• Title/Summary/Keyword: Trends 21

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Distribution of Competitiveness of Copper Industry: The Case of Kazakhstan

    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: The purpose of the research is identified factors influencing the competitiveness of the copper industry in Kazakhstan. Research design, data and methodology: A few studies are dedicated to the analysis in developing countries, particularly Kazakhstan. The algorithm was chosen for research provision: statistical and comparative analysis, correlation, and regression analysis. The data of 1999-2021 obtained from the World Bank, Bureau of National Statistics, National Bank of Kazakhstan. Results: The obtained results demonstrate the trends in the development of the industry since 2000. The development of the copper industry is strongly influenced by the distribution and state of the business environment, economic situation, and trends in the global commodity markets. Conclusions: According to econometric modeling, there is a correlation between the profitability of the copper industry, GDP, copper prices, liquidity, and energy resource prices. Trends in global commodity and energy markets have a significant impact on the state of the industry. Further research should be conducted to include an analysis and forecast of internal factors that may affect the development of the industry, such as copper reserves, condition of fixed assets, government programs, etc. It is also important to examine the correlation with the trends in the development of the global green economy and the revival of the Chinese market.

Post-national Trends in 21st Century Fashion Based on Multiculturalism (다문화주의를 수용한 21세기 패션의 탈 민족적 경향)

  • Kim, Sun-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.34 no.9
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    • pp.1429-1441
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    • 2010
  • This study examines the post-national trends of the $21^{st}$ century fashion that has embraced multiculturalism. This study conducted a literature view to explore the concept of multiculturalism and the background of post-national phenomena appearing in contemporary fashion. In addition, as a case study, the author used local and foreign fashion magazines and collections published between 2000 and 2009, in addition to other related materials available on the Internet. The objective was to analyze photographic materials in which post-national features are reflected. From this study, the post-national trends in $21^{st}$ century fashion that adopted multiculturalism are as follows: The first is that oriental culture is more actively embraced. In the past, the tendency of embracing the oriental culture was mainly developed with a focus on China and Japan, but recently the tendency has spread to Southeast Asian countries and national/ethnic minorities that include Mongolians and Tibetans that is present in more active ways that reflect oriental sentiment and philosophy as well as adopts simple images. Second, $21^{st}$ century fashion based on multiculturalism broadens the interest in the understanding of nations in the regions of Africa, Middle East, and South America and uses regional folk costumes or indigenous characteristics to create new things instead of staying within a fixed paradigm. Third, as horizontal transfer is involved in ways of looking at culture, $21^{st}$ century fashion shows a post-national tendency to use regional cultures and folk costumes of the occidental world that includes North and West Europe in addition to non-mainstream regions (as considered so far). Fourth, dress elements of many heterogeneous national cultures are combined to create multinational images difficult to define in terms of a specific national culture or clothing style.

Estimation of Genetic, Phenotypic and Environmental Trends in Hariana Cattle

  • Singh, K.;Sangwan, M.L.;Dalal, D.S.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.7-10
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    • 2002
  • The breeding data relating to Hariana herd spread over 18 years (1979-96) were analysed to estimate genetic, phenotypic and environmental changes in characters of economic importance which might have taken place during the several years of selective breeding practiced in the herd. The average genetic changes in a given character were estimated by four methods. The phenotypic trends observed for different economic traits were not significant. On changing the method of estimation, magnitude and direction of genetic trends changed. Comparison of estimates of genetic trends by different methods showed that adjustments for biases due to non-random allotment of dams with respect to their age and merit suggested by Powell and Freeman (1974) were useful for increasing the precision of the estimates. Hence, this method was found to be the best method for estimation of genetic trends. The estimate of genetic trends by this method were 4.03${\pm}$6.21 days, 3.24${\pm}$5.33 kg, 0.15${\pm}$0.43 days, 0.09${\pm}$0.59 days, 0.01${\pm}$0.02 kg and 0.01${\pm}$0.01 kg for age at first calving, first lactation milk yield, first lactation length, first calving interval, first lactation milk yield per day lactation length and first lactation milk yield per day of calving interval, respectively.

A Study on the Revision of KORMARC-Authority Format by Reflecting the International Trends of Authority Control (국제 목록 동향을 반영한 『KORMARC-전거통제용』 개정 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Rho, Jee-Hyun;Lee, Mihwa
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.61-84
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    • 2014
  • It is necessary to construct authority records in OPAC to improve the precision and the recall by organizing and connecting information systematically. Especially, the authority records are widely used in the museums, archives, art galleries, etc as well as in the libraries for work collocation and search. But KORMARC-Authority Format (KSX6006-4) could not have been revised and managed consistently reflecting international cataloging trends and revision needs of Korea libraries since it was published in 1999. Resultingly, there are only few libraries that would have constructed the authority records in OPAC in Korea, and OPAC without authority records could deteriorate the search quality. Therefore, this study would suggest the revision of KORMARC-Authority Format by investigating authority related international trends such as ICP, FRAD, RDA, VIAF and analyzing new MARC21-Authority Format applying these authority related trends. The research methods were used such as literature review, the analysis of 5 domestic libraries' authority records and VIAF records, and the group interview with librarians.

