triceps brachii (p < .01), biceps brachii (p < .05), rectus abdominis (p < .05) and rectus femoris (p < .01) significantly increased during the compression phase compared with the decompression phase, with the rectus femoris showing an increase of 19%. Muscle activation of the erector spinae significantly increased in the decompression phase compared with the compression phase (p < .01). Conclusion: 119 EMTs mainly use the triceps brachii, biceps brachii and pectoralis major muscles during chest compression.