An Analysis of IT Trends Using Tweet Data (트윗 데이터를 활용한 IT 트렌드 분석)

  • Yi, Jin Baek;Lee, Choong Kwon;Cha, Kyung Jin
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.143-159
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    • 2015
  • Predicting IT trends has been a long and important subject for information systems research. IT trend prediction makes it possible to acknowledge emerging eras of innovation and allocate budgets to prepare against rapidly changing technological trends. Towards the end of each year, various domestic and global organizations predict and announce IT trends for the following year. For example, Gartner Predicts 10 top IT trend during the next year, and these predictions affect IT and industry leaders and organization's basic assumptions about technology and the future of IT, but the accuracy of these reports are difficult to verify. Social media data can be useful tool to verify the accuracy. As social media services have gained in popularity, it is used in a variety of ways, from posting about personal daily life to keeping up to date with news and trends. In the recent years, rates of social media activity in Korea have reached unprecedented levels. Hundreds of millions of users now participate in online social networks and communicate with colleague and friends their opinions and thoughts. In particular, Twitter is currently the major micro blog service, it has an important function named 'tweets' which is to report their current thoughts and actions, comments on news and engage in discussions. For an analysis on IT trends, we chose Tweet data because not only it produces massive unstructured textual data in real time but also it serves as an influential channel for opinion leading on technology. Previous studies found that the tweet data provides useful information and detects the trend of society effectively, these studies also identifies that Twitter can track the issue faster than the other media, newspapers. Therefore, this study investigates how frequently the predicted IT trends for the following year announced by public organizations are mentioned on social network services like Twitter. IT trend predictions for 2013, announced near the end of 2012 from two domestic organizations, the National IT Industry Promotion Agency (NIPA) and the National Information Society Agency (NIA), were used as a basis for this research. The present study analyzes the Twitter data generated from Seoul (Korea) compared with the predictions of the two organizations to analyze the differences. Thus, Twitter data analysis requires various natural language processing techniques, including the removal of stop words, and noun extraction for processing various unrefined forms of unstructured data. To overcome these challenges, we used SAS IRS (Information Retrieval Studio) developed by SAS to capture the trend in real-time processing big stream datasets of Twitter. The system offers a framework for crawling, normalizing, analyzing, indexing and searching tweet data. As a result, we have crawled the entire Twitter sphere in Seoul area and obtained 21,589 tweets in 2013 to review how frequently the IT trend topics announced by the two organizations were mentioned by the people in Seoul. The results shows that most IT trend predicted by NIPA and NIA were all frequently mentioned in Twitter except some topics such as 'new types of security threat', 'green IT', 'next generation semiconductor' since these topics non generalized compound words so they can be mentioned in Twitter with other words. To answer whether the IT trend tweets from Korea is related to the following year's IT trends in real world, we compared Twitter's trending topics with those in Nara Market, Korea's online e-Procurement system which is a nationwide web-based procurement system, dealing with whole procurement process of all public organizations in Korea. The correlation analysis show that Tweet frequencies on IT trending topics predicted by NIPA and NIA are significantly correlated with frequencies on IT topics mentioned in project announcements by Nara market in 2012 and 2013. The main contribution of our research can be found in the following aspects: i) the IT topic predictions announced by NIPA and NIA can provide an effective guideline to IT professionals and researchers in Korea who are looking for verified IT topic trends in the following topic, ii) researchers can use Twitter to get some useful ideas to detect and predict dynamic trends of technological and social issues.

Techniques and Emerging Trends in Flavor and Taste Development in Meat

  • Md Jakir Hossain;AMM Nurul Alam;So-Hee Kim;Chan-Jin Kim;Seon-Tea Joo;Young-Hwa Hwang
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.266-281
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    • 2025
  • Flavor and taste are critical factors influencing consumer attraction for meat, shaping preferences and commercial demand. This review examines conventional and novel approaches to flavor and taste creation in the meat business, highlighting ways that improve sensory profiles and meet consumer demands. Conventional methods, such as aging and marination, are analyzed in conjunction with new technologies, including enzymatic treatment, fermentation, genetic treatments to alter texture and enhance umami. This study also emphasizes innovative methods to improve flavor of plant-based meat products, designed to meet the increasing demand for healthier, sustainable, and customizable meat products. The paper examines various methodologies and trends, offering a thorough grasp of flavor creation in the meat sector and highlighting the potential of creative approaches to transform meat flavor and taste profiles in response to evolving consumer and industry demands.

Multimedia Framework Standard: MPEG-21 (멀티미디어 프레임워크 표준: MPEG-21)

  • Son, S.H.;Hong, G.C.;Moon, B.J.
    • Electronics and Telecommunications Trends
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    • v.17 no.6 s.78
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    • pp.163-172
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    • 2002
  • MPEG-21 표준화는 다양한 비즈니스 모델과 수시로 변화하는 소비자의 요구를 만족시킬 수 있는 멀티미디어 프레임워크 구성을 목적으로 만들어졌다. ISO/IEC JTC1 SC29에서 현재까지 진행한 MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-3, MPEG-4, MPEG-7 표준에 이어 MPEG-21이 등장하게 된 배경과 함께 본 고에서는 사용자 요구사항을 기반으로 총 7개의 프레임워크 요소로 구성되어 있는 MPEG-21의 표준화 동향에 대하여 살펴보았다.